Last week’s contest had two winners, who solved it nearly simultaneously – milwhcky and Theophrastus. The correct location was East St. Louis, IL.
This week’s contest location is related to something in the news in July, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest had two winners, who solved it nearly simultaneously – milwhcky and Theophrastus. The correct location was East St. Louis, IL.
This week’s contest location is related to something in the news in July, good luck!
[…] Last week’s contest was won by milwhcky. It was Synagogue Don Isaac Abravanel in Paris, where angry protests over the war in Gaza took place. Last week’s contest was also the 300th, so the stats for contests 201 to 300 are down below this week’s image. […]
Synagogue Don Isaac Abravanel, Paris, France
wow milwhcky you are.. fast
here’s a link to the associated news item (Bastille day, wouldn’t you know… -sigh-)
The key was recognizing the Star of David design on that wall.
The top results of a Google News search of “synagogue” brought up several stories of the incident. Took me a few minutes to find a news story that mentioned the name of the synagogue. The first five or six stories I read were vague on details of the location.
Also, I figured Lee would pick a European location before long. currently has street views in France, Spain, UK, and Finland.
Good win!
Yep, I really wanted to do a European one this week. HERE follows stricter privacy guidelines than Google, so their coverage is more limited (they don’t even have coverage in Germany where they’re based), but I’m hoping it’ll continue to expand.
Google stopped photographing in Germany not long after their initial release of street views. There was a huge backlash from the public and the government citing privacy issues. It didn’t help that it was discovered that Google’s street view cars were collecting personal data from public wifi networks.