I will confess that there was a time when I did not like gays. It’s my upbringing but I have since learned that gays are just like the rest of us. They are just as patriotic & love their country.
It’s going to continue being difficult for them so I recommend a new book just out about Americans who actually take a stand against tyranny (based in part on real people & events). It’s a thriller so I recommend it.
It’s often our own government that becomes the obstacle to giving rights to all Americans.
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
First most of the people in Congress never served in any branch of the services. Secondly as someone who did I can assure them that there are lots of men and women in the services who are gay. Get over it.
Brain Damagespews:
It’s amazing something can have vast majority support among Democrats, good 60% support among Republicans, even majority support among the military itself, and STILL not pass Congress. Just f**king pathetic.
I know the Republicans are just holding EVERYTHING hostage (holding their breath) until they get everything they want. F**KING children. Compromise you jerks! NO ONE should get 100% of what they want. Politics is about compromise. Grow up!
And I know all Republicans don’t hate gays. I’ve slept with enough growing up in Iowa to know (evil grin). They’re just scared and want to kiss ass to the most radical block of their party (to survive primary challenges). The only one that really makes me honestly sad is to see how far John McCain has fallen, from a Maverick that would do what is right for his country, damn the politics and party, to a 100% kiss ass party/religious right wingnut. John! You’re NEVER going to be President…you can stop with this (changing your religion, kissing ass to the religious right, pretending you were never a “maverick”)…this is embarrassing! You’re destroying your legacy!
During my service in the 70s, being Gay was utterly normal. My CO was … well … “flagrant.” Other gay men and women were, well normal sailors. The Captain was widely despised .. not for being gay but because he was an incompetent, self serving idiot.
The only times gay became an issue were when someone wanted out or when someone else wanted someone punished. Thge same, by the way, was true of alcoholism. A number of folks were really bad boozers. No one cared, unless they decided to target a person as a boozer (whther he was nor not).
So yes, there was an issue .. being gay was kinda sorta like being a boozer.
Right stuffspews:
Not as much as Democrats….
Who was it again that controlled the house, senate, and white house? Who had a 60 vote majority?
Sorry Goldy, all the “hate” rests with the Democrat party.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I don’t hate gay people Goldy.
Can’t folks disagree politically and not be hateful? Seems like Goldy immediately jumps to the Hate-word when frustrated on a political issue. It’s one of Goldy’s favorite words to chastise his political enemies.
Doesn’t work for me.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Right Stuff-
You are 100% correct..as usual.
The Democrats had the White House, supermajority in the House and filibuster-proof Senate…and what did they do? Used it to jam thru an unvetted, highly flawed (222 exemptions already) and unsustainable ObamaCare and massive Deficit Spending.
YOUR Democrat Party seems to be the haters. They could have jammed this thru and did not.
Don’t let the facts get in the way of your labeling agenda Goldy.
Why didn’t McDimwit lead the charge when your Democrats had total control Goldy?
Where was he? Gasbagging??
All he had to do was propose Legislation and move it forward.
Gasbagging is not why we elect folks.
It’s about A-C-T-I-O-N in terms of Legislation and Votes.
Why do Democrats HATE Gay People Goldy?
Brain Damagespews:
@6 You don’t follow politics or pay much attention to this stuff do you. I’ll try to explain.
While the Democrats had the “majority”, and DID pass repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the House and the President said he WOULD sign it, the problem is in the Senate. Now on paper the Democrats had 60 votes, but that’s not really true. There were some “independents” in there. And in the Senate, a majority is not enough to pass legislation. You now need 60 votes. Yes it’s 51 on paper, but the Republicans have started doing something no one has ever done in history before, using the filibuster on EVERY SINGLE piece of legislation. Not just once or twice a year on something they’re passionate about, but on EVERYTHING, even stuff like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell which have WIDE majority support in the public. This requires 60 votes to break the filibuster, which the Democrats didn’t REALLY have (58 or 59 usually).
So it IS the Republicans who are the hateful bigots. The Democrats are trying to PASS this legislation…the House Democrats have…the Democratic President will sign it…the Senate Democrats are trying. It’s 100% the fault of the Republicans…the chickenshit childish hateful little bigots.
The Democrats are trying to pass this to make our country better and increase our military defense (not kicking out QUALIFIED decorated soldiers for no reason)…and it’s ONLY the Republicans who are trying to prevent this. So blaming the Democrats is ignorant.
The 60 vote majority in the Senate has always been a myth.
Why do right wingers lie so much?
Right Stuffspews:
9. Brain Damage spews:
@6 You don’t follow politics or pay much attention to this stuff do you. I’ll try to explain.
Edit for brevity….
ONLY the Republicans who are trying to prevent this. So blaming the Democrats is ignorant.
Well I might lend some credence to this line of logic except congress was able to push healthcare legislation thru…There was no Republican support for it, yet, magically and by twist of procedure, “poof” a bill lands on the Presidents desk.
Bottom line, the Democrats could have pushed this thru and didn’t. Gay rights are not a priority for Democrats and especially this President (who believes marriage should be between a man and a woman).
Personally I think that anyone who meets the acedemic and physical requirements of the military should be allowed to serve.
Oh right… the Dems are the party of hate for being unable to break a Republican filibuster. Honestly, how do you live with yourself?
Right Stuffspews:
Goldy, Gob bless you!
The Democrats could have made this happen if they wanted too.. They didn’t, it wasn’t a priority, therefore, no repeal of DADT. The President could have LED on this and didn’t. Harry Reid could have LED on this and didn’t, and most supprising of all, Nancy Pelosi should have led this and DIDN’T.
Now, please explain how Democrats were able to stuff healthcare down the throat of the country thru parlimentary trickery, and not this? Never mind, I know….They had no will to do it….
Therefore, Democrats hate gay people.
Boy, I will continue to support almost any Democrat. Republicans have been and it looks like will continue to be enemies of gay people in the near future. Gay friendly legislation passed in the house and has been brought up in the senate. Do you think any gay friendly legislation will be brought up in a Republican controlled house. I wonder what can of damage the Repubs will do to DC’s marriage laws.
I don’t have anything against gays except that I don’t want my daughter to marry one.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Right Stuff–
Yet another excellent point.
A flawed ObamaCare Bill was jammed thru.
The Democrats certainly could have done the same with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Goldy is the Chief Apologist and Excuse Maker for the Democrat Party incompetence and lies.
You KLOWNS told us about ALL the things your Democrat Party was going to do to Republicans and Rich Folks.
All they did was run up the National Debt, ram thru flawed ObamaCare that will likely be repealed or gutted, make things worse in Afghanistan and become a weakling in the eyes of the world.
They could have also rammed thru a tax bill and didn’t..instead they awaited and have created a crisis.
Face it, Democrats don’t know how to lead…as evidenced by the past 2 years.
2012 will be even worse for your guys…especially if you keep bending over and taking it. Your base is pissed off and Republicans are growing even stronger.
Democrats lack focus on key economic Legislation like tax certainty and Budget restraint. They’d rather screw around with Social Issues.
Now, the turds have come home to stink!
Blue Johnspews:
Some conservative hate the very idea that gay are equal to them.
Several socially conservative organizations have threatened to boycott one of the largest gatherings of conservative activists of the year if a group of gay Republicans is allowed to serve as a participating organization at the event.
Once again, your party’s intolerance is showing.
What’s next? Brown people, women, and poor people will be excluded from the party if they want to participate?
Blue Johnspews:
The way I see it, Dems are weak and find it hard to make things right.
However, Republicans are ACTIVELY trying to make things worse for gay people.
Of the two, Republicans are much worse. it’s not a hard choice.
Not all Blacks, of course, but collectively, as a race, they love to commit crimes.
I just thought that needed to be said.
Blue Johnspews:
And under Washington State democrats, we have strong domestic partner laws and gays can adopt, among other things.
None of the many people I know that label themselves Republican hate gay people. In fact, I know a few who are gay and conservative at the same time. (Libtards gasp!)
Once again, whiny little Davey Goldstein tries the hate bait broad brush of false assumptions and ignorance and fails…. but, that is to be expected from someone as enormously sexually frustrated as our Mr. Goldstein. Couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a $100 bill, nor a bath house for that matter. ;)
Aren’t you supposed to be mouth queefing about the Times, diverting attention away from the failures of President Hopenchange or trying to find a job or something Goldy?
The Republicans don’t want anything that gives gays rights to pass. It’s for their closeted brethren.
After all, if being gay suddenly is without all the persecution, young gay males won’t run away/be kicked out of their homes. Then were would closeted Republicans find anyone willing to have sex with them?
Blue Johnspews:
@23. that is so wrong, it almost makes twisted sense.
Liberal Scientistspews:
And don’t forget the Texas Republicans – they’ll go toe-to-toe with any Montanan anytime in a contest of straight manliness.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Then there’s the GOP prayer guru, Lou Engle, whipping up teh Hate.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Of course, the Arizona Republican party will not be outdone in its protestations of manliness…
Liberal Scientistspews:
Then of course there are the GOP Teahaddists from all over who love to hate Teh Gay. Headlined of course by Palin and Bachmann.
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP Blocks Health Care For 9/11 Heroes
In another stunning display of Republican hypocrisy, GOP senators defeated a bill that would have provided health care to thousands of volunteer rescue workers who suffer from long-term health problems because the Bush administration lied about toxic air at the WTC site. The Republicans said the $7.4 billion bill was “too costly.” Meanwhile, they’re pushing with all they’ve got to pass $700 billion of budget-busting, deficit-creating, tax cuts for the rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The next time a Republican tries to tell you his party is “patriotic” shove this vote in his face and make him eat it.
Nobody hates the gays, they just don’t give a fuck about them. There is a difference. If it stands more profitable to appear to hate the gays, the Republicans will sway that way. If it stands profitable to appear to care about gays, the Democrats will sway that way. But in the end, nobody really gives a fuck. Its all about appearances.
I mean, do you guys know anything about how government works? APPEARANCES PEOPLE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “gays are just like the rest of us. They are just as patriotic & love their country.”
Unless they vote for Republicans. See #29 & #30.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “Nobody hates the gays, they just don’t give a fuck about them … in the end, nobody really gives a fuck. Its all about appearances.”
Tell that to Mathew Shepard’s mom. Tell that to every high school kid who has been hazed by classmates who thought he was gay. Tell that to the families of dead soldiers harassed by the Westboro freaks. Tell that to every gay who has been beaten and left for dead by a gang of homophobic thugs.
Liberal Scientistspews:
This really is too easy. This is is a bit older, but gives good background, particularly the use of anti-gay initiatives in 2004 to turn out the Neanderthal vote (apologies to any actual members of Homo neanderthalensis who might be reading this, including red-heads.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Where are the Tea Party protesters outside the offices of Republican congressmen and senators who want to add $700 billion to the deficit and national debt to give tax breaks to millionaires?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Amen, Rog, A-fucking-men.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “None of the many people I know that label themselves Republican hate gay people.”
None of the serial killers who label themselves “respectable citizens” admit they kill people, either. Republicans admit anything? C’mon …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 (continued) Actions speak louder than words, my friend.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Indeed. In the Republican dystopia, deficits are only increased by spending on Head-Start, Unemployment Insurance, disaster preparedness and other programs that actually help a significant number of people.
Reducing revenue, doncha know, cannot increase the deficit. Something about producers and job creation and pixie dust and Laffer curves.
Liberal Scientistspews:
…Oh, and “giving people back their money” (that was borrowed from the Chinese).
@34 I agree so much that there is no reason gays can’t be in the military. They have a right to rape and pillage the people of developing nations just like the next guy. That said, why do we care if they are able to “serve” or not?
Blue Johnspews:
It’s disturbingly fun to find all the ways that Republicans and conservatives are ACTIVELY working to oppress gay people.
In my opinion, it’s because the conservatives cannot do that (legally) to people of color, women, liberals or other religions (except maybe for muslims) but gay people are still fair game.
So it’s PILE ON time. And if they are successful with the gays, then they can go back after those other groups.
Liberal Scientistspews:
Indeed. As Rujax and I were discussing here, Republicans are about maximizing fear and powerlessness of the maximum number of people.
If they can maintain oppression, push back the advancement of rights, with one group, that only strengthens and emboldens them to move against other.
It’s about maximizing the power for the smallest number of people, and there are many many people willing to trade a few crumbs from the Koch’s table to do their bidding for them.
They also hate black people, poor people, disabled people, middle class people, working people, non-Christian people, etc. Pretty much they hate everyone but rich, white, Baptist people.
Gee. I was in the military for four years. Can’t remember raping and pillaging anyone. I guess I must have been asleep that day.
Never been any different since the Republicans abandoned being the “Party of Lincoln”…
Liberal Scientistspews:
I was raised in a union household believing that the Democrats were the good guys, and significantly, many still are. However, throughout our society both the adulation of wealth as well as the accretion of even more wealth by the already wealthy (my term richerer) has had a caustic effect, and to my eye both parties are in thrall to the very few who are very rich.
Somehow we must break the cycle of the rich getting richerer and richererer – and fewer in number. Its feudal and its unsustainable and its very very unfair.
Maybe a bit of political ju-jitsu is in order – we could take over the Tea Party and turn it into a real populist movement – complete with pitchforks – and really clean house. Dare to dream.
Blue Johnspews:
#49. The Tea Party is lost, in my opinion. It’s got too many scared bigots and scared pensioners to be shifted into something actually populist or progressive.
@49 one of the biggest myths in economics is that the poor have to get more poor in order for the rich to become more rich. put another way, when the rich become more rich, does the poor necessarily become more poor? if all the wealth of the world was finite, i suppose you’d have a point. but you don’t.
every time someone is born, there is one more person in the world. every time someone builds a house, there is one more dwelling in the world. every time someone uses his imagination, there is just a little less chaos in the world.
there is no reason why we can’t all grow together.
Douglass Firzspews:
re 4:
It’s amazing something can have vast majority support among Democrats, good 60% support among Republicans, even majority support among the military itself, and STILL not pass Congress. Just f**king pathetic.
But the minority of gay haters get out the door and VOTE. That’s why the tail wags the dog in this country.
I’m not sure how you get that statement.
What a lot of us are incensed about is the systematic evisceration of the American Middle-Class (who once enjoyed the highest standard of living by a large non-homogenous population group that the planet had ever seen) by the Republican Party that started in earnest during the Reagan Administration with the implementation of the theory of “trickle-down economics.
The practical effect of the policies that were put in place and the philosophy that was dishonestly sold to the electorate was to make EVERYONE except the wealthiest 2% less well off.
So it wasn’t just the “poor” that got screwed.
Blue Johnspews:
if all the wealth of the world was finite, i suppose you’d have a point. but you don’t.
Why can’t it be some of both?
I agree that imagination and creativity are vital to growth and change and wealth.
In some ways wealth is finite. There is only so much land. There is only so much gold. There are only so many species on earth and while we can make some go extinct, it’s really hard to make new ones. If the company makes an extra $100 mill from all the employees hard work and creativity and it all goes to the CEO who gets $100 mill extra in his paycheck, that’s $100 mill that was not spread out among all the other employees.
21. Mark1 spews:
“None of the many people I know that label themselves Republican hate gay people.”
Here, Mark, allow me to introduce you to a few,
3. Puddybud Nagin Need Mo Money spews:
I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times.
10/13/2006 at 5:53 am
29. Mark The Redneck spews:
Doc Bong – What is it with you butt fuckers that makes you think we’re AFRAID of fags? 03/07/2006 at 9:33 pm
45. Mr. Cynical spews: cc@42–
Although I did miss Roger Rabbit….he’s not a pansy-ass like the other faggots.
08/29/2005 at 8:00 pm
Daddy Lovespews:
21 M1
And some of your best friends are gay, right?
Daddy Lovespews:
the poor have to get more poor in order for the rich to become more rich.
Yeah, uh, actually, no one said that. Nice straw man.
@55 you have a point: most CEOs don’t re-invest in their company. they spend it all on coke and whores. or stuff it in a mattress. whatever. but what they NEVER do is open another store and hire more employees. unless prompted by the government, cooperations have no interest in paying their employees.
@58 thus is the logic behind all class warfare arguments and anybody who ever hates on people making money.
Can’t folks disagree politically and not be hateful?
You crack me up.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I cannot tell if you wield a particularly opaque flavor of snark, or you’re a complete toad.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
3. Puddybud Nagin Need Mo Money spews:
I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times. 10/13/2006 at 5:53 am
Ahhhhh yes Stupid Solution Steve yanks a comment out of context. So let Puddy remind Stupid Solution Steve the original context!!!!!…
Puddy was discussing gay pride parades, where men wear leather thongs and women wear leather bras with nipple holes. The men are on floats kissing and grab ASSing each other. The women are fondling each other too. Other men are dressed like women with the whips and chains. Absolutely disgusting behavior in a parade. And the other thing Puddy brought up was the public nudity and sex up front and center during these parades.
That’s the context Stupid Solution Steve. Thanks for playing the sucka again. You do it so well sucka! See ya!
Douglass Firzspews:
e 62: Why do you attend gay pride parades?
Liberal Scientistspews:
So your disagreement with the public behavior of these people necessitates that you call them
queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc
Now “queer” can be a repossessed term, one of power if used positively, but I suspect you use it as an epithet. Similar but less commonly “fags” can be empowering if used the way Dan Savage and other do – but I suspect that you are not in that esteemed company, Putz.
So, not only do you actually believe that God moved a breeding pair of Emperor Penguins from Antarctica to the Middle East departure pier for Noah’s ark, and then back again, magically.
No, not just that, but you’re also a fucking bigot.
I’ve been in the gay pride parade. Quite pedestrian. Just a bunch of people out having a good time.
Tell me, pudge, why are you misanthropes such prudes?
Pudge, there’s two thingsyou should know:
You’re not conservative if you care what other people do with their lives.
You’re not Christian if you’re judging other people. That’s God’s job. And you’re not qualified to help.
@65 “You’re not Christian if you’re judging other people”
But, but, but Puddy and the KLOWN are the bestus Christians of them all! At least that’s what they tell us. You know, like how they’re near to God and we’re not. You know what they say, “Love the sinner, hate the sin”. So I’m sure that when Puddy calls gays, “queers, gays and fags”, he’s just showing his love for the sinner.
@62 “Absolutely disgusting behavior”
Then again, maybe not.
“Absolutely disgusting behavior”
Hmm, that reminds me of that trick Puddy’s mama likes to perform for me using a watermelon and two cantelopes.
And the “free market” calls it.
Tax cuts for the rich stink.
I will confess that there was a time when I did not like gays. It’s my upbringing but I have since learned that gays are just like the rest of us. They are just as patriotic & love their country.
It’s going to continue being difficult for them so I recommend a new book just out about Americans who actually take a stand against tyranny (based in part on real people & events). It’s a thriller so I recommend it.
It’s often our own government that becomes the obstacle to giving rights to all Americans.
First most of the people in Congress never served in any branch of the services. Secondly as someone who did I can assure them that there are lots of men and women in the services who are gay. Get over it.
It’s amazing something can have vast majority support among Democrats, good 60% support among Republicans, even majority support among the military itself, and STILL not pass Congress. Just f**king pathetic.
I know the Republicans are just holding EVERYTHING hostage (holding their breath) until they get everything they want. F**KING children. Compromise you jerks! NO ONE should get 100% of what they want. Politics is about compromise. Grow up!
And I know all Republicans don’t hate gays. I’ve slept with enough growing up in Iowa to know (evil grin). They’re just scared and want to kiss ass to the most radical block of their party (to survive primary challenges). The only one that really makes me honestly sad is to see how far John McCain has fallen, from a Maverick that would do what is right for his country, damn the politics and party, to a 100% kiss ass party/religious right wingnut. John! You’re NEVER going to be President…you can stop with this (changing your religion, kissing ass to the religious right, pretending you were never a “maverick”)…this is embarrassing! You’re destroying your legacy!
I am with Bluecollar
During my service in the 70s, being Gay was utterly normal. My CO was … well … “flagrant.” Other gay men and women were, well normal sailors. The Captain was widely despised .. not for being gay but because he was an incompetent, self serving idiot.
The only times gay became an issue were when someone wanted out or when someone else wanted someone punished. Thge same, by the way, was true of alcoholism. A number of folks were really bad boozers. No one cared, unless they decided to target a person as a boozer (whther he was nor not).
So yes, there was an issue .. being gay was kinda sorta like being a boozer.
Not as much as Democrats….
Who was it again that controlled the house, senate, and white house? Who had a 60 vote majority?
Sorry Goldy, all the “hate” rests with the Democrat party.
I don’t hate gay people Goldy.
Can’t folks disagree politically and not be hateful? Seems like Goldy immediately jumps to the Hate-word when frustrated on a political issue. It’s one of Goldy’s favorite words to chastise his political enemies.
Doesn’t work for me.
Right Stuff-
You are 100% correct..as usual.
The Democrats had the White House, supermajority in the House and filibuster-proof Senate…and what did they do? Used it to jam thru an unvetted, highly flawed (222 exemptions already) and unsustainable ObamaCare and massive Deficit Spending.
YOUR Democrat Party seems to be the haters. They could have jammed this thru and did not.
Don’t let the facts get in the way of your labeling agenda Goldy.
Why didn’t McDimwit lead the charge when your Democrats had total control Goldy?
Where was he? Gasbagging??
All he had to do was propose Legislation and move it forward.
Gasbagging is not why we elect folks.
It’s about A-C-T-I-O-N in terms of Legislation and Votes.
Why do Democrats HATE Gay People Goldy?
@6 You don’t follow politics or pay much attention to this stuff do you. I’ll try to explain.
While the Democrats had the “majority”, and DID pass repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the House and the President said he WOULD sign it, the problem is in the Senate. Now on paper the Democrats had 60 votes, but that’s not really true. There were some “independents” in there. And in the Senate, a majority is not enough to pass legislation. You now need 60 votes. Yes it’s 51 on paper, but the Republicans have started doing something no one has ever done in history before, using the filibuster on EVERY SINGLE piece of legislation. Not just once or twice a year on something they’re passionate about, but on EVERYTHING, even stuff like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell which have WIDE majority support in the public. This requires 60 votes to break the filibuster, which the Democrats didn’t REALLY have (58 or 59 usually).
So it IS the Republicans who are the hateful bigots. The Democrats are trying to PASS this legislation…the House Democrats have…the Democratic President will sign it…the Senate Democrats are trying. It’s 100% the fault of the Republicans…the chickenshit childish hateful little bigots.
The Democrats are trying to pass this to make our country better and increase our military defense (not kicking out QUALIFIED decorated soldiers for no reason)…and it’s ONLY the Republicans who are trying to prevent this. So blaming the Democrats is ignorant.
The 60 vote majority in the Senate has always been a myth.
Why do right wingers lie so much?
Well I might lend some credence to this line of logic except congress was able to push healthcare legislation thru…There was no Republican support for it, yet, magically and by twist of procedure, “poof” a bill lands on the Presidents desk.
Bottom line, the Democrats could have pushed this thru and didn’t. Gay rights are not a priority for Democrats and especially this President (who believes marriage should be between a man and a woman).
Personally I think that anyone who meets the acedemic and physical requirements of the military should be allowed to serve.
Stuffed @6,
Oh right… the Dems are the party of hate for being unable to break a Republican filibuster. Honestly, how do you live with yourself?
Goldy, Gob bless you!
The Democrats could have made this happen if they wanted too.. They didn’t, it wasn’t a priority, therefore, no repeal of DADT. The President could have LED on this and didn’t. Harry Reid could have LED on this and didn’t, and most supprising of all, Nancy Pelosi should have led this and DIDN’T.
Now, please explain how Democrats were able to stuff healthcare down the throat of the country thru parlimentary trickery, and not this? Never mind, I know….They had no will to do it….
Therefore, Democrats hate gay people.
Boy, I will continue to support almost any Democrat. Republicans have been and it looks like will continue to be enemies of gay people in the near future. Gay friendly legislation passed in the house and has been brought up in the senate. Do you think any gay friendly legislation will be brought up in a Republican controlled house. I wonder what can of damage the Repubs will do to DC’s marriage laws.
I don’t have anything against gays except that I don’t want my daughter to marry one.
Right Stuff–
Yet another excellent point.
A flawed ObamaCare Bill was jammed thru.
The Democrats certainly could have done the same with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Goldy is the Chief Apologist and Excuse Maker for the Democrat Party incompetence and lies.
You KLOWNS told us about ALL the things your Democrat Party was going to do to Republicans and Rich Folks.
All they did was run up the National Debt, ram thru flawed ObamaCare that will likely be repealed or gutted, make things worse in Afghanistan and become a weakling in the eyes of the world.
They could have also rammed thru a tax bill and didn’t..instead they awaited and have created a crisis.
Face it, Democrats don’t know how to lead…as evidenced by the past 2 years.
2012 will be even worse for your guys…especially if you keep bending over and taking it. Your base is pissed off and Republicans are growing even stronger.
Democrats lack focus on key economic Legislation like tax certainty and Budget restraint. They’d rather screw around with Social Issues.
Now, the turds have come home to stink!
Some conservative hate the very idea that gay are equal to them.
Once again, your party’s intolerance is showing.
What’s next? Brown people, women, and poor people will be excluded from the party if they want to participate?
The way I see it, Dems are weak and find it hard to make things right.
However, Republicans are ACTIVELY trying to make things worse for gay people.
Of the two, Republicans are much worse. it’s not a hard choice.
Blacks love to commit crimes.
Not all Blacks, of course, but collectively, as a race, they love to commit crimes.
I just thought that needed to be said.
And under Washington State democrats, we have strong domestic partner laws and gays can adopt, among other things.
None of the many people I know that label themselves Republican hate gay people. In fact, I know a few who are gay and conservative at the same time. (Libtards gasp!)
Once again, whiny little Davey Goldstein tries the hate bait broad brush of false assumptions and ignorance and fails…. but, that is to be expected from someone as enormously sexually frustrated as our Mr. Goldstein. Couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a $100 bill, nor a bath house for that matter. ;)
Aren’t you supposed to be mouth queefing about the Times, diverting attention away from the failures of President Hopenchange or trying to find a job or something Goldy?
Good weekend all!
You don’t get out much do you?
Montana GOP wants to outlaw being gay
The Republicans don’t want anything that gives gays rights to pass. It’s for their closeted brethren.
After all, if being gay suddenly is without all the persecution, young gay males won’t run away/be kicked out of their homes. Then were would closeted Republicans find anyone willing to have sex with them?
@23. that is so wrong, it almost makes twisted sense.
And don’t forget the Texas Republicans – they’ll go toe-to-toe with any Montanan anytime in a contest of straight manliness.
Then there’s the GOP prayer guru, Lou Engle, whipping up teh Hate.
Of course, the Arizona Republican party will not be outdone in its protestations of manliness…
Then of course there are the GOP Teahaddists from all over who love to hate Teh Gay. Headlined of course by Palin and Bachmann.
GOP Blocks Health Care For 9/11 Heroes
In another stunning display of Republican hypocrisy, GOP senators defeated a bill that would have provided health care to thousands of volunteer rescue workers who suffer from long-term health problems because the Bush administration lied about toxic air at the WTC site. The Republicans said the $7.4 billion bill was “too costly.” Meanwhile, they’re pushing with all they’ve got to pass $700 billion of budget-busting, deficit-creating, tax cuts for the rich.
The next time a Republican tries to tell you his party is “patriotic” shove this vote in his face and make him eat it.
Nobody hates the gays, they just don’t give a fuck about them. There is a difference. If it stands more profitable to appear to hate the gays, the Republicans will sway that way. If it stands profitable to appear to care about gays, the Democrats will sway that way. But in the end, nobody really gives a fuck. Its all about appearances.
I mean, do you guys know anything about how government works? APPEARANCES PEOPLE!
@2 “gays are just like the rest of us. They are just as patriotic & love their country.”
Unless they vote for Republicans. See #29 & #30.
@32 “Nobody hates the gays, they just don’t give a fuck about them … in the end, nobody really gives a fuck. Its all about appearances.”
Tell that to Mathew Shepard’s mom. Tell that to every high school kid who has been hazed by classmates who thought he was gay. Tell that to the families of dead soldiers harassed by the Westboro freaks. Tell that to every gay who has been beaten and left for dead by a gang of homophobic thugs.
This really is too easy. This is is a bit older, but gives good background, particularly the use of anti-gay initiatives in 2004 to turn out the Neanderthal vote (apologies to any actual members of Homo neanderthalensis who might be reading this, including red-heads.)
@28 Where are the Tea Party protesters outside the offices of Republican congressmen and senators who want to add $700 billion to the deficit and national debt to give tax breaks to millionaires?
Amen, Rog, A-fucking-men.
@21 “None of the many people I know that label themselves Republican hate gay people.”
None of the serial killers who label themselves “respectable citizens” admit they kill people, either. Republicans admit anything? C’mon …
@21 (continued) Actions speak louder than words, my friend.
Indeed. In the Republican dystopia, deficits are only increased by spending on Head-Start, Unemployment Insurance, disaster preparedness and other programs that actually help a significant number of people.
Reducing revenue, doncha know, cannot increase the deficit. Something about producers and job creation and pixie dust and Laffer curves.
…Oh, and “giving people back their money” (that was borrowed from the Chinese).
@34 I’ll tell myself? What makes you think that any amount of suffering changes the fact that people don’t really care?
@34 I agree so much that there is no reason gays can’t be in the military. They have a right to rape and pillage the people of developing nations just like the next guy. That said, why do we care if they are able to “serve” or not?
It’s disturbingly fun to find all the ways that Republicans and conservatives are ACTIVELY working to oppress gay people.
In my opinion, it’s because the conservatives cannot do that (legally) to people of color, women, liberals or other religions (except maybe for muslims) but gay people are still fair game.
So it’s PILE ON time. And if they are successful with the gays, then they can go back after those other groups.
Indeed. As Rujax and I were discussing here, Republicans are about maximizing fear and powerlessness of the maximum number of people.
If they can maintain oppression, push back the advancement of rights, with one group, that only strengthens and emboldens them to move against other.
It’s about maximizing the power for the smallest number of people, and there are many many people willing to trade a few crumbs from the Koch’s table to do their bidding for them.
Today in “Duh!” Magazine.
They also hate black people, poor people, disabled people, middle class people, working people, non-Christian people, etc. Pretty much they hate everyone but rich, white, Baptist people.
Gee. I was in the military for four years. Can’t remember raping and pillaging anyone. I guess I must have been asleep that day.
Never been any different since the Republicans abandoned being the “Party of Lincoln”…
I was raised in a union household believing that the Democrats were the good guys, and significantly, many still are. However, throughout our society both the adulation of wealth as well as the accretion of even more wealth by the already wealthy (my term richerer) has had a caustic effect, and to my eye both parties are in thrall to the very few who are very rich.
Somehow we must break the cycle of the rich getting richerer and richererer – and fewer in number. Its feudal and its unsustainable and its very very unfair.
Maybe a bit of political ju-jitsu is in order – we could take over the Tea Party and turn it into a real populist movement – complete with pitchforks – and really clean house. Dare to dream.
#49. The Tea Party is lost, in my opinion. It’s got too many scared bigots and scared pensioners to be shifted into something actually populist or progressive.
@49 one of the biggest myths in economics is that the poor have to get more poor in order for the rich to become more rich. put another way, when the rich become more rich, does the poor necessarily become more poor? if all the wealth of the world was finite, i suppose you’d have a point. but you don’t.
every time someone is born, there is one more person in the world. every time someone builds a house, there is one more dwelling in the world. every time someone uses his imagination, there is just a little less chaos in the world.
there is no reason why we can’t all grow together.
re 4:
But the minority of gay haters get out the door and VOTE. That’s why the tail wags the dog in this country.
I’m not sure how you get that statement.
What a lot of us are incensed about is the systematic evisceration of the American Middle-Class (who once enjoyed the highest standard of living by a large non-homogenous population group that the planet had ever seen) by the Republican Party that started in earnest during the Reagan Administration with the implementation of the theory of “trickle-down economics.
The practical effect of the policies that were put in place and the philosophy that was dishonestly sold to the electorate was to make EVERYONE except the wealthiest 2% less well off.
So it wasn’t just the “poor” that got screwed.
if all the wealth of the world was finite, i suppose you’d have a point. but you don’t.
Why can’t it be some of both?
I agree that imagination and creativity are vital to growth and change and wealth.
In some ways wealth is finite. There is only so much land. There is only so much gold. There are only so many species on earth and while we can make some go extinct, it’s really hard to make new ones. If the company makes an extra $100 mill from all the employees hard work and creativity and it all goes to the CEO who gets $100 mill extra in his paycheck, that’s $100 mill that was not spread out among all the other employees.
21. Mark1 spews:
“None of the many people I know that label themselves Republican hate gay people.”
Here, Mark, allow me to introduce you to a few,
21 M1
And some of your best friends are gay, right?
Yeah, uh, actually, no one said that. Nice straw man.
@55 you have a point: most CEOs don’t re-invest in their company. they spend it all on coke and whores. or stuff it in a mattress. whatever. but what they NEVER do is open another store and hire more employees. unless prompted by the government, cooperations have no interest in paying their employees.
@58 thus is the logic behind all class warfare arguments and anybody who ever hates on people making money.
Mr Cynical @ 7
You crack me up.
I cannot tell if you wield a particularly opaque flavor of snark, or you’re a complete toad.
Ahhhhh yes Stupid Solution Steve yanks a comment out of context. So let Puddy remind Stupid Solution Steve the original context!!!!!…
Puddy was discussing gay pride parades, where men wear leather thongs and women wear leather bras with nipple holes. The men are on floats kissing and grab ASSing each other. The women are fondling each other too. Other men are dressed like women with the whips and chains. Absolutely disgusting behavior in a parade. And the other thing Puddy brought up was the public nudity and sex up front and center during these parades.
That’s the context Stupid Solution Steve. Thanks for playing the sucka again. You do it so well sucka! See ya!
e 62: Why do you attend gay pride parades?
So your disagreement with the public behavior of these people necessitates that you call them
Now “queer” can be a repossessed term, one of power if used positively, but I suspect you use it as an epithet. Similar but less commonly “fags” can be empowering if used the way Dan Savage and other do – but I suspect that you are not in that esteemed company, Putz.
So, not only do you actually believe that God moved a breeding pair of Emperor Penguins from Antarctica to the Middle East departure pier for Noah’s ark, and then back again, magically.
No, not just that, but you’re also a fucking bigot.
pudge @ 62
Then don’t watch. Problem solved.
I’ve been in the gay pride parade. Quite pedestrian. Just a bunch of people out having a good time.
Tell me, pudge, why are you misanthropes such prudes?
Pudge, there’s two thingsyou should know:
You’re not conservative if you care what other people do with their lives.
You’re not Christian if you’re judging other people. That’s God’s job. And you’re not qualified to help.
@65 “You’re not Christian if you’re judging other people”
But, but, but Puddy and the KLOWN are the bestus Christians of them all! At least that’s what they tell us. You know, like how they’re near to God and we’re not. You know what they say, “Love the sinner, hate the sin”. So I’m sure that when Puddy calls gays, “queers, gays and fags”, he’s just showing his love for the sinner.
@62 “Absolutely disgusting behavior”
Then again, maybe not.
“Absolutely disgusting behavior”
Hmm, that reminds me of that trick Puddy’s mama likes to perform for me using a watermelon and two cantelopes.
@61 i’m just like the rest of you… glad someone pays attention to me =)
Was it Reagan or Bush 1 that passed DADT in our lifetime?