Last week’s contest was won by czechsaaz. It was the Omaha Wendy’s where a COPS crew member was killed by a cop’s bullet.
This week’s is a random location somewhere on earth, good luck!
by Lee — ,
Last week’s contest was won by czechsaaz. It was the Omaha Wendy’s where a COPS crew member was killed by a cop’s bullet.
This week’s is a random location somewhere on earth, good luck!
[…] Last week’s contest was won by scottd. It was near the town of Walterston, Wales. […]
It appears to be somewhere just outside of Cardiff, Wales, but I’m unable to get any closer than that.
Just off A4226, about a mile NW of the center of Barry, Wales.,-3.3255457,3a,75y,248.17h,89.44t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sd9qq6Xtl-05dgCbzWnVrxg!2e0
(You may have to rotate view to see the sign).
And here it is on Bing:
That’s it, good win!