I know I’m a couple of days late on this, but anyone else notice that there were absolutely zero column inches in the Sunday Seattle Times on the failure of the DREAM Act in the US Senate? I mean zilch, bubkes, nada. Not a word.
I’d provide a link, but there’s nothing to link to.
Did you just delete Lee’s open thread that I saw just a few moments ago? I ask because I was going to remark on the freaky teabagger leader who is calling for the Methodist church to be disbanded. I mean, WTF?
It was in the “How Your Member of Congress Voted This Week”:
That’s because the DREAM ACT was so ridiculous even a number of Democrat Senators were strongly against it.
Let’s see if the new House brings it up next year Goldy.
Yawn… Bloomberg’s had a few articles on it, so has the AP feed…
re 3: I don’t think it’s ridiculous. You say you support our troops, but this is evidence that your support is conditional upon place of origen.
@3 Little baby Jesus was an illegal immigrant. It’s now obvious that the pharaoh should have sent his ass back to where he came from, no matter that he would have been killed. Yeah, no Dream Act for the little baby Jesus.
Life’s a bitch, little baby Jesus. Now get the fuck outta here!
Quite a few Republicans/Tea Party types insist that none of the following should ever be citizens of the U.S.:
(a) Anyone who wasn’t born in this country, unless both their parents were citizens.
(b) Anyone who was born in this country, if either or both of their parents were not citizens.
(c) Anyone who was brought into the U.S. as a small child by parents who didn’t have the proper documentation, even if the child didn’t know he/she weren’t citizens, and were never in a positiont to object.
So even if the child behaves themselves, studies hard, goes to college, starts a business, joins the military and serves in a war zone, saves a life, saves hundreds of lives, invents a cure for cancer and the common cold, etc., they can never be good enough to be a citizen.
What I would love to do is see someone inform these anti-immigration types that they are not, after all, citizens, because their parents were not legally in the country after all. Are you sure you were really born in Arkansas???? Our records show that your parents brought you into the country from Canada when you were one year’s old! Turn around with your hands behind your back, you are about to be deported!!!!
I was finally able to cancel the Seattle Times when I got a subscription to the News Tribune. What a piece of shit newspaper. Do you ever notice how the headline writer infuses the article title with all kind of right-wing talking points, which are sometimes directly contradicted by the contents of the article? He knows that stupid Tea-party people can’t read anything more than the headlines anyway.
Anyone remember Goldy telling me I’m ridiculous for asking why he ISN’T talking about certain issues?
Now Goldy is asking why the Times isn’t.
re 11: No. It’s not interesting — because your interest is to obfuscate whereas Goldy’s is to illuminate.