Nonsense! It’s not just an all white crowd that hates the fact that we elected a black man. No…of course not. They have a PHILOSOPHICAL disagreement with him! They’re sick and tired of having their taxes cut….er….or something. Come to think of it, maybe they are just racists pigs.
Same with the ‘anti-gay’ folks who pretend that they have a religious reason that have to picket and fight “the gays” and it’s not just because they’re homophobic jerks. Of course they NEVER protest Hindus or try to stop Hindu marriages (which violate the Old Testament by worshiping “false” gods). Think of that the next time you watch or listen to one of these faith based concerned citizens against gay marriage. They’re OK with heterosexual Satanist or Hindus being married, but not gay Christians. They don’t picket both, JUST the gays.
As the pictures above show, it’s always really a bitch about blacks, Jews (and I’m sure there were some anti-gay marriage signs thrown in somewhere). The trifecta of racism.
Or maybe it’s just spending? Of course these folks were no where to be seen when Bush ran up at debt by 300 billion a year for the better part of a decade…added a 500 billion welfare program (drug benefit). Were any of these folks out in force and angry at Reagan for the S&L bailout? Of course not. There’s no “reason” behind it. There is a percentage of folks on the right and left who just hate the other side. It’s the crips v bloods of politics, and sometimes they have to bend over backwards to find something to be angry about.
This should delight KKKLynical and Crusader and Politically Incorrect and the the other delightful and thoughtful contributors….
See, that’s the topsy-turvy world you live in. Teabaggers bring hateful, racist, delusional signs to their party, but I have sunk to a new low by posting actual photos of them.
It’s not my fault if your own people embarrass you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Did everyone notice the lack of mass printed signs like when the left protests and ANSER shows up with 100 signs.
Nope, the tea parties were actual citizens and not organized groups.
I see goldy is childishly calling them teabagging parties, following the orders of his master.
Expect to see lots more of this.
The Republican party has a ton of catching up to do. It really wasn’t until early summer of last year that the top brains of the GOP finally came to the shocking realization that geographical political strategies could not trump a sophisticated and well researched modern nationwide political strategy. McCain reshuffled for the umpteenth time, and the Palin anointment was the result. All in all it wasn’t a bad move considering how late in the game it came. But still to little too late.
Now they understand that “the southern strategy” or whatever you want to call it is dead. The GOP cannot run an effective national campaign hoping to exploit geographical political affinities – even when those geographical affinities merely stand in for racism. So they have to start doing the dirty work of mingling with the great unwashed masses and trying to identify modern viable issues around which new conservative political affinities may form.
Wednesday FAUXNews tested the waters surrounding taxation. Meanwhile NOM is pushing same sex marriage. Pretty soon we can probably expect to see Joe the Pretend-Plumber advocating non-intervention, or school vouchers. They’ll be casting around for some time I expect. And the results will often look fairly comical and inept, as they have thus far. But their is really no challenge in ridiculing these awkward early steps by the GOP away from strategies based on race politics. The true challenge for progressives is to outflank them on the newly emerging test issues.
Marvin Stamnspews:
5. Goldy spews:
Teabaggers bring hateful, racist, delusional signs to their party,
Nothing like calling people you don’t know teabaggers to show you’re not hateful.
Sound Politics is still getting double the hits of horses ass. I wonder why.
What do you expect from “protests” promoted by Faux News and supported by the all white party?
I thought Janeane Garofalo had an interesting take..
“Let’s be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It’s not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don’t know their history at all. It’s about hating a black man in the White House.” “This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that.”
Your post is the equivalent of a right-wing blog depicting the WTO protests as nothing more than a bunch of anarchists tagging buildings and breaking windows. It’s a dishonest, incomplete portrayal of the event, and the varied motivations and concerns of the people attending.
People at the rallies themselves called themselves “teabaggers.” If you choose the label, you own it even if you don’t like it afterwards….
I have a theory about why Sound Politics gets twice the hits. I stopped coming here for some time after the election because I was relieved and needed a break from politics. I would bet there are a lot of people on the left who are satisfied and finding productive things to do.
Mike Jonesspews:
Aren’t these the same people who said people who protested President Bush were dirty hippies. A little consistency would be nice.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 8: I can just see you giggling like a girl, clapping your hands in glee, and breathlessly saying “Priceless” every time you detect what you think is hypocrisy from the left.
If you look at the picture on the front of the ST afew days ago, you see nothing but pre-printed signs.
I can’t stand you.
Freddie Mercuryspews:
Did anyone see the photo of Lisa Brown in The Seattle Times? She looks like she has a ravenous appetite for taxes, among other things.
Rick D.spews:
I would bet there are a lot of people on the left who are satisfied and finding productive things to do.
HAHA, the left is as angry and petulant as ever and rarely find anything productive to say, do or promote.
OK I’ll admit it, I go to sound politics much more frequently than
I like to keep up with what the local right wingers are saying.
I’ll read HA once a day or so, but I’m over on SP 3 or 4 times a day.
Gary Sell
39th LD Democrats
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. Winkydink, hey, it’s April spews:
re 8: I can just see you giggling like a girl and breathlessly saying “Priceless” every time yo detect what you think is hypocrisy from the left.
Do me a favor headless lucy, don’t see me in your racist little head.
And yes, your party is filled with hypocrites. It’s sad you refuse to admit it.
I can’t stand you.
You can’t stand black people either. I’m in good company.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. rla spews:
I have a theory about why Sound Politics gets twice the hits. I stopped coming here
Of course, it’s all about you.
I would bet there are a lot of people on the left who are satisfied and finding productive things to do.
If the regulars here are so satisfied, why are they still so hateful?
I’ve been posting here long enough to know that a majority of the regulars can’t do that productive thing very well. How many do you feel are unemployed, living with parents or living off taxpayer money.
Goldy’s post is dishonest because the great majority of people attending tea party protests were people who are simply concerned with issues like rising taxes, fiscal irresponsibility (by both the Bush and Obama administrations), and government spending.
Goldy chose to ridicule the whole movement by only showing some of the more controversial signs and messages.
In my book, that’s dishonest, unethical, and lazy reporting.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hmmmmmmmmmm..still not as low as the KLOWNish anti-Bush signs & rhetoric.
Mighty passive.
But a sign of things to come.
Have you seen the massive increase in Concealed Weapon permits, guns & ammo??
My gun collection has tripled in value thank to Karl Obamarx.
Guns were a great investment to make a year or more ago.
If I were protesting fiscal matters and there was no racism involved in my protest and someone someone showed up with a racist sign, I would make sure that everyone knew that I wasn’t associated with them. After all, I would know that the media would stop focusing on the fiscal issues and focus on the racist signs and that any protest of fiscal issues would now be tainted unless I got the message out that I was not associated with these racists.
I do not recall one person saying; “Wow, I’m here protesting fiscal issues, don’t associate me with these bigots.”
And now, fiscal teabaggers are associated with ignorant bigots and racists. It’s their own fault.
proud leftistspews:
These photos serve as a necessary reminder of how fringe the rightwing has become. The posts from our trolls here serve the same purpose. There is true irony in Marvie, Troll, and Little Ricky D. chastising the left as being hateful.
@20 Superkrit
Go ahead and wallow in your self-righteous hypocrisy, Roadkill, people are finally waking up to the fact that you and your kin are the supply route to the criminal firearm problem and will eventually take away your deadly toys. And if it’s “from your cold, dead hands”, justice will finally have been served.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 18: What you mistake for hatred is simply how any normal person would treat a spitefull, bile-filled, conservative shithead like yourself.
You seem to like anything — as long as it’s ‘Priceless’ to you.
I have a theory about why Sound Politics gets twice the hits.
My theory is that it’s quite similar to how right wing books get into the bestseller lists – they are bought en masse by astroturf organizations funded by wingnut money.
Sound Politics gets hits from make-believe readers manufactured by those same kind of astroturf outfits.
It can’t be the content that’s drawing the hits to (un)SP – it’s piss poor –
OR the comment threads – the same old wingnut cranks haunt those prodded by a few brave liberals.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
A gaggle of these idiots brandishing “We are Stupid” signs would have been appropriate.
We see what we see. You guys have lost it in so many ways.
The party of Lincoln, Teddy Rooselvelt and Eisenhower is utterly unrecognizable today/
I have terminated my membership and participation in the Republican Party, effective today.
I’m sure you all will figure out a way to cope.
You ignornant cocksuckers wanna start a revolution ? WE will finish it.
We see what we see. You guys have lost it in so many ways.
The party of Lincoln, Teddy Rooselvelt and Eisenhower is utterly unrecognizable today.
I have terminated my membership and participation in the Republican Party, effective today.
I’m sure you all will figure out a way to cope.
You ignornant cocksuckers wanna start a revolution ? WE will finish it.
The post so nice I sent it twice.
Hey Goldie, your server is running a bit slow :)
So the teabaggers got two days of press on Faux News. Faux News got the chance to pretend to be a “news” organization…a bunch of wingnut white trailer trash came and proved what we already knew about them…they’re racists, cowards, idiots, fools and cum-drunk assholes. They have no real plan, policy or agenda so they make up fake enemies and fake outrage without a single tie to facts. The FACTS are the wingers didn’t protest or TEABAG when George Bush created the largest federal agency of all time, Homeland Security. The wingers didn’t TEABAG when George Bush ran up the largest budget deficit in US history. The wingers didn’t TEABAG when George Bush proposed the first bank bailout. This is as usual, much ado about nothing. The GOP is completely irrelevant and this isn’t going to change anything. Yawn!
Rick D.spews:
The reason Goldy’s waste treatment facility gets half the traffic of SP can be found at 27 & 28…Intelligent persons rarely wade into the sewer when they can just as easily walk above it on the surface street.
SP is the sidwalk, HA is the sewer…any questions?
I have a theory about why Sound Politics gets twice the hits.
It looks to me like about a quarter of SP’s traffic goes directly to the voter lookup database rather than the blog itself.
7 “Pretty soon we can probably expect to see Joe the Pretend-Plumber advocating non-intervention, or school vouchers.”
Actually, “Joe” presently has his name on an online blitz to get the knuckle-draggers to donate to a campaign to abolish the IRS.
Broadway Joespews:
Yeah Dumbass, I have a question for you:
Why do you hate America?
Its feigned outrage and most reasonable people realize it.
They’re worried about their taxes going up? These MORONS just got a tax CUT under President Obama.
We stopped borrowing money in the late 90’s, a departure from the Reagan, Bush 41 era, and started to pay DOWN the national debt to the tune of $500 million dollars per year. At that rate we’d be a DEBT FREE nation now. That means we’d be servicing less debt and everyone would get a tax cut.
Instead, Bush 43, stopped paying off the national debt money of $500 million per year and SPENT it. On top of spending that $4 TRILLION dollars he and the Reagan Republican congress borrowed an additional $7 TRILLION dollars.
The national debt today is pure, 100% Reagan Republican created. EVERY PENNY!
Then these dolts have the nerve to call Pres. Obama a socialist. These dip shits who are publicly tea bagging each other can’t even define the term socialist.
The HONEST adults are back in charge. The Culture of Corruption adults have been booted from office and reduced to a bunch of neutered whiners.
If they have so much outrage over the fiscal condition of this country, why were they attending rallies and voting for Republican politicians who created this problem last fall?? Country First? Hardly. More like ideology first.
This is radical right-wing hypocrisy at its highest level. Thank God the DHS is keeping a close watch on these traitorous scumbags.
35 Give it up, GBS. It’s no use trying to reason with these people.
Fox News and wingnut radio have out-Hulu’d Hulu at turning their brains to nice yummy jelly, and Rush, Karl, Ann and the other aliens are having a feast.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Oh, I don’t know about that.
O’Reilly recently had a piece on how Eminem, the wigger rapper, did a song denigrating Sarah Palin, calling her a “bitch” and a “ho.” Funny how the fem-Nazi bitches over at NOW didn’t utter a peep about the Eminem video. Nor did the little faggot over at Daily Kos say anything about Eminem. Hmmm…wonder what they would have said if some country singer did a hit piece like Eminem’s on, say, Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi. Man, I bet the Neo-socialist moonbeams would be screamin’ bloody murder about this “abomination” against women, etc. etc. Yawn…
The hypocrisy and arrogance of you Neo-socialist jerks never ceases to amaze me.
Artfart @ 36:
Naaaahhhhh, I’ll give it up the day I give up the ghost — maybe.
I love my country too much to give up on Lady Liberty.
Which is more than I can say for Todd Palin, Gov. Rick Perry, Texas Republicans, and all the tea baggers who hate America and don’t want to be known as Americans any more.
BTW, Mr. C. who doesn’t want to be known as an American any more, HOW ‘BOUT THE DOW RISING ^ WEEKS IN A ROW AFTER HITTING THE BUSH BOTTOM???
I don’t care what you America haters think, Wall Street likes what President Obama is doing.
Otherwise, they’d keep their money on the sidelines.
Instead, they liked what they saw and were rewarded with a 24% gain in the Dow after hitting the Bush Bottom!!
How much did Dow lose from Dec 2007 to Jan 20th, 2009? 45% loss!!
Left Behind by the New Democratic Partyspews:
I have to ask a question to Goldy:
Where was the outrage and condemnation for all the Bushitler signs from the anti-war protests? Or the ‘Bush is a chimp’? Or any of the countless others from same said protests?
I think nutjubs are nutjobs are nutjobs. I won’t judge the anti-war protests by their wacko extremists any more than I will judge the tea party’s. You will find, if you look hard enough, these examples at ANY protest. To claim that your shit does not stink while the other side’s does is hypocritical.
This is yet another reason why I abandoned the political parties, opting instead to base my votes on the truth, NOT spin and soundbites. Frankly, you should be embarrassed by this posting, or at least man up and show pictures that depict the worst of BOTH sides.
You want a better world, then actually WORK to make it a better world… quit playing like a chorus of screechy magpies trying to screech and crap all over everything.
@40 “To claim that your shit does not stink while the other side’s does is hypocritical.”
The left does seem to understand that their shit stinks. There’s plenty of topics and comments here where the Democrats are taken to task. Take this one to Puddy and Mr. Klynical and try to get either of them to acknowledge the stench of the Republican party. Good luck with that.
“This is yet another reason why I abandoned the political parties, opting instead to base my votes on the truth, NOT spin and soundbites.”
Good luck with that one, too.
“Frankly, you should be embarrassed by this posting, or at least man up and show pictures that depict the worst of BOTH sides.”
If you close your eyes, hold your breath and wish for a little pink pony, it just might come true. Until then, I suspect this will remain a progressive blog, supporting progressive issues and politicians, and where the topic of every thread is, “Republicans Suck”.
to quote lee………….FUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUU
how about the protest of acorn? all black, jews and gays. so they can protest, but white christians cant? u guys are in for a big suprise because there all stll more white christians in this country than jews or blacks. by the way, i dont fault blacks, they’ve just been convinced that republicans want to take away their entitlements.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
clueless wonder has a theory? Same old reruns of others.
by the way, who was the cnn reporter who went balistic on a proteswter holding his daughter? rosengran..another fucking jew sticking her big nose in real americans rights.
by the way, if u heard what jeanine garafolo said last night , u now why we hate u jew fucking liberals
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Of course Goldy forgets signs like these against Bush.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Steve crazily farted:
The left does seem to understand that their shit stinks. There’s plenty of topics and comments here where the Democrats are taken to task.
Where Steve? Where?
Your friend Roger the dumb bunny reminds us whom think right that this is a libtard blog and they shitty representatives are always better than those on the right.
More Stupid Solution today Steve?
proud leftistspews:
Have you read the last few posts from your political ally, manoftruth? You’re posting along side him, yet you say nothing about the vileness of his postings. What’s that all about? By the way, manoftruth, I am a white, male, heterosexual Christian, who will throw his lot in with “blacks, Jews, and gays” instead of throwing in with your ilk. You are disgusting. You are not Christian.
proud lefttist, if puddy is supposed to dope slap me, then why dont u dont slap jeanine garafolo for saying the people at tea parties were nothing but racist rednecks?
and by the way, the nsa is now illegally wiretapping americans more than when bush was in office. look it up. and that was their plan all along, just like homeland security calling por lifers, extremeists. and u expect me to what, tone it down? who hates who here
and how about jamie foxx making fun of mylie sius saying she was a white bitch? oh should he be fired now? u are all so fucking hypocritical
proud leftistspews:
You are a racist, you piece of shit. Most of the people at teabagging parties, likewise, were racist pieces of shit. You are what needs to be scraped off the heel of the shoe before entering an abode.
proud leftest, u are a fucking retarded moron.
hey byebye gpo, i noticed you called fox news white trailor trash, so i guess it would bother u that i call cnn a jew emporium?
and u call me a bigot, u fucking hypocrits
Ah, yes. The teabaggers are a group of ugly, ugly tiny people.
what a joke, laura, so everyone else can protest. u just dont get it
tell me something laura, did u protest the war in iraq? but other people dont have the right to protest?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
46. Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today… spews:
Cynical Yeah, here are tea party pictures.
The best one is here.
Puddy, great photos.
Obama must sense the beginning of a huge wall of resistance.
I like the pictures where the right wing turds were clearly identifying themselves as racists and traitors – and to top it all off, they did it front of their kids.
All Americans have the right to free speech, to bad some don’t like your president or his wallet drilling policies goldy,
And as far as being called teabaggers the way things look to me he will soon be on the receiving end of a teabagging if he keeps bowing,
apologizing and embracing those that are anti American dictators.He thinks He can change them.He has no backbone.
He is weak and delirious!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dumping debt on all American tax payers.Why should he worry he won’t be around to help pay the actual cost of his spending.BUT OUR DECENDANTS WILL BE.
“And as far as being called teabaggers the way things look to me he will soon be on the receiving end of a teabagging if he keeps bowing,
apologizing and embracing those that are anti American dictators.”
Yeah…like the GOP leadership.
So far, the present administration has more or less continued on the path of its predecessor, allowing financial institutions to stick the public purse for their risks while pocketing the reward when they happen to get lucky. We need to wean our banking system off the public teat, and doing so is going to take some pretty radical actions. I haven’t seen any sign of such yet.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
proud loony, you have two political allies who spew the same type of hateful venom and whom you choose to ignore. Why don’t you give the Golden Goat to one of your “buds” this week?
Ask Steve, as I delivered the conditions for my response to MOT. Remember last week some fool sockpuppeted me with racist comments and only three HA weasels condemned him? Since Puddy identified over 65 HA weasel leftists on this blog 3/65 is a very low condemnation rate. You can do the math proud loony.
Ah, yes. The teabaggers are a group of ugly, ugly tiny people.
Lauramae, taking a swig of Steve’s Stupid Solution?
You mean they are more tiny then your G8 Summit buds in Seattle earlier this decade?
Or they are more tiny then the G20 protesters last month?
Or they are more tiny then the ELF morons who burned down the UW building and killed and those “tasty” animals?
Or they are more tiny then the ELF morons who destroyed all those SUVs?
Or they are more tiny then the ELF morons who destroyed by arson those street of dreams homes last year and bankrupted builders and caused people to lose their jobs?
Or they are more tiny then the STATE party you support who is bending you over and screwing you this biennium without permission because of the Queens profligate spending in 2007-2009 biennium?
Please clear all this up lauramae!
I am happy and proud to be on the Oreo Puffybutt’s list. He is a self-loathing traitor. He’s weak. He’s a punk. He’s anti-American. And he’s probably a TEABAGGING fool to boot.
Any enemy of America and freedom who considers me an enemy makes me happy.
The right wing turds started using the word TEABAGGING by the way – they changed it after they found out it so accurately described some of the activity of their leaders – people like GOP Senator Larry Craig! HE HE!
Maybe they were describing bawny fwank. I am almost possitive he teabags.That is probably why he has a speech impediment, he keeps trying to spit it out and just can’t get it done. HA HA!
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
@68: Yep he teabags the idiot @67! I wonder if Bawney Fwank sweetens his teabag first for stillbentover?
Daddy Lovespews:
Rick D. saying that the Left is “angry and petulant” is just anoher reason why conservatives are consistently hilarious in their powerlessness.
Daddy Lovespews:
10 T
Goldy’s post is dishonest because the great majority of people attending tea party protests were people who are simply concerned with issues like rising taxes, fiscal irresponsibility (by both the Bush and Obama administrations), and government spending.
Yeah, right. Prove it.
Goldy chose to ridicule the whole movement by only showing some of the more controversial signs and messages.
How dare he post pictures of idiots holding up large, clearly worded signs in a public protest. How unfair of him to take their strange, ubnfocused messages out of context. The context, that it, of protestng tax non-existet increases on people you will bever meet nr equal in income, and protesting taxation with representation becauase they’re pissed off about losing the last few elections and becoming throughly marginalized politcally.
In my book, that’s dishonest, unethical, and lazy reporting.
So “in your book” Goldy is a reporter? This lack of the ability to adequately perceive and process reality is why you guys have become and will remain such massive losers.
Daddy Lovespews:
37 PI
Of course, in the real world feminists have been taking action to oppsose sexist lyrics in rap musc for decades, although on behalf of all women and not just your precious, corrupt, ignorant, imcopetent Sarah Palin. But you just are ignorant of this fact, or pretend to be so that you can falsely accuse feminists of a non-existent “hypocrisy.
Both real ignorance and feigned ignorance are prized possessions in the Republican Party. I am sure you’ll go far.
Daddy Lovespews:
Anti-war protesters who called Bush Hitler or Bush a “chimp” were nto aided and abetted by network news anchors, popular talk show hosts, a major news network, columnists, and Congresspeople such as the ones today who are warning of “facism” under Obama, or talking about “revolution” against our governemnt and the secession of states.
The right-wing shootings have already begun, and when the first right-wing bombs go off this will all be on your party’s head.
Daddy Lovespews:
48 Pud
Oh noes! Don’t tell me someone was CRAAZZY enough to hold up a sign that says “Say No To Bush!” Pretty strong stuff.
So typical of you leftists. Whenever you guys hold rallies that have signs like:
“Israel = Nazis”
it’s ALL FINE. But a few whackjobs at the tea parties, and that’s PROOF that ALL conservatives are evil. Total hypocrisy, but I wouldn’t expect any less from ya’ll.
Daddy Lovespews:
61 Cyn
Obama must sense the beginning of a huge wall of resistance.
Really, the separation from reality you all evidence is a hoot!
Obama’s popularity and job approval remain well over 60% and support for his policies over 50%. Yeah, he’s really feeling the heat from the teabaggers. So much so that he took the opportunity of Aril 15 to announce that he’s going to DO what conservatives have been spending decades announcing but somehow never bothered to follow though on: simplify our tax code.
Like John McCain, you’ve really got him where you want him now.
Daddy Lovespews:
63 WW
the way things look to me he will soon be on the receiving end of a teabagging if he keeps bowing, apologizing and embracing those that are anti American dictators
And you’re just the one to administer it, right? Anyway, you DO know that you are talking about our allies (and the dear, dear super-close BFF friends of the Bush family) the Saudi royals, don’t you? Of course you do, because you are so well informed.
Daddy Lovespews:
65 Pud
No one condemned you becuse most people ignore you.
Daddy Lovespews:
75 C
As I pointed out @72, left wing whackjobs were not
A) Astroturf operations organized and funded by large lobbying groups
B) echoed, amplified, enouraged and sometimes even preceded in their comments by a major news network, countless Congresspeople, talk show hosts and news anchors (I am sure only coincidentally on that same major news network), and news columnists labeling the president and his policies “facism,” “socialism,” and calling for “revolution” before his first hundred days are up.
Oh, adn the antiwar rallies were global and much better-attended that this pathetic fakery.
Daddy Love – keep fooling yourself into believing that these protests are “astroturfing”. The more you deceive yourself, the more we win.
Broadway Joespews:
Oh Junior Troll Crusader, you’re such a silly little bitch. If it ain’t astroturfing, then answer these:
Q: Why did one network so vigorously promote the rallies, while the others….. merely covered and reported on them?
A: Because Faux Noise Network says what Roger Ailes tells them to say, and he does what Rush Limbaugh tells him to do. And Rush does what the Oxycontin tells him to do.
Q: Why did the groups behind the original idea of the rallies suddenly say they had nothing to do with them any more?
A: The groups, mostly leftovers from the Ron Paul campaign, saw their rallies get hijacked by Republicans, who chose to turn a non-partisan protest against financial excesses commited by BOTH major parties into a virtual KKK rally, and disavowed the rallies.
Yes, I provided the answers. That’s because you’re too fucking stupid to figure things out for yourself, Junior Troll Crusader. Face reality, Junior Troll Crusader – 300,000 racist pigs doesn’t amount to much. Even if every genetic-dead-end dittohead in America turned out (and yes, there are millions of them), they still wouldn’t amount to dick.
Guess what, Junior Troll Crusader? Al Franken makes 59. Only 18 months left in the unlifespan of what was once the Party of Lincoln. After the midterms, you and your masters will be irrelevant, and truly dead, once and for all.
I look forward to watching you squirm in irrelevance forever.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Fool@74: Those are just the tame ones. Puddy already posted the vile ones along with Bush Hater T-Shirts. Butt the one which reminded me of your windbaggedness was this one.
Fool@78: They weren’t condemning Puddy. It was a leftist windbag racist similar to your windbag arguments who wasn’t condemned. BTW you surely didn’t condemn his use of the “n” word.
Puddy never did bring himself to condemn a troll for posting the “N” word. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. That was the day Puddy lost any moral authority to ever complain about Headless again. Oh, he will continue to do so, of course. But he will be ignored. That’s the price of cowardice.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
BlowJob Joe farts:
Q: Why did one network so vigorously promote the rallies, while the others….. merely covered and reported on them?
A. Where did they vigorously promote the rallies?
Oh because they sent reporters to cover them and ask questions while the vile CNN reporterette Susan Roesgen got her ASS handed to her by that man with his baby? Susan showing the continual biases of CNN with her political commentary and her attacks? PRICELESS.
Oh you mean where David Shuster loses it on the air: “”For most Americans, Wednesday, April 15th will be Tax Day. But in our fourth story tonight: It’s going to be teabagging day for the right-wing and they’re going nuts for it. Thousands of them whipped out the festivities early this past weekend, and while the parties are officially toothless, the teabaggers are full-throated about their goals. They want to give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending – spending they did not oppose when they were under presidents Bush and Reagan,” Shuster continued. “They oppose Mr. Obama’s tax rates – which will be lower for most of them — and they oppose the tax increases Mr. Obama is imposing on the rich, whose taxes will skyrocket to a rate about 10 percent less than it was under Reagan. That’s teabagging in a nut shell. “If you are planning simultaneous tea bagging all around the country, you’re going to need a Dick Armey.” Yes that’s professional decorum on the air.
Q: Why did the groups behind the original idea of the rallies suddenly say they had nothing to do with them any more?
A: Dr. Ronald Paul appeared at one of the tea events. Dr. Paul said, “These things are popping up spontaneously around the country.”
Of course Ana Marie Cox of Swampland (how appropriate for a libtard blog “Who wouldn’t want to tea bag John McCain?”
And BlowJob Joe, it seems PMSNBC, CNN, and the rest of cable news is getting obliterated by Fox.
But you keep your poltergeists busy now okay dude? You are one of the clown princes of noises, rappings, and disorder.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
Steve, price of cowardice? You are too stupid drinking your own Stupid Solution formulation to know anything dude. HA weasels had a recent opportunity to put up or shut up. 62 out of 65 shut up.
EPIC FAIL. So good the HA libtard weasels now use it on HA.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 85: “NUFF Said Sucka… KABLAMMMMMMMMMO”
By junior high school, most people have ceased communicating in such manner.
Teabaggers are uglyspews:
Puddybud, have I made it onto your list yet?
@85 You’re the one who had the chance to put up or shut up. You said nothing. Not one word. And now here you are again, whining about how so few on the left stood up against some racist. Unlike you, I stood up. Both times. You didn’t put up yourself, so now you can just shut the fuck up. That’s the price you pay for your cowardice.
right wingers are hypocritesspews:
Puddy, add me to your list!
Ya know puddy you are one the very few people on HA that really makes any sense,These people are so radical left,that reality has escaped from them,it just couldn’t take it anymore.
Keep up the good work,
Most of them think they know whats going on. One of them will want to be the next president. God forbid, another weak and dilirious person selling out the country.
When Puddydick gets his ass kicked here (aka daily) he just declares a false victory and then runs and hides like the bitch he is – and THAT ladies and gents is why we beat the GOP like a drum. They have no ideas, no leaders and a bunch of bitches championing their cause. DEMOCRATS RULE AND THERE’S NOT ONE THING – NO, NOT ONE FUCKING THING THE TRAITORS and COWARDS ON THE RIGHT CAN DO ABOUT IT! YEAH!
@91 “declares a false victory”
No kidding. Probably because he’s a fucking crazy loon. I’ve grown tired of his bullshit.
Broadway Joespews:
And you know the ugly truth, Dexter? Nobody gives a fuck what Faux Noise’s ratings are. Lead the cheer all you want, you still lost.
Who cares if Glenn Beck gets better ratings, you still lost.
Who cares if 300,000 mutants do their racist hate-dance, you still lost.
Who cares if a mutant and its brood can yell louder than a reporter, you still lost.
Who does care? Well, I do. Y’see, I get so much enjoyment out of your gyrations of fear, hatred, and severe self-loathing, I’ll keep egging you on until you get a suite at Western State Hospital. And since I know people who work there, I’ll make sure you get lots psychoactive drugs in your food.
You think you slay your dragon with silly names meant to question my sexuality. Thanks for mentioning blowjobs. My wife does them quite well, thank you very much. How does your Lexington Steele doll cut it? Oh wait, you didn’t buy it for the mouth….
It’s fun watching you squirm in irrelevance with your wingnuts, lunatics and likely terrorists. Seriously, reading your rantings is making me laugh so much I have to put down my plate of leftovers from the massive Basque dinner I’d enjoyed with my wife and father, and the adorable little tornadoes otherwise known as my grandchildren. I’d likely choke to death on my chorizo (Basque, of course – a hard, cured sausage instead of that stuff that comes in a tube at the supermarket, that’s Mexican chorizo, good for seasoning a meal and not much else) and rice and the beef brochette if I didn’t. But you’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?
You lost. And you lost again when the Minnesota supremes ruled that Al Franken won fair and square. And you’ll lose again in 18 months when we remove your filth from Congress. And again, when Obama wins his second term, and again when……
To sum up, I could give a fuck less about you or your screed. You’re just a source of comic relief. So go back to your gay-sex photoshops and your Limbaugh/Beck/Hannity/ O’Reilly worship. Remember, even if twenty percent of America allows their brains to be damaged by their hate, that’s still only twenty percent. Not enough to win elections.
Buh-bye, and FYVM.
Winning doesn’t get the job done, joe blow, you are the terrorist the hater and the irrelevent in this situation.
If you think this country is on the winning end then you are a big dumb ass.
Your head is up your ass all the way to your shoulders and no one needs to fox to see that.
I am sure by now your big fat head can see that meal you just ate.
Be sure to chew that food so you might be able to get a glimps of what is really going on in this country. Your welcome FU2
Broadway Joespews:
Yes, I do hate terrorists.
Why do you use a pen name that’s the same as that of a group of violent Xtian extremists notorious for brutal unprovoked attacks on gays? A group (mostly Balts and Russians) that was encouraged to settle in the Northwest by Ken Hutcherson while on a semi-official visit to that area as an envoy of the Bush Administration?
You must be a Russian or Balt, because your English grammar sucks as you try not to make the talking points sound too obvious.
The law is watching you, terrorist.
Your still a dumb ass, And I am free to use whatever name I choose. Your imagination only shows that your head is still where it was and you did not chew that food your looking through well at all.So as far as I am concerned you can chew your way out.
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO come get me coppers.
Broadway Joespews:
So you’re not denying that you’re a Russian or Baltic immigrant that’s come here at the behest of Ken Hutcherson to be a part of ‘God’s holy poison’ to cure the world of gays?
Broadway Joespews:
Or did you come here on the orders of your Mafiya boss?
Broadway Joespews:
Well don’t worry. Our prisons are much better than the ones that you’re probably used to back home.
Broadway Joespews:
What’s the matter, tovarisch? Mad because I know what you are? Madmen are always easy to spot, espcially when the madness is combined with religious hysteria.
Sound Politics: hahahha
SP is the last refuge of the morons – when has there been an intelligent conversation on there?
I sure can’t remember the regular posters as being above the level of the sewer. There were a couple of posters that I disagreed with – but had some interesting points to make – but Eric Earling is gone and the rest of the regular posters and comment section have the combined IQ of a oxen.
Poor Pudgie has an ego that is ten times larger than his puny IQ. He has a decent voice but Hollywood doesn’t really go for guys with man-boobs. His body is as soft as his mind. Now I feel sorry for regularly pummeling him intellectually – he probably has a complex now. My favotrie is when he is clearly losing an argument and resorts to:
a: Illogical persistence on a trivial point while losing the bigger argument.
b. Simply calling the person a liar with nothing to back it up.
c. Claiming to be so much more intelligent (that one always makes me laugh).
Did anyone notice that another right wing torture defender who tried to discredit a US soldier who blew the whistle on atrocities in Iraq was convicted of mudering innocent Iraqis?
Another right wingnut argument down the drain
Broadway Joespews:
I guess I chased the little watchboy off. I must have made him feel a little nekulturny.
Some have to work for thier money joe blow.
I really don’t care what you think of me, my breeding or my culture, btw thats a pretty racist name.
I guess when your spewing crap out of your mouth anything anything might show up,kinda like an intestinal meltdown with a constipated brain.
You are still a Dumn Ass, and i am still free.I seriously doubt if the government can’t find 12 million illegal aliens that they could possibly find lil ole me.
Save your breath joe blow hard you might need it for your blow up date later.
Cya FU2
Broadway Joespews:
Ah, now the truth is out. You are a Russian, and a member of Hutch’s Hate Army. I knew reading Dave Neiwert and Tom Clancy would do me some good.
(NOTE: for those of you who don’t speak Russian or count The Hunt For Red October as one of your all-time favorite books, nekulturny translates to English as ‘uncultured’, and is considered a serious insult to an educated Russian.)
I think I’ll stick with what works when it comes to a thick-tongued homophobic barbarian who is clearly nekulturny.
Nonsense! It’s not just an all white crowd that hates the fact that we elected a black man. No…of course not. They have a PHILOSOPHICAL disagreement with him! They’re sick and tired of having their taxes cut….er….or something. Come to think of it, maybe they are just racists pigs.
Same with the ‘anti-gay’ folks who pretend that they have a religious reason that have to picket and fight “the gays” and it’s not just because they’re homophobic jerks. Of course they NEVER protest Hindus or try to stop Hindu marriages (which violate the Old Testament by worshiping “false” gods). Think of that the next time you watch or listen to one of these faith based concerned citizens against gay marriage. They’re OK with heterosexual Satanist or Hindus being married, but not gay Christians. They don’t picket both, JUST the gays.
As the pictures above show, it’s always really a bitch about blacks, Jews (and I’m sure there were some anti-gay marriage signs thrown in somewhere). The trifecta of racism.
Or maybe it’s just spending? Of course these folks were no where to be seen when Bush ran up at debt by 300 billion a year for the better part of a decade…added a 500 billion welfare program (drug benefit). Were any of these folks out in force and angry at Reagan for the S&L bailout? Of course not. There’s no “reason” behind it. There is a percentage of folks on the right and left who just hate the other side. It’s the crips v bloods of politics, and sometimes they have to bend over backwards to find something to be angry about.
This should delight KKKLynical and Crusader and Politically Incorrect and the the other delightful and thoughtful contributors….
Goldy, even for you, this post is pretty low.
As Josh Marshall wrote:
Taxation without representation?
These morons can’t even understand that their taxes were just cut and the election was just held.
Or are they worriedabout the budget deficit?
Where were they when Reagan and then Bush ran up the largest deficit in history.
Where were they when Obama and the defense department just cut billions from wasteful programs?
Where were they when Bush wasted over a trillion dollars on an unecessary war in Iraq – that he said would pay for itself.
Freekin’ hypocrites with no knowledge or understanding of history or economics.
Troll @3,
See, that’s the topsy-turvy world you live in. Teabaggers bring hateful, racist, delusional signs to their party, but I have sunk to a new low by posting actual photos of them.
It’s not my fault if your own people embarrass you.
Did everyone notice the lack of mass printed signs like when the left protests and ANSER shows up with 100 signs.
Nope, the tea parties were actual citizens and not organized groups.
I see goldy is childishly calling them teabagging parties, following the orders of his master.
Expect to see lots more of this.
The Republican party has a ton of catching up to do. It really wasn’t until early summer of last year that the top brains of the GOP finally came to the shocking realization that geographical political strategies could not trump a sophisticated and well researched modern nationwide political strategy. McCain reshuffled for the umpteenth time, and the Palin anointment was the result. All in all it wasn’t a bad move considering how late in the game it came. But still to little too late.
Now they understand that “the southern strategy” or whatever you want to call it is dead. The GOP cannot run an effective national campaign hoping to exploit geographical political affinities – even when those geographical affinities merely stand in for racism. So they have to start doing the dirty work of mingling with the great unwashed masses and trying to identify modern viable issues around which new conservative political affinities may form.
Wednesday FAUXNews tested the waters surrounding taxation. Meanwhile NOM is pushing same sex marriage. Pretty soon we can probably expect to see Joe the Pretend-Plumber advocating non-intervention, or school vouchers. They’ll be casting around for some time I expect. And the results will often look fairly comical and inept, as they have thus far. But their is really no challenge in ridiculing these awkward early steps by the GOP away from strategies based on race politics. The true challenge for progressives is to outflank them on the newly emerging test issues.
Nothing like calling people you don’t know teabaggers to show you’re not hateful.
Sound Politics is still getting double the hits of horses ass. I wonder why.
What do you expect from “protests” promoted by Faux News and supported by the all white party?
I thought Janeane Garofalo had an interesting take..
“Let’s be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It’s not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don’t know their history at all. It’s about hating a black man in the White House.” “This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that.”
Your post is the equivalent of a right-wing blog depicting the WTO protests as nothing more than a bunch of anarchists tagging buildings and breaking windows. It’s a dishonest, incomplete portrayal of the event, and the varied motivations and concerns of the people attending.
People at the rallies themselves called themselves “teabaggers.” If you choose the label, you own it even if you don’t like it afterwards….
I have a theory about why Sound Politics gets twice the hits. I stopped coming here for some time after the election because I was relieved and needed a break from politics. I would bet there are a lot of people on the left who are satisfied and finding productive things to do.
Aren’t these the same people who said people who protested President Bush were dirty hippies. A little consistency would be nice.
re 8: I can just see you giggling like a girl, clapping your hands in glee, and breathlessly saying “Priceless” every time you detect what you think is hypocrisy from the left.
If you look at the picture on the front of the ST afew days ago, you see nothing but pre-printed signs.
I can’t stand you.
Did anyone see the photo of Lisa Brown in The Seattle Times? She looks like she has a ravenous appetite for taxes, among other things.
HAHA, the left is as angry and petulant as ever and rarely find anything productive to say, do or promote.
Thanks for the laugh, though.
OK I’ll admit it, I go to sound politics much more frequently than
I like to keep up with what the local right wingers are saying.
I’ll read HA once a day or so, but I’m over on SP 3 or 4 times a day.
Gary Sell
39th LD Democrats
Do me a favor headless lucy, don’t see me in your racist little head.
And yes, your party is filled with hypocrites. It’s sad you refuse to admit it.
You can’t stand black people either. I’m in good company.
Of course, it’s all about you.
If the regulars here are so satisfied, why are they still so hateful?
I’ve been posting here long enough to know that a majority of the regulars can’t do that productive thing very well. How many do you feel are unemployed, living with parents or living off taxpayer money.
Goldy’s post is dishonest because the great majority of people attending tea party protests were people who are simply concerned with issues like rising taxes, fiscal irresponsibility (by both the Bush and Obama administrations), and government spending.
Goldy chose to ridicule the whole movement by only showing some of the more controversial signs and messages.
In my book, that’s dishonest, unethical, and lazy reporting.
Hmmmmmmmmmm..still not as low as the KLOWNish anti-Bush signs & rhetoric.
Mighty passive.
But a sign of things to come.
Have you seen the massive increase in Concealed Weapon permits, guns & ammo??
My gun collection has tripled in value thank to Karl Obamarx.
Guns were a great investment to make a year or more ago.
If I were protesting fiscal matters and there was no racism involved in my protest and someone someone showed up with a racist sign, I would make sure that everyone knew that I wasn’t associated with them. After all, I would know that the media would stop focusing on the fiscal issues and focus on the racist signs and that any protest of fiscal issues would now be tainted unless I got the message out that I was not associated with these racists.
I do not recall one person saying; “Wow, I’m here protesting fiscal issues, don’t associate me with these bigots.”
And now, fiscal teabaggers are associated with ignorant bigots and racists. It’s their own fault.
These photos serve as a necessary reminder of how fringe the rightwing has become. The posts from our trolls here serve the same purpose. There is true irony in Marvie, Troll, and Little Ricky D. chastising the left as being hateful.
@20 Superkrit
Go ahead and wallow in your self-righteous hypocrisy, Roadkill, people are finally waking up to the fact that you and your kin are the supply route to the criminal firearm problem and will eventually take away your deadly toys. And if it’s “from your cold, dead hands”, justice will finally have been served.
re 18: What you mistake for hatred is simply how any normal person would treat a spitefull, bile-filled, conservative shithead like yourself.
You seem to like anything — as long as it’s ‘Priceless’ to you.
My theory is that it’s quite similar to how right wing books get into the bestseller lists – they are bought en masse by astroturf organizations funded by wingnut money.
Sound Politics gets hits from make-believe readers manufactured by those same kind of astroturf outfits.
It can’t be the content that’s drawing the hits to (un)SP – it’s piss poor –
OR the comment threads – the same old wingnut cranks haunt those prodded by a few brave liberals.
A gaggle of these idiots brandishing “We are Stupid” signs would have been appropriate.
We see what we see. You guys have lost it in so many ways.
The party of Lincoln, Teddy Rooselvelt and Eisenhower is utterly unrecognizable today/
I have terminated my membership and participation in the Republican Party, effective today.
I’m sure you all will figure out a way to cope.
You ignornant cocksuckers wanna start a revolution ? WE will finish it.
We see what we see. You guys have lost it in so many ways.
The party of Lincoln, Teddy Rooselvelt and Eisenhower is utterly unrecognizable today.
I have terminated my membership and participation in the Republican Party, effective today.
I’m sure you all will figure out a way to cope.
You ignornant cocksuckers wanna start a revolution ? WE will finish it.
The post so nice I sent it twice.
Hey Goldie, your server is running a bit slow :)
So the teabaggers got two days of press on Faux News. Faux News got the chance to pretend to be a “news” organization…a bunch of wingnut white trailer trash came and proved what we already knew about them…they’re racists, cowards, idiots, fools and cum-drunk assholes. They have no real plan, policy or agenda so they make up fake enemies and fake outrage without a single tie to facts. The FACTS are the wingers didn’t protest or TEABAG when George Bush created the largest federal agency of all time, Homeland Security. The wingers didn’t TEABAG when George Bush ran up the largest budget deficit in US history. The wingers didn’t TEABAG when George Bush proposed the first bank bailout. This is as usual, much ado about nothing. The GOP is completely irrelevant and this isn’t going to change anything. Yawn!
The reason Goldy’s waste treatment facility gets half the traffic of SP can be found at 27 & 28…Intelligent persons rarely wade into the sewer when they can just as easily walk above it on the surface street.
SP is the sidwalk, HA is the sewer…any questions?
It looks to me like about a quarter of SP’s traffic goes directly to the voter lookup database rather than the blog itself.
7 “Pretty soon we can probably expect to see Joe the Pretend-Plumber advocating non-intervention, or school vouchers.”
Actually, “Joe” presently has his name on an online blitz to get the knuckle-draggers to donate to a campaign to abolish the IRS.
Yeah Dumbass, I have a question for you:
Why do you hate America?
Its feigned outrage and most reasonable people realize it.
They’re worried about their taxes going up? These MORONS just got a tax CUT under President Obama.
We stopped borrowing money in the late 90’s, a departure from the Reagan, Bush 41 era, and started to pay DOWN the national debt to the tune of $500 million dollars per year. At that rate we’d be a DEBT FREE nation now. That means we’d be servicing less debt and everyone would get a tax cut.
Instead, Bush 43, stopped paying off the national debt money of $500 million per year and SPENT it. On top of spending that $4 TRILLION dollars he and the Reagan Republican congress borrowed an additional $7 TRILLION dollars.
The national debt today is pure, 100% Reagan Republican created. EVERY PENNY!
Then these dolts have the nerve to call Pres. Obama a socialist. These dip shits who are publicly tea bagging each other can’t even define the term socialist.
The HONEST adults are back in charge. The Culture of Corruption adults have been booted from office and reduced to a bunch of neutered whiners.
If they have so much outrage over the fiscal condition of this country, why were they attending rallies and voting for Republican politicians who created this problem last fall?? Country First? Hardly. More like ideology first.
This is radical right-wing hypocrisy at its highest level. Thank God the DHS is keeping a close watch on these traitorous scumbags.
35 Give it up, GBS. It’s no use trying to reason with these people.
Fox News and wingnut radio have out-Hulu’d Hulu at turning their brains to nice yummy jelly, and Rush, Karl, Ann and the other aliens are having a feast.
Oh, I don’t know about that.
O’Reilly recently had a piece on how Eminem, the wigger rapper, did a song denigrating Sarah Palin, calling her a “bitch” and a “ho.” Funny how the fem-Nazi bitches over at NOW didn’t utter a peep about the Eminem video. Nor did the little faggot over at Daily Kos say anything about Eminem. Hmmm…wonder what they would have said if some country singer did a hit piece like Eminem’s on, say, Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi. Man, I bet the Neo-socialist moonbeams would be screamin’ bloody murder about this “abomination” against women, etc. etc. Yawn…
The hypocrisy and arrogance of you Neo-socialist jerks never ceases to amaze me.
Artfart @ 36:
Naaaahhhhh, I’ll give it up the day I give up the ghost — maybe.
I love my country too much to give up on Lady Liberty.
Which is more than I can say for Todd Palin, Gov. Rick Perry, Texas Republicans, and all the tea baggers who hate America and don’t want to be known as Americans any more.
BTW, Mr. C. who doesn’t want to be known as an American any more, HOW ‘BOUT THE DOW RISING ^ WEEKS IN A ROW AFTER HITTING THE BUSH BOTTOM???
I don’t care what you America haters think, Wall Street likes what President Obama is doing.
Otherwise, they’d keep their money on the sidelines.
Instead, they liked what they saw and were rewarded with a 24% gain in the Dow after hitting the Bush Bottom!!
How much did Dow lose from Dec 2007 to Jan 20th, 2009? 45% loss!!
I have to ask a question to Goldy:
Where was the outrage and condemnation for all the Bushitler signs from the anti-war protests? Or the ‘Bush is a chimp’? Or any of the countless others from same said protests?
I think nutjubs are nutjobs are nutjobs. I won’t judge the anti-war protests by their wacko extremists any more than I will judge the tea party’s. You will find, if you look hard enough, these examples at ANY protest. To claim that your shit does not stink while the other side’s does is hypocritical.
This is yet another reason why I abandoned the political parties, opting instead to base my votes on the truth, NOT spin and soundbites. Frankly, you should be embarrassed by this posting, or at least man up and show pictures that depict the worst of BOTH sides.
You want a better world, then actually WORK to make it a better world… quit playing like a chorus of screechy magpies trying to screech and crap all over everything.
@40 “To claim that your shit does not stink while the other side’s does is hypocritical.”
The left does seem to understand that their shit stinks. There’s plenty of topics and comments here where the Democrats are taken to task. Take this one to Puddy and Mr. Klynical and try to get either of them to acknowledge the stench of the Republican party. Good luck with that.
“This is yet another reason why I abandoned the political parties, opting instead to base my votes on the truth, NOT spin and soundbites.”
Good luck with that one, too.
“Frankly, you should be embarrassed by this posting, or at least man up and show pictures that depict the worst of BOTH sides.”
If you close your eyes, hold your breath and wish for a little pink pony, it just might come true. Until then, I suspect this will remain a progressive blog, supporting progressive issues and politicians, and where the topic of every thread is, “Republicans Suck”.
to quote lee………….FUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUU
how about the protest of acorn? all black, jews and gays. so they can protest, but white christians cant? u guys are in for a big suprise because there all stll more white christians in this country than jews or blacks. by the way, i dont fault blacks, they’ve just been convinced that republicans want to take away their entitlements.
clueless wonder has a theory? Same old reruns of others.
by the way, who was the cnn reporter who went balistic on a proteswter holding his daughter? rosengran..another fucking jew sticking her big nose in real americans rights.
Cynical Yeah, here are tea party pictures.
The best one is here.
by the way, if u heard what jeanine garafolo said last night , u now why we hate u jew fucking liberals
Of course Goldy forgets signs like these against Bush.
Steve crazily farted:
Where Steve? Where?
Your friend Roger the dumb bunny reminds us whom think right that this is a libtard blog and they shitty representatives are always better than those on the right.
More Stupid Solution today Steve?
Have you read the last few posts from your political ally, manoftruth? You’re posting along side him, yet you say nothing about the vileness of his postings. What’s that all about? By the way, manoftruth, I am a white, male, heterosexual Christian, who will throw his lot in with “blacks, Jews, and gays” instead of throwing in with your ilk. You are disgusting. You are not Christian.
proud lefttist, if puddy is supposed to dope slap me, then why dont u dont slap jeanine garafolo for saying the people at tea parties were nothing but racist rednecks?
and by the way, the nsa is now illegally wiretapping americans more than when bush was in office. look it up. and that was their plan all along, just like homeland security calling por lifers, extremeists. and u expect me to what, tone it down? who hates who here
and how about jamie foxx making fun of mylie sius saying she was a white bitch? oh should he be fired now? u are all so fucking hypocritical
You are a racist, you piece of shit. Most of the people at teabagging parties, likewise, were racist pieces of shit. You are what needs to be scraped off the heel of the shoe before entering an abode.
proud leftest, u are a fucking retarded moron.
hey byebye gpo, i noticed you called fox news white trailor trash, so i guess it would bother u that i call cnn a jew emporium?
and u call me a bigot, u fucking hypocrits
Ah, yes. The teabaggers are a group of ugly, ugly tiny people.
what a joke, laura, so everyone else can protest. u just dont get it
tell me something laura, did u protest the war in iraq? but other people dont have the right to protest?
46. Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today… spews:
Puddy, great photos.
Obama must sense the beginning of a huge wall of resistance.
I like the pictures where the right wing turds were clearly identifying themselves as racists and traitors – and to top it all off, they did it front of their kids.
All Americans have the right to free speech, to bad some don’t like your president or his wallet drilling policies goldy,
And as far as being called teabaggers the way things look to me he will soon be on the receiving end of a teabagging if he keeps bowing,
apologizing and embracing those that are anti American dictators.He thinks He can change them.He has no backbone.
He is weak and delirious!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dumping debt on all American tax payers.Why should he worry he won’t be around to help pay the actual cost of his spending.BUT OUR DECENDANTS WILL BE.
“And as far as being called teabaggers the way things look to me he will soon be on the receiving end of a teabagging if he keeps bowing,
apologizing and embracing those that are anti American dictators.”
Yeah…like the GOP leadership.
So far, the present administration has more or less continued on the path of its predecessor, allowing financial institutions to stick the public purse for their risks while pocketing the reward when they happen to get lucky. We need to wean our banking system off the public teat, and doing so is going to take some pretty radical actions. I haven’t seen any sign of such yet.
proud loony, you have two political allies who spew the same type of hateful venom and whom you choose to ignore. Why don’t you give the Golden Goat to one of your “buds” this week?
Ask Steve, as I delivered the conditions for my response to MOT. Remember last week some fool sockpuppeted me with racist comments and only three HA weasels condemned him? Since Puddy identified over 65 HA weasel leftists on this blog 3/65 is a very low condemnation rate. You can do the math proud loony.
Lauramae@58 farts:
Lauramae, taking a swig of Steve’s Stupid Solution?
You mean they are more tiny then your G8 Summit buds in Seattle earlier this decade?
Or they are more tiny then the G20 protesters last month?
Or they are more tiny then the ELF morons who burned down the UW building and killed and those “tasty” animals?
Or they are more tiny then the ELF morons who destroyed all those SUVs?
Or they are more tiny then the ELF morons who destroyed by arson those street of dreams homes last year and bankrupted builders and caused people to lose their jobs?
Or they are more tiny then the STATE party you support who is bending you over and screwing you this biennium without permission because of the Queens profligate spending in 2007-2009 biennium?
Please clear all this up lauramae!
I am happy and proud to be on the Oreo Puffybutt’s list. He is a self-loathing traitor. He’s weak. He’s a punk. He’s anti-American. And he’s probably a TEABAGGING fool to boot.
Any enemy of America and freedom who considers me an enemy makes me happy.
The right wing turds started using the word TEABAGGING by the way – they changed it after they found out it so accurately described some of the activity of their leaders – people like GOP Senator Larry Craig! HE HE!
Maybe they were describing bawny fwank. I am almost possitive he teabags.That is probably why he has a speech impediment, he keeps trying to spit it out and just can’t get it done. HA HA!
@68: Yep he teabags the idiot @67! I wonder if Bawney Fwank sweetens his teabag first for stillbentover?
Rick D. saying that the Left is “angry and petulant” is just anoher reason why conservatives are consistently hilarious in their powerlessness.
10 T
Yeah, right. Prove it.
How dare he post pictures of idiots holding up large, clearly worded signs in a public protest. How unfair of him to take their strange, ubnfocused messages out of context. The context, that it, of protestng tax non-existet increases on people you will bever meet nr equal in income, and protesting taxation with representation becauase they’re pissed off about losing the last few elections and becoming throughly marginalized politcally.
So “in your book” Goldy is a reporter? This lack of the ability to adequately perceive and process reality is why you guys have become and will remain such massive losers.
37 PI
Of course, in the real world feminists have been taking action to oppsose sexist lyrics in rap musc for decades, although on behalf of all women and not just your precious, corrupt, ignorant, imcopetent Sarah Palin. But you just are ignorant of this fact, or pretend to be so that you can falsely accuse feminists of a non-existent “hypocrisy.
Both real ignorance and feigned ignorance are prized possessions in the Republican Party. I am sure you’ll go far.
Anti-war protesters who called Bush Hitler or Bush a “chimp” were nto aided and abetted by network news anchors, popular talk show hosts, a major news network, columnists, and Congresspeople such as the ones today who are warning of “facism” under Obama, or talking about “revolution” against our governemnt and the secession of states.
The right-wing shootings have already begun, and when the first right-wing bombs go off this will all be on your party’s head.
48 Pud
Oh noes! Don’t tell me someone was CRAAZZY enough to hold up a sign that says “Say No To Bush!” Pretty strong stuff.
So typical of you leftists. Whenever you guys hold rallies that have signs like:
“Israel = Nazis”
it’s ALL FINE. But a few whackjobs at the tea parties, and that’s PROOF that ALL conservatives are evil. Total hypocrisy, but I wouldn’t expect any less from ya’ll.
61 Cyn
Really, the separation from reality you all evidence is a hoot!
Obama’s popularity and job approval remain well over 60% and support for his policies over 50%. Yeah, he’s really feeling the heat from the teabaggers. So much so that he took the opportunity of Aril 15 to announce that he’s going to DO what conservatives have been spending decades announcing but somehow never bothered to follow though on: simplify our tax code.
Like John McCain, you’ve really got him where you want him now.
63 WW
And you’re just the one to administer it, right? Anyway, you DO know that you are talking about our allies (and the dear, dear super-close BFF friends of the Bush family) the Saudi royals, don’t you? Of course you do, because you are so well informed.
65 Pud
No one condemned you becuse most people ignore you.
75 C
As I pointed out @72, left wing whackjobs were not
A) Astroturf operations organized and funded by large lobbying groups
B) echoed, amplified, enouraged and sometimes even preceded in their comments by a major news network, countless Congresspeople, talk show hosts and news anchors (I am sure only coincidentally on that same major news network), and news columnists labeling the president and his policies “facism,” “socialism,” and calling for “revolution” before his first hundred days are up.
Oh, adn the antiwar rallies were global and much better-attended that this pathetic fakery.
Daddy Love – keep fooling yourself into believing that these protests are “astroturfing”. The more you deceive yourself, the more we win.
Oh Junior Troll Crusader, you’re such a silly little bitch. If it ain’t astroturfing, then answer these:
Q: Why did one network so vigorously promote the rallies, while the others….. merely covered and reported on them?
A: Because Faux Noise Network says what Roger Ailes tells them to say, and he does what Rush Limbaugh tells him to do. And Rush does what the Oxycontin tells him to do.
Q: Why did the groups behind the original idea of the rallies suddenly say they had nothing to do with them any more?
A: The groups, mostly leftovers from the Ron Paul campaign, saw their rallies get hijacked by Republicans, who chose to turn a non-partisan protest against financial excesses commited by BOTH major parties into a virtual KKK rally, and disavowed the rallies.
Yes, I provided the answers. That’s because you’re too fucking stupid to figure things out for yourself, Junior Troll Crusader. Face reality, Junior Troll Crusader – 300,000 racist pigs doesn’t amount to much. Even if every genetic-dead-end dittohead in America turned out (and yes, there are millions of them), they still wouldn’t amount to dick.
Guess what, Junior Troll Crusader? Al Franken makes 59. Only 18 months left in the unlifespan of what was once the Party of Lincoln. After the midterms, you and your masters will be irrelevant, and truly dead, once and for all.
I look forward to watching you squirm in irrelevance forever.
Fool@74: Those are just the tame ones. Puddy already posted the vile ones along with Bush Hater T-Shirts. Butt the one which reminded me of your windbaggedness was this one.
Fool@78: They weren’t condemning Puddy. It was a leftist windbag racist similar to your windbag arguments who wasn’t condemned. BTW you surely didn’t condemn his use of the “n” word.
Puddy never did bring himself to condemn a troll for posting the “N” word. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. That was the day Puddy lost any moral authority to ever complain about Headless again. Oh, he will continue to do so, of course. But he will be ignored. That’s the price of cowardice.
BlowJob Joe farts:
Q: Why did one network so vigorously promote the rallies, while the others….. merely covered and reported on them?
A. Where did they vigorously promote the rallies?
Oh because they sent reporters to cover them and ask questions while the vile CNN reporterette Susan Roesgen got her ASS handed to her by that man with his baby? Susan showing the continual biases of CNN with her political commentary and her attacks? PRICELESS.
Oh you mean where David Shuster loses it on the air: “”For most Americans, Wednesday, April 15th will be Tax Day. But in our fourth story tonight: It’s going to be teabagging day for the right-wing and they’re going nuts for it. Thousands of them whipped out the festivities early this past weekend, and while the parties are officially toothless, the teabaggers are full-throated about their goals. They want to give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending – spending they did not oppose when they were under presidents Bush and Reagan,” Shuster continued. “They oppose Mr. Obama’s tax rates – which will be lower for most of them — and they oppose the tax increases Mr. Obama is imposing on the rich, whose taxes will skyrocket to a rate about 10 percent less than it was under Reagan. That’s teabagging in a nut shell. “If you are planning simultaneous tea bagging all around the country, you’re going to need a Dick Armey.” Yes that’s professional decorum on the air.
Q: Why did the groups behind the original idea of the rallies suddenly say they had nothing to do with them any more?
A: Dr. Ronald Paul appeared at one of the tea events. Dr. Paul said, “These things are popping up spontaneously around the country.”
Of course Ana Marie Cox of Swampland (how appropriate for a libtard blog “Who wouldn’t want to tea bag John McCain?”
And BlowJob Joe, it seems PMSNBC, CNN, and the rest of cable news is getting obliterated by Fox.
But you keep your poltergeists busy now okay dude? You are one of the clown princes of noises, rappings, and disorder.
Steve, price of cowardice? You are too stupid drinking your own Stupid Solution formulation to know anything dude. HA weasels had a recent opportunity to put up or shut up. 62 out of 65 shut up.
EPIC FAIL. So good the HA libtard weasels now use it on HA.
Puddy @ 85: “NUFF Said Sucka… KABLAMMMMMMMMMO”
By junior high school, most people have ceased communicating in such manner.
Puddybud, have I made it onto your list yet?
@85 You’re the one who had the chance to put up or shut up. You said nothing. Not one word. And now here you are again, whining about how so few on the left stood up against some racist. Unlike you, I stood up. Both times. You didn’t put up yourself, so now you can just shut the fuck up. That’s the price you pay for your cowardice.
Puddy, add me to your list!
Ya know puddy you are one the very few people on HA that really makes any sense,These people are so radical left,that reality has escaped from them,it just couldn’t take it anymore.
Keep up the good work,
Most of them think they know whats going on. One of them will want to be the next president. God forbid, another weak and dilirious person selling out the country.
When Puddydick gets his ass kicked here (aka daily) he just declares a false victory and then runs and hides like the bitch he is – and THAT ladies and gents is why we beat the GOP like a drum. They have no ideas, no leaders and a bunch of bitches championing their cause. DEMOCRATS RULE AND THERE’S NOT ONE THING – NO, NOT ONE FUCKING THING THE TRAITORS and COWARDS ON THE RIGHT CAN DO ABOUT IT! YEAH!
@91 “declares a false victory”
No kidding. Probably because he’s a fucking crazy loon. I’ve grown tired of his bullshit.
And you know the ugly truth, Dexter? Nobody gives a fuck what Faux Noise’s ratings are. Lead the cheer all you want, you still lost.
Who cares if Glenn Beck gets better ratings, you still lost.
Who cares if 300,000 mutants do their racist hate-dance, you still lost.
Who cares if a mutant and its brood can yell louder than a reporter, you still lost.
Who does care? Well, I do. Y’see, I get so much enjoyment out of your gyrations of fear, hatred, and severe self-loathing, I’ll keep egging you on until you get a suite at Western State Hospital. And since I know people who work there, I’ll make sure you get lots psychoactive drugs in your food.
You think you slay your dragon with silly names meant to question my sexuality. Thanks for mentioning blowjobs. My wife does them quite well, thank you very much. How does your Lexington Steele doll cut it? Oh wait, you didn’t buy it for the mouth….
It’s fun watching you squirm in irrelevance with your wingnuts, lunatics and likely terrorists. Seriously, reading your rantings is making me laugh so much I have to put down my plate of leftovers from the massive Basque dinner I’d enjoyed with my wife and father, and the adorable little tornadoes otherwise known as my grandchildren. I’d likely choke to death on my chorizo (Basque, of course – a hard, cured sausage instead of that stuff that comes in a tube at the supermarket, that’s Mexican chorizo, good for seasoning a meal and not much else) and rice and the beef brochette if I didn’t. But you’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?
You lost. And you lost again when the Minnesota supremes ruled that Al Franken won fair and square. And you’ll lose again in 18 months when we remove your filth from Congress. And again, when Obama wins his second term, and again when……
To sum up, I could give a fuck less about you or your screed. You’re just a source of comic relief. So go back to your gay-sex photoshops and your Limbaugh/Beck/Hannity/ O’Reilly worship. Remember, even if twenty percent of America allows their brains to be damaged by their hate, that’s still only twenty percent. Not enough to win elections.
Buh-bye, and FYVM.
Winning doesn’t get the job done, joe blow, you are the terrorist the hater and the irrelevent in this situation.
If you think this country is on the winning end then you are a big dumb ass.
Your head is up your ass all the way to your shoulders and no one needs to fox to see that.
I am sure by now your big fat head can see that meal you just ate.
Be sure to chew that food so you might be able to get a glimps of what is really going on in this country. Your welcome FU2
Yes, I do hate terrorists.
Why do you use a pen name that’s the same as that of a group of violent Xtian extremists notorious for brutal unprovoked attacks on gays? A group (mostly Balts and Russians) that was encouraged to settle in the Northwest by Ken Hutcherson while on a semi-official visit to that area as an envoy of the Bush Administration?
You must be a Russian or Balt, because your English grammar sucks as you try not to make the talking points sound too obvious.
The law is watching you, terrorist.
Your still a dumb ass, And I am free to use whatever name I choose. Your imagination only shows that your head is still where it was and you did not chew that food your looking through well at all.So as far as I am concerned you can chew your way out.
WOOOOHOOOOOOOO come get me coppers.
So you’re not denying that you’re a Russian or Baltic immigrant that’s come here at the behest of Ken Hutcherson to be a part of ‘God’s holy poison’ to cure the world of gays?
Or did you come here on the orders of your Mafiya boss?
Well don’t worry. Our prisons are much better than the ones that you’re probably used to back home.
What’s the matter, tovarisch? Mad because I know what you are? Madmen are always easy to spot, espcially when the madness is combined with religious hysteria.
Sound Politics: hahahha
SP is the last refuge of the morons – when has there been an intelligent conversation on there?
I sure can’t remember the regular posters as being above the level of the sewer. There were a couple of posters that I disagreed with – but had some interesting points to make – but Eric Earling is gone and the rest of the regular posters and comment section have the combined IQ of a oxen.
Poor Pudgie has an ego that is ten times larger than his puny IQ. He has a decent voice but Hollywood doesn’t really go for guys with man-boobs. His body is as soft as his mind. Now I feel sorry for regularly pummeling him intellectually – he probably has a complex now. My favotrie is when he is clearly losing an argument and resorts to:
a: Illogical persistence on a trivial point while losing the bigger argument.
b. Simply calling the person a liar with nothing to back it up.
c. Claiming to be so much more intelligent (that one always makes me laugh).
Did anyone notice that another right wing torture defender who tried to discredit a US soldier who blew the whistle on atrocities in Iraq was convicted of mudering innocent Iraqis?
Another right wingnut argument down the drain
I guess I chased the little watchboy off. I must have made him feel a little nekulturny.
Some have to work for thier money joe blow.
I really don’t care what you think of me, my breeding or my culture, btw thats a pretty racist name.
I guess when your spewing crap out of your mouth anything anything might show up,kinda like an intestinal meltdown with a constipated brain.
You are still a Dumn Ass, and i am still free.I seriously doubt if the government can’t find 12 million illegal aliens that they could possibly find lil ole me.
Save your breath joe blow hard you might need it for your blow up date later.
Cya FU2
Ah, now the truth is out. You are a Russian, and a member of Hutch’s Hate Army. I knew reading Dave Neiwert and Tom Clancy would do me some good.
(NOTE: for those of you who don’t speak Russian or count The Hunt For Red October as one of your all-time favorite books, nekulturny translates to English as ‘uncultured’, and is considered a serious insult to an educated Russian.)
I think I’ll stick with what works when it comes to a thick-tongued homophobic barbarian who is clearly nekulturny.
Yob tvoyu mat, nekulturny.