I’ll be live blogging the results. Because I’m blogging here at Horse’s Ass, I’ll probably do it as a mocking of the typical media style. So if a result doesn’t have a link, it’s probably just something I made up. Polls close at 7:00 SC time, but since I and most HA readers are on the West Coast, polls close at 4:00. All updates will be in West Coast time. It should be noted that I don’t have a TV box, so this might skew toward Internet results.
Update 4:02: Still no results in, but Gingrich is projected to win from the exit polls. Here are some sites I’ll be looking at. Kos NPR TPM The SC Election Commission.
Update 4:08: Newt Gingrich needed a win with the GOP’s critical jackass community. It looks like the jackasses pulled through. Still no actual results, but at the very least the jackasses who were willing to talk to exit pollsters liked the way he didn’t ever actually answer questions at the debates and the way he hates gay people. In addition to jackasses, douches, douche bags, and assholes have all broken strongly for Gingrich. Can he unite these disparate groups of Republicans going forward? We’ll see in Florida.
Update 4:17: Given how well Newt did right after revelations about an affair were brought to light, I think the other candidates should seriously consider leaving their wives for younger staffers. Does Santorum have time leave his wife before the Florida primary?
Update 4:24: Still no results, but CBS news has actual exit poll results.
Update 4:31: OK, real results, y’all. So far even though TPM is predicting Newt is the winner, Mittens has the most votes so far:
Mitt Romney…..1,857…….38.1%
Newt Gingrich…1,614…….33.1%
Rick Santorum…639………13.1%
Ron Paul………..454……….9.3%
Update 4:34: The SC Election Commission has even fewer numbers in and has Romney at 47%. You guys, either you shouldn’t trust small numbers from just a few precincts that just start to trickle in, or the exit polls are wrong. I have no way of knowing.
Update 4:54: An hour after the polls close, TPM has Newtron in the lead over Will.I.Ard:
Newt Gingrich…….7,149……36.5%
Mitt Romney………6,628……33.8%
Rick Santorum……2,958…….15.1%
Ron Paul…………..2,097……10.7%
Update 4:58: Among white voters, so far the results are:
Newt Gingrich…….7,149……36.5%
Mitt Romney………6,628……33.8%
Rick Santorum……2,958…….15.1%
Ron Paul…………..2,097……10.7%
I guess they haven’t counted Nikki Haley’s vote yet.
Update 5:03: Romney’s making a speech. He doesn’t like Obama.
Update 5:05: I think Romney thinks Gingrich is too much like Obama. He’s apparently made “a frontal assault on free enterprise” whatever the fuck that means.
Update 5:06: I won’t have the rest of the speech since NPR has cut it off.
Update 5:12: From Michael in the comments on Willard’s speech:
Romney’s clearly mistaken “free enterprise” with half the women in DC.
Update 5:18: With 94,442 votes in, Newtle is still up over Mittenz:
Newt Gingrich…….38,589……40.9%
Mitt Romney………25,525……27.0%
Rick Santorum……16,204……17.2%
Ron Paul…………..12,033……12.7%
Update 5:24: Joe Wilson is on NPR. He just said, “the health care takeover will destroy jobs.” You lie! It’s not a health care takeover and it won’t destroy jobs.
Update 5:37: All the news sources I see say Newter has won 17 delegates. I assume that’s all of them. Does anyone know if there are any delegates up for grabs?
Update 5:45: How many of the 2,353 so far votes for Herman Cain are for Cain and how many for Colbert? I’m going out on a limb and saying all of them are for Colbert. Every single one.
Update 5:52: Apparently Santorum is speaking and he’s still in it, but NPR isn’t breaking to it like they did for part of Romney’s. Here’s my guess: “I hate gay people. Boo women. Race baiting.”
Update 6:01: Looks like “Says You!” on KUOW.
Update 6:07: With 355,360 votes in Oven Mitt is still down to Out with the Old In With The Newt:
Newt Gingrich………….144,242……40.6%
Mitt Romney……………93,628…….26.3%
Rick Santorum…………63,475……17.9%
Ron Paul……………….47,712…….13.4%
Herman “Colbert” Cain…3,477……..1.0%
Update 6:13: I think we can all agree if you want to win an early primary it helps to have been an elected official from a neighboring state. So that bodes well for Newt in Florida.
Update 6:19: Does shutting down the government because you have a sad about seating assignments help you win a primary contest 12 years later? Answer: Maybe?!?
Update 6:22: I just found the NPR live feed and they said that Gingrich won 23 of 25 delegates. I assume Romney won the other 2, but I can’t find it anywhere.
Update 6:25: Newt Gingrich isn’t coming out to speak yet. 3 possibilities for why: 1) He knows coverage will stop after he’s done so he’s dragging it out. 2) He was surprised by the size of the victory and is rewriting his speech. 3) He’s having sex with future wife #4.
Update 6:27: OK, Newt is on stage now.
Update 6:32: Elites are trying to make us stop being American. What?
Update 6:34: The other candidates reflect the openness of the American system. Yes, 3 wealthy white Christian men show how anyone can run for president?
Update 6:35: Newt attacks New York and Washington. People chant “USA USA USA.” Um, New York and Washington are part of the USA.
Update 6:38: He’s making a TelePrompTer joke (as he’s reading off his script).
Update 6:39: Saul Alinsky. What?
Update 6:41: Now he’s talking about “anti-religious bigotry” as he defines opposition to Christian supremacy.
Update 6:44: Oh good, we’re back on food stamp president. Without food stamps a lot of the children of the working poor will starve, asshole. And make them janitors isn’t a fucking answer.
Update 6:45: The NPR feed just cut out the speech. Phew, now I can listen to E.J. Dionne and Matt Continetti. Thanks? NPR.
Update 7:04: OK, most of the votes are in, so this is the last update, probably:
Newt Gingrich……..209,218…….40.4%
Mitt Romney……….139,804…….27.0%
Rick Santorum………89,871…….17.4%
Ron Paul…………….69,360……..13.4%
I assume this means Newt has the lead in the delegate count (even assuming you can make up some guess for the Iowa delegate count). Hmm, I was more serious than I thought I’d be and left a lot of jokes on the table. Surprising given how it wasn’t even that close.
Now on to Florida.
No results so far.
what carl said
Given how well Newt did right after revelations about an affair were brought to light, I think the other candidates should seriously consider leaving their wives for younger staffers
did you ever think it wasn’t that but the fact that he cleaned the medias clock?
My how the evangelicals have fallen.
Huntsman could still be in this thing if he’d slept with Romney’s wife.
Looks like Newt’s up by 400.
Here are CNN’s results:
Gingrich – 37%
Romney – 32%
Santorum – 15%
Paul – 12%
That’s with less than 30,000 votes counted. CNN’s exit polls project Gingrich 38%, Romney 29%, Santorum 17%, Paul 15%.
Romney’s clearly mistaken “free enterprise” with half the women in DC.
LOL… Looks like the folks in SC would rather have a liar and philanderer in office than a Yankee.
Newt should adopt this as his theme song.
I am convinced they’re still fighting The War of Northern Aggression.
Which of them said that South Carolina was at war with the United States? And that statement from someone ostensibly vying to lead The Union.
That was Perry. Fucking blew my mind when he said that.
Santorum says he’s staying in.
You forgot 9/11 and freedom, but other than that you were spot on. He was rambling and I couldn’t figure out what all he was talking about other than he was staying in.
Okay, so this isn’t a big deal, ya know? SC is a confederate state. This won’t happen again. Next up, Florida, which is friendly territory for Mittster. Mittens is still gonna be the nominee.
Yeah, it’s going to be Mitt. This really is just a dog and pony show.
3 people are very happy tonight. Gnoot,
JackieCalista, and Obama.@16 A conservative columnist and former New Republic editor tells us why the best conservative candidate in this race is Obama:
Mittster, by comparison, sounds like an ADHD kid off his meds.
“anti-religious bigotry”????
This from the man who said “There is no reason for us to accept a mosque next to the World Trade Center”
Why would anyone call the disgraced former Speaker of the House a hypocrite?
To wit: “Mitt Romney accuses the president of making the recession worse, of wanting to turn America into a European welfare state, of not believing in opportunity or free enterprise, of having no understanding of the real economy, and of apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. According to Romney, Obama is a mortal threat to ‘the soul’ of America and an empty suit who couldn’t run a business, let alone a country. None of this is even faintly connected to reality.”
(Link @17)
Another delusional fool gets her bubble popped — or is she a cougar with a thing for serial killers?
Mitt thought France was just fine back in ’66.
Iran has said it won’t allow a U.S. aircraft carrier through the Strait of Hormuz. The Navy says it won’t let Iran stop them. I’m sure that President Appeaser (sic) sending the Enterprise to the Persian Gulf on Super Tuesday has nothing to do with this being an election year.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like the guy Republicans claim “apologizes for America” isn’t above a little dog-wagging of his own.
Okay, so we have the presumptive GOP nominee — who just got his ass kicked by a gang of Confederate rednecks who aren’t nearly as tough as the Somali pirates — running around calling President Obama an appeaser who “apologizes” to our enemies. Meanwhile, President Appeaser:
a) Sends the SEALS to turn Osama bin Laden’s head into ground sausage;
b) Blows up sundry al Qaeda leaders with drone-launched missile strikes;
c) Kills a bunch of Taliban with the U.S. Army;
d) Helps bomb Ghadafi into a drainage ditch where Libyan Occupiers blow his head off; and
e) Starts a war with Iran.
The fall debates are gonna be fun, fun, fun!!!
Hey, I’m not saying Obama is real popular with the pacifist wing of our party, but it’s worth the price of admission to watch lying Republicans squirm like worms on fishooks.
Oh where, oh where, might our trolls have gone?
Oh where, oh where, might they be?
You would not think that an ass-kicking
Would make the little fucks flee
For 32 years, across 8 nomination contests, the winner of the SC GOP primary has gone on to be the GOP nominee.
Congratulations to Gnoot and the GOP!
I don’t get the anger over Newt calling Obama a foodstamp president and saying without food stamps people will starve. Newt is not attacking people who need them. He is pointing out that people dont have jobs.
I think the anger is because “Foodstamp President” is effective framing.
SC demonstrates that among a field of white men the politics of economic resentment will win hands down. Gingrich “shouldn’t” win big in S.C. – he has huge liabilities, TNTC. But among the angry, white, xtian, REAL Murkins Gingrich beats Romney by double digits. It’s pay back time, and Romney might as well be Bush 1. When those NASCAR dads step into the booth all they see is some vee-neck sweater wearing motherfucker who thinks $375k “isn’t very much money”. Burn.
But in the general it’ll come down to a contest between the frames of racial politics and the frames of economic politics. “Foodstamp President” combines the two brilliantly. If the GOP is lucky, Gingrich will be the nominee and he’ll flog “Foodstamp President” and similar frames all the way to a victory in November. Romney’s positive economic framing is weak, and S.C. demonstrated its weaknesses. He plays the race card well enough (though certainly not as well as Gingrich). But as the nominee, Romney is too easily targeted for attacks exploiting economic resentment. Angry white people worried about losing their jobs are looking for payback.
Obama’s people should take note.
Now if the angry white people would open their eyes and see who took their jobs- not the folks on food stamps many of them angry white people, but the fat cats off-shoring jobs and creating and popping a housing bubble.
The talking heads raised an interesting point. Emotional voters went for Gingrich because he was vicious partisan fighter. Romney is too weak. I see Obama being weak looking compared to Gingrich, unless President Obama can develop a combative tone, without coming across like a Scary Black Man(TM).
Looks like the SC vote was pretty even across urban exurban and rural votes.
The number of people on food stamps soared from 2000 to 2009, up by 10 million from 2007 to 2009 alone.
I’m sure it was all the food stamp president’s fault. But his name was Bush, not Obama.
Wingnuts project too much. It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Most adults on food stamps work. Most children on food stamps have parents who work. It’s the framing of the poor (and the first time he did it talking about the NAACP it was also explicitly about black people) as lazy, and making up facts to do it.
I see that Huckabee went full Birther on the O’Reilly show.
Where does he come up with this shit about who paid for Obama’s education? WTF? Does he think some Muslim cabal began plotting back in the 60’s to elect a Muslim president or something? Where the fuck would he get an idea like that?
Oh, never mind.
Hilarious! What happened to the “family values” they vomited about over Clinton??
Shit! The Newtster is into freaking “open marriage”..
That’s “new age”, “San Francisco” values..
Live long enough you f’ing see it all..
Hell Clinton was still in office after a BJ. Why shouldn’t Newt have taken on CNN.
Besides, he is getting hundreds of hours of free advertising to boot.
And if you don’t think the news media isn’t in his pocket, watch how they fall all over themselves trying to get a moment with him.
Newt is no dummy to the Press and their ways…
# 30: “Food Stamp President”. Newt is trying to do something he does often: use words with negative connotations to smear his political targets, and take advantage of the ambiguity as to who, or what, is the target. None of it stands up to scrutiny, which pretty much defines Newt in a nutshell.
By referring to Pres. Obama as a “Food Stamp President”, he is using the code words to appeal to the worst among the racists in S. Carolina, who like to assume that all blacks live on food stamps, and only blacks use food stamps, and that somehow the President is taking care of only the blacks in the country.
Without the racial connotation, it becomes an attack on both the President and everyone who uses food stamps. Which is a very dangerous position to take right now, with so many people who are either unemployed themselves, or have friends and family members who are unemployed, or who have been forced to take part-time minimum-wage jobs.
It’s a bit hillarious watching right-wingers trying to reconcile their objection to federal aid with their own willingness to accept that aid. In general, they say that THEY are justified in filing bankruptcy, abandoning their mortgage, accepting unemployment benefits or food stamps, etc. It’s “all the other people” (i.e., anyone who is non-white or a Democrat or not a family member) who isn’t justified in doing so.