The State of Washington needs some pot advice. Specifically, how much marijuana constitutes a 60 day stash for medical use?
Washington’s current law, passed as a voter initiative in 1998, says folks with certain medical conditions may use marijuana to relieve pain and other problems, if their physicians approve.
A problem is that the law says patients may have a 60-day supply of marijuana, but it doesn’t define how much that would be, according to a bulletin from the Washington State Department of Health.
[…]To define the 60-day supply and create the report, health officials are to consider research, the advice of experts, the best practices of other states and input from the public.
Here is how you can contribute:
- Come to one of our four public workshops to be held around the state in mid-September (watch the website for more details).
- E-mail us at
- Post your comment…. [on the web site]
- Send your comments to:
Department of Health
PO Box 47866
Olympia, WA 98504-7866- Fax your comments to (360) 236-4768
But if you do offer your expert opinion, exercise a little discretion in what you reveal about yourself. After all, the federal government still considers it a heinous crime to possess or use pot…even for medical use. It is not clear that the Washington law provides any protection from federal prosecution whatsoever.
Do I sound paranoid? If so, it isn’t for the reason you think (not a user—never have been). The feds have not backed down on prosecution for production or use of marijuana for medical use. Most recently, concerns about federal prosecution of New Mexico state employees is slowing down implementation of that state’s medical marijuana laws:
Gov. Bill Richardson ordered the state Health Department on Friday to resume planning of a medical marijuana program despite the agency’s worries about possible federal prosecution.
However, the governor stopped short of committing to implement a state-licensed production and distribution system for the drug if the potential for federal prosecution remains unchanged.
The department announced earlier this week that it would not implement the law’s provisions for the agency to oversee the production and distribution of marijuana to eligible patients. That decision came after Attorney General Gary King warned that the department and its employees could face federal prosecution for implementing the law, which took effect in July.
So just keep in mind…your emails, faxes and such sent to the State will likely be available as public records….
More information about Washington’s medical marijuana law is available at here.
Update: Lee points out: It’s important to note that the only Democratic candidate who has not publicly stated that he/she will stop using the federal government to interfere with the state medical marijuana laws is Obama. He’s allegedly said it privately to people, but is not on the public record yet.
The bottom line is that if you want to stop the federal government from interfering with our laws, vote for the Democrats (or Ron Paul).
Vote for Ron Paul only if you want to stop the federal government.
“Stop” as in dismantle. He’s way off the scale.
Wehre have all the states-rights Republicans disappeared to? Did they get Raptured? Now that Republicans are running the federal government you never hear about “states rights” anymore. Apparently the states don’t have any rights when Republicans are in charge. Fucking hypocrites.
Don’t be beguiled by Ron Paul’s opposition to the Iraq war; that’s merely a byproduct of his isolationist philosophy. This guy is a Troglodyte with a capital T who lives in the 19 century. He wants to replace the income tax with a national sales tax, abolish the Federal Reserve, restore the gold standard, withdraw from the U.N., and supports “voluntary” prayer in public schools. He’s a darling of white supremacist and militia groups.
It doesn’t make shit difference. There no way in hell the party will ever let him get the nomination because he’s not in favor of their treasury raping scheme known as Vietraq.
No, it’ll either be Romney or Thompson. Just what we need – a Mor(m)on or another ham actor for president.
I seem to recall an article in the Seattle Weekly several years back (when the medical marijuana debate was going on) where some legislator or another took the standard prescription of federally approved govt. weed (conspiracy theories to the contrary, it’s apparently pretty low-grade stuff), extrapolated a 60-day supply from this, and appeared on the floor of the legislature in possession of two pounds of hydroponic-grown one-toke Northwest Wonder Weed or some similarly silly quantity like that.
I read the story, smiled, and thought it was a ballsy demonstration. I was then forced to ask myself:
Where would a state legislator come up with that much high-grade ganja on short notice?
The “Federal Government” isn’t causing the problem.
It’s the Goddam Republicans who are in charge of it.
I’ll tell you right now, to bring me my 60-day supply they’d need one big-ass truck…
Darryl said:
“The bottom line is that if you want to stop the federal government from interfering with our laws, vote for the Democrats (or Ron Paul).”
I like the “(or Ron Paul)” choice.
How does one pound sound as a good estimate for a sixty-day supply?
On a lighter note, Leona Helmsley died today. She was labeled the “queen of mean” by her employees, both domestic servants and corporate execs.
I find it interesting you chose to use the word “stash”, instead of “supply”.
jsa on commercial drive @ 6,
“Where would a state legislator come up with that much high-grade ganja on short notice?”
The legislator probably borrowed it from Stephen Roach, of course.
Dammit, why did it take me longer than 10 seconds to think of that?
@9 “I like the ‘(or Ron Paul)’ choice.”
Yeah, you would — he’s the next best thing to an anarchist.
Where is that pathetic little worthless hunk of shit GBS?
Just out of idle curiosity, Roger, who do you like for Prez in ’08?
Rodent can’t give an opinion on that-all he does is GOP and Republican bash. He is not capable of forming a proper opinion on important matters like these-that’s best left to people not sucking off gov’t cheese tax dollars with an once of sanity. But, that said, RR being the weakling he is would most likely love Queen Hillary. Typical that.
I must say that it is entertaining to watch Rodent have his little delusional tantrums though; I’ll bet he was a real wannabee ladies man back in the day too. (Next to his D & D board that is.) Let’s hear it RR!
You can bash Recraplicans all you want over this, but I have to put up this ironic little factoid:
More marijuana users were arrested and incarcerated during the administration of the first President to admit having used it, than during any administration before.
While Clinton probably had very little to do with that, and the final numbers for the Bush Crime Family won’t be available for 2 years, you have to admit that it’s a little ironic.
Wonder what the numbers will be for the amonut of cocaine users arrested and incarcerated during the Bush Imperial Reign……….
More of RayGun’s bullshit legacy.
in the 70’s when I was in high school, i’d bet that over 1/2 of the 1500 kids in my high school had got high more than once.
(notice to you fascist dea fucks – i didn’t inhale since about 1981 …)
compared to today’s weed was … 40 bucks an ounce? it wasn’t this 1 hit knock you down stuff, but … doesn’t that stuff cost a lot more than 40 these days? like 200 for 1/8 … or WTF it is, it is a LOT more expensive.
and how did that happen?
cuz of fuck nut’s war on drugs / create a police state
people started getting all kinds of crazy felony time for pot!
then, of course oh numerically challenged hypocrite moron fascists … price goes up, crime goes up.
I mention this cuz the drinking age was 18 when I graduated high school, and drinking was MUCH MUCH crazier than the pot head scene – at the big parties all the stoners would be listening to steely dan zombied out, and the drinkers would be climbing trees / getting in fights.
Beer and booze were THE gateway drugs then, and probably still are.
yet another reason why I despise the fascists.
Doesn’t anybody care that I’m getting MARRIED?? Don’t you care that I won’t be dropping in to fuck you??
Well, not as often, anyway.