The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally is back! Please join us Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern. We have a lot of catching up to do after our 15 month hiatus.
We will, once again, meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm. The kitchen isn’t currently open but will be soon. Carry-in food is a-okay when the kitchen is closed. Occupancy limits are still in place, so admission will be first come-first serve. That said, we’ve had some folks checking the place out and they report that there is still plenty of room on recent Tuesday nights.
Stop by, if you can!
Darryl Holman
This is awesome!
Like a Frank Capra movie with Jimmy Stewart (the bad guy even has a beard):
(Really take the time to go through the thread. An amazing performance)
This is how you get people interested in off-year and local.
Lawmakers like this guy.
Darryl — is it safe? I don’t mean vaccinations or masks. I’m just worried some Proud Boys or Oath Keepers might read this and show up.
Bang! Shot in foot!
“Democrats vowed to continue to fight a Texas bill that would add restrictions on voting as Republican Gov. Greg Abbott threatened to cut off funding for the Legislature if they do so. ‘I will veto Article 10 of the budget passed by the legislature. Article 10 funds the legislative branch,’ Abbott tweeted Monday.”
Uh yeah, I get the blackmail part, but doesn’t that mean the GOP legislators won’t get paid either?
@1 It’s not easy being racist when you’re an elected official. That complicates everything, even renaming streets when every property owner on the street wants it changed.
That Abbott guy makes Gov. George W. Bush look benign by comparison.
From previous thread.
Yes that might be true Elijah, but they sure know how to get away with discriminating against the LGBTQ community without anyone really noticing.
“The founder of the extremist Oath Keepers was poised for orders from then-President Donald Trump the day of the Capitol insurrection to seize control of the government, according to the latest conspiracy indictment against several members.”
Sounds like Trump has a private army (of sorts) at his disposal. Question is, why didn’t he use it? Cold feet? I mean, the guy’s not exactly known for bravery, especially in combat.
“‘I do want some Oath Keepers to stay on the outside, and to stay fully armed and prepared to go in armed, if they have to,’ Rhodes said in an online conference call before the Capitol siege, the indictment stated. ‘Our posture’s gonna be that we’re posted outside of D.C., awaiting the president’s orders …. We hope he will give us the orders. We want him to declare an insurrection, and to call us up as the militia,’ the indictment quoted Rhodes as saying. Rhodes has not been charged with any crime. But the indictment alleges that he began discussing plans to keep Trump in the White House by force days after the presidential election. By December, Rhodes had joined retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in publicly calling for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and establish martial law.”
I’m really tempted to do the Doctor Dumbfuck thing and say to hell with a trial, just stand the fucker against a wall and shoot him. But I’m not Doctor Dumbfuck, so I guess I’ll stick with due process — even this time. However, if it happens again, I want to see the National Guard out there, with live ammo, defending our democratic institutions. As far as I’m concerned, Rhodes and his militia gang are expendable. Let Michael Flynn be their general, and lead the next charge against the Capitol; he’s expendable, too.
Let me see if Bob gets it if I say it. What was in it for them suckers?
3)They’ll just forgo the pay, if it means forcing the Democrats to allow a vote and passage of the bill.
@6 She didn’t get away with it. She’s got protesters outside her store. And the stupid bigot who named her business “HatWRKS” is now known worldwide as “Hateworks.” It sucks to be her.
For what little comfort it’s worth, people who believe being gay is behavior not biology, also believe “the COVID-19 pandemic was fabricated as a distraction to what happened on 3 November” (because Michael Flynn told them so) and Democrats kill babies to drink their blood (there’s actually a historical precedent for this, but it’s extremely unlikely that woman was a Democrat). Now, if the woman who owns “Hateworks” had the brains of a squash, I’d be concerned, but I don’t give a shit what the bottom 0.005% of the IQ curve thinks of gay people, Democrats, or rabbits, because a near-total incapacity for rational thinking is inevitable when you get that low on the intellectual scale. It’s kind of like lightning hitting a tree, or a rock falling off a cliff; in nature, random shit happens, and you just have to walk around the debris when it does.
For what little comfort it’s worth, people who believe being gay is behavior, not biology, also believe “the COVID-19 pandemic was fabricated as a distraction to what happened on 3 November” (because Michael Flynn told them so) and Democrats kill babies to drink their blood (there’s actually a historical precedent for killing people to harvest their blood, but it’s extremely unlikely that woman was a progressive). Now, if the woman who owns “Hateworks” had the brains of a squash I’d be concerned, but I don’t give a shit what the bottom 0.005% of the IQ curve thinks of gay people, Democrats, or rabbits, because a near-total incapacity for intellectual function is inevitable when you’re down to vegetable matter. You just have to step around it.
When I said “they” I was referring to the GOP and right wing conservatives, and they getting away with similar “no baking of cakes”. And them getting away with it because the general public, whom are offended by what the hat lady did, don’t seem to be offended when it involves reference to or a member of the LGBTQ community.
It shouldn’t matter. It’s called freedom. People are supposed to be judged by character not by behavior or biology.
I mean if heteros were judged by behavior and or biology, it would be proven that they are complete failures.
The Fuckhump behavior and biology….a complete fucking heterosexual failure
@14 Fucking a horse is unequivocally unnatural, unless of course you’re a horse. Do you suppose Doctor Dumbfuck is a horse?
Get ready boys – true American patriots of Democracy! Fight the good fight. Then enemy Neanderthals are upon us.
Police investigating Shots fired at the Connecticut State Capital. I’m sure it’s the minorities of Hartford, nothing to see there.
Amazon construction site in Windsor, CT shut down for the 2nd or 3rd time after noose number 8 was found.
The Neanderthals are wrestless and are a bunch of pussies. Stay tough! As much as I am not happy about the graffiti sprayed in my neighborhood, I will not betray my country like the rest of the fucking traitor pussies.
Biden’s DOJ sets free a dangerous traitor.
It’s almost like she’s… not.
@ 1
Lawmakers like this guy.
I haven’t seen self-promotion like that since…
… well, since Cory Booker.
Perhaps it would be more familiar to you and therefore simpler to understand, Goldy, if you considered it a Durkanesque Political Summer of Love.
In one night he canceled Texas GOP White Supremacy in public schools, and Texas GOP Whites Only Voting.
No wonder Tara is crying.
Cry more, Tara.
And after reading it, realize that y’all gave it full-throated support for a year.
It’s The Wuhan. Like I’ve been tellin’ y’all.
We know it’s The Wuhan because WHO is desperate for us not to call it that.
They’d prefer that it be named after a sorority full of pretty white girls in Alabama somewhere.
WHO revising naming system for COVID variants to avoid stigmatizing nations where they were first spotted
@ 20
Cry more, Tara.
Nah. Effective use of parliamentary tools by the minority party.
Cocaine Mitch was watching, after all.
a Durkanesque Political Summer of Love.
Heh.. teh freak is so desperate to deny teh drumpf-khruzz-hawley-widbeekreepah..
Kill Zone??
Winter of Discontent??
Keep pretending it didn’t happen kreepah..
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Wu who?
Bob are you trying to say that it was never ever originally referred to as the Wuhan virus? And are you saying that if people were or did refer to it as the Wuhan Virus that that would be malicious?
Are you trying to ignore the choosing of calling it the China Virus in the context of The FuckHump saying to rial up the Neanderthals as very innocent?
Or are you trying to forget about the attack and killing of the LEO?
Guys Bob is an act. Not sure you guys have caught on yet.
He’s a Troll with an act. He’s waiting to be served a treat for each one of his tricks.
Looks like God smote them real good, Gman.
WATCH: Boat explodes just after passengers harass family with Pride flag
No tricks. He’s just stupid. And a traitor.
He’ll soon be served with a rope.
Speaking of God doing some smoting of stupid, vile people…
Anti-vaxxer hospitalized with COVID-19 after claiming vaccine would ‘wipe out a lot of stupid people’
Not a problem.
It’s all under control now.
This is what comes of the PPB and Multnomah County Sheriff “depolicing” of Joey Gibson, Oath Keepers, Andy Ngo, Proud Boys, and Patriot Prayer. And allowing right wing terror militias run amok, setting up armed roadblocks and chasing “Antifa” families of African Americans out of Forest Service campgrounds at gunpoint.
Security for the Justice For Patrick Kimmons parade route responded quickly to disarm and subdue 53 year old Joseph Hall, who when he isn’t attempting vehicular homicide works as a “handyman”. Once on the ground Hall began to sob uncontrollably and begged for mercy, describing himself as “disabled” and “a frail old man”.
Watching and weeping.
Senate quorum is 51. Sgt at Arms can compel attendance.
In the exceedingly unlikely event that Moscow Mitch could command Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowski to “OBEY TRUMP”, then I vote for Rand Paul. After how he cried like a pussy when his neighbor pushed him off his lawnmower, I can’t wait to see him dragged into the Senate chamber bound by zip-ties, with a bag over his head.
@27 your link didn’t work….I typically hate to see videos of someone getting killed or even beat up. I hate to see a person getting hit by a car or a train.
But a boat exploding with a bunch of Neanderthals on it! Please try to send the link again.
God Bless you Steve
@27, @29 LOL thanks for those
Here’s a link to the boat blowing up
Watch what happens in NM-01 where the main focus of the GOP nominee has been ANTIFA BLACKS ARE COMING TO PLAY LOUD MUSIC AND STEAL YOUR AMAZON PRIME PACKAGES OFF YOUR PORCH!!!!!!.
The Greatest President of the 21st Century won the district by about 23 points. I look for Stansbury to beat that spread by around 5 points, signaling that Ride-or-Die Trump loses in the diverse ‘burbs, and can be expected to continue delivering losses for the Party of Insurrection through next year.
You’re most welcome, zippy, but I have to give a hat tip to God for reaching out to smote the stupid.
Now I have to wonder what God might have in mind for smoting the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck. This could be worth waiting for. God could come up with something far more worse than just BLM hanging his treasonous ass.
34, 36,
Here’s a Raw Story link. Because Raw Story.
A friend who works in finance once shared with me that the average loan term for one of these trailerbilly motorized beer coolers is over fifteen years.
More Trumper tears, I guess.
@ 38
About 10 years. Hey, you’re only off by 5+ years. A term in the US Senate or so.
Might this be a friend in Colorado, perchance?
House race in NM to be decided today. Its former Democrat occupant won her race by 23+% only seven months ago.
New Mexico has not fared well in 2021. Unemployment rate is 8.2%, better than only Hawaii, California, and Puerto Rico. Labor force is shrinking – my guess is that’s people on “disability”.
Oh. New Mexico’s a border state. Things certainly are going well on the border. So well, in fact, that The Unlikable One won’t be seen anywhere near it. AOC thinks the border is best not mentioned, too.
Anyway. House race in NM to be decided today. I’m sure excitement over First Vegetable Joe Biden will stoke a D +30 result.
Some backstory on why Nikole Hannah-Jones wasn’t offered tenure by UNC – Chapel Hill.
Journalism is either factual and unbiased or it isn’t. Choose.
Back in the early 70s I was told by someone who had gone to UC Berkeley in the early 60s, “Come to Boulder, it’s the Berkeley of the 70s!” So I did, and it was very cool.
A decade later I see a Time magazine cover that said, “Boulder, the Berkeley of the 1980s”.
No, it wasn’t. Time. Late to the party.
Boulder is where California road-racing cyclists go in order to experience the sensation of inadequacy.
The humanity of gay people – actually saving their asses from floating there in the water. Crazy.
Red neck heteros should have drowned!
Thanks Steve. Truly, God Bless you forever!
You lost early vote by 2 to 1. I’m betting Stansbury outperforms Biden/Haland by about 5. With you conceding a 30 point loss, perhaps I underestimated.
More Trump sad trombone again.
It isn’t.
Journalism is not “unbiased”. It never is. Never was. Nor can it be.
It’s better to look for reporting to be objective, rather than subjective.
That means reporting that sincerely seeks to present all of the relevant information referencing an understanding rooted in objective reality. That enables the audience to independently weigh that information against known or suspected bias.
Ever serve on a jury (I hope not)? But if you did, you might have seen a video prepared by The Marshall Project featuring a federal judge from your area, John Coughenour (asshole). I think you can find it on YouTube if you look for The Marshall Project. I recommend it (not Judge Coughenour – asshole). It does a good enough job of describing and explaining bias as a concept (discrete from “objectivity”), and “unconscious” bias in particular. But it’s especially helpful in reminding dumbshits like you that bias is everywhere and that it is your fucking job to sort it out. You do that by a process of inquiry, weighing facts and evidence against how they are presented and how you perceive them.
Everyone has to do that. Or they risk becoming just another credulous, mouth-breathing, arm-fishing dupe like you and the other 70 million “die-hard Trump supporters”. It does no good to demand lack of bias. Anymore than it does you any good to demand that OfDumbfuck quits her bull.
Objectivity is what the GOP and “modern conservatism” have largely abandoned. It’s that abandonment that enables 40 million of you to believe that Trump will be “restored” to the presidency in August, that guzzling aquarium cleaner will protect you from a deadly pandemic, that John Podesta dines on the adrenochrome of JonBenet Ramsey in an invisible Pizza dungeon, that the ghost of Hugo Chavez works for Dominion, and that Greenland is for sale.
Go ahead. “Trust the plan”.
There have been six 9-0 SCOTUS decisions in the past couple of weeks.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit understands none of them.
Proving that Moscow Mitch traded away four rounds of federal elections in exchange for pretty much nothing.
More “Trust the plan”.
@27, 32, 34, 37 – Not to worry, it’s on You Tube in all its fucking glory.
And, needless to say, it’s now on Handbill’s front page, too. Including the video. Not a link, the video. So everyone can watch. Pass the popcorn, please.
@43 “Boulder is where California road-racing cyclists go in order to experience the sensation of inadequacy.”
For you, the walk to the barn is much shorter, and less exertion. The real exertion doesn’t start until you get there.
@46 “a federal judge from your area, John Coughenour (asshole)”
You think that’s bad, I had him at UW for a law professor.
@47 As you’ve demonstrated here time and again, your grasp of legal matters is limited to counting the justices’ votes on your fingers. See @48 for a detailed explanation of what your fingers are telling you.
@41 a rich white conservative wannabe media mogel demanding special favors or he will take his money and leave.,_Jr.
For Hussman it means publicly claiming to be neutral while privately arguing that a Pulitizer Prize winner should not be awarded tenure because she doesn’t give enough credit to white people.
So basically more lies and distortions from the greedy racist incel.
After years of litigation, the Sons of Confederate Veterans agreed to remove the remains of Confederate terrorist Nathan Bedford Forrest from a public park and rebury him on private land.
“‘We are pleased to say that the statues and the bodies of the general and his wife will be placed somewhere that that will be honored and respected as all American veterans and citizens should be respected,’ said Donnie Kennedy, a spokesman for the group ….”
Honor this traitor? Fuck no! And somebody tell this moron his ancestor is not an “American veteran.” He and his men killed American veterans to avoid being Americans themselves.
@53 When you take their money, they’re gonna tell you who to hire.
Maybe she could sue the asshole for tortious interference, though, if she can prove she would’ve been hired but for his meddling.
And you gotta wonder about the integrity of a journalism school that allow a donor to intrude in the hiring process and then reject a qualified candidate because he ordered them to.
However, you gotta except rich white male conservatives to have a conniption fit when someone says something unflattering about their favorite social institution.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, last week:
Except when they’re only on the Capitol lawn, protesting as if they were liberals who don’t wanna see abortion go away.
Prosecutors seek to drop first Capitol riot case
The case against Christopher Kelly of New York City is the first of nearly 500 stemming from the Capitol to collapse for lack of evidence.
By the time this is over you’re gonna find that the seditious gang intent on overthrowing the US government was a a dozen guys just trying to find a place to eat the dogs they bought for lunch at Der Wienerschnitzel.
They’re gonna wash it down with a 64 oz cup o’ napalm, tho. So sez QoS McHillbilly.
@56 A dozen guys trying to find a place to eat the dogs they bought for lunch at Der Wienerschnitzel:
Yup, it’s not for nuthin’ we call you a “dumbfuck.”
A little spit here, a little spit there, and a little more over there, but who’s counting when there’s a bunch of hugs and kisses in between.
Get a load of the dumbfuck traitor stealing Louie Gohmert’s act at the QAnon Conference for Dumbfuck Traitors.
Objectively Tara, you appear to have taken a single criminal case and then, without any supporting evidence extrapolated it to several hundred other, indirectly related criminal cases.
I sympathize. This is often one of the laziest crutches that journalists engage in when reporting on crimes and prosecutions. Undoubtedly journalism has a bias toward laziness when it comes to criminal justice.
I think it’s telling that you succumb to that laziness so readily.
After all, to have pulled ahead of all the competition and to have secured one of only a small number of highly desirable medical residencies in one of the most competitive specialties indicates that, at least once upon a time, you were nothing like this.
This is your brain on “modern conservatism”.
There is no treatment.
It’s irreversible.
He figured that would be good enough for two crackers from Putin.
Bad Boys, bad boys, who you going to call? Who you going to call when the come for you. Hey everyone – meet whitey.
Tara has forgotten entirely that wannabe GuitGod Jon Schaffer is touring with Iced Earth only because of his active and ongoing cooperation in diming out more than a dozen other Oath Keepers. Sunday’s superseding indictment was only the latest, bringing the Oath Keepers head count to sixteen and raising the criminal counts to about fifty felonies. So far, this is all thanks to Schaeffer. Rock. On.
But fear not, in today’s proceedings prosecutors and defense counsel together advised the judge that more pleas deals and more superseding indictments were in the pipeline.
More guilty pleas and cooperation agreements involving higher ups leading further up the food chain isn’t exactly what Tara is quietly whimpering about. But that’s exactly what’s happening.
And it’s to be expected. This is how the feds work cases like these.
Dumbfucks gotta dumbfuck.
The greedy racist incel said ” Its former Democrat occupant won her race by 23+% only seven months ago.
Anyway. House race in NM to be decided today. I’m sure excitement over First Vegetable Joe Biden will stoke a D +30 result.”
Melanie Stansbury Democrat 68,387 62.2%
Mark Moores Republican 37,148 33.8%
+28.4% result.
Way past +23% and almost to +30%.
When should we expect republicans upset that real voters didn’t chose their person, to storm the New Mexico capitol to overthrow the election?
Democrat Melanie Stansbury, a scientist, crushed Republican Mark Moores, a career politician, 62%-34%, in today’s special election for the New Mexico House seat vacated by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.
66)Was worried it was going the other way, because special elections tend to have turnout issues.
Looks like both Teh Dumbfuck and the early voting predicted the outcome.
The shift is real. And it’s spectacular.
Total turnout was less than half of last November.
But overwhelming strong (D) turnout was driven by a fundamentally better, more qualified candidate who reminded the voters continually why they oppose the GOP.
Republicans only managed to turnout 27% of their November 2020 vote. Whereas Democrats turned out over 36% of their November 2020 vote.
Haland won in November by 16 points.
Today Stansbury won by 25.
This points the way to victory in the mid terms.
It’s time to call bullshit on Doctor Dumbfuck’s Harry Reid rants, and put responsibility for the “nuclear option” where it belongs: On Republicans.
“By the time he decided to ‘go nuclear’ on filibusters for most presidential appointees, Harry Reid had had it with Republicans. The obstruction that finally pushed the Democratic leader to change the Senate’s rules in 2013 was the GOP’s refusal to consider three of President Barack Obama’s DC Circuit Court picks. But his frustration with Republican blockades had been building for months. There was the GOP effort to sink Chuck Hagel, the former Republican senator-turned-defense secretary nominee; the attempts to stymie Richard Cordray, the nominee to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; and the opposition to Sharon Block and Richard Griffin, two appointees to the National Labor Relations Board. ‘I had no choice,’ Reid told Vox in a May interview. ‘They stuck by their guns opposing everything [Obama] tried to do.’ … Back when Reid eventually gathered the votes to blow up the filibuster for appointees, he was fed up with GOP intransigence.”‘
It’s an old story: If they can’t win elections, they’ll try to nullify them by preventing the winners from governing. Republicans don’t love America, they trash it. There’s nothing patriotic about these fuckers. They’ll cut deals with our nation’s enemies in the blink of an eye, but won’t negotiate over child care or unemployment benefits. They’re traitors.
A Republican is someone who votes against child care, and then cuts off unemployment benefits to women who don’t have child care because “they’re lazy and don’t want to work.”
69) plus, the district was centered around Albuquerque. Not sure if Los Alamos is in it,if it was, being a scientist wouldn’t hurt.
Another driver at Indy I was pulling for. Was Pato O’Ward. He went to High School in San Antonio, but hails from Monterrey, Nuevo León.
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