How does the proposed state budget measure up? The Spokesman-Review’s Rich Roesler dives into the details and finds that its 515 pages only comes to about an inch and a quarter. (No word yet on whether that’s printed single or double sided.)
Rich also provides links to highlights and agency details, but as for me, if our legislators can’t be bothered to think creatively in crafting this budget, I can’t be bothered to read it on such a beautiful, sunny day.
How does the old saying go? It’s not how big it is, it’s how big it gets.
judy clibborn wants to splain it to you, goldy, over margaritas.
I’m waiting for the trolls to congratulate Gregoire and the Democratic legislators for passing Dino Rossi’s budget. I believe in giving people the credit they’re due.
I just want to know haw many will die.
@4 All the indigent elderly people on Medicaid who are removed from nursing homes and placed on curbs will die within 24 hours … or 48 hours max.
@5 RR – ha ha more money for my gold-plated hedge fund!
*cackles in that special capitalist pig way*
@6 Why not? Killing helpless old folks to get their gold fillings is what Nazis do best.
While we’re on the subject of investments, I’d like to recommend oilfield services stocks. If you think gasoline prices will stay at $2.25, you’re nuts! Case in point: Oil production in Mexico, one of the U.S.’s most important sources of imported oil, is declining so fast that within 5 years Mexico will be able to meet only its domestic needs and will stop exporting oil altogether. When this recession ends, crude and gasoline prices will blow past previous highs; I predict gasoline will cost $7.50 a gallon in 2013. Plan and invest accordingly.
Looking forward to when you kick too Rodent. Take your OCD with ya.
Unless the hedge-fund is into nursing homes in a big way, then not so good.
I’m starting to wonder if upper-class folks will ever figure out that most of the stocks they own wont do very well if the working class has no money to spend.
We’ve been down this road before, the federal department of justice tends to step in and forces the state to cough up the money to care for the indigent elderly and developmentally disabled folks that would get kicked to the curb.
Why not just fund it to begin with and skip going through the getting your ass handed to you by the DOJ meme yet again?
@9 You’ll be fertilizing lettuce fields before that happens.
Awfully quiet here about the Sharkansky settlement. Just wrote a check for my property taxes. I feel soiled.
@13 The action on that topic is on Stefan’s blog.
Over on Stefan’s sucky little blog, the foamers are ranting about “election fraud” and the like — you know, those people who desperately need to believe, for emotional reasons, that Gregoire is a crook and Dean Logan stole the election for her — as if this settlement somehow proves something beyond the fact that defendants usually prefer to pay a couple hundred G’s of shakedown money than spend several million for litigation expenses.
Well, okay, if they wanna talk about election fraud then I have two subjects I’d like to bring up with them:
1) Republicans illegally disenfranchised tens of thousands of black voters in Florida, and
2) Republicans ran a multimillion-dollar “caging” operation that targeted black military personnel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan for removal from voter rules.
Which, in my opinion, makes Republicans look like racist pigs who steal elections. Yes, if Stefan’s coterie of circle-jerkers want to argue about election fraud, I’ll be delighted to discuss that issue with them. I’m more than willing to support legislation providing for election thieves to be shot,* if they’re prepared to go there.
* Hey, just kidding! Republican humor.
You can’t wave a teabag with one hand and type a comment with the other hand that says it’s okay for Stefan to personally profit at taxpayers’ expense. That just doesn’t wash.
RR – Stefan’s “sucky little blog” gets more traffic then HA.
You wish Rodent. With your O.C.D., senility, and other forms of failing health, you’ll be long gone soon enough. The air will smell better thereafter. I wonder, do they do a three gun salute for the janitorial staff at the courthouse?