Is anyone going to caucus for president based on The Seattle Times’ endorsement? I don’t think so, and further, I think they realize it. Why else would they open their endorsement (bold mine):
THE 20th, and possibly last, debate among GOP presidential candidates is mercifully over. Washington’s Republican precinct caucuses on Saturday force a choice.
Hmmm. Ah, Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts governor has the most potential in a thin field to represent his party in head-to-head competition with Democratic President Barack Obama.
This is certainly no endorsement of Romney’s candidacy. We share Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna’s obvious ambivalence about making an early commitment.
First off, what does Rob McKenna have to do with anything? Seriously, what? They didn’t even introduce it as anything. They just — what — think everyone who reads their editorials follows Rob McKenna as closely as them? There was no reason to mention him whatever.
Second, congrats for putting some actual snark in the ed page. I mean it when I say it could use more that, even if this time they executed it poorly.
More to the point, I love the phrase “this is certainly no endorsement” in the middle of the endorsement. It’s not like anyone is forcing them to endorse. Literally nobody changed their mind because of what they read in the editorials this morning. Nobody.
“making an early commitment”
If I understand the process the last and final WA Republican with a snowball’s chance in hell of winning a statewide election can make his commitment on time this Saturday.
Where is he registered?
Who is covering his participation?
It’s not like he can hide in a caucus.
They mentioned Rob McKenna because he tells them what to think. Without Robbie, they’re lost, as this editorial shows.
@2 No, they mentioned Rob because they get up every morning asking themselves the question, What Would Rob McKenna Do? And they assume everyone else does, too.
A staggering Mitt Romney falls back on the “civil war” playbook red-meat Republicans love so well — but is shredding his party in the process.
Meanwhile, a Georgetown law student and advocate for women’s health goes on national TV and rips Rush a new one — we all know who the real “slut” and “prostitute” is.