I have been writing a lot about my daughter’s elementary school, and will continue to do so for quite some time. But I’m not the only one.
My fellow parents at Graham Hill Elementary have joined together to do an incredible amount of research, analysis, creative thinking and community outreach in our effort to save our school from closure. Some of this is now available online at our new website: SaveGrahamHill.com
This new website is not only a terrific introduction to Graham Hill, it is also a demonstration of how integrated we are into the surrounding community, for it is actually the creation of Chandra Inouye, who is not (yet) a Graham Hill parent. Her daughter is only 18 months, a year and a half shy of our unique, Montessori Pre-K program.
My deepest thanks to Chandra for this tremendous gift.
Very cool! Someone is a skilled web designer.
How to kill a blog: beat your OWN favorite dead horse to death while bored onlookers watch.
We have grown to expect this type of activism by Goldy….God Bless Him!!!
Goldy, I have an idea on how you and the other concerned parents can save your beloved school……it’s actually quite creative and an idea you wouldn’t think of in a million years. It goes something like this…..
Find out what the annual Budget is for good old Graham Hill.
Since it’s your own money, I’ll bet you KLOWNS can find all kinds of cost savings!!!
Have you even looked at the school budget Goldy???
You should be given some allowance for the school based on savings experienced by the other schools due to having less kids. Carefully measure that. Certainly other schools may have a few less teachers than if they consolidate. Get the facts. However, you will be responsible for the ongoing O&M of the building….and of course the cost of the principal and administrative staff plus the incremental teachers required by your selfish efforts.
Important to get into the fiscal reality Goldy….as much as that will pain your pointy little LEFTIST PINHEAD.
Good luck—-
Car Washes, Bake Sales, DONATIONS by parents….you can do it Goldy.
Hey, sounds like I’m talking about a semi-Private or Charter School!!!!
Blog rhymes with flog.
I’m not familiar with every school on the closure list, but it seems sad to me that some schools (like Graham Hill) are likely to get louder, more savvy community support than others. Why not beat the drum for a district-wide no-closures policy? The closures as planned are only going to save $2.5 million or so anyway, out of the $20 mil deficit. I’d like to know more about the other ways they’re reducing the deficit, and have they fully explored all of them?
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Letters to the Editor
Taxpayers not finished paying for school addition
I am not a parent, but I am a concerned resident of the South End. As a homeowner and taxpayer, I was appalled to see Graham Hill Elementary listed as a school to be closed. Two years ago, the superintendent cut the ribbon to open the new wing of the school that cost taxpayers $4.8 million. In addition to what taxpayers are still paying, the parents, teachers, students and neighbors worked to raise $400,000 for a new playground.
If this school is closed it tells me as a taxpayer that the School Board does not know how to manage taxpayers’ money and I will never support another school levy. The only argument I have heard to close the school is because of poor test scores.
My advice to the School Board members would be to invest in the academics of this school to improve the test scores that is a problem of your making and what you get paid to fix. To close the school would be a travesty.
Ellen B. King
It is good that Goldy gave us the link to the SaveGrahamHill.Com website. That way, we can read some sensible and objective commentary on the subject, instead of Goldy’s ravings and rantings.
The Ellen King letter in today’s Seattle P-I, which I have copied above, is excellent and to the point. The Seattle School District spent $4.8 million in 2004 to renovate Graham Hill. Another $400,000 was raised privately to improve the playground.
The King County Assessor values all government buildings, even though these properties are exempt from the property tax. They say that the building and improvements at Graham Hill are worth $5,677,200 for 2006:
So basically, the Graham Hill property might not have been worth very much — at least on the building end of things — a few years ago. Now, Seattle taxpayers (and private folks) have invested $5.2 million to renovate and improve it — probably making Graham Hill the most modern and physically valuable elementary school in the entire southeast Seattle area.
It is completely insane to throw away an effectively brand new school building. It would make more sense to abandon some other school that is crumbling and near the end of its effective life.
But these are the kind of stupid decisions that liberal Democrats — like the folks running Seattle — make every day.
The insanity of this would be one of the more effective arguments against closing Graham Hill. But don’t expect Goldy to understand this argument, or to advocate it if he manages to figure it out.
Richard, I have repeatedly made that argument, both on HA and personally to several school board and CAC members. But thanks for repeating it.
And to all those who complain about me hammering issue that’s near and dear to me… fuck off. Go read some other blog. You know like that fresh one that Stefan runs that would never obsessively flog a story to death.
Betcha next year I’ll be writing about something else, and Stefan will still be crying about the 2004 election.
Go read some other blog. You know like that fresh one that Stefan runs that would never obsessively flog a story to death.
I second the motion.
The buidling looks really cool. Keep up the fight!
Here is the pathetic six page flyer that the Seattle School District calls its 2005 “Annual Report”:
This gives you real confidence in the Seattle Schools leadership.
And maybe I am wrong about all the members of the Seattle School Board being Democrats. While Republicans can’t win in Seattle, it doesn’t necessarily follow that Democrats win all the elections.
Two of the school board members — including its president Brita Butler-Wall — are GREEN PARTY members who are endorsing Aaron Dixon for U.S. Senate:
Any parent who gives a fuck about their kids would NEVER subject them to Seattle schools. Goldy obviously doesn’t give a fuck about his daughter.
Hey Goldy, ante up for a private school for her. If she continues to attend gummint schools, she’ll grow up to be a dumass just like her father.
Goldy: I’m sorry but I don’t feel your pain. Does your Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbat ASSHeads remember this post http://www.horsesass.org/wp-trackback.php/866? “Um… anybody wanna run for School Board?” “by Goldy, 07/25/2005, 11:52 AM I surely do!
“There’s a great job opening that offers long hours, zero pay, and frequent angry emails from the public. No, I’m not talking about blogging (though the description matches)… I’m talking about Seattle School Board. Unlike previous, hotly contested elections, two of three open seats are uncontested, and…
What stumps School Board observers is the District 5 seat, occupied by Mary Bass. Neither she nor anyone else has announced an intent to run.
So… are people really that satisfied with the performance of the Seattle Public Schools, or have we just given up all hope?
Don’t get me wrong, I love my neighborhood school, despite the constant funding shortfall and the apparent cluelessness of a distant, district administration. I come from a part of the country where urban school districts are often little more than holding pens for future prisoners. Compared to cities like Philadelphia and New York, Seattle schools are a paradise.
But that’s setting the bar awfully damn low. [You called that one correctly. Look at what it got ya?]
We can do better, and that requires better, more creative leadership. So if you’re interested in running for school board, I’d be happy to hook you up with people who can provide some real campaign advice. But hurry up… the filing period opened this morning, and closes Friday at 4:30 pm.”
Why didn’t you run Goldy? You could have made a difference! Also I remember the comment I emboldened. It proves donks can’t run schools in big cities, and you acknowledged it Goldy. I also wondered what caused a donk like you to write something like that? Isn’t that kind of racist commentary about donks, their city school boards and districts, and minority children who have no future and you don’t condemn it? You see Goldy, NUTHIN you write gets past us whom think right!
Keep up the great but sometimes misguided work.
Yours truly,
Oh BTW, Nuff Said!!!!
Puddybud’s virgin sons are the fine product of a private school, I’m sure.
Mark the Reddick has to be the finest example of why public schools are superior I’ve ever seen if he did indeed go to private school…assuming he went to school at all.
ASSnonymous deal with the question. Oh… that’s right you are fixated on my children and their virginity. Do you have pedophilic tendencies?
Missive number three from my older son: “Do you like young boys? Just asking? Your hairy butt does not entice me. That’s all I’m going to say on this issue.”
So we want to know what motivates you ASSnonymous? You have nothing to add to the argument so you drool over my sons. You want their virginity. He just said you are not his type.
Wow, just just in. ASSnonymous is a card carrying member of NAMBLA!
That is a great school. The playgrounds and the Montessori setup are going to bring a real premium in the market once we get done converting them to condos. We figure we could average over $400k per condo unit and carve out 50 units. For the montessori we could get close to $10k per kid per year. This thing is a cash cow. It’s time for someone who knows what they are doing to take it over. You wouldn’t happen to have some floor plans so we can get an advance start on the planning, would you?
“Puddybud”? Isn’t that the name every member of NAMBLA uses?
No I was told it is Anonymous! That way no one knows your name!
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 13
Any parent who gives a fuck about their kids would NEVER allow them to make a bet and then refuse to make good on it.
Apparently, your parents failed to convey the concept of giving ones word, honesty, integrity. So, go the fuck away–you’re a worthless piece of shit.
Puddy @ 14,
How the fuck is Goldy’s 07/25/2005 post in any way inconsistent with the specific issue he is writing on now????
One again…we seem to have entered the funhouse of PuddyWorld!
LMAO @ Lucre – you may have hit on a solution! Any capitalist Conservatives want to join funds to BUY Graham and convert it to PRIVATE SCHOOL?… sorry goldstein, it WILL be sign a contract and pay your tuition type thing.
ProudASS @ 2
“How to kill a blog: beat your OWN favorite dead horse to death while bored onlookers watch.”
Wait…wait…let me see if I have this right. You are saying that Goldy shouldn’t write what he wants to write about on his own fucking blog????
Waaaaah, haa, haa, ha. Ohh…ProudASS that’s the funniest thing you have written in a long time. What the fuck are you going to do if Goldy has the audacity to post what he wants to write about (on his own blog)?
Cancel your subscription???
(Don’t get our hopes up.)
dear moron, do you understand English?
Any capitalist Conservatives want to join funds to BUY Graham and convert it to PRIVATE SCHOOL?… sorry goldstein, it WILL be sign a contract and pay your tuition type thing. -Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 5/25/06@ 8:31 pm
hell, the Montessori school ALONE would be worth the investment… In 1987, we were paying close to $4,000/year for Montessori 1st grade.
Capitalism rocks!
Seattle puts out way more in taxes than we get back and joins the rest of King Co. in subsidizing the red counties. Seattlites like to put money into their schools, whether they have a kid in school or not. Seattle is the last place in this state that is going to vote for your wacko Christian-foot-in-the-door ideological fantasy world charter schools. And we dont want to use our money to subsidize them in failing red counties, either.
School boards are notoriously messed up everywhere and we have a particular set of problems right here and now that needs practical step-by-step solutions, not ideology or other one-size-fits-all stupidity like that which created this set of problem in the first place. Lack of transparency is certainly not a vice confined to “liberal” controlled government apparatus!
Many Seattle schools are quite good but the system needs community support and trust. This top-down foolishness will undermine that support and trust beyond the schools affected.
I am, as noted by a few, a radical anarchist type, who spend a full career in public education, and now quite happily retired. I have felt, for most of the last two decades, that the only real solution/reform for public k-12 education was to begin by shutting down all the public schools completely.
Commentby spyder— 5/25/06@ 12:10 pm
Spyder you make a good argument about closing down all the schools and it would bring full force to bear on fixing the problem in the schools. P.S. I do not think Seattle would be willing to air all their dirty laundry on FOX News. One great idea would be to break up the school district into four smaller districts. This would put control back into the parents and less control with the staff and the teachers. Next do a Reagan thing, and band all union representation for six years with all school district members. Now sent in the building inspectors, and Fire Marshalls, and condemn all those schools that do not meet all the necessary codes. Tear down all those schools and rebuild them with schools that have safe environments to teach and learn the necessary education to be successful in life. One small thing that would be the main requirement that parents will decide what teachers stay and who goes. Until that all happens out source the education to other school districts, and bus all the students on Metro for Free. Today they use mass transit in Portland, Oregon to transport students to school all over the city. Now the students understand what mass transit is really used for and learn to enjoy the ride. Let’s encourage folks to move to schools into the suburbs to save money today, or use private schools and the State should pick up all the costs. The State is required that your children are educated, and meet all required federal guidelines, so their lack of response promoted this problem. Now the parents can accept some of the burden themselves, accept the necessary closures, and start making the right decisions for their children today.
Did someone bail out Roger Rabbit yet from King County jail. Heas was caught stealing carrots at Pike Place Market the outer day.
Did someone bail out Roger Rabbit yet from King County jail. Heas was caught stealing carrots at Pike Place Market the other day. dame type o errors.
You guys wore our poor bunny out, you bastards.
just lost my cookies reading all the stupid articles in teh paper.
shame on you all for playng the race card, then Times noting you all have most of the white school aged kids going to school elsewhere
gee goldy sounds like a loser school
I would be willing to offer Goldy some tax credits but, regrettably, he is allegedly a straight white Jewish single-father. This lies outside of the protected classes that would qualify–were we to even consider any sort of subsidies for our current plan. Preliminary numbers suggest that this baby is going to pencil without any breaks.
As a community outreach, we are willing to offer a $25/month tuition break to existing parents, if they pass our rigorous vetting process. We really want to create a world class learning experience. This means selecting the most unique and diverse applicants to our curriculum.
We will of course make our offer contingent on maintaining the tax-exempt status on the school pending approval of all permits and probably up through condo pre-sales. It’s only fair, considering the risk we are taking on opening such an experimental living experience for the citizens of Seattle.
Righton @ 32
“just lost my cookies reading all the stupid articles in teh paper.”
And they were probably Girl Scout Cookies.
Ya fucking canibal!
Lucre, you’re deliciously filthy.
Chetbob @ 27: “School boards are notoriously messed up everywhere and we have a particular set of problems right here and now that needs practical step-by-step solutions, not ideology or other one-size-fits-all stupidity like that which created this set of problem in the first place. Lack of transparency is certainly not a vice confined to “liberal” controlled government apparatus!”
Quick, call the cops! An intelligent thought unobstructed by crass partisanship! Arrest the bastard before democracy starts to work!
Lucre sez:.
I would be willing to offer Goldy some tax credits but, regrettably, he is allegedly a
White—-CHECK (regretably..often lapses into his Ghetto schtick
Jewish—CHECK (actually Goldy is a JINO!)
Single—CHECK (for obvious reasons!)
Father—CHECK (and a good one I’ll admit)
straight-DOUBTFUL!!!!!!!! Have you ever heard his voice or seen him walk?? Plus that pink dress and those high heels are a bit of a tip off.
Seattle public schools suck!!! Liberals suck. Nuff said.
Cut the condoms and cucumber budget and you might save a couple schools.
Rufus, I can always count on you to get to the heart of the matter quickly. Democrats = evil. Republicans = godly.
If Bush had any balls he would have put Ollie North in charge of the Dept. of Defense and implemented his plan to round up the traitors. The real beauty of modern Republicanism is that our basic strategies are timeless.
DJ: I’ll make it simple for the perfessor!
Goldy decries the Seattle School Board.
Goldy writes “We can do better, and that requires better, more creative leadership.”
Goldy has a chance to join the school board and become that “creative” leadership.
Goldy passes on the school board. I guess he AIN”T too creative!
Goldy now sees he blew it!
Now his daughter’s school is being closed.
Where was Goldy? Sitting on his ASS writing about Mike Brown while these school closing decisions were on-going.
Why wasn’t he active?
Why didn’t he run for school board? Not creative I’d say!
Maybe the donk would have PASSED him for the other candidate come last November?
Maybe the stupid comments from LeftTurd about Richard Pope Jr, Esq. losing elections would ring true for your Northwest Division Leader of the Lunatic Moonbats?
Now he cries boo-hoo they’re closing my daughter’s school.
Mike Webb Sucks said it right. I posted this long time ago.
Sympathy is in the dictionary between SHIT and SYPHILLIS.
Goldy is dishing SHIT about his daughter’s beloved school when he could have “made a difference”. And he feeds his SHIT to his SYPHILLIS laden robots called the Northwest Division Lunatic Moonbats! That includes you DJ!
Now for the clincher, which you missed! He wrote this too: I come from a part of the country where urban school districts are often little more than holding pens for future prisoners.
So I ask you great perfessor DJ: “WHO THE FUCK RUNS THOSE SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS” One word: DONK! So why are donk creating holding pens for future prisoners DJ? Can’t answer that one can ya? Donk control everything in those cities he wrote.
What, the truth got your tongue? You guys are so simple! You control it in Seattle. Schools go into the toilet. With teachers like horseless looselips I can see why!!! You cry boo-hoo. Look in the mirror and blame yourselves for the stupid candidates you all put there.
Goldy, write a initiative and recall the School Board MoFos. Run for school board ya lazy assed parent! Do something constructive and go back to those holding pens full of future criminals and show them the light!
Just got off the phone with part of my development team. He brought up a lot of interesting points. Maybe I could get some input?
What’s hot right now, travertine or corian? I think granite’s peak has passed–and it’s not terribly cost effective from a profit stand point. We have a guy on staff that’s a genius with concrete but is the market ready to pay a premium for it?
We also decided that we would let the Montessori remain, rent free during construction, provided the parents can come up with a staffing plan. Once we go to pre-sale though, we are going to have to renovate that space and they will have to vacate.
Ms. Inouye appears to have some talents with the web. We might be able to use her for our marketing strategy. We would of course pay her and give her precedence in future Montessori deliberations.
Corian is passe… go stainless steel or limestone (if you can find it)
Commentby Puddybud Robert Kennedy Jr.— 5/25/06@ 10:39 pm
It ain’t all Donk. The Seattle School Board has at least two Greens, including its board president Brita Butler-Wall, as well as Sally Soriano.
Greens are great for taking away Donk votes in partisan general elections. But when they sneak into office on the non-partisan ballot, they will screw things up even worse than the Donks.
So….is UnSound Politics down for this evening? Only that could explain the troll level around here…
Puddybud, were you a virgin when you married? Assuming you did.
“According to the U.S. Treasury Department, America’s first 42 Presidents, from George Washington (1789) to Bill Clinton (2000), borrowed a combined total of $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and financial institutions. From 2000 to 2006, the Bush White House has borrowed $1.05 trillion alone. Yes, that means we have borrowed in the last 5 years what we had previously borrowed in the first 211 years of our country.”
That’s republican responsibility right there.
I like the way Puddybud thinks. He is a proud addition to conservative thought.
If the facts do not support your view, hold up a blank sheet of paper and lie about the names on “the list”. Call them comunists! Lie with impunity! Never ever let the truth get in your way! Attack your enemies with smears and innuendo! Morality and Truth are for the weak! Go for the jugular and strangle those who would stop your agenda with their godless honesty!
Good job, Puddybud. You are a tribute to your party! I am proud to call you friend.
No dumbass… it means America’s credit is GOOD and the world wants to do business with us. It means we are prospering.
Yes, yes, howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS is very wise. We love how you debt yourself to prosperity! Soon you will have so much debt, your prosperity will be unstoppable, and we will admit defeat and call in your debt.
Perhaps you could give us California to pay it off? We so like your movies.
Your children will love working in our factories, and they have such well cared for organs.
Richard @44: “Greens are great for taking away Donk votes in partisan general elections. But when they sneak into office on the non-partisan ballot, they will screw things up even worse than the Donks.”
You are so hopelessly full of shit that your comment doesn’t even deserve a response. Are you too stupid to understand why, or are you content to lie through your teeth?
The one good thing about goldsteins current fixation and windmill tilting is that we don’t have to hear him blabbering on and on about darcy the sacrificial donkette.
“Joe McCarthy”: I am no friend of yours. Never liked how you thought then or in your devil-impersonated form now! How can you say the facts don’t support my view? I am commenting on Goldy thought. What thread are you “reading from the grave”? Goldy writes about DONK-CONTOLLED east coast schools as holding pens of future prisoners. Seems to me the inner cities have many minorities. Seesm to me that these schools are run by donk. Seems to me these cities have donk politicos at the helm. Now NYC has a librul Repub mayor, but he mostly thinks and acts like y’all. Goldy chose to be lazy and his daughter is now the benefit of his laziness. I think you need to turn over in your grave!
RPope: Greens are more donk then the Goldy-donk of today!
ASSnonymous: Yes I was a virgin. I never tried a hairy ass. Oh BTW, NEVER WILL!!!!!
The “progressive-liberal” agenda that has infected the Seattle Public School System has now successfully brought it down.
This has happened because these same “social change-meisters” pushed aside education and replaced it with social engineering of their students.
In addition to this the city of Seattle had to tax young families out of the city limits and now the fruits of their work are finally being harvested.
How ironic that after all his bloviating, Goldy is now complaining about getting exactly what he asked for.
Go ahead and erase this post as well Goldy, you coward.
@ 55, thatta boy! Deny, disparage, and keep calling ’em names! Pound the table, and lie till they can’t take it anymore!
This school must be closed so union teacher’s salaries can be raised. The Democrat NEA and the union hack Democrat teachers know what is best, Goldysteinberg. I am disappointed at your lack of respect for the Democrat union hack “education professionals”!!! [Hey commie lib “progressive” Democrat loser idiots!! Hello from Pennsylvania.]
Hello to my fellow Kennedys!!! We do as we wish, and these idiot Democrats vote us back!! Life is good!!
My God, I have never been happier.
yes, there is a God….
Goldy, is now going to see how fucked up our local governemnet is. For all him chimp like rooting for our local democrats, his poor motherless child is going to see her sorry ass kicked to the clurb.
As she looks at the bloated, Goldstein she’ll ask, Why Daddy, Why did they kick my ass out of my beloved school.
Goldy Replies, because the democrats have spent entirely too much time making education a political tool. And on a personal note, rather than take action, I chose to drink, talk and post instead of actually acting like a father and trying to change things.
then again Goldy, as it is a Seattle public school, your kid had a 50/50 chance of actually graduating.
Seriously, I am so pleased this is happening to you you fat fuck.
”Goldy decries the Seattle School Board.
Goldy writes “We can do better, and that requires better, more creative leadership.”
Goldy has a chance to join the school board and become that “creative” leadership.
Goldy passes on the school board. I guess he AIN”T too creative!
Goldy now sees he blew it!”
Complete bullshit, Puddy. Goldy gets dissed because he tries to encourage someone else to run for school board? In trying to make the race more competitive by suggesting others run, you criticize him because he didn’t run himself. Yes…another brilliant example of PuddyLogic!(r).
”Now his daughter’s school is being closed.
Where was Goldy? Sitting on his ASS writing about Mike Brown while these school closing decisions were on-going.”
Ohh…I see. Goldy had an OBLIGATION to run himself just because he tried to do a service by trying to entice others. Another brilliant example of PuddyLogic!(r).
”Why wasn’t he active? Why didn’t he run for school board?”
Let’s apply your PuddyLogic!(r) more widely. You have criticism for Kennedy (apparently). Why the fuck haven’t you moved to MA and run against him? Stefan has criticism for the KC Executive. Is Stefan a loser because he failed to run for KC Exec ?
”Maybe the donk would have PASSED him for the other candidate come last November? Maybe the stupid comments from LeftTurd about Richard Pope Jr, Esq. losing elections would ring true for your Northwest Division Leader of the Lunatic Moonbats?”
What the fuck are you babbling about, Puddy?
”Now he cries boo-hoo they’re closing my daughter’s school.”
So? He doesn’t like something that is happening now and so he is using his resources to change the outcome. Sounds pretty like a reasonable plan to me. Of course you criticize him for not seeing into the future… Yes…another brilliant example of PuddyLogic!(r).
”Mike Webb Sucks said it right. I posted this long time ago. Sympathy is in the dictionary between SHIT and SYPHILLIS. Goldy is dishing SHIT about his daughter’s beloved school when he could have “made a difference”. And he feeds his SHIT to his SYPHILLIS laden robots called the Northwest Division Lunatic Moonbats! That includes you DJ!”
What the fuck are you babbling about, Puddy?
”Now for the clincher, which you missed! He wrote this too: I come from a part of the country where urban school districts are often little more than holding pens for future prisoners.
So I ask you great perfessor DJ: “WHO THE FUCK RUNS THOSE SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS” One word: DONK! So why are donk creating holding pens for future prisoners DJ? Can’t answer that one can ya? Donk control everything in those cities he wrote.”
Yes…Puddy…we have already heard you “theories.” Big cities have a higher proportion of Democrats, therefore anything that goes wrong in a big city is the fault of the Democrats. Yaaaawwwwwnnnnnn! (This doubly bores me, since I am not a Democrat) Another boring example of PuddyLogic!(r).
”What, the truth got your tongue?”
Ohhh…now there is a fun little mixed metaphor. I’ll add that one to my list. I guess sometimes PuddyLogic!(r) yields a little pearl amid the pile of shit.
”You guys are so simple! You control it in Seattle. Schools go into the toilet. With teachers like horseless looselips I can see why!!! You cry boo-hoo. Look in the mirror and blame yourselves for the stupid candidates you all put there. “
Yaaaaawnnnnn! This reflects the Wingnut notion that one never criticizes ones own side.
”Goldy, write a initiative and recall the School Board MoFos. Run for school board ya lazy assed parent! Do something constructive and go back to those holding pens full of future criminals and show them the light!”
Yes…and Goldy…run for President to get those bad-ass MoFos out of office. And, hell, run against Riechert to get that MoFo out of office. And…and…and…run for county council, since you’ve had some things to criticize about them…and…do other stuff so that Puddy doesn’t unlease his wrathful PuddyLogic!(r) on you. Are you listening, Goldy? Goldy??? Listen Goldy, this is important! Goldy?
PuddyLogic!(r)—Offering both “thinking” and a laxative for the Wingnut generation. Get your own dose today!
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Excerpt from comment 41 caught my eye:
>>I come from a part of the country where urban school districts are often little more than holding pens for future prisoners.<< Sounds exactly like one of my professors! Actually pretty amazing that he is tenured at such a donk-dominated liberal university given his willingness to openly share his personal factoids like: "The current "convict look" (stubbled head, baggy pants, etc.) so popular with today's youth is simply early preparation for where they know they will be spending the rest of their years". He refers to this demographic (mostly hispanic in our area) as F.C.A.'s (Future Criminals of America) Absolutely classic!
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