Imagine ten years ago as Bill Clinton was approaching the end of his second term as President. Whodathunk that ten years hence, Hollywood superhero Arnold Schwarzenegger would become an emasculated politician, and Bill Clinton would become a real-life superhero:
If you don’t think this deal wasn’t cut before Clinton went, yer a bigger punkinhead than you already appear.
What in the heck were Al Gore’s gals doing in that area of Korea anyway??
What happened? Did you embarrass the name Mr. Cynical so much you had to change to a new name?
@2 Thanks for outing Mr. C in his new disguise, Lee! I had no idea it was him. You know, these trolls come and go, and it’s hard to tell them apart because they all read from the same script, so they all sound alike.
@1 Sure, Clinton was an actor in a scripted diplomatic drama; why do you have a problem with that? Would you rather our government sent someone who was unprepared to deal with NK’s cagy negotiators? These two young Americans were hostages, used as bargaining chips, and NK’s game was to see how much they could get. Apparently all they got was some face. That’s a lot cheaper than the shiploads of weapons that Saint Ronnie paid for the American hostages, and lied about. According to the script written for that episode, the Iranians were supposed to keep the hostages until Saint Ronnie was sworn it, so he could play the role of hero and make it look like he sprung them, when in fact Ronnie got on bended knee and caved to the ayatallohs’ ransom demands. I’d say that comparing these two hostage situations, President Obama did a better job than your saint did.
@2 LMFAO!!! Mr. Klynical is the self-described “real man”. Now I see why the fucktwit started off his new screen name by giving Puddy a blowjob on the open thread.
I’m glad I’m not the only Democrat who: A) Understands that this was political theater and B) Is fine with it. I guess I’m trying to understand why it wasn’t Hillary cast in the lead role, however. I assume she had the option of going herself, but chose to send Bill instead. But why?
How To Stop The Republican Rioters
Figuring out what to do about the Republican riots disrupting health care town halls is a tricky problem, because we believe in free speech and the right of dissent (well, some of us do). I think the solution is to recognize that what these rioters are doing isn’t speech or dissent at all; they’re simply rioting. So, I say arrest ’em because, you know, rioting is against the law.
I received an e-mail today from the Democratic National Committee that lays bare the truth about these scripted and orchestrated riots. It’s worth quoting in full:
“5 facts about the anti-reform mobs
“1. These disruptions are being funded and organized by out-of-district special-interest groups and insurance companies who fear that health insurance reform could help Americans, but hurt their bottom line. A group run by the same folks who made the ‘Swiftboat’ ads against John Kerry is compiling a list of congressional events in August to disrupt. An insurance company coalition has stationed employees in 30 states to track where local lawmakers hold town-hall meetings.
“2. People are scared because they are being fed frightening lies. These crowds are being riled up by anti-reform lies being spread by industry front groups that invent smears to tarnish the President’s plan and scare voters. But as the President has repeatedly said, health insurance reform will create more health care choices for the American people, not reduce them. If you like your insurance or your doctor, you can keep them, and there is no ‘government takeover’ in any part of any plan supported by the President or Congress.
“3. Their actions are getting more extreme. Texas protesters brought signs displaying a tombstone for Rep. Lloyd Doggett and using the ‘SS’ symbol to compare President Obama’s policies to Nazism. Maryland Rep. Frank Kratovil was hanged in effigy outside his district office. Rep. Tim Bishop of New York had to be escorted to his car by police after an angry few disrupted his town hall meeting — and more examples like this come in every day. And they have gone beyond just trying to derail the President’s health insurance reform plans, they are trying to ‘break’ the President himself and ruin his Presidency.
“4. Their goal is to disrupt and shut down legitimate conversation. Protesters have routinely shouted down representatives trying to engage in constructive dialogue with voters, and done everything they can to intimidate and silence regular people who just want more information. One attack group has even published a manual instructing protesters to ‘stand up and shout’ and try to ‘rattle’ lawmakers to prevent them from talking peacefully with their constituents.
“5. Republican leadership is irresponsibly cheering on the thuggish crowds. Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner issued a statement applauding and promoting a video of the disruptions and looking forward to ‘a long, hot August for Democrats in Congress.’
“It’s time to expose this charade, before it gets more dangerous. Please send these facts to everyone you know. You can also post them on your website, blog, or Facebook page. Now, more than ever, we need to stand strong together and defend the truth.”
So, how can we stop these premeditated riots? Personally, I hope Democratic trial lawyers will step up for those whose democratic rights are being interfered with by going after the Repoublican rioters and — more importantly — the companies funding this operation and the operatives carrying it out, with Sec. 1863 civil rights actions. There’s nothing like millions of dollars in legal liability to get people to stop violating the rights of others.
This isn’t about silencing anyone; it’s about stopping the premeditated riots that are designed and intended to silence our citizens and prevent them from hearing, and being heard by, their elected representatives.
@5 “LMFAO!!! Mr. Klynical is the self-described “real man”.”
Yeah, but his better half is a goat! Or perhaps a shed full of goats — I’ve always suspected he’s a polygamist.
@6 Because NK gets less face out of it if our government sends a private citizen instead of an official representative.
A visit by Bill Clinton? I would say that, on the whole, the NKs didn’t get much for the hostages. Well done, Pres. O!
To put this in perspective, NK has been trying for years to get the U.S. into one-on-one negotiations. Their efforts have been strikingly unsuccessful; our government continues to insist on six-nation meetings. The NKs even went to the trouble and expense of building and exploding an A-bomb in an effort to wring that concession from the United States. And they still haven’t gotten it, because Bill Clinton is not a government official or a diplomat. All they got was a one-on-one meeting with a private citizen. And that, my friends, is why Secretary of State Hillary didn’t go. Sending her would have been a concession our government isn’t willing to make — and hasn’t made — and would have undermined the six-party talks.
Our foreign policy is bat shit crazy! Where did folks get the idea that just “not talking” to bad guys made them go away. What example in reality do we have for this? We’ve “talked” to the USSR/Russia, China, etc.
One of the last countries we simple stuck our fingers in our ears and refused to talk to was Cuba. Fine. Some folks “believe” that will work, so that’s our policy. But in reality land here where I live, how has it WORKED? Is it successful in driving Fidel Castro from power or not? Does it work, or does it not work? Lets see, we started this under John F. Kennedy…then continued with Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and now Barack Obama.
If you do some foreign policy for 50 F**KING YEARS STRAIGHT and it FAILS year after year after year after year after year….when do you consider changing course? Don’t like Castro? He’s dick, right. But our policy of just not talking to him FAILED! That’s not an opinion. That’s not a “faith based” concept. It’s simple fact. He’s been in power for 50 years, we simply FAILED entirely to effect Cuba. After 50 years of failing, you’d think we’d TRY something else…anything else.
Just repeating the same thing over and over (and over and over and over and over) and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. If you want to try invading the country again (Bay of Pigs 2.0) fine…if you want to try negotiating and dealing with them like any other country run by unelected dictators (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, etc) do it. But just ignoring them doesn’t work.
A superhero?
Does a “real-life” superhero need a hollywood exec to make it possible?
Let us pretend YOU are sitting down with Ahmadinejad discussing israeli/iran relations.
He says jews are the devil, israeli should be wiped off the face of the map and the holocaust never happened.
What do you say to him to help the two countries get along.
@14: Exactly! I mean, when that fellow yelled out “We will bury you!”, we ignored HIM for the next few decades, right?
Colleges have remedial or ‘bonehead’ classes for young Democrats who went to Democrat public schools and who never mastered or minored the basics. So the following tutorial, boys and girls, is Bonehead Boner 101:
– via Selfa
More to, uh, come. And Clinton just keeps on coming.
John Gibson this morning got it right: Big Bill stepped on Little Barack by bailing out Weird Al Gore from a stupid mistake. Gore and Google sent American reporterettes on a stupid stunt that was a silly meter away from insanity, the NK border.
At this very moment an American serviceman is an unwilling guest of the Taliban. Why do Democrats send good men and women to bad places (see Clinton tutorial, above) then abandon them? Just so they can get tv time with grateful young women?
Oh, wait. It’s Bill Clinton we’re talking about. We all know the answer to my rhetorical question.
Is THAT all the better you can do? I have one that will top all that by far and it is just two words and a letter
Fiend @ 17
Gibson is a moron. Product of the despicable Faux News who is only too eager to plaster the ugly visage of “The Walrus”, bellowing idiocies through the cable networks.
The two women were reporters chasing a story. Following in the tradition of many reporters before them.
They wouldn’t have gone if they didn’t calculate the risks beforehand and decided they weren’t worth taking. NK has a LONG border with China.
Laura Ling previously did a piece in Juarez, Mexico where people are being brutally murdered every day by the narco trafficantes. She kept a low profile and brought back a lot of pictures – not very pretty either. She’s quite the intrepid reporter.
History is full of examples of third parties rescuing Americans in trouble in adversarial countries. Barack’s administration, i.e. Hillary’s State Department kept a low profile, keeping the families informed and coordinating negotiations through the Swedes which unlike the U.S. actually have diplomatic relations with the NK’s.
Who are you going to send to NK to get those women back? That moronic Chimp and his soothsayer Duck! who you voted for twice? Idiot!
I’m guessing one of the good democrats will report this to to go in the federal database of dissenters. I’m sure you understand why the government needs to have neighbor turn in neighbor to keep the democrat party in office.
Clinton traveled to Pyongyang after the release of the journalists had been mostly arranged through unofficial contacts.
This is kinda like the “superhero” showing up after the rescue to pose with the released captives.
The best thing we could do is to leave the Korean Peninsula to the neighborhood. That is, withdraw all American forces and their equipment and let the Japanese, South Koreans, Chinese and Russians deal with that pipsqueak in the North.
After a while, projecting an empire gets expensive, and the tab is just getting too high to continue trying to be world cop.
RR @ 7
Those describe COUNTLESS times lefties have done the same.
How does it feel to get a dose of your own medicine?
@ 21
The U.S. Had already pulled a sizeable number of troops from the ROK.
3rd Bde, 2nd Inf Div brigade moved to Ft. Lewis
The 2nd Inf Div pulled many of it’s troops out of the area North of Munsan
The ROK has taken over almost all the outposts and forward fire support based from the U.S.
I won’t comment on the tactical situation since the recent Threats and Nuke Tests by the DPRK.
One of our troll’s “Superheroes” has lost advertisers for calling our president a “racist”.
Please tell, does that suck for you?
Beck calls Big Ears racist therefore is himself a racist? Nice try.
Does it “suck” that he lost advetisers?
They have a saying over at Bomber Command:
“You know you’re over the target when you start getting FLAK.”
Yeah, Bomber Command. Sure thing, Sam. Say, how’s this for a saying? “You know you’ve fucked up when your corporate advertisers bail on your fat ass.”
55+ years on the Korean Peninsula is enough. It’s time to leave Korea for good and allow the neighbors to handle the situation. If South Korea can build and export cars to the US and make a profit, they can take over entirely their defenses.
If the US is not on the Peninsula, why would the North Koreans give a shit about the US? Projecting power is too expensive, particularly when the other countries involved can handle the situation.