Franken’s intellectual power has long been concealed behind his comedic smile.
If he can manage the down and dirty side of politics, he could be a formidable Senator.
Here is a thought, Patty Murry obviously has great d&de skills .. but lacks AF’s brilliance. These two could make a great team!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Once again, Al is the ultimate KLOWN…err KOMIC! It’s all part of the Marxist Agenda. Heck, even the Russians see it. Franken is a komedic sideshow.
Here’s a copy of the recent Pravda article about the disappearance of American capitalism. This is a Russian newspaper writing about what seems obvious to most of the world; yet, this country seems to be blindsided to it. The irony of this article appearing in the English edition of Pravda (Russian State Newspaper) defies description.
And sj—Patty Murray & skills are not synonomous. Yuck.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Darryl enjoys statistics so much, why don’t you post these Darryl??
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. That’s the lowest level of Strong Approval yet measured for this President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
For the first time during Obama’s time in office, the Approval Index has been in negative double digits for seven straight days. Fifty percent (50%) of Democrats Strongly Approve while 66% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove of his performance. Among those not affiliated with either major political party, 18% Strongly Approve and 42% Strongly Disapprove.
This is a direct result of mean-spirited, thin-skinned attacks by Democrats like Franken and the Obama HitSquad. It ain’t workin’ KLOWNS and if these polls are still in this range 9 months from now, all the Franken Komedy in the world isn’t going to save you from a 1994 repeat. Predictions are Unemployment will get even worse, home prices will plunge more because of repo houses dumped on the market, and most importantly…consumers will NOT begin to buy.
The DOW bubble is about to burst…you may get another 500 points or so in the DOW the next 4-5 months but then the poop will hit the fan. And Obama will be blaming Bush.
The American public will be blaming HIM!
Alki Postingsspews:
Just like the sleazy lady in the video, you get caught with your pants down making up things and flat out lying, so you change the subject. Typical. You’re wrong on the bankruptcy issue. Trying to change the subject just proves the point.
Second…you’re still anti-reality, anti-fact, anti-science, the whole nutball wingnut mind set. I’ll try to explain this in TINY words. Obama started with HUGE (unrealistic) poll numbers (just like Bush had after 9/11) because he was going to be all things to all people. Now he’s just looking like another politician. I’m still glad we didn’t elect Sarah Palin. Good GOD! But most of the slip in Obama’s poll ratings (not to get TOO technical) but the biggest is in the Democrats. Groups there are upset he’s not doing enough or fast enough. The gays are upset because he STILL hasn’t ended Don’t Ask Don’t Tell or DOMA. I’m convinced he will, but I think this instant gratification 24/7 new cycle populace IS expecting him to be a god…and fix EVERYTHING in 7 months. He can’t. No on can. That reality is setting in.
Bush and the Republicans had Congress and the White House for 6 years…not 6 months. Where are their reforms? I don’t remember THEIR health care fix? I do remember Bush spending another half trillion to INCREASE our socialized medical component (Medicare) but that’s it. Where was the tort reform…the shrinking government…all of the stuff Republicans talk and talk and talk and talk about? Where was the bill to eliminate the IRS or the Department of Education? What did YOU guys do outside of spending a few trillion we didn’t have and starting an war in Iraq just to get your dicks hard? Nothing.
So 66% of Republicans don’t approve of what Obama is doing? NO shit? Huh. Your poll IS SHOCKING AND AMAZING! Republicans don’t like the Democrat! Look, let me know when Obama’s polls number get below YOUR last President. Thanks.
And didn’t Republicans (like you) say for years that Bush’s poll number don’t matter and polls are bullshit? ROTFLMAO. FUNNY
Mr. Cynical posts his support for the far right fascist publication of the United Russia Party.
Mr. Cynical also wants us to believe that Patty Murry’s leadership position in the Senate does nto reflect down and dirty political skills. I assume this means he admires he believes she got ahead using the casting couch like a typical Faux blonde?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
SJ Troll Patrol,
It’s not conservative peeps who are praising communists. Did you forget Ms Dr Madeline Half-Bright when she visited Russia… Pravda reported on Sept. 18 through this headline – “US no longer intends to be Number One” You can get her speech in Russian there too.
Need to see those Mao YouTube videos again from Ron and Anita? Oh… wait only Fox News played the I love Mao comments you you weren’t exposed to the truth.
Pravda??? You read Pravda? Huh…who’da thunk. Fucking commie, bastard!
Al Franken is doing a great job. Paul Wellstone would be proud.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Klown thinks the dirt road past his goat farm is a communist plot by the communist county government that collects communist road taxes from oppressed petty bourgeousie like him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “The DOW bubble is about to burst…you may get another 500 points or so in the DOW the next 4-5 months but then the poop will hit the fan.”
Does that mean the Wells Fargo stock you bought at 30 bucks won’t go up?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Bushco’s idea of “reform” was to change the bankruptcy laws so employers could dump their union contracts and pension obligations and consumers would be stuck paying off their hyperinflated medical debts forever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans hate America, but above all, they hate Americans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 You get your “news” from Pravda? I thought you relied on Faux and NewsMax.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It turns out Hatched From A Rock is a closet commie! I never even suspected. Well, yeah, I did, but was reluctant to say anything until I had evidence. @9 isn’t evidence, it’s smoking gun, a voluntary confession.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You conveniently missed the most important number in the poll you KLOWN–
Among those not affiliated with either major political party, 18% Strongly Approve and 42% Strongly Disapprove
Explain that?
Unaffiliateds voted for Obama in 2008 by a majority. They feel violated by this Marxist inkompetent lying Bastard.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
11. YLB spews:
Al Franken is doing a great job. Paul Wellstone would be proud.
Isn’t Wellstone dead?
I thought you ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES believe once your dead, it’s all over? No Heaven or Hell.
If so, who cares what Wellstone “would” think.
Republicans hate America, but above all, they hate Americans.
Right wingers are all about self-loathing. The poor right winger hates himself because he can’t rise to middle class status. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The middle class right winger hates himself because he can’t be upper middle class. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The upper middle-class right winger hates himself when he can’t rise to millionaire status. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The millionaire right winger hates himself when he can’t be a multi-millionaire. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The multi-millionaire right winger hates himself when he can’t rise to be a billionaire. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The billionaire right winger hates himself when he can’t be richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who in their eyes are “libruls”. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”.
I guess you can also add “Soros” to “gubmint” and “emmessemm” too.
To be right wing is to be mentally ill. A right winger projects his self-loathing on those who believe government has a positive role to play. The richest men in this country, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet believe that so the right winger is further burdened by paranoid delusions that their self loathing at not fulfilling their unhinged greed is all some kind of “librul” conspiracy.
19 – pfffft.. How braindead is that? I’m atheist, true but because I eschew the role of some omnipotent being in human affairs, I have to be a humanist.
As Newton said, I see far because I stand on the shoulders of giants – human giants – dead or alive.
Wellstone was a progressive giant, a breath of fresh air in the staid southerners club of the U.S. Senate. Franken is well aware of Wellstone’s legacy. How could he not be? The same people who supported Wellstone supported Franken. So far Franken is doing a fine job of living up to that legacy.
“I thought you ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES believe once your dead, it’s all over? No Heaven or Hell.”
You fucking idiot…. First, what difference does it make…Wellstone is dead either way. Second, YLB did not use the verb “is” (i.e. the present tense).
He used “would be” (conditional tense). The expression is equivalent to “would have been” (another form of the conditional tense). Either construct makes perfect sense to people of even modest literacy.
I hope Mrs. Cynical understood grammar a hell of a lot better than her stupid-shit of a husband when she was a union-member, gubmint-employed, public-school teacher.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Bored are you??
Pickin’ flyshit outta pepper…..don’t you have anything better to do with your valuable time?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Look Franken is a clever guy. He is quick on his feet. He did stand-up komedy. He dealt with hecklers. He has waaaaaaaay thicker skin than Obama does. He will make an excellent hatchet man.
Oh…and thank you for putting the substance of your comments into proper perspective.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny,
When Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm sends a previous SoS to Russia, you damn right Puddy gonna read what the hell she told da Ruskies. Remember it was Puddy who reminded you HA Libtardo fools Clinton gave the Chicoms telemetry upgrades so they can missile attach Seattle, bastion for libtardos like the brick and the cinder block.
So while there you all can crack up over how the Ruskies view Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
“Maybe President Obama was thinking about these transformative figures: Martti Ahtisaari (got the prize as a reward for his contribution in illegal 2008 Kosovo independence. No need to talk too much about Mr. Ahtisaari because his picture tells a thousand words), Al Gore (got the prize as a compensation for all of his failures in the US politics), Muhammad Yunus (got the prize as a gift, thanks to a good friend of his Ted Turner (CNN), and the members of the board of directors of the UN Foundation. They couldn’t give him the prize in Economics because the idea for Grameen Bank was first introduced by Pakistani Akhter Khan), Mohamed Mostafa ElBaradei (got the prize as a gift for his support of USA-Afghanistan war and USA-Iraqi war), Kofi Annan (UN and Annan got the prize in 2001; for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world. On October 7, 2001 the US attacked Afghanistan, they got the peace prize same year), among others. So much of the world peace!
The question that probably intrigues many is: Why is this first Peace Prize for Obama? Obama is scheduled to receive three Nobel Prizes, two for Peace and one for Economics. His second prize will be in Economics, while third in Peace. After receiving his prizes, Obama will be the only man in human history to receive three unshared Nobel Prizes. ”
I remember some wingnuts who were mighty proud of Milton Friedman’s Nobel in Economics.
But, let’s assume the Waxxmann is right and it’s all just a bunch of B.S. Friedman’s naive little precepts no more deserved a Nobel Prize than Bill O’Reilly deserved the 117 Peabody Awards he’s got lined up in his steambath (don’t touch ’em! They’re HOT!!!!).
SJ trollpatrolspews:
@9 Puddy … seems unaware that Pravda is now the news paper of a far right conservative party .. United Russia.
Also seems unaware that Mao was a brilliant writer, or perhaps, is afraid of anyone who reads something other than technical manuals and the Rman Bible.
SJ trollpatrolspews:
@19 Mr Cynical declares he is an atheist. (BTW so was the Republican saint, Ayn Rand!).
@23 suggests that anthropologists pick fly shit out of people. Sounds like good science, Darryl may want to try it. Similar studies on the evolution of lice were pretty useful in showing that Trolls were more closely related t hu7mans than they are to Chimps!
Mr. Cynical – If a Democratic “Klown” (where did you guys learn to spell, anyway?) can wipe the floor with a Republican executive, what does that say about Republicans?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
KLOWN is korrect as it helps define the Far-Left Politics as well as the vulgar, stupidity regularly spewed by your guys.
Wipe the Floor??
I just said this–
24. Mr. Cynical spews:
Look Franken is a clever guy. He is quick on his feet. He did stand-up komedy. He dealt with hecklers. He has waaaaaaaay thicker skin than Obama does. He will make an excellent hatchet man.
Do you want me to repost some of the Maxine Waters beauty’s where she “wiped the floor” with herself??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And how about Lyin’ Joe Biden’s never-ending list of lies and misrepresentations….starting with his admitted Plagarism 20 years ago.
Even that humiliation didn’t slow Joe down a bit.
Joe Biden is the skunk at the family picnic according to recent article I read.
Don’t hear much from old Joe lately, do you?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Also seems unaware that Mao was a brilliant writer, or perhaps, is afraid of anyone who reads something other than technical manuals and the Rman Bible.
Wait a minute. And Puddy could care less about a mass murderer. No thanks to bad garbage.
Was Stalin a brilliant writer? He wrote “Problems of Leninism.” How about Hitler and “Mein Kampf”? Was that a brilliant piece? All these were mass murderers. So Mao gets a pass because Anita Dunn loves his “writings” only?
Love this post..
Did you get a hold of her uppity, I am better than thou attitude GOP trash.
Love this clip. Just destroys the insurance lady.
Hottie alert: Major eye candy over Al’s right shoulder. It distracted me enough so I had to watch over and over and over…;-P
Wow, well played. Norm Coleman he is not. And thank you, MN for that.
Franken’s intellectual power has long been concealed behind his comedic smile.
If he can manage the down and dirty side of politics, he could be a formidable Senator.
Here is a thought, Patty Murry obviously has great d&de skills .. but lacks AF’s brilliance. These two could make a great team!
Once again, Al is the ultimate KLOWN…err KOMIC! It’s all part of the Marxist Agenda. Heck, even the Russians see it. Franken is a komedic sideshow.
Here’s a copy of the recent Pravda article about the disappearance of American capitalism. This is a Russian newspaper writing about what seems obvious to most of the world; yet, this country seems to be blindsided to it. The irony of this article appearing in the English edition of Pravda (Russian State Newspaper) defies description.
use this link:
And sj—Patty Murray & skills are not synonomous. Yuck.
Darryl enjoys statistics so much, why don’t you post these Darryl??
Thursday, October 22, 2009
This is a direct result of mean-spirited, thin-skinned attacks by Democrats like Franken and the Obama HitSquad. It ain’t workin’ KLOWNS and if these polls are still in this range 9 months from now, all the Franken Komedy in the world isn’t going to save you from a 1994 repeat. Predictions are Unemployment will get even worse, home prices will plunge more because of repo houses dumped on the market, and most importantly…consumers will NOT begin to buy.
The DOW bubble is about to burst…you may get another 500 points or so in the DOW the next 4-5 months but then the poop will hit the fan. And Obama will be blaming Bush.
The American public will be blaming HIM!
Just like the sleazy lady in the video, you get caught with your pants down making up things and flat out lying, so you change the subject. Typical. You’re wrong on the bankruptcy issue. Trying to change the subject just proves the point.
Second…you’re still anti-reality, anti-fact, anti-science, the whole nutball wingnut mind set. I’ll try to explain this in TINY words. Obama started with HUGE (unrealistic) poll numbers (just like Bush had after 9/11) because he was going to be all things to all people. Now he’s just looking like another politician. I’m still glad we didn’t elect Sarah Palin. Good GOD! But most of the slip in Obama’s poll ratings (not to get TOO technical) but the biggest is in the Democrats. Groups there are upset he’s not doing enough or fast enough. The gays are upset because he STILL hasn’t ended Don’t Ask Don’t Tell or DOMA. I’m convinced he will, but I think this instant gratification 24/7 new cycle populace IS expecting him to be a god…and fix EVERYTHING in 7 months. He can’t. No on can. That reality is setting in.
Bush and the Republicans had Congress and the White House for 6 years…not 6 months. Where are their reforms? I don’t remember THEIR health care fix? I do remember Bush spending another half trillion to INCREASE our socialized medical component (Medicare) but that’s it. Where was the tort reform…the shrinking government…all of the stuff Republicans talk and talk and talk and talk about? Where was the bill to eliminate the IRS or the Department of Education? What did YOU guys do outside of spending a few trillion we didn’t have and starting an war in Iraq just to get your dicks hard? Nothing.
So 66% of Republicans don’t approve of what Obama is doing? NO shit? Huh. Your poll IS SHOCKING AND AMAZING! Republicans don’t like the Democrat! Look, let me know when Obama’s polls number get below YOUR last President. Thanks.
And didn’t Republicans (like you) say for years that Bush’s poll number don’t matter and polls are bullshit? ROTFLMAO. FUNNY
Mr. Cynical posts his support for the far right fascist publication of the United Russia Party.
Mr. Cynical also wants us to believe that Patty Murry’s leadership position in the Senate does nto reflect down and dirty political skills. I assume this means he admires he believes she got ahead using the casting couch like a typical Faux blonde?
SJ Troll Patrol,
It’s not conservative peeps who are praising communists. Did you forget Ms Dr Madeline Half-Bright when she visited Russia… Pravda reported on Sept. 18 through this headline – “US no longer intends to be Number One” You can get her speech in Russian there too.
Need to see those Mao YouTube videos again from Ron and Anita? Oh… wait only Fox News played the I love Mao comments you you weren’t exposed to the truth.
Mr. Cynical @ 5
“Once again, Al is the ultimate KLOWN…err KOMIC! It’s all part of the Marxist Agenda.”
Al and I have no problems admitting that, sure…we’re Marxists.
“Here’s a copy of the recent Pravda article…”
Pravda??? You read Pravda? Huh…who’da thunk. Fucking commie, bastard!
Al Franken is doing a great job. Paul Wellstone would be proud.
@5 Klown thinks the dirt road past his goat farm is a communist plot by the communist county government that collects communist road taxes from oppressed petty bourgeousie like him.
@6 “The DOW bubble is about to burst…you may get another 500 points or so in the DOW the next 4-5 months but then the poop will hit the fan.”
Does that mean the Wells Fargo stock you bought at 30 bucks won’t go up?
@7 Bushco’s idea of “reform” was to change the bankruptcy laws so employers could dump their union contracts and pension obligations and consumers would be stuck paying off their hyperinflated medical debts forever.
Republicans hate America, but above all, they hate Americans.
@9 You get your “news” from Pravda? I thought you relied on Faux and NewsMax.
It turns out Hatched From A Rock is a closet commie! I never even suspected. Well, yeah, I did, but was reluctant to say anything until I had evidence. @9 isn’t evidence, it’s smoking gun, a voluntary confession.
You conveniently missed the most important number in the poll you KLOWN–
Explain that?
Unaffiliateds voted for Obama in 2008 by a majority. They feel violated by this Marxist inkompetent lying Bastard.
11. YLB spews:
Isn’t Wellstone dead?
I thought you ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES believe once your dead, it’s all over? No Heaven or Hell.
If so, who cares what Wellstone “would” think.
Right wingers are all about self-loathing. The poor right winger hates himself because he can’t rise to middle class status. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The middle class right winger hates himself because he can’t be upper middle class. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The upper middle-class right winger hates himself when he can’t rise to millionaire status. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The millionaire right winger hates himself when he can’t be a multi-millionaire. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The multi-millionaire right winger hates himself when he can’t rise to be a billionaire. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”. The billionaire right winger hates himself when he can’t be richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who in their eyes are “libruls”. He blames the “gubmint” and the “emmessemm”.
I guess you can also add “Soros” to “gubmint” and “emmessemm” too.
To be right wing is to be mentally ill. A right winger projects his self-loathing on those who believe government has a positive role to play. The richest men in this country, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet believe that so the right winger is further burdened by paranoid delusions that their self loathing at not fulfilling their unhinged greed is all some kind of “librul” conspiracy.
19 – pfffft.. How braindead is that? I’m atheist, true but because I eschew the role of some omnipotent being in human affairs, I have to be a humanist.
As Newton said, I see far because I stand on the shoulders of giants – human giants – dead or alive.
Wellstone was a progressive giant, a breath of fresh air in the staid southerners club of the U.S. Senate. Franken is well aware of Wellstone’s legacy. How could he not be? The same people who supported Wellstone supported Franken. So far Franken is doing a fine job of living up to that legacy.
Mr. Cynical @ 19,
“Isn’t Wellstone dead?”
Yes…he is.
“I thought you ATHEIST PROGRESSIVES believe once your dead, it’s all over? No Heaven or Hell.”
You fucking idiot…. First, what difference does it make…Wellstone is dead either way. Second, YLB did not use the verb “is” (i.e. the present tense).
He used “would be” (conditional tense). The expression is equivalent to “would have been” (another form of the conditional tense). Either construct makes perfect sense to people of even modest literacy.
I hope Mrs. Cynical understood grammar a hell of a lot better than her stupid-shit of a husband when she was a union-member, gubmint-employed, public-school teacher.
Bored are you??
Pickin’ flyshit outta pepper…..don’t you have anything better to do with your valuable time?
Look Franken is a clever guy. He is quick on his feet. He did stand-up komedy. He dealt with hecklers. He has waaaaaaaay thicker skin than Obama does. He will make an excellent hatchet man.
Mr. Cynical @ 23,
“Bored are you??”
What the fuck? This question from the guy who spends his time reading Pravda?
Mr. Cynical @ 23,
“Pickin’ flyshit outta pepper…”
Oh…and thank you for putting the substance of your comments into proper perspective.
Roger Dumb Bunny,
When Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm sends a previous SoS to Russia, you damn right Puddy gonna read what the hell she told da Ruskies. Remember it was Puddy who reminded you HA Libtardo fools Clinton gave the Chicoms telemetry upgrades so they can missile attach Seattle, bastion for libtardos like the brick and the cinder block.
So while there you all can crack up over how the Ruskies view Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
Barack Obama and the Flying Circus
“Maybe President Obama was thinking about these transformative figures: Martti Ahtisaari (got the prize as a reward for his contribution in illegal 2008 Kosovo independence. No need to talk too much about Mr. Ahtisaari because his picture tells a thousand words), Al Gore (got the prize as a compensation for all of his failures in the US politics), Muhammad Yunus (got the prize as a gift, thanks to a good friend of his Ted Turner (CNN), and the members of the board of directors of the UN Foundation. They couldn’t give him the prize in Economics because the idea for Grameen Bank was first introduced by Pakistani Akhter Khan), Mohamed Mostafa ElBaradei (got the prize as a gift for his support of USA-Afghanistan war and USA-Iraqi war), Kofi Annan (UN and Annan got the prize in 2001; for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world. On October 7, 2001 the US attacked Afghanistan, they got the peace prize same year), among others. So much of the world peace!
The question that probably intrigues many is: Why is this first Peace Prize for Obama? Obama is scheduled to receive three Nobel Prizes, two for Peace and one for Economics. His second prize will be in Economics, while third in Peace. After receiving his prizes, Obama will be the only man in human history to receive three unshared Nobel Prizes. ”
What a hoot!
I remember some wingnuts who were mighty proud of Milton Friedman’s Nobel in Economics.
But, let’s assume the Waxxmann is right and it’s all just a bunch of B.S. Friedman’s naive little precepts no more deserved a Nobel Prize than Bill O’Reilly deserved the 117 Peabody Awards he’s got lined up in his steambath (don’t touch ’em! They’re HOT!!!!).
@9 Puddy … seems unaware that Pravda is now the news paper of a far right conservative party .. United Russia.
Also seems unaware that Mao was a brilliant writer, or perhaps, is afraid of anyone who reads something other than technical manuals and the Rman Bible.
@19 Mr Cynical declares he is an atheist. (BTW so was the Republican saint, Ayn Rand!).
@23 suggests that anthropologists pick fly shit out of people. Sounds like good science, Darryl may want to try it. Similar studies on the evolution of lice were pretty useful in showing that Trolls were more closely related t hu7mans than they are to Chimps!
Mr. Cynical – If a Democratic “Klown” (where did you guys learn to spell, anyway?) can wipe the floor with a Republican executive, what does that say about Republicans?
KLOWN is korrect as it helps define the Far-Left Politics as well as the vulgar, stupidity regularly spewed by your guys.
Wipe the Floor??
I just said this–
Do you want me to repost some of the Maxine Waters beauty’s where she “wiped the floor” with herself??
And how about Lyin’ Joe Biden’s never-ending list of lies and misrepresentations….starting with his admitted Plagarism 20 years ago.
Even that humiliation didn’t slow Joe down a bit.
Joe Biden is the skunk at the family picnic according to recent article I read.
Don’t hear much from old Joe lately, do you?
Wait a minute. And Puddy could care less about a mass murderer. No thanks to bad garbage.
Was Stalin a brilliant writer? He wrote “Problems of Leninism.” How about Hitler and “Mein Kampf”? Was that a brilliant piece? All these were mass murderers. So Mao gets a pass because Anita Dunn loves his “writings” only?
Give me a break!