Anna Minard, writing at The Stranger, has words for Sen. Rodney Tom (D R–WA-48):
So I’d just like to say this, and get it out of my system, so I can stop saying your fuckstick name over and over again: FUCK YOU, RODNEY TOM.
I am a resident of the 48th. In 2006, I worked hard to help the recently converted Democrat defeat incumbent Sen. Luke Esser (R).
Nobody that I have supported and voted for has ever left me feeling so betrayed. Ever.
And read the rest of Ms. Minard’s measured essay here.
What’s better than her essay are some of the comments that follow it.
The WA ‘Top Two’ primary system will make it significantly more difficult to bounce him.
@2 What does Dino Rossi have to do with this?
@3 – Exactly! This blog is starting to sound like Dino, whining for months about something that is over and done with. Man up, people.
re 4 — Why don’t you brain up, Nimrod?
Give it a rest@4
“This blog is starting to sound like Dino, whining for months about something that is over and done with. Man up, people.”
Last I checked, Tom was STILL my state Senator. Last I checked Tom STILL was putting Republicans in charge against the will of the voters. Last I checked, Tom was STILL thwarting the bills that he pretends to support.
So…nice try, asshole, but it ain’t over.
Oh, that, and I write about whatever the fuck I want to write about. If you don’t like it, why are you reading it, dumbass?!?
I dunno what the folks in Medina wanted, but what they got is one pigfucker in place of another
May I suggest …
You get what you pay for.
Tom is what happens when the political activists forget the adage … all politics is local!
If Darryl and other “progressives” in his (wealthy, corporate) LD want to do something they ought to get behind a candidate who can get things done.
The same situation is brewing in Seattle. I attended Jimmy McD’s annual diversity festival … a potato feed in honor of St. patty. Diversity???? The only group with much to show were Indian Americans who seem to be grateful for Jim’s support for America’s habit of exporting Seattle jobs to Hyderabad.
OK .. I may be exaggerating but do progressives think McD’s focus on trade with India is a way to pass thus swat on to a progressive?
Whoever set this up is blissfully unaware that Jim has been redistricted into an up scale yuppie district …. easy picking for a corporate R or D with $$$$$.
Jim is gonna go … sooner or later … and there is no evidence that the Progressive community is doing anything to replace him.
Just imagine a Rodney Tom taking McD’s swat in 2016!
SJ @ 8,
I don’t follow you at all. It seems that your desire to express your dislike for Rep. McDermott leads you to say nonsensical things.
The McDermott situation is nothing at all like the Tom situation. Tom ran as, and was elected as, a Democrat. So the fact that he decided to caucus with Republicans AND turn control of the Senate over to the Republicans, is a blatant betrayal and slap in the face of the folks who elected him.
I strongly suspect that the Democrats, progressives and liberals in the 48th will get behind some other candidate for 2016.
BTW: Tom wouldn’t run against McDermott if he decided to take another shot for Congress. Rather, he would almost certainly have to run against Susan DelBene, since he is in the 1st CD.
Not following me makes the point.
This is very similar t our discussion about Darcy Burner. She was a terrible choice for that District …..
A progressive Dem to replace Tom needs to be Suzanesque .. corporate.
If you folks do not want Tom 0r a Rep, you need to field a better candidate who can run in that wealthy district.
As for McD … if the reps try, they can beat him.
“Not following me makes the point.
This is very similar t our discussion about Darcy Burner. She was a terrible choice for that District …..”
Yes…and again, I’ll assert that you’re dead wrong. Burner was outspent by a very wealthy candidate and lost in the primary. Had she won the primary, she unquestionably would have won in the General as well. It wasn’t close. The competition was a nutjob in the general.
“A progressive Dem to replace Tom needs to be Suzanesque .. corporate.”
This is just silly. Do you know who was was just overwhelmingly elected as a Rep in an open seat in the 48th? “…a Rhodes Scholar, a Truman Scholar, and a graduate of Columbia University (Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa), Oxford University, and Yale Law School (where he served as Editor of the Yale Law Journal).” Oh…and an Iranian American.
Huh…sounds a lot more like Obama than a “corporate” type.
Note that I am not claiming that a “progressive corporate” personality couldn’t work. Only that your silly-ass pronouncements about what is needed in the 48th without a clue about the district are pointless and stupid. What the district really needs is someone who caucuses with the party they “preferred” on the ballot.
“If you folks do not want Tom 0r a Rep, you need to field a better candidate who can run in that wealthy district.”
Please just shut the fuck up already. A tiny portion of the district is wealthy. I think you live in the 43rd LD, no? The 48th LD has a higher proportion of traditionally disadvantaged peoples in it than does the 43rd (~13% versus ~12%). The mean income in the 48th is obviously higher that the 43rd, but that is only because a tiny little bit of the district happens to contain the richest person in the world (and a few of his buddies). What that does is make the 48th the district with the highest income disparity in the state (maybe the country). It is not clear that the majority of the people in the 48th are best represented by a “corporate” type.
Note that Tom did not get elected because he was wealthy (and he isn’t really “corporate”). Most people in the 48th don’t really identify with that about him. He got elected because he was a Democrat at a time when the district has swung from R to D. It is even more so now: the 48th was 62% Obama 36% Romney.
On top of that, Tom was able to beat an incumbent Senator because, as a former Rep for the district, he had name recognition. Likewise, his predecessor was not a “corporate” type–he was a lawyer and career politician.
Our other Rep., Ross Hunter, IS a corporate type, and would likely beat Tom. Not because he is “corporate”, but because he is a Democrat, has name recognition and is well liked (beat his R opponent 69% to 31% in 2012).
Tom won his last election 53% to 47% against an R. Of course the district was much different then.
“As for McD … if the reps try, they can beat him.”
I am frequently amused by how totally illogical you become about politicians you dislike. How the fuck would the Republicans beat a man who just got 80% of the vote in his district in the last election?!?
Hmmm, I kinda thought the words for Rodney Tom would be “Eat shit and die.”