They aren’t just tear gassing, macing and arresting protesters in Minneapolis Minneapolis/St. Paul, or even dirty, fucking hippy bloggers. They’re arresting credentialed journalists like Amy Goodman.
What are Republicans so afraid of? Everything.
The Stranger’s Brendan Kiley reports first hand for Minneapolis/St. Paul where a police officer dumped a canister of mace on him for daring to flash his media credentials:
… my skin feels like it’s being peeled from my body. Pepper spray: It’s not just crowd control, it’s exfoliation.
A voice behind me said: “Hey! Keep moving!” It was another phalanx of police. Stupidly, I flashed my media credentials and said “You go on without me. I’m just reporting on this.” I felt a cool shower over my head and heard the cop throw the canister on the sidewalk. She dumped the whole damn thing on me.
(She was a lady. I’ve always wanted to be pepper-sprayed by a lady.)
In a couple of seconds, I was a blind, wheezing, snotting, doubled-over wreck of a man, trying to push my bike toward safety while being jabbed in the back with a baton and told to hurry up. I bumped into several small trees along the way.
When the police can brutalize and arrest journalists with impunity, for the simple act of doing their job, democracy ceases to function. This is what fascism looks like folks… but you won’t be watching it on the network TV news, because… well… that’s what fascism looks like too.