Why haven’t we heard you dumb ass donks screaming about global warming??? Oh, that’s right, it is almost winter.
Global warming can be summed up like this.
If we are wrong and we spend the money to “fix” the problem that turns out not to exist, we’ll be out some money but we’ll have a cleaner planet to live on.
If you are wrong and we don’t spend the money, we could be facing a mass extinction event where our own survival will be at risk. Of course then money won’t be an issue.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
That is wierd. I feel the same way about Iran. Go figure. Of course I think Iran is way more urgent.
Of course we know the case for Iran is based on lies and obfuscation. The case for Climate Change has even reached the point where the Bush administration acknowledges it.
When Al Gore grabs a coach seat on a 737 instead of his Private Gastric Carbon sucking Old Fashion Gulf stream Jet Limo, then please please approach me on my use of a simple Ford SUV. It is a fart in the wind compared to driving a private Gulf Stream Jet.
Until Then, he is the real Carbon Sucking cause of global warming Joker, with by the way three or four Gigantic Carbon sucking homes, and is still telling us what we are doing to the environment.
He has found nothing but a large money pit that he lavishes in while buying carbon credits to heat his fat ass lavish life style.
Sorry, I ain’t buyin his BS, and I’ll drive my damn Ford SUV till the wheels fall off, or until Al Gore Leads by example. Which by the way tells me I will have hundreds of thousands of miles on my SUV before Al ever gets a clue.
Amazing how many on the right hate the messenger so they ignore the message.
If Senator Clinton proclaimed the sun rises in the east, MTR and others would deny it.
Can you share your sources of information on Al Gore and global warming that make you feel so comfortable in your opinion?
If you are wrong about global warming, extinction is a possibility. For all of us.
By the way, Gore took the train from the Oslo Airport when he got there. Interesting, not sure if it is Electric or Diesel that they have there.
Overhead Wire got the link showing him getting on the train from the Huffington Post. Now why doesn’t Gore take Amtrak on his travels? Well, thanks to Clinton and Carter, there are not that many choices for him. Say was he in Congress when the Floridian, the Chicago-Miami(and only Amtrak Train running through Nashville), was cut? That was in 1979. How ironic, that Nashville’s Music City Star, their new and marginally used(but cheap to build) commuter rail line, uses used Amtrak Locomotives.
K – How did you ever graduate from college? Drink the liberal mantra all the time 24/7?
Those on the IPCC, are they all scientists or are they appointees who are there for their government’s political agendas?
Why are we going to kill our industries while others are not doing much if anything?
Why did all those European countries sign the Kyoto Protocol and continually miss their allotments?
They missed it in 2003
They missed it in 2004
They missed it in 2005
They missed it in 2006
“For all their rhetoric, the European nations are well off track of Kyoto’s requirement that emissions be 8-percent below 1990 levels starting in 2008. Official European emissions data shows that nearly every one of these countries has higher carbon-dioxide emissions today than when the treaty was signed in 1997, and the emissions increases show no signs of leveling off. The same is true of Canada, Japan, and other major non-European signatories. In fact, most of these countries are seeing their emissions rising faster than those in the U.S.”
How about China and India saying they don’t care? Ever notice the jet stream? Where does India and China pollution go?
“Hands down, coal is by far the dirtiest pollutant,” said Dan Jaffe, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington who has detected pollutants from Asia at monitoring sites on Mount Bachelor in Oregon and Cheeka Peak in Washington state.”
K – Still stupid and 100% idiot. Owner of an idiot and stupid gene.
GS: According to K, it’s okay for Al Gore, Robert Kennedy Jr, and enviro-whackjobs to do as they say! They are “looking” out for us.
Follow my link, Bud? It is a US Gov’t site. If they are following their government’s political agenda, they were appointed by GWB.
And I do believe Kyoto is flawed, and I probably know more about it and the developing markets on emission credits than you.
But that is not a basis for denying there is a basis for concerns about climate change. It is a reason to seek a better meand to address it.
I know GWB acknowledged some climate change.
So what you know more? You posts are so slanted that I forced you to admit Kyoto has issues.
So why did Bush remove us from Kyoto?
And K: You don’t address the penalization of our industries while the Europeans are not penalizing theirs. They haven’t met their targets in years!!!!
You’ve been attacking the messengers. It may be fun for you but does not add any meat to the discussion.
Do you know of any peer reviewed studies published in any scientific journals that refute global warming?
I know Exon/Mobil has “sponsored” some studies but I don’t think they were ever considered good enough science to be published in a peer reviewed journal.
You did not force me to do a thing. I am open to honest discussion, unlike you. I can advocate for a position recognizing that there is room to improve.
Bush did not remove us from the Kyoto treaty. It was not adopted.
At least some industries in India see opportunity in reducing carbon emissions in order to sell credits.
Mind you, I am extremely skeptical of this approach, but the world is a much more complex place than our friend Bud admits.
Your argument @9 is like this:
Sure I see the bus blocking the freeway ahead of us. But the guys in the car next to me aren’t stopping either. So why should I?
Ekim: Nope
I stated my position before. Try again.
K@15: I call BULLSHITTIUM on post #15. You didn’t state this position ever before on HorsesASS regarding Kyoto. You have been one of the biggest cheerleaders for local stifling of US Industries. For you to say “I am open to honest discussion” is the biggest hunk of bunkum I have read today.
I have stated my position on Kyoto before.
Ekim asked me: “Ekim says: “Do you know of any peer reviewed studies published in any scientific journals that refute global warming?”
I placed at least 6 stories of rejection from the UK climate prof to the Canadian council to the founder of Weather Channel on this blog with multiple references.
What did your friends here say? Nuthin of much importance.
Call what you like. I know who I am, and I have a pretty good idea who you are, as well.
I have consistently advocated for emission reductions, and challenged deniers like you.
You would also deny the direction of sunrise of a poster you designate as liberal indicated it was the east.
So rant away, I’ve got some better things to do.
Final reply at 20- a simple mass balance indicates carbon which has been sequestered for millenia is being released into the atmosphere, altering its composition.
Ekim, here is one and if you want more I will be glad to oblibe, also there is one on guns you may enjoy.
And K: I know who & what I am, unlike your worthless characterization try.
When have I ever denied Global Warming butthead? I stated Revelation in the Bible refers to global warming, but not for the reasons you and your ilk state. You need to as Rush Limbaugh says: Rewind and replay the tape! Apparently you do possess an idiot gene as you have a very faulty memory.
I called BULLSHITTIUM on post #15 and you can’t debate correctly anymore. I guess I stroked a sore spot calling you out. GOOD!
Rob: I suggest Ekim search the Wipes’ blog for my multiple entries here!
Look every one. K whipping out chemistry on me. You go K.
Simple mass balance from someone simple. Carbon release is more than a simple stoichiometric equation.
K at 22. Could you please explain to me (like I was a five year old) why in Algores film the rise in C02 in the atmosphere followed the rise in temperature in graphs in his own movie? Single syllable words would be appreciated.
Thanks K, I am waiting for your response.
K: The sun rises in the west? Did you tell Pelletizer (TM)?
Hey Lefties: Looks like the Colorado killer was a Christian hater like I surmised early this morning before the early morning righty sites stated anything.
Now where is the compassion from the ASSWipers here?
Oh wait… you all hate Christians, just like Rosie O, the ACLU, and the Air America gang.
So let’s be honest here… were you shocked or did you secretly think only a few were killed, that’s too bad it wasn’t more…
The Gorons don’t like the question about Algores graph. Wonder why that is?
Your first link goes to “The Science and Public Policy Institute”, which is a think tank, not a peer reviewed journal.
Your second link goes to “Firearms refresher course”. This is relevant how?
Please, more references.
“Any good liberal knows that the more prudent course would to grant amnesty to the protesters, enroll them in welfare and food stamp programs, and raise the taxes of U.S. citizens in order to pay for feasting at the public trough by illegal aliens.” – John Lillpop, San Francisco
Ekim: Search this blog and find mine!
“Apparently, Bernie Ward dabbled in Kiddy Porn by securing and distributing said porn from the Internet. The federal government has decided that Mr. Ward has committed a very serious felony and has indicted him. Ward was arraigned in a federal court in San Francisco last week.
Of course, a federal indictment is simply an accusation, and not a conviction. Bernie Ward deserves the presumption of innocence, a fundamental right of all Americans.” – John Lillpop, San Francisco
Hey John, the liberals didn’t use this on their political enemies!
rob in 23,
Ekim in 14 asks for references to peer reviewed articles. The links you post point to are not even close. Do you understand what a peer reviewed article is?
Puddybud @29
I am a Christian. I am also a liberal. I do not wish for anybody to be murdered.
Why do you paint everybody with such a broad paint brush?
Are like Larry Craig and hang out in public restrooms? Are like Mark Foley and like to play with young boys? Should we make such comparisons about you since you are on the right and so are they?
John Coleman
Taking aim at Al Gore and other “climate change” activists, the founder of the Weather Channel says the campaign to promote the theory of man-made global warming is “the greatest scam in history.”
John Coleman, now a meteorologist for San Diego TV station KUSI, calls it a “manufactured crisis” by “dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives” who have “manipulated long-term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming.”
Coleman, writing on the website of the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project, alludes to Gore’s award-winning campaign featuring his documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.”
“I say this knowing you probably won’t believe a me, a mere TV weatherman, challenging a Nobel Prize, Academy Award and Emmy Award-winning former vice president of United States,” writes Coleman. “So be it.”
I going with the weatherman on this one. Sorry Al.
Ekim: Because your side paints us with a broad brush.
You can’t make aspersions like that about me because almost everyone knows my gay position!
No I don’t beat my wife, step out on her, beat my kids, etc. the standard Pelletizer (TM) arguments.
Since you claim Christianity, I know you agree with me regarding Jesus and the old testament.
Puddybud @33,
Thanks for the offer but no. Your cites are probably no better than Rob’s and would be a waste of my time. If your cites are any good then you should have them available.
Gore took the train from the Oslo Airport when he got there.
Whoop de fucking do.
Gore is a money grubbing hypocrite. Even one of the scientists who won the Nobel with him has retracted his support and declined the prize. Gore is the new PT Barnum suckering idiots at every turn. Just yesterday it was reported that “Southern Hemisphere’s ice cover now is at the same level as last June, i.e., a level seen during the last winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Besides, there are two more millions square kilometers of ice now compared to December 2006.”
Gore has proven himself to be one thing: a fat ugly but prodigious scam artist adept at living the good life while making fools like you feel guilty.
assholes all
Um… No Ekim, my sites were attacked vehemently by the really whack-job Moonbat!s here, so I know they hit a nerve.
RE: 35. Yes I do, I am looking for them now. I don’t save them because the climate has stabilized since 1998 and I didn’t believe we would be having this argument now. I see there are still a lot of Gorons out there though so I am searching the internets to give you the links.
I did miss K’s response to my statement that Algores Graph shows temperature preceding the rise is CO2. Funny how you libs disappear when you are challenged
Puddybud @39,
I do not know your gay position so I guess I’m one of the exceptions and thus allowed to make such aspersions.
And I do not know what you think about Jesus and the old testament so I can not with good conscience or honesty say I agree or disagree with you.
Did you know Global Warming are affecting circumcisions in Africa?
I wonder which will come first, the sun or those six huricanes you lefties promised back in 2006. hehehehe
Ekim are you new here?
I have stated my positions many times here. You need to search the site.
#46 That made me laugh!
Oh by the way, was “Inconvenient Truth” peer reviewed before it won the an Oscar and the Nobel Peace Prize?
I think not! go figure. In fact it was found to have 32 errors and banned by a judge in the UK to be shown without a warning that it is political and contains untruths!
Of course Algore did invent the internets.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 The difference is that global warming is supported by most of the world’s qualified scientists whereas your ideas about Iran are supported by 1 dumb dog. Not even the Busheviks’ own intelligence estimate supports you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Al Gore doesn’t own a Gulfstream or any other private jet. Another Lying WingNut (TM) Goes Down In Flames. Thanks for playing. Next …
I am going to bed rob.
I will dream about you and your evasion.
Movies aren’t peer reviewed by journals (that I know of).
I think the quote went something like “I supported the internet”. Please correct me if I am wrong. I have forgotten the details.
Pale Riderspews:
@49 “Of course Algore did invent the internets.”
Oh, yes, this same drivel. Stop channeling Ann Coulter. Gore said he took the lead in creating the Internet, not inventing it. That was Coulter’s spin on it.
And the scientists who DID invent it said that, yes, in fact Al Gore DID take the lead in creating the Internet through Congressional funding to expand it from ARPANet to the publicly-available Internet.
Of course we shoudn’t diminish Algores film winning a Oscar because of “Broke Back Mountain” and “It’s hard out there to be a pimp” also won Oscars. Algore should be as proud to be in their company as he is to be in the company of YASSER ARAFAT who also like Algore won the peace prize.
Rob @49,
Sorry, The judge found 9 errors, not 32 as you claim. And as the plaintif says: “I am elated with today’s result, but still disappointed that the film is able to be shown in schools.”
I would like to see the “guidance” referred to in this article though and compare it to the film.
RE: 53. Could you name those scientists for me? No you can’t liberals think if they say scientist said it you won’t challenge them. Name one ?
Re: 55. It is able to be shown with a warning that it is political and contains untruths. Without that warning it can’t be shown. It’s kinda like cigarettes.
Also, I already sent you a link with 32 errors. You are saying because in your opinion the judge only found NINE ERRORS that it is ok? You liberals don’t care to much about facts do you?
I am dumbfounded that Ekim defends a movie that a judge ( in ekims opinion) only found nine errors. The movie went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. No wonder Arrafat wone it.
I am stil waiting to here about the scientist that claim algore initaited, invented whatever the interwebs?
I guess that was another liberal lie.
Have a nice day.
So far not one decent peer reviewed study against global warming.
RE: 53. Palerider, ( is that a gay name?) do you have a slow computer, interweb connection or are you a liar? I asked you prove what you said. Is that to hard for you?
Re: 61. walk outside your mom’s basement and tell me about how warm you are.
Pale Riderspews:
@56 and 60 Typical right-wing idiots. I have better things to do all evening than sit here and try to educate you dips on reality.
From Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf (and if you don’t know who they are, then you shouldn’t even be in this conversation).
@62 Your desperation is showing. Go crawl back under your rock.
You sound like you need the services of a neuroproctologist.
Rob @ 59,
Sorry, the film won a variety of awards, but not the Nobel Peace Prize. It was Al gore who won which he shared with the IPCC.
That the film has 9 factual errors in it does not mean the film is without merit. You might actually comprehend that the film is indeed being shown in British public schools.
I recommend this time you actually read the article this time.
@5 Al Gore doesn’t own a Gulfstream or any other private jet. Another Lying WingNut ™ Goes Down In Flames. Thanks for playing. Next …
12/10/2007 at 9:53 pm
Who said he owned one???? He sure flies in one. He should be taking a train or better yet go on horseback. Man you lefties even lie about Gore’s hypocrisy. Geeeesh.
Re: 64? “Ooops the page you requested no longer exists”
“Al Gore’s support of the Internet, by V.Cerf and B.Kahn”
I guess it no longer exists because it whas fake?
Hmmm, who shoudn’t be in this conversation asshole?
Ekim, I would suggest that if a film has a warning like cigarettes it is not a triumph for leftist nuts like yourself. Now for you next idiotic phrase that Algore won the Peace Prize not his movie. Why did he win it again?
Pale rider. What happened to your fake page? Want to try again loser?
Rob @ 60,
The scientist was “UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of the ARPANET”.
Read the article before you spout more disinformation.
Re: 72. I just read it and it says that George Bush created the interwebs by signing the legislation. So I guess George Herber Walker Bush invented the interwebs?
Rob @70,
This is a rational response on your part?
BTW, I’m still waiting for any cites you may have on peer reviewed papers supporting your views. Apparently you have none.
do you have anything else? It looks like it was a George Bush creation. He signed Algore was a mere participant because he was never anyone in power in the USA
Rob @ 73,
Yes, George H W Bush did play a role by signing the legislation though he did not much to do with the drafting of it.
BTW, It is nice to see that you are actually reading the references now even if you are distorting what you read.
Truly amazing!
Re 76, without George Bush there would have been no legislation. Got that ?
I am stil wondering why Algore and the Gorons won an Oscar and a peace prize with a film that needs a warning on it before it is shown to children?
Rob @ 75,
Please note the references to “Kleinrock”, “then-Senator Al Gore”, and “Gore Bill or the High Performance Computing Act of 1991” in the following quote.
In 1988, Kleinrock chaired a group which presented the report “Toward a National Research Network to congress” [2]. This report was highly influential upon then-Senator Al Gore who used it to develop the Gore Bill or the High Performance Computing Act of 1991 [3], which was influential in the development of the Internet as it is known today. [4]. In particular, it led indirectly to the development of the 1993 web browser MOSAIC, which was created at National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NSCA) which was funded by the High-Performance Computing and Communications Initiative, a program created by the High Performance Computing Act of 1991.
End quote
Pelletizer (TM) @51: Who said Al Gore owns a Gulfstream? He uses one to travel all over making his speeches and he pollutes with it big time.
Why can’t Ol Al fly first class like the rest of us? It’s beneath him.
Per you liberals, Al Gore is perhaps the greatest scientific mind we have available to address this “serious problem”. Don’t ask me, you can see the people fawning all over him. Of course his movie was peer reviewed. Oh yeah I was the first who posted the Judge in England. That didn’t sit too well with the HA lefties.
I hereby move that we continue to encourage his global warming research by launching AL Gore into the troposphere and then rocket boost him to the sun. He can verify what makes the earth warm than way.
Didn’t Gore admit Global Warming has no effect on the wind?
Oh and those “carbon” credits? Another big scam. Who is planting the foliage for him?
Why didn’t Ol Al complain about the Southern California wild fires? Think of all the carbon released? All the particulate pollution released? All the hot air from the planes and helicopters fighting the fires. Oh…. that was for a good cause!
Pelletizer (TM) @51: Your faux jedi lawyering mind tricks only work on the malleable minds of HA lefties. Changing the argument to “he owns a Gulfstream” is the canard you lefties try and pin on us. It doesn’t work on us whom think right.
Good try for an ol retired lawyer “rabbit”.
Okay everyone: Al Gore help something on the Internet. What it was I’m not sure. I was using Arpanet in college as we played games with CMU over the ‘net and this was BEFORE Al Gore made it to Congress in 1977.
If global warming is so important, why isn’t Scary Harry Land Deal Reid beinging it up for a Senate Ratification?
Golly the ‘Bat’s run the farm now so it should be an easy vote!
Puddybud @85,
So you were using Arpanet in college. By law that was restricted to non commercial usage. It was Gore’s bill that passed in 1991 that opened up commercial development.
Oh, and LoserRob, any intelligent inspection of the link would have shown what was wrong. The fact that you couldn’t spot that simply shows how far up your ass your head is.
Why haven’t we heard you dumb ass donks screaming about global warming??? Oh, that’s right, it is almost winter.
Global warming can be summed up like this.
If we are wrong and we spend the money to “fix” the problem that turns out not to exist, we’ll be out some money but we’ll have a cleaner planet to live on.
If you are wrong and we don’t spend the money, we could be facing a mass extinction event where our own survival will be at risk. Of course then money won’t be an issue.
That is wierd. I feel the same way about Iran. Go figure. Of course I think Iran is way more urgent.
Of course we know the case for Iran is based on lies and obfuscation. The case for Climate Change has even reached the point where the Bush administration acknowledges it.
When Al Gore grabs a coach seat on a 737 instead of his Private Gastric Carbon sucking Old Fashion Gulf stream Jet Limo, then please please approach me on my use of a simple Ford SUV. It is a fart in the wind compared to driving a private Gulf Stream Jet.
Until Then, he is the real Carbon Sucking cause of global warming Joker, with by the way three or four Gigantic Carbon sucking homes, and is still telling us what we are doing to the environment.
He has found nothing but a large money pit that he lavishes in while buying carbon credits to heat his fat ass lavish life style.
Sorry, I ain’t buyin his BS, and I’ll drive my damn Ford SUV till the wheels fall off, or until Al Gore Leads by example. Which by the way tells me I will have hundreds of thousands of miles on my SUV before Al ever gets a clue.
Amazing how many on the right hate the messenger so they ignore the message.
If Senator Clinton proclaimed the sun rises in the east, MTR and others would deny it.
Can you share your sources of information on Al Gore and global warming that make you feel so comfortable in your opinion?
If you are wrong about global warming, extinction is a possibility. For all of us.
By the way, Gore took the train from the Oslo Airport when he got there. Interesting, not sure if it is Electric or Diesel that they have there.
Overhead Wire got the link showing him getting on the train from the Huffington Post. Now why doesn’t Gore take Amtrak on his travels? Well, thanks to Clinton and Carter, there are not that many choices for him. Say was he in Congress when the Floridian, the Chicago-Miami(and only Amtrak Train running through Nashville), was cut? That was in 1979. How ironic, that Nashville’s Music City Star, their new and marginally used(but cheap to build) commuter rail line, uses used Amtrak Locomotives.
K – How did you ever graduate from college? Drink the liberal mantra all the time 24/7?
Those on the IPCC, are they all scientists or are they appointees who are there for their government’s political agendas?
Why are we going to kill our industries while others are not doing much if anything?
Why did all those European countries sign the Kyoto Protocol and continually miss their allotments?
They missed it in 2003
They missed it in 2004
They missed it in 2005
They missed it in 2006
“For all their rhetoric, the European nations are well off track of Kyoto’s requirement that emissions be 8-percent below 1990 levels starting in 2008. Official European emissions data shows that nearly every one of these countries has higher carbon-dioxide emissions today than when the treaty was signed in 1997, and the emissions increases show no signs of leveling off. The same is true of Canada, Japan, and other major non-European signatories. In fact, most of these countries are seeing their emissions rising faster than those in the U.S.”
Fair use claws and copyleft: http://www.heritage.org/Press/.....92707d.cfm
How about China and India saying they don’t care? Ever notice the jet stream? Where does India and China pollution go?
“Hands down, coal is by far the dirtiest pollutant,” said Dan Jaffe, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington who has detected pollutants from Asia at monitoring sites on Mount Bachelor in Oregon and Cheeka Peak in Washington state.”
K – Still stupid and 100% idiot. Owner of an idiot and stupid gene.
GS: According to K, it’s okay for Al Gore, Robert Kennedy Jr, and enviro-whackjobs to do as they say! They are “looking” out for us.
Follow my link, Bud? It is a US Gov’t site. If they are following their government’s political agenda, they were appointed by GWB.
And I do believe Kyoto is flawed, and I probably know more about it and the developing markets on emission credits than you.
But that is not a basis for denying there is a basis for concerns about climate change. It is a reason to seek a better meand to address it.
I know GWB acknowledged some climate change.
So what you know more? You posts are so slanted that I forced you to admit Kyoto has issues.
So why did Bush remove us from Kyoto?
And K: You don’t address the penalization of our industries while the Europeans are not penalizing theirs. They haven’t met their targets in years!!!!
You’ve been attacking the messengers. It may be fun for you but does not add any meat to the discussion.
Do you know of any peer reviewed studies published in any scientific journals that refute global warming?
I know Exon/Mobil has “sponsored” some studies but I don’t think they were ever considered good enough science to be published in a peer reviewed journal.
You did not force me to do a thing. I am open to honest discussion, unlike you. I can advocate for a position recognizing that there is room to improve.
Bush did not remove us from the Kyoto treaty. It was not adopted.
At least some industries in India see opportunity in reducing carbon emissions in order to sell credits.
Mind you, I am extremely skeptical of this approach, but the world is a much more complex place than our friend Bud admits.
Your argument @9 is like this:
Sure I see the bus blocking the freeway ahead of us. But the guys in the car next to me aren’t stopping either. So why should I?
Ekim: Nope
I stated my position before. Try again.
K@15: I call BULLSHITTIUM on post #15. You didn’t state this position ever before on HorsesASS regarding Kyoto. You have been one of the biggest cheerleaders for local stifling of US Industries. For you to say “I am open to honest discussion” is the biggest hunk of bunkum I have read today.
I have stated my position on Kyoto before.
Ekim asked me: “Ekim says: “Do you know of any peer reviewed studies published in any scientific journals that refute global warming?”
I placed at least 6 stories of rejection from the UK climate prof to the Canadian council to the founder of Weather Channel on this blog with multiple references.
What did your friends here say? Nuthin of much importance.
Call what you like. I know who I am, and I have a pretty good idea who you are, as well.
I have consistently advocated for emission reductions, and challenged deniers like you.
You would also deny the direction of sunrise of a poster you designate as liberal indicated it was the east.
So rant away, I’ve got some better things to do.
Final reply at 20- a simple mass balance indicates carbon which has been sequestered for millenia is being released into the atmosphere, altering its composition.
But look west tomorrow for the sun Bud.
And keep waiting.
Ekim, here is one and if you want more I will be glad to oblibe, also there is one on guns you may enjoy.
And K: I know who & what I am, unlike your worthless characterization try.
When have I ever denied Global Warming butthead? I stated Revelation in the Bible refers to global warming, but not for the reasons you and your ilk state. You need to as Rush Limbaugh says: Rewind and replay the tape! Apparently you do possess an idiot gene as you have a very faulty memory.
I called BULLSHITTIUM on post #15 and you can’t debate correctly anymore. I guess I stroked a sore spot calling you out. GOOD!
Rob: I suggest Ekim search the Wipes’ blog for my multiple entries here!
Look every one. K whipping out chemistry on me. You go K.
Simple mass balance from someone simple. Carbon release is more than a simple stoichiometric equation.
K at 22. Could you please explain to me (like I was a five year old) why in Algores film the rise in C02 in the atmosphere followed the rise in temperature in graphs in his own movie? Single syllable words would be appreciated.
Thanks K, I am waiting for your response.
K: The sun rises in the west? Did you tell Pelletizer (TM)?
Hey Lefties: Looks like the Colorado killer was a Christian hater like I surmised early this morning before the early morning righty sites stated anything.
Now where is the compassion from the ASSWipers here?
Oh wait… you all hate Christians, just like Rosie O, the ACLU, and the Air America gang.
So let’s be honest here… were you shocked or did you secretly think only a few were killed, that’s too bad it wasn’t more…
The Gorons don’t like the question about Algores graph. Wonder why that is?
Your first link goes to “The Science and Public Policy Institute”, which is a think tank, not a peer reviewed journal.
Your second link goes to “Firearms refresher course”. This is relevant how?
Please, more references.
“Any good liberal knows that the more prudent course would to grant amnesty to the protesters, enroll them in welfare and food stamp programs, and raise the taxes of U.S. citizens in order to pay for feasting at the public trough by illegal aliens.” – John Lillpop, San Francisco
Ekim: Search this blog and find mine!
“Apparently, Bernie Ward dabbled in Kiddy Porn by securing and distributing said porn from the Internet. The federal government has decided that Mr. Ward has committed a very serious felony and has indicted him. Ward was arraigned in a federal court in San Francisco last week.
Of course, a federal indictment is simply an accusation, and not a conviction. Bernie Ward deserves the presumption of innocence, a fundamental right of all Americans.” – John Lillpop, San Francisco
Hey John, the liberals didn’t use this on their political enemies!
rob in 23,
Ekim in 14 asks for references to peer reviewed articles. The links you post point to are not even close. Do you understand what a peer reviewed article is?
Puddybud @29
I am a Christian. I am also a liberal. I do not wish for anybody to be murdered.
Why do you paint everybody with such a broad paint brush?
Are like Larry Craig and hang out in public restrooms? Are like Mark Foley and like to play with young boys? Should we make such comparisons about you since you are on the right and so are they?
But some here didn’t like it.
Weather Channel founder: Warming ‘greatest scam in history’
Takes aim at Gore, scientists for manipulating data for political, financial gain
Posted: November 8, 2007
4:41 p.m. Eastern
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
John Coleman
Taking aim at Al Gore and other “climate change” activists, the founder of the Weather Channel says the campaign to promote the theory of man-made global warming is “the greatest scam in history.”
John Coleman, now a meteorologist for San Diego TV station KUSI, calls it a “manufactured crisis” by “dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives” who have “manipulated long-term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming.”
Coleman, writing on the website of the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project, alludes to Gore’s award-winning campaign featuring his documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.”
“I say this knowing you probably won’t believe a me, a mere TV weatherman, challenging a Nobel Prize, Academy Award and Emmy Award-winning former vice president of United States,” writes Coleman. “So be it.”
I going with the weatherman on this one. Sorry Al.
Ekim: Because your side paints us with a broad brush.
You can’t make aspersions like that about me because almost everyone knows my gay position!
No I don’t beat my wife, step out on her, beat my kids, etc. the standard Pelletizer (TM) arguments.
Since you claim Christianity, I know you agree with me regarding Jesus and the old testament.
Puddybud @33,
Thanks for the offer but no. Your cites are probably no better than Rob’s and would be a waste of my time. If your cites are any good then you should have them available.
Gore took the train from the Oslo Airport when he got there.
Whoop de fucking do.
Gore is a money grubbing hypocrite. Even one of the scientists who won the Nobel with him has retracted his support and declined the prize. Gore is the new PT Barnum suckering idiots at every turn. Just yesterday it was reported that “Southern Hemisphere’s ice cover now is at the same level as last June, i.e., a level seen during the last winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Besides, there are two more millions square kilometers of ice now compared to December 2006.”
Gore has proven himself to be one thing: a fat ugly but prodigious scam artist adept at living the good life while making fools like you feel guilty.
assholes all
Um… No Ekim, my sites were attacked vehemently by the really whack-job Moonbat!s here, so I know they hit a nerve.
RE: 35. Yes I do, I am looking for them now. I don’t save them because the climate has stabilized since 1998 and I didn’t believe we would be having this argument now. I see there are still a lot of Gorons out there though so I am searching the internets to give you the links.
I did miss K’s response to my statement that Algores Graph shows temperature preceding the rise is CO2. Funny how you libs disappear when you are challenged
Puddybud @39,
I do not know your gay position so I guess I’m one of the exceptions and thus allowed to make such aspersions.
And I do not know what you think about Jesus and the old testament so I can not with good conscience or honesty say I agree or disagree with you.
Did you know Global Warming are affecting circumcisions in Africa?
But look west tomorrow for the sun Bud.
And keep waiting.
I wonder which will come first, the sun or those six huricanes you lefties promised back in 2006. hehehehe
Ekim are you new here?
I have stated my positions many times here. You need to search the site.
#46 That made me laugh!
Oh by the way, was “Inconvenient Truth” peer reviewed before it won the an Oscar and the Nobel Peace Prize?
I think not! go figure. In fact it was found to have 32 errors and banned by a judge in the UK to be shown without a warning that it is political and contains untruths!
Of course Algore did invent the internets.
@3 The difference is that global warming is supported by most of the world’s qualified scientists whereas your ideas about Iran are supported by 1 dumb dog. Not even the Busheviks’ own intelligence estimate supports you.
@5 Al Gore doesn’t own a Gulfstream or any other private jet. Another Lying WingNut (TM) Goes Down In Flames. Thanks for playing. Next …
I am going to bed rob.
I will dream about you and your evasion.
Movies aren’t peer reviewed by journals (that I know of).
I think the quote went something like “I supported the internet”. Please correct me if I am wrong. I have forgotten the details.
@49 “Of course Algore did invent the internets.”
Oh, yes, this same drivel. Stop channeling Ann Coulter. Gore said he took the lead in creating the Internet, not inventing it. That was Coulter’s spin on it.
And the scientists who DID invent it said that, yes, in fact Al Gore DID take the lead in creating the Internet through Congressional funding to expand it from ARPANet to the publicly-available Internet.
Of course we shoudn’t diminish Algores film winning a Oscar because of “Broke Back Mountain” and “It’s hard out there to be a pimp” also won Oscars. Algore should be as proud to be in their company as he is to be in the company of YASSER ARAFAT who also like Algore won the peace prize.
Rob @49,
Sorry, The judge found 9 errors, not 32 as you claim. And as the plaintif says: “I am elated with today’s result, but still disappointed that the film is able to be shown in schools.”
I would like to see the “guidance” referred to in this article though and compare it to the film.
RE: 53. Could you name those scientists for me? No you can’t liberals think if they say scientist said it you won’t challenge them. Name one ?
Re: 55. It is able to be shown with a warning that it is political and contains untruths. Without that warning it can’t be shown. It’s kinda like cigarettes.
Also, I already sent you a link with 32 errors. You are saying because in your opinion the judge only found NINE ERRORS that it is ok? You liberals don’t care to much about facts do you?
I am dumbfounded that Ekim defends a movie that a judge ( in ekims opinion) only found nine errors. The movie went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. No wonder Arrafat wone it.
I am stil waiting to here about the scientist that claim algore initaited, invented whatever the interwebs?
I guess that was another liberal lie.
Have a nice day.
So far not one decent peer reviewed study against global warming.
So here is one about global warming:
RE: 53. Palerider, ( is that a gay name?) do you have a slow computer, interweb connection or are you a liar? I asked you prove what you said. Is that to hard for you?
Re: 61. walk outside your mom’s basement and tell me about how warm you are.
@56 and 60 Typical right-wing idiots. I have better things to do all evening than sit here and try to educate you dips on reality.
From Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf (and if you don’t know who they are, then you shouldn’t even be in this conversation).
“Al Gore’s support of the Internet, by V.Cerf and B.Kahn”
@62 Your desperation is showing. Go crawl back under your rock.
You sound like you need the services of a neuroproctologist.
Rob @ 59,
Sorry, the film won a variety of awards, but not the Nobel Peace Prize. It was Al gore who won which he shared with the IPCC.
That the film has 9 factual errors in it does not mean the film is without merit. You might actually comprehend that the film is indeed being shown in British public schools.
I recommend this time you actually read the article this time.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_ news/education/7037671.stm
Roger Rabbit says:
@5 Al Gore doesn’t own a Gulfstream or any other private jet. Another Lying WingNut ™ Goes Down In Flames. Thanks for playing. Next …
12/10/2007 at 9:53 pm
Who said he owned one???? He sure flies in one. He should be taking a train or better yet go on horseback. Man you lefties even lie about Gore’s hypocrisy. Geeeesh.
Re: 64? “Ooops the page you requested no longer exists”
“Al Gore’s support of the Internet, by V.Cerf and B.Kahn”
I guess it no longer exists because it whas fake?
Hmmm, who shoudn’t be in this conversation asshole?
Ekim, I would suggest that if a film has a warning like cigarettes it is not a triumph for leftist nuts like yourself. Now for you next idiotic phrase that Algore won the Peace Prize not his movie. Why did he win it again?
Pale rider. What happened to your fake page? Want to try again loser?
Rob @ 60,
The scientist was “UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of the ARPANET”.
Read the article before you spout more disinformation.
Re: 72. I just read it and it says that George Bush created the interwebs by signing the legislation. So I guess George Herber Walker Bush invented the interwebs?
Rob @70,
This is a rational response on your part?
BTW, I’m still waiting for any cites you may have on peer reviewed papers supporting your views. Apparently you have none.
do you have anything else? It looks like it was a George Bush creation. He signed Algore was a mere participant because he was never anyone in power in the USA
Rob @ 73,
Yes, George H W Bush did play a role by signing the legislation though he did not much to do with the drafting of it.
BTW, It is nice to see that you are actually reading the references now even if you are distorting what you read.
Truly amazing!
Re 76, without George Bush there would have been no legislation. Got that ?
I am stil wondering why Algore and the Gorons won an Oscar and a peace prize with a film that needs a warning on it before it is shown to children?
Rob @ 75,
Please note the references to “Kleinrock”, “then-Senator Al Gore”, and “Gore Bill or the High Performance Computing Act of 1991” in the following quote.
In 1988, Kleinrock chaired a group which presented the report “Toward a National Research Network to congress” [2]. This report was highly influential upon then-Senator Al Gore who used it to develop the Gore Bill or the High Performance Computing Act of 1991 [3], which was influential in the development of the Internet as it is known today. [4]. In particular, it led indirectly to the development of the 1993 web browser MOSAIC, which was created at National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NSCA) which was funded by the High-Performance Computing and Communications Initiative, a program created by the High Performance Computing Act of 1991.
End quote
I can only conclude Ron is an irrational idiot.
Pelletizer (TM) @51: Who said Al Gore owns a Gulfstream? He uses one to travel all over making his speeches and he pollutes with it big time.
Why can’t Ol Al fly first class like the rest of us? It’s beneath him.
Per you liberals, Al Gore is perhaps the greatest scientific mind we have available to address this “serious problem”. Don’t ask me, you can see the people fawning all over him. Of course his movie was peer reviewed. Oh yeah I was the first who posted the Judge in England. That didn’t sit too well with the HA lefties.
I hereby move that we continue to encourage his global warming research by launching AL Gore into the troposphere and then rocket boost him to the sun. He can verify what makes the earth warm than way.
Didn’t Gore admit Global Warming has no effect on the wind?
Oh and those “carbon” credits? Another big scam. Who is planting the foliage for him?
Why didn’t Ol Al complain about the Southern California wild fires? Think of all the carbon released? All the particulate pollution released? All the hot air from the planes and helicopters fighting the fires. Oh…. that was for a good cause!
Pelletizer (TM) @51: Your faux jedi lawyering mind tricks only work on the malleable minds of HA lefties. Changing the argument to “he owns a Gulfstream” is the canard you lefties try and pin on us. It doesn’t work on us whom think right.
Good try for an ol retired lawyer “rabbit”.
Okay everyone: Al Gore help something on the Internet. What it was I’m not sure. I was using Arpanet in college as we played games with CMU over the ‘net and this was BEFORE Al Gore made it to Congress in 1977.
If global warming is so important, why isn’t Scary Harry Land Deal Reid beinging it up for a Senate Ratification?
Golly the ‘Bat’s run the farm now so it should be an easy vote!
Puddybud @85,
So you were using Arpanet in college. By law that was restricted to non commercial usage. It was Gore’s bill that passed in 1991 that opened up commercial development.
Apparently it’s something about the way HA handles links. Let’s try this:
Oh, and LoserRob, any intelligent inspection of the link would have shown what was wrong. The fact that you couldn’t spot that simply shows how far up your ass your head is.