I’d have to agree that with Sam Taylor of the Bellingham Herald that teabagging is going to be news. The teabaggers should prance around all they want in public with their teabags. Life is like a box of teabags, and stupid is as…well, you know.
I heartily encourage the teabaggers to publicly present their dissent, even though some of them doubtless were calling liberals traitors and such for daring to dissent six years ago.
What would be interesting to know is the thought process, such as it is, that inspires teabagging. Sure, they’ll blather about “out of control government spending,” but they didn’t give a flying fig about it during the last administration and if someone today dares to talk about reforming the defense procurement system then the teabag noise machine starts in about “threatening America’s safety.”
So it’s really “government spending on things they don’t like that helps people they don’t like” that pisses them off. Wasting trillions on weapons systems that don’t work and invading countries that shouldn’t have been invaded was just fine with them.
Now, there is certainly ample room to criticize flaws in the TARP and the stimulus plan, but that’s not really what the teabaggers are doing. They’re just banging their tribal teabagging drum as loud and as hard as they can, the pulsating and quickening rhythm sending shivers of delight up their spines, as Glenn Beck weeps and Rush Limbaugh explodes. It’s all so..nostalgic.
Funny thing, though: elections have consequences. If the teabaggers don’t like it they should prance around with their mildly stimulating beverage bags, and see if a majority of the American people agree with them. I think we all know the answer to that already.
How come you aren’t protesting against Obama??
He was going to balance the budget…but now he proposes massive spending.
Which are you for??
You voted for the Budget balancer…
The flip-flop came post-election.
You also voted for the guy who promised out of Iraq in 16 months.
Now it’s 19 months AND he will leave 50,000 troops.
Why aren’t you protesting Jon??
Too much pot??
The mindless teabaggers have no case. They have suddenly discovered the deficit. Where were they when Bush was running up the record deficit and spending 1 trillion on an unnecessary war?
These self-same “deficit hawks” were nowhere to be seen. Now that we are in the republican-inspired, worst recession since the great depression, then suddenly government should not be stimulating the economy or deficit spending (never mind that that is only way we have ever gotten out of economic depressions.
The hypocrite tea-baggers are all about the simplistic slogans of “lower taxes” and spending on useless defense crap to make us “safe”. Finally, someone is looking at the defense waste and the military-industril complex – something a former general and republican, named Eisenhower, warned us about.
Way to call out their hypocrisy John. Expect the usual trolls to whine about “socialism” and how we are less “safe”.
As a great American once said long ago: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds”.
I am probably going to have to explain that one to some of the dim-bulb trolls like Klynical and “truth”.
@1: Case in point – here is a pathtically stupid moron who does not even recognize his own stupidity.
Why were you not protesting against Bush and his record deficits?
Why did you not protest against torture?
Why did you not protest against unnecessary war and the waste of trillion dollars for a personal vendetta in Iraq?
Maybe because you support toruture and wasting billions – freekin’ idiot hypocrite.
Gee…maybe cuttting taxes isn’t always a good idea…
Gads…cyniklown “teabaggin'”….
…an image too frightening to behold (but pictures could be useful, no?…ROTFLMFAO!!!)…
Without a doubt, King Abdullah “tea-bagged” our president
on April 1st.
Fools day has an all new meaning to it these days as Mr. Magoo goes to Washington plays out for the next 4 years.
Whitehouse appointed liar Rober Gibbs said it wasn’t a bow, of course, but only a derelict could come to that conclusion with the visual proof in front of them.
Republicans like spending money as much as everyone else, but they prefer to do it with other people’s money.
Homebuyers Face New Nightmare
During the height of the homebuilding boom, when materials were in short supply, many builders used Chinese drywall. Now it turns out the stuff gives off toxic fumes that smell like rotten eggs and can make people sick.
More than 100,000 late-model U.S. homes and condos have interior walls made of this stuff. Those units are essentially worthless. They’ll have to be gutted and completely rebuilt on the inside. And guess what, a fair number of them are foreclosures owned by banks, which will result in more asset writeoffs and worsen the banking crisis.
If you live in Texas and bought one of these homes with toxic walls, you’d be out of luck. The Texas legislature is controlled by rightwing business interests, and a few years ago they used their political power to strip homebuyers of their legal rights. If you buy a defective home in Texas, you have to either wait for the builder to fix it when he feels like it, which may be never, or have repairs done at your own expense.
You can’t trust builders. You can’t trust building materials suppliers. That’s been proven over and over. A cursory internet search will produce all the examples you’ll ever want to read of homebuyers’ horror stories. Without legal protection for your investment in a new home, you might as well pour that money down a sewer drain, or spend it in a gambling den. Because that’s essentially what you’re doing if you buy a new home in Texas, or in a state with inadequate homebuyer legal protections like Washington.
Washington legislators should pass a homebuyers’ bill of rights this year. The builder associations who oppose this common-sense legislation should be made to understand that until it does, a new home is a worthless and unmarketable commodity in this state. I wouldn’t buy a new home under Washington’s existing consumer protection laws.
Without consumer confidence, markets won’t exist. This is just another reason for consumers to have no confidence in the new home market. It’s merely the latest in an endless liturgy of shoddy construction and dodging responsibility. The takeaway lesson from the Chinese drywall fiasco is, don’t trust anyone you can’t sue. To paraphrase the gun folks, a lawyered society is a trustworthy society.
Repugnantcans teabaggin? I thought they were the party of moral values?
They must be buddies of Larry Craig.
@1 Cynical, this massive deficit spending was made necessary by an economic crisis created by the GOP’s feckless ideology and reckless policies; trust me, the American electorate is not going to forget this for a long, long, long time. Enjoy retirement, because Republicans’ days in power are over for your lifetime.
3. correctnotright spews:
Bush ain’t President anymore.
YOUR guy is President.
You KLOWNS are stuck in the past.
We are talking about what is the right thing to do TODAY and for the FUTURE…
Gee cnr…you seem kind of edgy now that your guy is in charge.
What gives??
All you KLOWNS spent 8 years slamming Bush.
Now your guy Obama is in charge,
You KLOWNS told me all the stuff your guy was gonna do to stop the war, create harmony in the world, balance the Budget, decrease the Deficit.
All Obama has done is seen you morons are so far LEFT you cannot see the reality of the dangerous world we live in.
That’s why Obama continues to allow wiretapping and has change his plan from all troopsw out of Iraq in 16 months…to Down to 50,000 permanent troops in 19 months.
This is YOUR GUY!
Keep living in the past.
If we get hit by terrorists…your guy is toast.
re 2: You won’t have to explain it to the Piper. He’s in favor of his own inconsistency — but no one elses.
I asked him if he would use a dentist that thought consistency was a mere hobgoblin of the mind. He chattered some inconsistency and changed the subject.
“I cover the Whatcom Peace & Justice Center’s peace rally and march each year. I cover the Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration each year. The event is billed as being non-partisan and is sponsored by the city of Bellingham, and yet I’m not sure in the three I’ve covered that I’ve ever seen a local conservative, libertarian or Republican at any of those events ….” — Sam Taylor, Bellingham Herald
What do you expect from racist warmongers, Sam?
re 12: You are one of those dangers. I wouldn’t trust you with a nickel.
Let’s see. Who was president on 9/1/1?
The smart thing to do with a Nazi is kick him in the balls until he can’t reproduce. This prevents the birth of more Nazis.
@12 Your guy got hit by terrorists but the Idiot Class worships him anyway.
First they gave french fries a bad name. Now they’re going to ruin tea’s reputation. What’s next, dissing apple pie?*
* Don’t be surprised if they do. We already know they beat up their moms.
So, if some liberal guys want to protest in the street, it’s OK. But is some people who don’t agree with Neo-socialist ideology want to protest on April 15, then they must be idiots, demons, and all-around bad people. Does that pretty much sum it up, you arrogant bunch of fucking cocksuckers?
Politically Incorrect @ 19,
“But is some people who don’t agree with Neo-socialist ideology want to protest on April 15, then they must be idiots, demons, and all-around bad people. Does that pretty much sum it up, you arrogant bunch of fucking cocksuckers?”
No…you guys are the butt of jokes everywhere simply because the dual meaning of teabagging was obviously lost on some of the organizers.
Does that clear it up for you, ball-suckler?
Visual proof of international teabagging can be found @ 6.
Mr. Cynical,
“That’s why Obama continues to allow wiretapping and has change his plan from all troopsw out of Iraq in 16 months…to Down to 50,000 permanent troops in 19 months.”
Um…Obama has been on the wrong side of the wiretapping issue since before the election:
Ooohhhh…19 months instead of 16 for a withdrawal.
That means Obama erred…and will require 19% longer.
Remember in February, 2003 when Donald “Disaster” Rumsfeld said: “It is unknowable how long that conflict [the war in Iraq] will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.” He was only off by 1300%.
Man…when you wingnuts fail, you fail COLOSSALLY!
@19 “Does that pretty much sum it up, you arrogant bunch of fucking cocksuckers?”
No. We welcome dissent. The First Amendmeent gives them the right to protest taxes — and gives us the right to criticize them. Also, you guys are the arrogant fucking cocksuckers. Did I leave anything out?
Deep-end Darryl–
You have totally fallen off.
Obama said ALL troops out of Iraq in 16 months.
Now, in 19 months, he will still have 50,000.
That is quite a change in position.
He was also going to stop printing money and balance the Budget! So much for that one.
Instead, Obama is speeding up the printing press.
You LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are in quite a pickle, aren’t you?!
You have absolutely no where to go…and Obama knows it.
That’s why I disrespectfully refer to y’all as
That probably stings a bit Darryl.
You 14%ers on Moonbat Island are kinda stuck…stranded.
Obama is the Skipper.
And all you KLOWNS are Gilligan’s!
Obama is one disaster away from the trashcan.
Showing weakness by pandering to Terrorist depots was a mighty huge mistake.
So was ignoring the Somali Pirate issue.
Now he has a real mess on his hands.
Mr. Cynical,
“Obama said ALL troops out of Iraq in 16 months. Now, in 19 months, he will still have 50,000.”
Here is what his campaign web site said:
“That is quite a change in position.”
Nope. No position change, per se. Just a three month delay compared to the original plan. Obama frequently used “about 16 months” on the campaign trail. For example, asked about withdrawl by Tim Russert (4 May 2008), said Obama:
“He was also going to stop printing money and balance the Budget! So much for that one.
Instead, Obama is speeding up the printing press.”
When a house burns down, a self-insured person typically needs to take out a loan as an investment for the future.
After eight disastrous years of reckless deficit spending, two unfunded wars, and a criminally negligent lack of oversight of financial institutions (i.e. after BushCo torched America), it’s going to require some investment to get America going again.
“You LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are in quite a pickle, aren’t you?!”
We’ll leave the pickle’s for you teabaggers.
“You have absolutely no where to go…and Obama knows it.”
What the fuck???
“That’s why I disrespectfully refer to y’all as
Pssssst…Cynical…we don’t give a shit. You’re a defeated Wingding crackpot.
“That probably stings a bit Darryl.”
If by “stings a bit” you mean “leaves me laughing my ass off at how out of touch you wingnuts are,” then…yeah.
The problem for you, Mr. Cynical, is that you are so over the top with your rhetoric, that you really make a lousy propagandist. You come off as a self-parody
Fact is, a lot of financial conservatives WERE complaining through “the last eight years” about crazy spending.
Why not cut the Tea Party groups just a little slack. I’m entirely (certifiably) independent – and a lot of my less independent progressive friends have agreed with me for a long time on a lot of issues.
What happened to no protests during a time of war? Emulating an event that lead to the overthrow of a government certainly seems traitorous.
I hate the bailouts, but no one in Congress or the White House was begging businesses to give them a bailout.
The government didn’t cause this mess. It was the fault of our multinational corporations. They screwed themselves up so badly that the government was forced to prevent 8.5% from becoming 25% unemployment.
Now those same corporations are so panicked by the thought of stricter government regulations they are pushing this teabagging effort.
The billionaires are as panicked as Du Pont and J.P. Morgan in their day. Hopefully they are just as successful.
If the teabaggers truly want government of the people for the people it’s time for total public campaign financing to stop these corporate bought politicians.
fuck u kike
Well I guess if Gregoire can hire a batch of elderly folks carrying a lying 1% property tax limit, I guess it is fine to carry Taxed Enough Already TEA signs to the April 15th rallys.
And shame on Roger, touting how much better the Governement benefits are (even though Gregoire hasn’t funded the his retirement plan since she has been in office.
Your carrots may be a little harder to afford when that fund goes dry!
rethuglicant erudition…
This is for those who know why US tax policy *doesn’t* really help the little guy. Let’s make our own counter protest against anti-progressive tax policy like the following: Start with capital gains rates being
lower than for earned income: most trading is worthless, only true capital investment (that goes to the company directly) is worth a tax
break. Make the rates the same for both kinds of income (OK, index to cover varying value of money over time.) Then there’s the cap on FICA income: take it off, so the CEOs pay their 7.65% too. Then let’s protest welfare for rich kids: child deductions and credits going up to 100k or so of income (so singles making 25k subsidize kids of those making 75k etc., and not just for public education which I’ll grant as worthy for all).
On top of the previous basic policy frauds, there’s all those loopholes, etc.
Yes, there *is* something (and still) wrong with tax policy! Don’t laugh or ignore the “teabaggers” (smirk), put your own stamp on it!
Also, about “bowing”:
Just leaning over doesn’t have to make for a “bow.” Obama was a few feet from Abdullah, and maybe needed to lean over to grasp his hands. Note for comparison, from clip at
http://littlegreenfootballs.co....._Bowed_Too that GW Bush leaned over to receive a medal from the same Abdullah. But it could be argued Bush really didn’t “bow” due to practical need to get the medallion put on. (Then another question is, why is a US President accepting a medal from a foreign King? Is that any better than bowing to one? I hope GWB got permission per USC 1.9.)
They can’t have it both ways: if you say leaning over is always bowing, then so did Bush. But if leaning doesn’t always have to be bowing (because of context, purpose etc.), then it’s game to question if Obama really “bowed.”
Of course majority of the country agrees with them. That is proven by the way the left wing media is refusing to cover the protests but will cover left wing protests with only a handful of protests.
And wow, what about the fact that is now coming out that the obama tam handpicked obama supporters to fabricate the picture of the military supporting obama. Only troops that voted for obama were allowed in and given free cameras. Check out the pics of obama meeting the troops and notice how ALL the cameras are the same kind.
Strange the left complained about the deficit up until obama started handing taxpayer money out then they forgot all about caring about putting our grandchildren into debt.
What happened to the left, don’t they care about our grandchildren anymore?
If the organizers had just called them ‘tea parties’ there would be some mention of them in responsible media (666 network would still have been all over it), but at least there wouldn’t be such an undercurrent of mirth associated with it.
All it would have taken was entering the word ‘teabagging’ into any search engine by the organizers and they would have picked a different name. Or maybe they decided to make a joke at the participant’s expense.
Maybe the organizers aren’t like the people you hang out with. Not all adults laugh at sexual innuendo jokes.
@11: News alert to moron Klynical:
Yeah, Bush is not President anymore, thank god. The economy he ruined, the needless deaths he caused and the hugfe deficit he ran up for no reason, however, are still around.
Also, my point (that flew completely over your pinhead) was hypocrisy. Soemeone who cheered on the Bush excesses now is calling for demonstrations against Obama.
Where were you when bush caused the largest deficit in history?
I didn’t see you calling for demonstrations – you were making EXCUSES for Bush.
That is why you are a hypocrite and a fool.
Having to explain the meaning of the word hypocrite to a third grader is truly tedious.
Marvin Stamn @ 36,
“Not all adults laugh at sexual innuendo jokes.”
It seems you misread my comment. I didn’t say we were laughing at the innuendo (OOOHHH big word for a high school dropout–nice one, Marvs!). I said we were laughing at the retards who adopted the phrase without knowing the full suite of meanings.