Carla and Joel flubbing questions at the Netroots Nation Pub Quiz
I checked in to the Rio hotel in Las Vegas at around 3:30 PM Wednesday, and I’m proud to say that I haven’t walked outside since. 112 degrees? You gotta be kidding. And since the only thing outside the hotel is more hotels, I don’t really see the point.
Anyway, the big problem with these blogger confabs from a blogger’s perspective is that they leave so little time for actual blogging, which is why my posting has been so light these last few days. That said, I’ve got a lot of great posts in my head that will hopefully work their way out through my fingers over the coming weeks, and have started plotting a couple of new schemes to further our socialist takeover of America. Well worth the trip.
But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been some disappointments. Carla (from Blue Oregon) and I had high hopes for our Pub Quiz team, “The Dirty Fucking Liberal Bloggers,” especially after recruiting the Seattle P-I’s encyclopedic Joel Connelly as a ringer. But unfortunately, Joel let us down with his total lack of pop culture knowledge, leading to our team’s worst performance ever in our long and glorious two-year career. Maybe next year we’ll try recruiting a journalist from a print publication.
I knew it!
“I haven’t walked outside since”
Blogger convention… Vegas?
Seems like you need to spill a few details. Start with “Blogger pickup lines.”
I missed have missed it…
Who did you saying is paying your way here?
Reports are the SEIU and other Unions are footing much of the bill for you folks.
I understand the Conservative Bloggers are having a much better time and are highly motivated. I guess whoever is in power…it’s a bummer from a bloggers viewpoint. It’s much more fun to attack those in power, then to try and defend ObaMao’s trail of incompetence.
Good news is by 2012, you will be totally in the minority again.
Admit Goldy…that was much more fun, right?
Sounds pretty tame-no fear and loathing in Las Vegas? Could be titled fear and loathing in Lost Vegans!
I’m really getting impatient for the socialist takeover to begin. I don’t want to wait for Obama’s second term.
To Cynical @4:
Go fuck yourself. Repeatedly.
He frequently does. And he fucking enjoys it….
7, 8
At least when he’s fucking himself, his goat gets a break. For the goat’s sake, we really should encourage Cynny to go fuck himself.
@10: Very good point.
Although I suppose Klynical will soon get bored with fucking himself since he’s a shitty lay.
I’m afraid, sooner or later, the goat gets it. At least it’s tiny.
What I love about Goldy’s NW Division of Lunatic Moonbats is you are all so sophomoric!
I’m sure you have convinced perhaps 1 person to become part of the Progressive Bowel Movement…and run away hundreds.
Keep up the bad work!
You’ve taken ObaMao from +32 to -17…a 49 point NEGATIVE SWING. What else can you do?
Yes, I agree with Mr. Cyn.
Who is paying for this little excursion Goldy? Mommy again?
On a funny note, Goldy in Las Vega;, and I’d bet he still can’t get laid. Good luck even with the ladies of the evening though Goldy, you’ll need it.
@3 “Seems like you need to spill a few details.”
Yeah, like who the fuck’s idea was it to go to Las Vegas in the middle of July?
@4 “Reports are the SEIU and other Unions are footing”
heh- The psycho-KLOWN is listening to the voices in his head again.
“I understand the Conservative Bloggers are having a much better time”
Huh? Somebody showed up with a goat?
@6 “I’m really getting impatient for the socialist takeover to begin.”
And can we get on with the FEMA camps already? I’m gonna keep telling Rasmussen that I don’t approve of Obama until I see some trolls rounded up.
@9 “For the goat’s sake, we really should encourage Cynny to go fuck himself.”
Dammit! No more goat abuse!