For once, I arrived at the Montlake Ale House with time to spare. We now have MSNBC on the tube, and are awaiting the end of the Tweety show and the start of SOTU coverage.
I am hoping some of my co-bloggers will show up and contribute to this thread (naturally, we didn’t plan anything in advance).
Have at it with all things SOTU in this comment thread.
5:59: Now that Obama is done with the final election of his life, I hope he uses this SOTU address to come clean about his BIRTH CERTIFICATE!
6:12: My prediction: At some point during the address, Justice Alito jumps up and yells, “You lie!.”
6:14: [N in Seattle]: It ought to be a good speech…today isn’t his anniversary….
6:16: “Tonight, thanks to the grit of the American people” [and no thanks whatsoever to the do-nothing House] “there has been much progress.”
6:19: There is a glistening in Boehner eyes. Obama will bring him to tears any minute now.
6:25: Biden seems to be working on his tax returns while listening to the adress.
6:27: [Carl] John Boehner and the Republicans refused to agree. Why do they hate the full faith and credit of the United States???
6:31: [Carl] The 4-freedoms speech was that greatest SOTU address ever, and it had only 3 or 4 applause breaks.
6:32: [N in Seattle] There would have been more if it had been on TeeVee.
6:38: [Darryl] Al Franken’s burden is that he cannot ever, ever smile in these types of occasions, lest people accuse him of being a comedian.
6:54: [Darryl] Did anyone notice the Boehner isn’t wearing a flag lapel pin? Why does he hate America?!?
7:13: [Darryl] Gawd…I hate the “anecdotes time” during these addresses.
7:28: Overheard at the Ale House: “When is the Republican response?” “Wait…didn’t we just hear the Republican address?”
7:30: Marco Rubio has the biggest ears I have ever seen on a human.
7:34: Somebody should clue Rubio in: When you repeat “Obama’s plan to grow the government” over and over again and throw out terms like “Obama’s obsession with raising taxes,” people recognize that you are engaging in political mud-slinging rather than presenting any serious point.
7:40: Water! I need WATER!
7:50: No luck finding the Rand Paul teabagger response on the tube. How tragic.
This is the only livestream I’ve found so far, if you want to watch on your computer.
NBC has a live feed here.
Sorry, RR:
Medal of Honor winner turns down invite to State of the Union
Read more:
@3 He wants to be with his family and military buddies. Anyone who ever served in the armed forces would understand that. What I said remains valid: Democrats hold Romesha up as a hero, and a GOP congressman holds Ted Nugent up as a “hero.” That speaks for itself.
@4 Roger, what the Serial Reneger can’t understand because he has shirked his military obligation as a citizen is that military heroes avoid the spot light in favor of humble life led with death defying and life saving action.
My fellow liberal Democrats, this is the leader, as President, you’ve hoped for and waited for your whole life. No, he’s not perfect. Nobody is.
What shall or shall not be accomplished on Obama’s watch shall only be limited by what we do and how much we act to move THIS agenda forward.
The difference between a Bush blight and an Obama achievement depends on the level of effort and focus WE apply. It’s up to us; each and every one of US.
Think about it. Then, please, act.
I’m calling it at 7:23pm. Rubio is done. Stick a fork in him. The straw man he’s attacking plays to less than 20% of the voting populace.
Good news for the Ryan 2016 campaign. LOL
Marco Rubio claims that the housing crisis was caused by “reckless government policies.” Is this fool really the representative of a major political party?
I think it was right wing kool-aid…
What a miserable, bullshit “response”..
One thing is clear from Rubio’s response … Rmoney really was and is the best candidate the Republicans can offer. Gawd! How incredibly lame!
“Is this fool really the representative of a major political party?”
Major political party? Heh. Not for long.
Just heard Jindal.. Another clown..
reckless right wing government policies…
Isn’t it time for Rand Paul to give his “If I were president” speech to an internet audience of Tea Party Express whack jobs?
Ok, time for some serious HA analysis…..
Who was a bigger HorsesAss giving the Republican response to the SOTU
a) Bobby Volcanoes: Why should they be monitored? Jindal?
b) Michelle #1 Teabagging bus company operator in Iowa Bachmann?
c) Marco I was asleep during the Bush administration’s FREE MARKET economic disaster Rubio?
d) What Republican response? Didn’t Obama give that?
e) Wait. What? There have been 3 other Republican responses to the 5 SOTU addresses Obama gave? Who and where are those guys?
Yeah, but while it is certainly open to question that George W won the 2000 election, there is no doubt that he won the subsequent one. So…..
@15 Expat(!)Chad,
There’s no doubt that G.W. Bush, better known for nude bathing self portraits sent to his sister, won the contests in both 2000 & 2004.
Any doubts that exist are about HOW he won those contests and whether the way he won benefited the principles of US democracy.
ps. With the 9-11 attack in his first term, and the economic collapse in his second term, it is equally doubtless that regardless of HOW G. W. Bush won, his winning was a disaster for the nation and the world.
It is an article of faith in GOP circles that the financial crisis would never have happened if:
1. The evil government hadn’t forced banks to give loans to welfare queens.
2. The financial industry would have been allowed to self-regulate.
Yup, Rand Paul’s speech was all about Rand Paul.
“I was elected to the Senate in 2010 by people worried about our country”
“I will propose a five-year balanced budget”
“I will work with anyone on either side of the aisle”
“With my five-year budget”
@18 Steve,
It could be worse. You could be a resident of Kentucky represented by that asshat.
Many gold nuggets of comedy in Rubio’s response, but
How many pieces of BullShit in this one (?) sentence?
Also, too, why won’t Obama give us clean air like Beijing has?
Another thing I’ve had no luck finding on the TeeVee or the Internets is what Ted Nugent had to say.
I can’t imagine a blowhard like Nugent walking away without saying something about Obama, the State of the Union speech, sticking his penis in something, or shooting something.
No argument from me. My point is that under circumstances of fear, the American public would elect GWB. Again. Or Howdy Doody.
Businesses are dishonest, period, and when their conservative supporters talk about “economic freedom” what that really means is “license to steal.” In the never-ending War Against Consumers (TM), businesses’ latest gambit is to eliminate price tags so you don’t know what you’re paying for their merchandise. This, of course, automatically allows them to raise prices to obscene levels.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s nothing new about this gimmick. The health care industry has been using it for decades.
“McConnell accused Obama of catering to his base, and dismissed the speech as ‘pedestrian’ and ‘liberal boilerplate.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We held an election and the conservative agenda lost. Now GOPers like McConnell want to take from us, by brute bullying, what we refused to give them at the ballot box: The Social Security and Medicare benefits we earned and paid taxes for. Fuck him! Fuck all the Republican obstructionists! I’m not willing to live under a Republican dictatorship.
Darrell Issa (R-Klown Mancrush) on Internet activist Aaron Swartz:
And for “balance” here is Alan Grayson:
Here is the agenda McConnell and Boehner want Obama to agree to: Dirty air (burn more coal), polluted groundwater (build Keystone XL across the Ogallala Aquifer), low wages (instead of raising the $7.25 minimum wage to $9 they would eliminate it altogether), and millionaire tax cuts funded by cutting Social Security and Medicare.
The American people didn’t vote for this bullshit, and don’t want this bullshit. Republicans lost the White House, lost the Senate, and kept the House only because they gerrymandered it (they lost the cumulative House election by over a million votes). The American people rejected GOP bullshit across the board, yet GOP bullshitters are still trying to cram their bullshit down our threats.
Hitler would be proud of these guys.
Fuck Republicans. Don’t negotiate with them, ignore them! Turn your back on them, turn a deaf ear, shun them like the Amish do when people behave like swine. Pretend they don’t exist and legislate without them. That’s the only way you can deal with Republicans.
And kick-ass progressive economist Dean Baker chip s in his 2 cents on the untimely passing of internet genius Aaron Swartz:
@ 27
Fuck Republicans. Don’t negotiate with them, ignore them!
Problem with that attitude, RR, is that Dems don’t control both houses of Congress as well as the White House, anymore. This isn’t 2009-early 2010.
Ryan said the sequester, which would go into effect next month, is likely, “because the president hasn’t put a budget on the table. The Senate hasn’t passed a budget in four years … Don’t forget that it’s the president who first proposed the sequester and it’s the president who designed the sequester as it is now designed.”
“We have acted in the House. The president has not. The Senate has not and therefore … I think it’s going to happen.”
There’s a difference between acting like an asshole and ignoring what’s already passed the House, and governing, which means that the opposite of what you suggested is necessary to avoid what Obama suggested in the first place.
I bet right now Team Obama is sitting in the Oval Office and chanting, ‘Fuck Republicans!’. Don’t you think so, RR?
@ 26
Hitler would be proud of these guys.
And Godwin would be proud of you, Roger Rabbit.
You’re especially moronic in your pronouncements today.
7:40: Water! I need WATER!
If Lib Sci can turn an Artur Davis speech he doesn’t like into a ‘minstrel show’ comment, can turning a drink of water into ‘Wetback’ be much of a stretch for him? We’ve got four more years to find out.
Teach your children well, Lib Sci.
“There’s a difference between acting like an asshole and ignoring what’s already passed the House, and governing”
You seem to ignore that ignoring whatever is passed by the House, where Republicans are assholes, is good governing.
@ 32
You seem to ignore that ignoring whatever is passed by the House, where Republicans are assholes, is good governing.
Fair enough. As long as it’s Obama’s suggested sequester that you want.
“And Godwin would be proud of you, Roger Rabbit.”
It’s hardly going Godwin to invoke Hitler when talking about extremist right-wing Republicans these days, Bob. If they don’t like it, then they ought to stop embracing fascism.
Where Roger goes wrong is in how it’s hardly relevant to talk about Republicans anymore other than to remark on how quickly the party is disintegrating and to crack jokes about their plight. Really, it’s not a question of whether or not Republicans will do well in 2014. It’s a now question of whether or not the GOP will even exist in 2014 in its present form. With intraparty warfare escalating as it is, it doesn’t look very good for you. Trends being what they are, until that trend is broken, your party is fucked.
“As long as it’s Obama’s suggested sequester that you want.”
Actually, I just want Republicans to quit acting like wannabe Nazis. Just think, if that ever came to pass you could start invoking Godwin’s Law without looking silly.
@ 34It’s hardly going Godwin to invoke Hitler when talking about extremist right-wing Republicans these days, Bob.
Um, Steve, he wasn’t. He was talking about all Republicans.
It’s why I consider him to be a moron. He doesn’t have the mental capacity to differentiate between the various types of people out there who call themselves Republicans. He lumps Susan Collins in with Rand Paul. That’s akin to lumping Dennis Kucinich in with, say, Joe Manchin.
He brings nothing to the argument except post volume. Go back and read the last 100 or so criticisms he’s made about Republicans, and tell me how many are specific, vs. a broad indictment of the entire party.
There are moderate Republicans just as there are moderate Democrats.
To fail to differentiate and to compare them to Hitler is Basic Godwinism 101, Steve. You know that.
@ 35
Ah. I’m arguing about an idiot with an idiot.
You win, Steve. Have a wonderful day. Don’t forget to accuse me of reneging on a lost bet obligation.
# 27: Mokusatsu (def: to treat with silent disdain). The Japanese are very good at that.
“He lumps Susan Collins in with Rand Paul. That’s akin to lumping Dennis Kucinich in with, say, Joe Manchin.”
You somehow fail to see that there are very few Republicans left with which Snow could be lumped. There never were that many to begin with. That, in a nutshell, is your party’s problem. The inmates have taken over the asylum. They are purging the RINOS. Those who remain are scared. You know that. Hell, I side with Rove and company these days. You know, the enemy of my enemy.
“Don’t forget to accuse me of reneging on a lost bet obligation.”
I have no idea whether you reneged on a bet or not, Bob. I recall making a remark when that first came up, making a pun relating it to Mark the Redneck Welcher, but that was it. You haven’t seen me joining in on that one since. Really, Bob, it’s only a thousand bucks, it’s a decent charity, and I’ve been willing to give you the benefit of doubt that you wouldn’t pull something like that. I still assume that there’s just some mixup with this matter that could be cleared up with little effort.
My recollection is that you claimed to have donated online. When I donate online as a matter of course I receive a confirming email with a tax receipt number, the tax deductable amount of the donation and the tax ID number of the charity. I figured you’d just forward a tax receipt email from the charity to Darryl and be done with it. For whatever reason, that apparently hasn’t happened.
@29 “Problem with that attitude, RR, is that Dems don’t control both houses of Congress as well as the White House, anymore. This isn’t 2009-early 2010.”
Which takes us to the status quo. How can ignoring the Republicans who control the House be any worse than the status quo? It seems to me you’d get the same result with less wasted effort.
I’ll tell you one thing, if your idea of governance is letting the party that lost the election run the country, that ain’t gonna fly. So, as long as Republicans insist on implementing an agenda the voters rejected at the ballot box, there’s nothing to negotiate.
40, continued …
And you’re right, this isn’t 2009-early 2010 anymore. What’s important is not so much what happened as what did not happen on Nov. 5, 2012.
There is not going to be a Mitt Romney administration. Social Security and Medicare will not be dismantled or privatized. Obamacare will not be repealed. Keystone XL will not be built over the top of America’s most important aquifer. We are not going to let the Koch brothers and other industrialists hve a free hand to pollute our air and drinking water. Etc.
Yes, things have changed. The Tea Party no longer has any grounds for believing they will run our government beginning in 2013. That illusion was decisively dismantled on Nov. 5, 2012.
@39 Steve,
For whatever reason, that apparently hasn’t happened.
That’s right. And frankly I took his offer of a bet on September 22nd
knowing full well he’d never payoff.
Why? Look how he identifies himself, and read the diarrhea of the mouth he posts in the comment threads. The Serial Reneger, with fantasies of pedophilia is a walking, talking pile of sh*t.
When presented with the opportunity to walk the walk of his so called ‘conservative’ personal responsibility bullshit he spews, what does he do? He obfuscates and dissembles.
Steve, you’ve proposed some mitigation path. F*ck that! The dude made a wager and he should pay up under the terms of the wager.
Look at this thread.
@50 Darryl addresses us both on how it should go.
@53, 9 minutes later, The Serial Reneger, with fantasies of pedophilia, replies to Darryl. Does he agree? Does he disagree? He did neither.
This constant bullshitter left himself an out.
@56 on that thread, I confirmed.
Then, having ignored the proposed conditions, what did he
donot do?He did not pay!
On December 31st, more than a month past due on his obligation, Darryl asked him
Having conveniently ignored Darryl’s post in October about how to meet the obligation, it is amazingly convenient that on the same GD day Darryl asked more than a month later about when he was going to pay up …. Guess what?
By mere convenience, the Serial Reneger just happened to have made an online contribution that same day Darryl asked!
All he needed to do was write a check made payable to Northwest Harvest in the amount of $1,000 and drop it in the mail to Darryl on the 7th of November.
That’s the bet. The bet he lost. The bet he has not made good on for 3 months.
ConservativeReneger, with fantasies of pedophilia, a walking talking example of losing bullshit.And let me just make a point apropos of why you should never trust the word of Serial Reneger– with fantasies of pedophilia from what he introduced on this thread @29, and then continued to pound.
For the sake of argument, let’s just stipulate that Obama did suggest the sequester.
You all are smart and well read enough to know that the stipulated “Obama suggestion” came in reply to a House Republican precedent setting plan to put the nation into default to achieve its political objectives , and that the suggestion was provided to motivate the Congress to accomplish an objective. S&P downgraded the USA’s credit rating BECAUSE of the Republican attempt of political extortion.
Does anyone believe that Serial Reneger does not know that?
He’s a documented liar and dissembler. He’ll say anything to obfuscate the facts.
And I have absolutely no doubt that if this piece of shit ever mailed Darryl a check made payable to Northwest Harvest in the amount of $1,000, it would bounce.
That’s how he rolls. That’s how THEY roll. Which is why Roger’s comment @27 of “Fuck Republicans…” is not over the top, it is a fact of life. And you had better never, ever forget it.
Speaking of Republican assholes, if you’ve got some time to kill, stroll on over to (un)SP and watch fudge’s thread. If someone posts who he either does not like, or slams his asinine opinion into the dirt he comes by and deletes the comment. Down the memory hole for FREEDOM!
Ian Welsh:
“F*ck that!”
That’s nearly always sound advice.
“if you’ve got some time to kill, stroll on over to (un)SP and watch fudge’s thread”
I’ve posted as Doctor Steve over there for the past couple of months. When Pudge came back he banned me after a couple of comments. Hebron has a new and especially pathetic whine up this evening – Al Gore. I justed posted a couple of comments there.
I skipped the State Of The Union. Too busy for much of anything political at the moment. But, check the comments here:
for your daily dose of rightwing paranoia.
@45. Good post. It’s the first credible justification for the Teabagger mentality i have seen. A good part of the “I got mine, to hell with you” is because they know that any change will hurt them, cause they gutted the system that was set up to help people like them in misfortune.
@ 42
@53, 9 minutes later, The Serial Reneger, with fantasies of pedophilia, replies to Darryl. Does he agree? Does he disagree? He did neither.
This constant bullshitter left himself an out.
Er, or maybe it left myself an option to pay by credit card rather than by check.
@49 “an option to pay by credit card rather than by check”
As I recall, Darryl’s charity was Northwest Harvest. When you donate by credit card online to Northwest Harvest you have to give them your email address even if you wish to remain anonymous. As I stated above, a charity will then send an email confirming your donation, the tax receipt number, the tax deductable amount of the donation and the tax ID number of the charity.
If you actually made a donation online to Northwest Harvest then there should be no reason why you can’t submit proof to Darryl and put this to rest.