We’ve all heard about the alleged “enthusiasm gap” that’s supposed to presage doom for Democrats this November, but you wouldn’t know it from the crowds here at Netroots Nation.
Conference organizers tell me that over 2100 attendees have registered for this year’s event, compared to about 1800 last year. (Perhaps that helps explain the collapse of the convention center’s WiFi network?) Only the 2007 event was bigger, when about 3000 bloggers and activists descended on Chicago for the featured faceoff between the Democratic presidential primary candidates.
And yet the oh-so-enthusiastic teabaggers had to cancel their Tea Party Nation convention, which was to have been held here in Las Vegas last week, due to lack of interest. (They claimed the heat scared away attendees; I guess us lefties must be a heartier lot.)
I mean honestly… if 2000 teabaggers had gathered here last week with their conspiracy theories and poorly spelled signs, that’s a story that would have led the network news. But a similar number of liberals? Crickets. Because, I guess, it just doesn’t fit into the standard narrative. Or something.
4. Thulsa Doom spews:
Thom Hartmann was asked today if Andrew Brightbart was part of the media.
Thom answered: “no, he is not part of the media, he is just a blogger”
—-I can hear the air deflating out of goldy’s balloon all the way up here in Washington–
07/22/2010 at 3:35 pm
That’s not air deflating out of Goldy’s balloon. It’s Massengill’s leaking out of your douchebag.
I’m sure the fact that most of the T.E.A. party people have jobs and careers to go to, and most of the Nutroot Libtards like Goldy do not had a lot to do with it.
All the time in the world, yet poor little whiney indigent Goldy somehow still has the green to go flittin’ all over the country. Better have another beggin’ for money session…ahem….I mean “fund drive” soon Goldy.
What job would that be?
Top three Teeper jobs:
1.) – none –
2.) Conspiracy theortical scientist
3.) Ball polisher for (insert right-wing talker here)
I imagine the Teabaggers are just too depressed to get together. Now if Brietbart had brought down the NAACP, fucked over some black farmers as well as smearing and ruining the career of an innocent black woman, well, I’m sure those teabaggers would be doing the party hardy thing today, no matter the heat. But they’re not racists, no siree.
I just watched Rachel Kick O’Riley’s ass. He took a swipe at her, trying to change the subject (that Fox really bad dishonest crap constantly) and she struck back.
With the truth.
Billo. Hate sells. Hitler knew it, and so does Murdock, Ailes, and Rush.
Just because ignorant inbred crackers want to hate people that fake news organizations like Fox says are “hurting” them doesn’t make Fox’s spreading lies any less sickening.
The staff, and ownership of Fox News is only interested in two things. Making money for Murdock, and the Saudi Prince, and making sure us “regular folks” never get a chance to turn the American Dream into reality. They want to make sure corporations control our government, and “the people” get as little of say as possible, by dividing us as much as possible.
Fox News (lies) is truly evil.
They should have their plug pulled.
There should be some sort of penalty to pay for the damage they do to this country every single night with their lies, smears, and distortions.
This blog is so much more pleasant when Puddy takes his meds. It’s amazing what a single off-his-meds psychotic can do to ruin a comment thread.
This is being down played in the MSM because liberals control the MSM.
ok, so who paying for goldy’s drunken binge tonight? and who has the airfare for the ride home?
I guess all the experts were wrong – you really can make a nice living off of begging.
@9 Liberals control the MSM? I think there are more trolls that could use meds.
The press is only as liberal as the conservatives that OWN it.
NN10 streaming live:
Trolls: eat Breitbart’s feces.
Steve spews@6:
I assume as comfortable as you use the word teabagger it must be a favorite hobby of yours. Personally I had to look it up…you are kind of a strange guy….just sign me:
Someone from the tea party.
Geez, you don’t like the “teabag” label, Chuck? Blame Fox News and a report from March 14, 2009. heh- Maybe you should have learned to Google back in 2008. As for the hobby thing, how’d you know about me and Puddy’s mama?? That was supposed to be our little secret – just a thing between the two of us, if you know what I mean.
So anyways, someone was telling me that Puddy’s all bummed out because that wonderful black lady, Shirley Sherrod’s reputation wasn’t ruined, the NAACP wasn’t brought down, and some southern black farmers might not get screwed. I had to disagree with my friend. Sure, Puddy’s all bummed out about that awful shit not happening, and yeah, he was pulling for the powerful white folk, like Brietbart and that blonde nazi babe at Fox who was hating on Sherrod. I’m sure this week’s failures of the wingnut smear machine are on Puddy’s mind. It’s just that I think the thing that really bummed out Puddy this week was learning that I’m his Daddy.
@ 15
It bothers me a bit that you would admit to laying claim to such an offspring. Is the mother an alcoholic or a schizophrenic?
Perhaps both?
@16 It wasn’t mama. It was an unfortunate head drop. Very sad.
Every time Steve Steve Steve posts, the thread takes on used toilet water!
Thom Hartmann owns goldy today….
goldy’s media dream dies an inglorious death…at the hands of another nutty partisan socialist..
Steve spews@14:
I have no problem with the word teabagger, I just don’t participate in the recreation… but whatever floats your boat, have at and enjoy!
“the thread takes on used toilet water!”
@18 Oh, I see the turd has arrived. I reckon we can flush now.
“but whatever floats your boat, have at and enjoy!”
It still bothers me that you know what Puddy’s mama and I have been up to. You don’t know about that trick she does with two cantelope, a water melon and a cube of butter, do you?
Steve Steve Steve has delusions of grandeur. He wanted grandchildren so he’s trying to adopt Puddy. Sorry they aren’t interested in the likes of you Steve Steve Steve!
Puddy not upset on Sherrod’s comments Steve Steve Steve. Her comments stand on their own. Fox News had nothing to do with her forced resignation.
Keep saying the same thing in different threads!
So anyways, Puddy, you were telling us how the earth is only 6,000 years old and that yo mama rode a T-Rex. I think you’re a little mixed up about that. Must be that head drop (very sad!) of yours acting up again. That was no T-Rex, Puddy. And it wasn’t 6,000 years ago. That was me and it was just last night!
Who’s yo daddy??
Jeez, thats too bad.
How many times?
I just want to say in no uncertain terms that the video of Puddy in the men’s room with the kitten and the toothbrush is totally, totally misleading.
The video was edited and out of context.
(I’m there for you Puddy!)
re 3:
They must have jobs with no vacation days.
@ 27. Pam Roachclip spews:
I’m sure the fact that most of the T.E.A. party people have jobs and careers to go to,
Heck no! Most of the TEA Baggers look like they’re on Medicare and Social Security, or Social Security Disability (if you look at the tapes of many of them proudly in their wheelchairs or with the canes).
Gives them PLENTY of time to go around screaming about wanting to dump such horrible Govt WASTE programs, such as Medicare or Social Security. Does ‘FOX brainwashing’ count for SS Disability disorders?
Just a response to a couple of posters.
The T-baggers jobs? Their jobs are to pollute open forums with right wing drivel.
You could say the media other than Fox is liberal. Liberal, as in being willing to go out of their way to present different sides of an issue. Unlike Fox where you only get the opinion of the extreme right.
No lack of enthusiasm across town at the RIGHTONLINE Convention!!
I think it’s very true that it’s easier to get pissed at those in power…accounting for the NutRoots decline.
Did anyone pay for your trip Goldy?
Seems like the Unions & DailyKos.are sponsoring your event.
Any fee to participate?
How about meals? Free???
That’s what I thought.
29. WDRussell spews:
You are out of your alleged mind!
But funny.
You sound like an excuse making LOSER to me!
I don’t know why I bother with the assholic ravings of Cynical, but…
I believe the person’s name is David Goldstein. And I’m subsidizing him too, by paying half of his hotel room charge. But I get something out of it too … the other bed in that hotel room.
There are many sponsors, including ActBlue and the Alliance for American Manufacturing. What of it? Got something against sponsorship of meetings? I assume you’re dissing these groups too.
Yes. Pretty hefty, especially if you signed up late as I did. The earlier your commitment, the lower your fee.
The registration fee, along with sponsorship, resulted in a few provided meals. Today’s box lunch, for example. What of it?
32. N in Seattle spews:
Did anyone pay for your trip Goldy?
Something tells me Goldy is sooooo cheap, he’s probably sleeping in the same bed with you!
Are you guys sharing a King?|
A Queen–most likely.
Or uggh…a TWIN?
Please say it ain’t a TWIN N in!!
Things are tough in the Leftist Blogosphere I guess. Boxed lunch…in Las Vegas???
Hey N in—take Goldy somewhere for a couple lapdances to soothe his fragile ego and feed his need for love. I’ll bet for a few hundred bucks you can get a gal to sit on his lap and tell him how handsome his!
Well, that may take a thousand bucks, huh?
To Cynical @33 and @34:
See comment #7 in Goldy’s post A few words from Las Vegas.