Why the hell not? I mean, soon we won’t have Newt or Santorum to kick the shit out of anymore.
Newt is already out of the picture. But Lil’ Ricky Santorum keeps on Mitt like a bad case of Giardia. Cesspool ensues.
The polls close in Wisconsin, D.C. and Maryland at 5:00 PM PDT. That’s now!
5:04: It’s all tied up in all three states, with 0% reporting…
5:06: I got a call this afternoon from my favorite neice, Maria Elaine Valdez Holman. “Guess what, uncle Darryl, I voted today,” she said with some excitement. My guess is that most 18 year-olds don’t get quite so excited about voting, but Maria has become quite passionate about politics. She is really looking forward to voting Gov. Scott Walker’s ass out of office. Needless to say, she got her voting issues resolved, but not without some considerable effort, thanks to Walker.
5:32: With less than 1% reporting, we have some results for Maryland:
- Romney, 53.2%
- Santorum, 26.6%
- Gingrich, 10.4%
- Paul, 8.3%
5:41: With 1% reporting in Maryland, CNN boldly calls it for the Mittster.
5:42: We just got a teevee turned to CNN at the Ale House (that can be hard to do during Basketball season, and there is a Women’s final on tonight). Anyway, it seems I was misunderinformed…polls in Wisconsin haven’t closed yet. I believe they close at 6:00 PM PDT.
6:00: Polls are closing in Wisconsin. Wolf Blitzer puts his “intensity” face on.
CNN projection based on exit polls:
- Romney, 43%
- Santorum, 35%
- Gingrich, 11%
- Paul, 6%
6:02: NPR points out that turn-out may be much lower than expected in Wisconsin. That’s bad news for Scott Walker. The G.O.P. voters are simply not all that engaged.
6:06: CNN projects that Mitt Romney wins in D.C. What took them so long…I mean, Santorum didn’t even make the ballot. But I’m grateful we have that settled.
6:07: Dear CNN…When you have a text insert saying, “Santorum to speak soon” up for 45 minutes, you ought to be asking yourself…”Are we being played by the Santorum campaign?”
6:09: CNN has Ari Fleischer on the teevee. Without sound, I have no idea what he is saying. But I’m guessing he is lying–after all, his lips are moving.
6:14: Finally…after almost an hour of pushing it…Santorum is speaking. All smiles and waiving signs. This looser is on fucking Mars! Oh…wait. He’s giving the speech from Mars, PA.
6:17: CNN banner: “Breaking News: Awaiting Wisconsin Results”. That’s not fucking breaking news. We have been awaiting these results for our entire fucking life!
6:29: With about 2% of Wisconsin reporting:
- Romney, 41.4%
- Santorum, 40.3%
- Gingrich, 6.0%
- Paul, 10.4%
Note that, so far, Paul is more appealing to Wisconsinites than is Newt.
6:36: CNN projects that Mitt Romney wins Wisconsin. Hey…money talks!
6:43: Rep. Paul Ryan is introducing Mitt Romney. Somehow I don’t think Mitt realizes that being tight with Paul Ryan is going to be a HUGE disadvantage to Mitt Romney during the General election. Mitt’s endorsement of Ryan’s budget is going [to] hurt.
6:50: Here is President Barack Obama talking about Mitt Romney’s endorsement of the Paul Ryan budget. It’s worth listening to…to the end.
Police have made an arrest in a domestic terrorism case involving a Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin. My guess is that’s a Republican voter who didn’t show up at the polls today.
CNN has called Wisconsin for Romney. Their tally is Romney 42%, Santorum 38%, with 67% of precincts reporting.
Here’s an interesting poll:
Romney 41.8%
Santorum 33.9%
Paul 12.4%
Gingrich 9.8%
Now compare that to actual results:
Romney 42%
Santorum 38%
Paul 12%
Gingrich 6%
Looks like a lot of folks didn’t want to openly admit they were gonna vote for Santorum. Are they ashamed of how they voted?
Heh. I used to keep my money at Mars National Bank. Nice people, great service.
I love their slogan: “Service out of this world”
roger…i think you need to give back all the pension the state paid to you for your worthless career
Another Tuesday, another round of Republican primaries and caucuses, more wins by Romney. *Yawn*. As entertaining as this was for a while, I’m ready to get to a brokered Republican convention, where we can get some REAL entertainment for a while.
So here we see the first stirrings of the march to November by “Mr. Inevitable”, Romney the Robot:
The Big Lie, over and over and over, again..
Who could have predicted it?
Seems like a Republcan attorney has determined that he should be paid 1.75 million for being forced to work with Republican State Sen. Pam Roach, even if just for a few days!
Also in the news:
Sarah Palin has repeated her coy comments about “being available” at the Republican convention if they go to a brokered convention. But apparantly this time she’s not goign to settle for vice-president. She says the vice-presidential nomineee should be: Alan West of Florida, the short-tempered Congressman who was kicked out of the military out of concerns for his behavior and treatment of prisoners.