Then again, Jon, sexist or not, she did pose for the photo. And even if it was originally intended to grace the cover of Runners World, she had to understand that the shot was more likely to inspire lewd MILF comments than the kinda gravitas we’ve come to expect from presidential aspirants.
I’m not defending Newsweek’s judgement. But I’m sure as hell not defending Sarah Palin’s either.
But what I find really inexcusable about the cover is the headline. I mean, honestly, how do you get from “Maria” to “Sarah” to make that pun work? Yeah, sure, both names end in the “ah” sound, but the accent in both is on the second to last syllable. Not only don’t the words rhyme, they don’t even share the same meter, making it impossible to sing the lyric as written.
That’s just plain lazy.
Waaaaa! Waaaaa! Waaaaaa!
If it talks like a slut, walks like slut, dresses like a slut, and does the *wink* *wink* like a slut it must be Sarah Palin.
Jeeeez, all that fancy pagent walkin’ and winking sure caused a lot of Republican TV screens to be coated with semen.
You’re correct on both counts; the other question I want to know is why is Newsweak giving her more ammunition? It’s almost as though she deliberately participated in this stunt just so she could claim victimhood again.
Not in a million years, not if she were the last mutha’ on earth, not with my or anyone I care about’s dick, …
She is totally slut-tastic, trailer-trash!
More importantly, she is EVIL slut-tastic, trailer trash.
Fuck Sarah Palin? No way, man!
Who cares if it’s sexist. I wonder whether Sarah Palin really hates the American flag as much as this picture demonstrates.
Normally, I say “God bless sluts.” I won’t say that about this one, however.
# 4: You’ve got a point. Can you imagine the wingnut “outrage” if someone took a photo of Obama treating the flag like that?
Semen? Republicans’ Semen??????? Semen from Republicans???? You must be joking!
Too bad for you guys, but all the good looking women are GOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
As for # 3, I really have to agree, I never really saw her as being attractive. Maybe it’s because I’m attracted to smart women.
When I first saw the video of her doing the swimsuit walk for the Miss Alaska competition, all I could think of was “Is THIS the best they could come up with in Alaska???? And she was the RUNNER UP??????” I’m sure there were more attractive women in Alaska, I’m just at a loss to figure out how she ended up second in that contest.
Heck, we could hold a beauty contest of women in my office building, and Palin wouldn’t even win third place for HER FLOOR.
MILF? hardly…
EVIL? nah…
Stupid? yep.
She’s bad news for the GOP?
Or is she bad news for Libtardos who are worried about Peeps listening to her populist message? How about the dropping poll numbers among independents over Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his handling of
The Economy
Job Creation
Porkulus Lies
Afghanistan Dithering
Ft Hood Terraism Attack
China Asking Obama about Health Care Costs
Obama and Climate Change
etc. etc. etc.
@11 “Populist”? Hardly…unless the population you’re referring to consists of robber baron bankers, beltway bandits and their trophy wives and spoiled kids.
Not anymore, she’d be a GILF.
@8 Mrs. Rabbit doesn’t think so.
She’s bad news for the GOP?
Or is she bad news for Libtardos who are worried about Peeps listening to her populist message? How about the dropping poll numbers among independents over Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his handling of
The Economy
Job Creation
Porkulus Lies
Afghanistan Dithering
Ft Hood Terraism Attack
China Asking Obama about Health Care Costs
Obama and Climate Change
etc. etc. etc.
Um, no. She’s bad news for the GOP. A solid 60% of the country disapprove of her. It’s not that those people just aren’t getting her message. They get her message, and if she’s on the ballot in 2012, they’ll show up to make sure she doesn’t get to the White House.
In all of my years following politics, I’ve rarely seen a politician who rallies the base of the opposing party as much as Palin. Cheney is maybe the only one I can think of right now.
@11 Impressive list of GOP failures there, puddle, although hardly comprehensive.
11m 15 — Palin is bad news for the country. Because she doesn’t know anything, is stirring up people who don’t know anything, and further disrupting an already badly disrupted nation is the most she and they can realistically aspire to, given their numerous limitations.
Wow, your ideological blinders even block your view of liberal women. I pity the narrow little glimpse of life that your wingnuttia permits you.
@13 You mean an EGILF, don’t you?
“In a national poll conducted by Rasmussen on November 13 and 14, 2009 among 1000 likely voters, Sarah Palin is now polling higher in approval than Barack Obama.
In their latest poll, Rasmussen finds that 51 percent have a favorable view of Sarah Palin while 43 percent have an unfavorable view.”
As Puddy sez, it’s how your side creates the questions.
National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted November 13-14, 2009
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed news reports about Sarah Palin’s new book?
16% Very closely
28% Somewhat closely
31% Not very closely
24% Not at all
1% Not sure
2* Do you plan to read Sarah Palin’s new book?
20% Yes
61% No
19% Not sure
3* Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Sarah Palin?
21% Very favorable
30% Somewhat favorable
14% Somewhat unfavorable
29% Very unfavorable
5% Not sure
4* Is Sarah Palin a divisive force in the Republican Party, or is she representative of a new direction for the party?
26% She is a divisive force in the Republican Party
41% She is representative of a new direction for the Republican Party
33% Not sure
5* Does Sarah Palin share the values of most Republican voters throughout the nation?
41% Yes
30% No
29% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence
Roger Dumb Bunny… Been playing the useless tool again…
It’s Obama’s Economy Now… Results 1 – 10 of about 60,200,000 for it’s Obama’s economy now. (0.29 seconds)
@21 It’s our economy, sweetheart. Yours, mine and everybody else’s. The further it goes in the tank, the more everyone suffers. Oh, yeah…except those few who are in a position to profit from the misfortune of many. And more and more folks are finding it more and more difficult to make believe that they’re part of those few, or ever will be.
It’s sad to observe Puddy hoping that our nation’s economy, already on the brink of ruin because of Bush, hoping for an economic decline so that his political interests might be furthered. Puddy, you are one unpatriotic bastard. We don’t have any room for a worsening of economic indicators anymore. Bush took that from us. And, I could give a rat’s ass who Americans blame our current economic condition on–only those who haven’t a clue about economics blame this on Obama. You are pathetic, Puddy, you really are.
@15 In all of my years following politics
What, 30 total years or so if we count the first 10 years of your life?
Wait a minute ArtFart… Wanna go back and see the HA Libtardo recent comments about it being Bush’s economy ArtFart? Where was that “hoarse voice” then?
Okay ArtFart, knowing how dumb you play on HA
Hey Stupes – you gotta love that Miniter, playing the “victim” of the evil Reverend Moon.
Waaaaahhhhh… Waaaaaahhhhhh….
But man did that Miniter write pot-boilers about that war on terra!
You and your whacked out paranoid crowd snapped ’em up like hotcakes!
So freaking funny!
It’s sad when proud leftist sticks his thumb up his arschloch and starts acting like ylb arschloch…
Stating to America for political points “it is the worse economy since the great depression…”
Feeding the Libtardo MSM talking points on how “it is the worse economy since the great depression…”
Telling the world my economists suck because we didn’t realize how bad it really is, when you told the world “it’s the worse economy since the great depression…”
Telling the world we need to pass Porkulus because unemployment will go higher if they don’t “it’s the worse economy since the great depression…”
Nice visceral commentary by Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm coming back to haunt him proud leftist.
Did you get your H1N1 shot yet proud leftist? Why aren’t you commenting on that failure? If it was GWB you’d be screaming for a golden goat award.
Ahhh rerun AKA ylb arschloch is back@26 as a broken record.
Keep trying to get peeps react to you ylb arschloch.
Nothing new in the last four posts from ylb arschloch. Move along Danno.
This search brings up a little over 10,000 hits.
Of local interest to be sure.
28 – LMAO!!!! Miniter is attacking the right wing press with his lawsuit!
What kind of a right wing scribe does that?
You’d think Miniter is an agent now of the evil emmessemmm – ooohhh scary!
It’s freaking hilarious. You brought Miniter’s bullshit here many times – NOW he’s eating his own!
I can’t stop laughing!
Surprised proud leftist? Puddy believes a better educated populace is the way to go. Unfortunately putting that control in the NEA’s hands is a recipe for failure proud leftist.
Fool@30 see #28.
32 – LOL! The right wing ponzi scheme is melting down!
Break out the popcorn! Loads of fun!
At YOUR expense FOOL!!!! No one more deserving than you fiend.
You brought Miniter’s bullshit here!
Hey fool – I just had a thought – maybe you can work in a conspiracy theory about the left wing Satan for your silly crowd:
S O R O S !!!!!!!
LOL! Yeah, that’s it – Miniter’s working for him now!
Idiot@33, see #28
It is the worst economy since the Great Depression. That is a simple economic fact. You, nonetheless, hope the economy worsens because you think that would be good for Republicans. Tell me, do you think wishing for human suffering is an ideal Christ would promote?
With regard to the swine flu shot, that is hardly a failure of government. Indeed, that there is a vaccination out at all is a triumph of government. Scientists have said the H1N1 bug doesn’t mutate as fast as other flu bugs, and that is the cause of the delay. Yet, you want to blame the speed of a flu bug on Obama. You are a special case. And, by the way, I never intended to get a shot as I am not among those at greatest risk. You, however, probably have sought one out despite also being among those not at greatest risk. Wingnuts are generally pretty selfish.
Typical poll-skimming, Puddy. You must be taking lessons from Cynical.
As our very own Darryl reported earlier today, your GOP pollster comes up with very, very, very different results from those obtained separately by CNN, ABC/Washington Post, and CBS. Those three nonpartisan polls all demonstrate the American public’s general distaste and disdain for Ms. Palin.
But go ahead and keep on believing that she’s the answer to your prayers. We’ll keep on laughing and laughing and laughing at you and your delusions.
Ahhh nope you dope. Puddy has too much tied up in the stock market for it to collapse. Butt when you viscerally attack for political gain and your promise the world my plan will work and it fails it’s on Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s head for making the promises.
What? Did you read what the NY Times wrote? It’s the libtardo paper of record.
Yet in October 2004, John Effin Kerry blamed Bush for the “bird flu” vaccine shortage.
Butt, the NY Times doesn’t tell you Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s gang asked for the manufacturers to reformulate the vaccine. Remember the need for two shots vs. now one shot? Remember the Thimerosal controversy. Didn’t Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm first approve then disapprove it over the clamor of Autism? Why didn’t they check that out back in April? It caused the manufacturers to redo it.
Nope you dope. Not at all.
N in Seattle…
With all the negative news Palin from ABC, CBS NBC and CNN commentators or the newscasters what would one expect? And where are the poll setup questions N? Q15? What were the first 14 questions?
Butt, Rasmussen was again the most accurate in the recent governor elections in NJ and VA like he was last fall in 2008 and 2006 and 2004.
CBS Poll She is popular among members of her own political party – 52% of Republicans view the former Alaska governor favorably – but 57% of Democrats have an unfavorable opinion of her.
Total Respondents 873
Total Republicans 238 ——-212 almost 100 less for poll.
Total Democrats 294 ———307 high negatives skew poll
Total Independents 341 ——354
Keep the faith N in Seattle.
This administration has a history of over-promising, under-delivering:
“If you like what you have, you should be able to keep it.” – Obama
“But the truth is that none of the health reform bills making their way through Congress actually delivers on that promise. What the legislation guarantees is that your employer will continue to choose your health insurance plan for you.” – Sen. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon
And then there’s that pesky unemployment rate which has gone far higher than the administration projected it would if their “robust” stimulus program was followed:
U.S. Unemployment Rate Hits 10.2%, Highest in 26 Years
And then there’s this doozy:
“Leading members of Congress from both parties are promising increased scrutiny of the Obama administration’s data on job creation, amid widespread errors in official stimulus data reported by the federal government.”
If this had been the last administration the HA’s bright lights would have been all over it.
N in Seattle,
Where did Puddy claim she is the answer to Puddy’s prayers? Puddy don’t pray to Palin. Puddy prays to God and His Son Jesus! You see the full poll from Rasmussen. Where is the full poll from the other sites cited by Darryl and regurgitated by you?
Oh look the arschloch uses another’s comments vicariously! Of course the arschloch has nothing to add. Where’s that Miniter comment again fool?
This is not sexist.
She posed for the picture. It’s just her in running shorts. There’s been photos of presidents in running shorts before.
Just because she looks better than President’s Bush or Clinton in running shorts does not make it sexist.
Who cares?
Runner’s World EDITOR’S NOTE:
“On the cover of this week’s issue of Newsweek is a photo that was shot for the August 2009 issue of Runner’s World, in which Sarah Palin was featured on the monthly “I’m a Runner” back page. Runner’s World did not provide Newsweek with the image. Instead, it was provided to Newsweek by the photographer’s agent, without Runner’s World’s knowledge or permission.
So easy to find the facts. See ya!
41 – LMAO!!! Your stupid reading comprehension is again exposed as poor to NON-EXISTENT!
N in Seattle NEVER said you prayed to Palin idiot.
He mocked her being the answer to your prayers to the flying spaghetti monster or whoever you freaking worship.
Fiend – get it through your stupid head – shit like THIS is why your side has been losing for YEARS and why you’ll KEEP ON LOSING!
Strange, but I don’t remember this focus on Obama when he was showing his pecs. I mean, he had to have know the paparazzi would be watching.
Your commentary is sexist, Goldy. Leave it to the HA faithful, virtually all male, of course, to latch on to this.
What else would you expect from Evan Thomas who’s grandpa, the 6-time Socialist Party Candidate Norman Thomas who said:
– Norman Thomas
In addition, Thomas provoked controversy by stating that Barack Obama was “sort of God.”
Sort of God???
Newsweek is smut…pure & simple.
Leftist Women would go nuts if Fox did something like this to one of their’s (although most Lefty Woman Political types are like Rachel MadKow (ugly) or Hillary (Cottage Cheese thighs).
Sarah Palin drives the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS absolutely bonkers!
The inference is plain and simple ylb arschloch. Keep being the dumbest brick here!
Goldy’s NorthWest Division Of Lunatic Moonbat Libtardos!
You mean the guy whose bullshit you brought here?
47 – Nope you dope. Your ass was beat so bad as a kid it really screwed with your reading comprehension. It made you dumbass stupid.
You’re practically illiterate. That statement doesn’t mean anywhere close to what you’re claiming.
You are one fucked up fool!
I don’t care for Sarah Palin. I think she came across as a Stepford-like bot. However, I don’t think Newsweek should have used a photo taken for a different magazine and plopped it on the cover.
The media did run the photos of a shirtless Obama while he was on vacation in Hawaii. One could argue that wasn’t appropriate either. But those photos were to highlight that Obama was both intelligent, powerful and fit.
The Newsweek decision is to further cement in peoples’ minds that Palin is a ditzy woman. So yeah, that’s sexist.
Ahhh yes, ylb arschloch, the monomaniacal chronological arschloch can’t refute the historical facts so he makes up stupid commentary. Post the bullshit fool!
Man this ylb arschloch is a real fool.
What is an answer to a prayer fool? Wait a minute… not only are you an arschloch you are also an atheist. What is inferred ylb arschloch? What is Puddy “praying” for?
Don’t worry Puddy knows you are the most stupid of the stupid here!
Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Sarah Palin?
This is a very different question than asking whether or not one would vote for someone for president. I have a favorable impression of lots of people who I also think would be terrible at being President.
Average people generally like Sarah Palin, but they will never vote for her to be President.
That’s why Rasmussen asks the question that way (remember, Rasmussen is a polling firm that tries to support Republican frames). Maybe one day you’ll be smart enough to figure that out.
I’m not betting on it though.
Puddy likes to think that he brings the Pavlovian and yet he’s the one who salivates when a shallow and insipid politician like Palin rings his wingnut bell with a few simple words. Ah, the simplicity of the birther mind – dreams of doom and gloom and praying that all the dark things he imagines comes true so that those he really worships can regain the seat of power. Of course, as a faithful wingnut, he never accepts responsibility for anything bad that happens on the Republican watch. For instance, look at how he blames Clinton for 9/11 and Obama for the current recession. His man Cheney did no wrong. His gal Palin, the vile, vindictive quitter, can do no wrong. I’m not sure if Puddy believes that Jesus ever walked on water, but it’s sure as hell obvious that he believes his wingnut political leaders can.
@8,,,,um,,,,have you ever taken a really good look at Mary Matalin?? Orly Taitz??
@56 He obviously thinks they’re hot.,00.html
The vaccine is produced by private companies. No wonder they are incompetent at their job.
Talk about another stupid one… headless… Why did they have to reformulate after Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples told them what to initially make and the agreed to Thimerosal as the preservative headless? Why was there a “delay” headless? Why did they have to reformulate headless? Search all you want headless… the facts are already out there. The worry was over Thimerosal causing autism in little children when they received the H1N1 vaccine headless. So they had to reformulate headless. What a dunce.
Puddy knows you can’t “follow the dots”. Of course you can look at all the “right-wing” sites and see if this is covered. It’s covered in the libtardo MSM butt they are covereing up for Sebelius and this mess. Butt, Puddy brought this up before. Ask ylb arschloch to produce it. ylb arschloch keeps all the Puddy Missives butt no one asks HA arschloch to produce the facts. Puddy still waiting for the arschloch to tell what Miniter wrote that’s “bullshit” as he called it. Of course since you are a fool like ylb arschloch, Puddy knows you can’t follow the line between the dots headless. Butt keep da faith.
There goes Lee farting out of his mouth again…
Did Palin say she was running? Or as the libtardo MSM likes to do, ginning up an issue before it happens. Have you been reading the real news Lee? Here Lee let Puddy help clear out the cobwebs…
Rasmussen’s question is very legit. It’s based on reality not conjecture. Butt you keep looking at polling sources who frame questions to make an issue out of nothing or frame the poll such they get their result. Ask the HA arschloch to produce the Gallup article Puddy placed here on how one can get the answer they want. Go on Lee grow some cojones. You one of the big HA peeps here. Puddy knows HA’s arschloch, ylb arschloch will gladly do your bidding. Why? You’s a libtardo like ylb arschloch. He would be honored to do thy bidding Lee. Go on Lee ask ylb arschloch for the Gallup article.
It’s very enlightening. You see right now ylb arschloch is searching just in case you ask for it so he’ll be in your good graces. After all he is the dumbest brick around.
See ya!
Has anyone else noticed how excited gay men get about Sarah Palin? She seems to rank right up there with Liza, Cher, and Judy in terms of fascination.
Don’t be so hard on her Goldy. She was young and needed the money. Besides, she thought her boyfriend was the only one who would see it.
Puddy has said over and over what Steve’s Stupid Solution does to the femtometer mind. This comment above should finally put to rest the Stupid Solution reality.
Still reading Andrew Sullivan and his fantasies eh Stupid Solution Steve? Also Puddy dares you to contact your cousin in stupidity, ylb arschloch, and provide proof Puddy ever said he believed in the birther movement. Because Steve, everyone knows you and headless head the 9/11 Truther movement on HA Libtardos.
Butt, Puddy has to thank you for destroying ylb arschloch #50 comment.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to it’s deeper Christian ideals of yesteryear.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to when marriage meant a man and a woman went to the altar.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to when a 53% plurality meant the same thing to Libtardos and conservatives. If Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm can win with 52% of the vote, why doesn’t it count when 53% of Americans want marriage to stay as a man and a woman?
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to holding the black civil rights struggle at a higher ideal than some trying to equate it to the gay “needs” struggle.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to people working in stores say Merry Christmas when they check you out in a store.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to where politicians said Merry Christmas at the end of their meetings during the Christmas season.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to when towns called their street ornaments Christmas ornaments.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to seeing young elementary children singing Christmas carols in school assemblies.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to when Boy Scouts were looked up to because they led young boys and young men to seek pure ideals.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to when the Boy Scouts could hold their meetings in schools in the evenings.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to calling it a Christmas Tree instead of a Holiday Tree.
*Yes Puddy would love to see America go back to being able to pray in public and say Jesus in the prayer without the ACLU getting their lace panties all twisted around their Koro diseased scrote.
And the biggest one of them all… Yes Puddy would love to see Black America go back to when the men held black women in high esteem and didn’t call them hoes and bitches and wanna put marks in their belt to seeing how many they could fuck and sire children by. Puddy would would love to see Black American women go back to when black babies were cherished instead of left in a suction tube or on a steel tray, aborted, because there is no regard for black children in our culture today. Puddy would love to see Black America go back to when selling drugs to your peeps wasn’t held as the way to escape poverty. Yep it’s sad today!
So thanks again for providing additional proof he is the dumbest brick on HA.
We saw Star Parker speak last month.
The Libtardo’s try to ignore her because she is Black, Beautiful and climbed out of poverty to seek the American Dream.
She was fantasic.
A True Conservative.
She is a STAR.
The lighting makes this look oddly amateur. And, agreed, I thought Republicans were all about respecting the flag?
This just in—
Associated Press has assigned 11 reporters to fact-check Sarah Palin’s book. Fine.
Except Associated Press assigned ZERO to fact-check Obama’s book.
Pretty telling, huh.
Read about it here:
“Puddy would love to see America go back”
Puddy’s Wayback Machine just might take him back to when Puddy would sit at the back of the bus. Perhaps he’d go even further back to when Puddy would be a slave working in the master’s house.
Christ, you’re one stupid fuck, Puddy.
This is a photo of an ugly woman treating the US flag with complete disrespect. Although the people who posed the picture are also guilty of treating the US flag with disrespect.
Although, the easy way to solve a problem like Sarah Palin is to just stop giving her time.
@66: I’m sure it has nothing to do with Palin’s record of making stuff up.
I take it that Mr. Klynical has passed out already. Either that or he’s out in the barn again.
@70: The shit Klynical’s on makes him drool uncontrollably. He’ll stumble back when he’s emptied his drool cup.
And@70: You may be right about the barn, but note that the goats fuck him. He can’t get it up. See 71.
I don’t know and I don’t care but it’s always fun to imagine.
Palin herself takes Esther from the Bible as a role model. Esther’s beauty and wiles convinced the Persian King Ahasuerus to allow the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies.
Why not pray for something like that? A “queen” who would enable the faithful (conservabots like you) or “Real Americans” (in Sarah’s words) to defend themselves against those you are paranoid about?
God has answered your prayers fool. God has sent you Sarah, the former beauty queen! She obviously is stepping up to plate. She wants power.
No one has said or implied that you pray to Sarah fool. Your reading comprehension is for crap.
Too funny. Another fantasy from Butthead.
@55 “Puddy likes to think that he brings the Pavlovian and yet he’s the one who salivates when…Palin rings his wingnut bell…”
Uhhh…if that’s what you call “salivating”, I suppose when he takes a crap you’ll call it “blowing his nose”.
Why are you people concerned about a lady who ran and lost the race for vice-president last year when you’ve got a total dolt that actually is the vice-president now?
Are you guys afraid of Sarah Palin because she’s not some fen-Nazi bitch yet manages to be powerful and successful without following Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin? I have no dog in the fight ’cause I voted for Ron Paul and didn’t bother to vote for anybody for vice-president, but you guys are looking more and more like scaredy cats than adults.
Heterosexuals are murderers, thieves and rapists. You Bigots….Goldy’s been censoring my comments and blocking me, what happen to freedom of speach?
It is me Gman!!!! God hates Heterosexuals!
Hey she is in a RUNNING SUIT, get it she is running for office, that is how I took it. As to the comment that Republicans are better looking, that has not been my experience at all, I will add Dems make better lovers, they don’t have the hang ups that the republicans have.
Only in your stupid mind Steve.
How is the Frappuccino version of Steve’s Stupid Solution?
Why is Sarah Palin so blatantly disrespecting the American flag???
The flag is NOT displayed properly and she’s leaning on it like it’s some sort of door mat.
Anyone who “claims” to love America, love freedom, and supports the troops would NOT have their picture taken with national ensign so vulgarly mistreated.
Where are the “principled” conservatives on this issue????
If you have a moral principle about something you don’t ignore it when it’s one of your own disrespecting Old Glory!
Puddy @ 63:
I bet you wouldn’t want to see America go back to “original intent” regarding the Constitution would you?
3/5Puddybud wouldn’t want to see that would he?I take it that Mr. 3/5ths wouldn’t mind riding in the back of the bus. And to think I thought he had more pride than that. Oh well, anything for a tax cut, huh, Puddy?
Talk about Psych 101 Projection, Puddy never thought he’d see the day when GBS would stoop down and start drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution Frappuccinos. Well Puddy guesses that day finally arrived.
She posed for that picture and publicised it, so it must be public fodder. How can Palin call her own picture sexist? What a dolt.