Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky. It was Synagogue Don Isaac Abravanel in Paris, where angry protests over the war in Gaza took place. Last week’s contest was also the 300th, so the stats for contests 201 to 300 are down below this week’s image.
This week’s is another random location, good luck!
Wins between contests 201 and 300:
milwhcky – 37 – 14
Geoduck – 11
Liberal Scientist – 8
Seventy2002 – 6
zzippy – 4
Theophrastus – 2
waguy – 2
Dan Robinson – 2
poster child – 2
Ted – 2
10 winners with 1 (Two dogs, Deathfrogg, ChefJoe, Brian, don, BA1959, Jay S, Ludicrus Maximus, Darryl, Clara)
Archibald Yell Blvd., Fayetteville, AR,-94.158071,3a,75y,208.27h,81.16t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sjvojxSoOs2QJbDJ6ptX3TQ!2e0
Good job. You just beat me to it.
Obviously, some people are better than others at this game. This one’s already solved. I was going to say, “It’s somewhere in the vicinity of U.S. 71, and here’s a map showing where that is.” Looking at the road signs is an obvious tactic, but how you extrapolated Fayetteville from that information is beyond me. On my computer, the “US 71” sign is barely legible, and I can’t read the green sign at all.
Good win! And just to the right of the cropping is a big “Fayetteville” mural.
@4 Is there some way to see that, say by scrolling to the right with a super-fancy tablet/phone? I don’t have that capability. My desktop clunker can’t even make coffee. That’s why I need a wife.
Whenever there’s the front of cars, I like to start by presuming they’re meeting the front license plate requirement of their state (I know, lots of cars around here don’t display their required radar-reflecting identifier).
@3 RR:
I wish I could say that I’m smart and efficient about it, but it’s just brute force for me, with a lot of guessing. Like you, I thought that it’s somewhere in the vicinity of 71, but I first thought “state route”, and spent 10-15 minutes looking at maps of Illinois, New Jersey, and Texas before I realized that the shape of the sign meant “U.S. 71”, not “state route”. Then I spent another 10-15 minutes looking at U.S. 71 before finding it.
I really enjoy this game; I see interesting features and often imagine being there while looking for the spot. For example, a few months ago when I won one of these contests whose subject was on the east coast, I spent 30-60 minutes looking all up and down the east coast of America, both North and South, and was awe struck by the area of coastline that’s uninhabited.
Lee: Where was the actual image that you displayed obtained? I looked for street-level images on HERE, but didn’t find them.
The sign is actually “71B” – business route 71. Wikipedia lists cities with auxiliary route 71’s. I compared the list to Here’s coverage and narrowed it down to this area. I couldn’t actually read the “B” on Lee’s clue, but I knew there was a letter after the 71, meaning it was an auxiliary route.
You can usually pick up small hints on Lee’s photos if you zoom in on them by either adjusting your browser display settings, or by saving the photo and zooming in with photo editor software. Browsers have built in zoom settings to help old geezers read small print. Chrome lets me expand the photo to nearly the width of my monitor.
Because of the 5-way intersection at the clue’s location, there are several nearly overlapping Here photos. You need to be in the northbound lane looking south.