In case you haven’t heard, SOPA and PIPA are dead:
SOPA sponsor Lamar Smith, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said his committee won’t take up the bill as planned next month — and that he’d have to “wait until there is wider agreement on a solution” before moving forward.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, meanwhile, said he was calling off a cloture vote on PIPA he’d scheduled for Tuesday.
…or at least delayed:
Reid tried to put on a brave face, saying in a statement that he was optimistic that progress could be made in the coming weeks.
Memo to Harry Reid:
What the fuck?!?
We’ve got to be vigilent about corporate attempts to “harness” the internet. They will complain about the need to protect their copyrights, protect children from sex trafficing, discourage libel, etc.
But the larger agenda is to do is to make it so that only the largest corporations can jump through the hurdles necessary to establish and maintain websites; user comments are prohibited as being “potentially libelous”, etc. Once the flow of information is restricted, then we will get only corporate-friendly pablum dished out to us to service the corporate need.
Of course, it’s not just about corporate profits. When you realize that it’s the Mitt Romneys of the world who control the corporations, you realize that they want to make sure they control all aspects of financial and political power in this country.
Reids bought and paid for by the old economy corporate elite, what do you expect?
Things like that are why none of my friends back in Nevada would’ve been all that broken up if Reid hadn’t been reelected. Reid is basically a Corporatist DINO, aka Romney-lite.
The biggest problem is most of the politicians that wield the power are illiterate to technology. Ted Stevens made it so clear with his “series of tubes” statement.