I don’t know what makes me angrier right now, the fact that Dan Satterberg is about to win this election on the back of $170,000 in illegal contributions, or that my friends in the media are allowing him to get away with it without repercussions.
As I predicted eight days ago, the Washington State Republican Party is flooding the prosecutor’s race with money over the final few days of the campaign, laundering huge, lump sum contributions from developers and other special interests, through the party, and back into Satterberg’s coffers. Make no mistake, these contributions were earmarked for Satterberg’s campaign, and Satterberg clearly knew the money was coming. First Satterberg goes $40,000 into debt buying TV time, and then magically, Thursday night, nearly $40,000 gets transfered into his campaign from the WSRP. Then after he books yet more TV time for the final few days of the campaign, the WSRP transfers another $81,000 into Satterberg’s account. That brings the total to over $155,000 from the state and county party in just the past couple weeks.
Where is this money coming from? $75,000 from Eastside developer Skip Rowley, $25,000 from Seattle developer Martin Selig, $25,000 from cell phone billionaire Bruce McCaw, plus a rogues gallery of GOP faithful including Mike McGavick, Reagan Dunn, and Nuprecon Construction’s John Hennessy… all making large contributions well in excess of the $700 limit for the general election, and all timed for the final few weeks of the campaign. This was clearly a deliberate attempt to skirt our state and local campaign finance limit and reporting statutes… and our TV, radio and print media just doesn’t seem to care!
Satterberg ran promising to keep his office out of politics and politics out of his office, and yet he has run the most shamelessly partisan political campaign for PAO in recent memory. He has made a mockery out of his non-partisanship pledge, and fools out of our region’s political reporters by coordinating large, illegal contributions through state and county party organizations, and timing the disclosure for the weekend before the election, when newsrooms are reduced to skeleton staffs, and two-thirds of the ballots have already been cast.
I doubt they left a paper trail, but I have no qualms in stating that Rowley, Selig and the others gave their money to the WSRP specifically for the purpose of funneling it into Satterberg’s campaign, and that Satterberg and his staff operated in coordination with the party and their contributors. Satterberg, the GOP and their contributors have perpetrated a fraud on the citizens of King County, and if they dispute this charge I challenge them to sue me for libel. Of course they won’t, because they couldn’t possibly prove their innocence in a court of law.
So congratulations to my friends in the traditional media: your vaunted “objectivity” and hunger for non-partisanship has once again allowed a savvy politician and his operatives to play you like a violin. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see this coming, and yet you willfully ignored it, because it just didn’t fit your frame. Satterberg’s strategy always relied on your negligence — or complicity — to put this fraud over on the voting public, and he obviously judged you right.
If he doesn’t campaign ethically, he won’t be an ethical prosecutor either. The way Satterberg is running his campaign exposes him as the partisan thug he is. And, of course, the reason Republican donors are dumping so much money into his race is because they’re buying themselves a Republican thug at a chokepoint in the King County election process.
Voters with lingering doubts should now realize that Satterberg is another BIAW-owned front man for developers and rightwingers.
Goldy, in light of this new information, I think you should publicly call on the prominent Democrats supporting Satterberg to rescind their endorsements — and make it known to the media and the public they have.
I’m new to this site, and I’m trying to do a seach of times in the past that Goldy has blasted Democrats for accepting contributions. Either I’m not seaching right, or Goldy remains silent when candidates of his own party does the exact same thing Satterberg did. I know Goldy isn’t a hypocrite, so can someone help me find his past statements blasting Dems for doing the same thing?
I don’t know how reliable that poll is…the conventional wisdom is that the early returns will be for Satterberg & late voters for Sherman. Wouldn’t get your panties in a bunch about the poll.
This is one of the huge problems I have with mail-in voting. Candidates can do shit like this after huge portions of the voters have already cast their ballots and then there’s nothing anyone can do about it. If we had everyone vote on the same day we’d be able to point out crap like this to voters before they decide.
BS @4,
Of course, that isn’t the point, and you fucking well know it.
Satterberg has campaigned as a NON-PARTISAN, and yet he has conspired with the REPUBLICAN Party to launder $170,000 worth of illegal contributions through the party and into his campaign.
But I suppose that’s okay by you, because Bill Clinton got a blow job or something, and thus every time I criticize a Republican, I’m a hypocrite. Fuck you.
I don’t care if this is your blog or not. Others here may kiss your ass, but I won’t. So fuck you back. Now I’m going to correct you. Satterberg is a Republican. And despite the fact the prosecutor’s office is non-partisan, Satterberg is allowed to take contributions from partisan Republican contributors. That doesn’t make Satterberg partisan for doing so. Maybe you can get your little Ass-Heads on this site all worked up by throwing around words like “conspire,” and “launder,” and “illegal,” but saying it doesn’t make it so. When a court of law, and not the court of Goldy says something’s illegal, I’ll believe it.
So Goldy, you’re just now figuring out that Western Washington isn’t as liberal as it is made out to be and that a cabal of old-time elites run the show around here?
I thought you were smarter than that.
It’s a partisan site bud. Deal with it.
And when Rove’s hatchlings lean on ‘ol Satterburg, everyone knows just how “nonpartisan” this piece of slime will be. He will “owe” the state GOP.
ALL REPUBLICONVICTS must be removed from ALL GOVERNMENT if our democracy is to survive. Period. I have serious problems with Democrats, but they do not operate like the mafia as the Republiconvicts do. Anyone that think the Republiconvict Party is anything but sickening has something wrong with them.
Satterburg is a Republiconvict. Asking a Republiconvict to be non-partisan is like asking a cat not to chase a mouse. Like asking a crack head to only take half a hit. Like asking Bush’s girls to enlist…..
As far as Goldy’s charge goes, I do believe Tom Delay is facing prosecution in Texas for doing exactly the same thing Satterslime is doing. Laundering money.
“my friends in the media…”
Hate to be the barer of bad news, but those people aren’t your friends and would send you into a dark parking lot for a beat down.
PS. Welcome to friendly Seattle!
Well, with the frequency about which you blog about Satterburg, you must really be scared that a *gasp* Republican will hold the office.
Take a xanax like a good drug addled liberal and get over it.
#4_ The point is, dear reader, that Sattererg has declared himself non-partisan, yet has accepted $170,000 of Republican money to win this election. That is not ‘non-partisan’. It is partisan. Is this still a headscratcher for you?
#13 Hi Johnny. As far as Republicons in office, yer damn right were scared.
Reason One: Look at what they have done to our country.
Reason Two: Look at how many people support them, who have no idea what they have done, what they do to keep power, or just don’t care. The retarded lemmings. The imbeciles that the talking points are geared to impress……
If you think having Republiconvicts in government is a good thing, you should check in somewhere. Immediately. You either hate your country, and it’s constitution, or you have completely lost your mind, and need help desperately.
Buuut but but Clinton bot a bj……
re 11—- I agree 110%. “ALL REPUBLICONVICTS must be removed from ALL GOVERNMENT if our democracy is to survive.”
re 9: What’s your point?
re 8 — Go fuck yourself.
re 7: Goldy is absolutely correct, as usual!
All Republicans must gargle ….
Kind of hard for the Democrat to win when “26% of the Democrats are crossing over to vote for the Republican” according to the poll. What kind of Republican is this guy? Does the base like him if that many Dems are voting for him?
Even the gays like him: http://www.stonewalldemswa.org.....EC2007.pdf
I voted for Sherman. I don’t trust the Republicans after what I’ve experienced from them. If Sherman ever has a quest for higher office, I don’t want to see him drop his veneer of moderation to appeal to his party’s extreme base (i.e. Romney, Giuliani, etc). It’s strikes me as naive and somewhat complacent that some Democratic leaders actively support him.
I meant to say “if Satterberg ever has a quest for higher office…”
Correct link for the General election: http://www.sgn.org/sgnnews35_4.....INAL07.pdf
That the local media not covering this is business as usual and that Goldy should have figured that out by now. Or something like that. I’ve forgotten exactly what I was thinking at the time.
re #14, you are confused. Satterberg is a Republican. The position of KC prosecutor is non-partisan. He said he would run the office as a non-partisan, as he should, because it’s a non-partisan position, but he never said he wouldn’t take money from Republicans during his campaign, nor should he. You aren’t actually suggesting that he shouldn’t accept money from Republicans, are you?
@4 This is a liberal blog. If you want wingnut propaganda, try Stefan’s shitty little blog.
@4 (continued) HEY NEWBIE!!! I’m HA’s unoffical greeter, and I’m here to acquaint you with the ad hoc HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship (except off-topic posts may be deleted).
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kicking the living shit out of you America-hating, Constitution-shredding, thieving, lying, warmongering fascists.
5. No mercy for WingNuts (TM)!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
@8 Yeah, I’m sure the Republican attorney general is going to prosecute his Republican buddy prosecuting attorney for campaign donation violations, money laundering, corruption, election rigging, etc.
225 We saw how non-partisan Maleng and Satterberg were when they refused to prosecute Sotelo for 130 perjuries, gave Balogh a slap on the wrist for registering her dog to vote, and consistently voted for Republican Party interests on the KC Canvassing Board.
It proves once again that winning is all Republicans care about. Let’s keep this weasely bastards feet to the fire for as long as his tenure exists.
He can’t avoid dishonesty and scandal, he’s a Republican.
Didn’t the State Dems just give Sherman $30,000 the same exact way?
Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Satterberg is going to win.
People are upset that individuals gave large sums to the state Repub party and then those sums were moved to Satterberg’s campaign (skirts the rules??) and that he claims to be non-partisan but takes those same large sums of money from the state Repub party (seems partisan). Ethical? Integrity? Actions matching words?
I’m not aware that either of these same exact scenarios applies to Sherman.
The State Dems just gave Sherman $30,000 this week.
Sherman still hasn’t reported it. Talk about skirting the rules!
Satterberg has said he will run the office in a non-partisan manner. At the same time, he is on the ballot as a Republican. You could question his integrity if he said he would never accept money from the Republican Party. He never said anything to that effect.
Why shouldn’t Dan Satterberg or Bill Sherman take large sums of money from their respective state parties?
To me, the larger concern is “that individuals gave large sums to the state Repub party and then those sums were moved to Satterberg’s campaign”. It’s the large sums going from them to him. It isn’t forthright, and that’s the image that’s he’s making for himself. It would be less of an issue to me if it was an aggregate of smaller sums than 2 or 3 larger ones going through an extra set of hands to get to him.
It will be interesting to see if Bill’s $30,000 is traceable to 2 or 3 people.
The state Dems should’ve expected that the Repubs would go after a race of their own (no matter how they get the $ to him). Wow, what a shocker! I agree with Josh Feit on this one: “What’s up with the Democrats? They saw this coming. The GOP has been getting hefty donations from people with a clear interest in the Satterberg race for the past month. Sherman’s campaign has been making noise about it. Why didn’t the State Democrats download a major piece of change to Sherman? (They gave about $30,000 last week. Not enough.) The Ds are famously out-fundraising the Republicans right now. There’s a chance to re-take the KC Prosecutor’s Office for the first time in 50 plus years. Pffffttttt.”
Either they were being politically naive or this was the same carelessness that allowed Richard Pope to run on their ticket. How often are Republicans naive? (They’re other many other things, but not very naive.)
hey Goldy:
read BS at 8. then read it again. The one more time. Boo fuckin hoo, Goldy. Satterberg never said HE was non partisan- he said he wanted the office to be. In the meantime he has a race to win, and if he or anyone turned down legitimate contributions- we’d all call him a fool. (yeah yeah-jump on my word “legitimate”. But the fact is those contributions aren’t illegal just because you say so)
who knows what will happen Tuesday, but you’re just crying because your underqualified neophyte is getting out-financed.
FSMP- try a new argument. “ALL REPUBLICONVICTS must be removed from ALL GOVERNMENT if our democracy is to survive” is still ridiculous, and now getting old.
JOE PINE: You can’t do anything 110%. Do you see that?
Rabbit- get over Sotelo. It was NOT a chargeable case. Even Bill, with his shameful dearth of prosecutorial experience might have seen that.
Mitchell at 36: I suspect the lack of contributions from the D’s to Bill is clear evidence of their lack of support for him. It speaks volumes that two of the most powerful D’s in the State (Gregoire and Sims) have refused to endorse Bill.
So dog, when Republiconvicts are not urinating on our constitution, attacking injured 12 year olds, neglecting our disabled veterans, or finding ways to pretend torture isn’t a crime, what do they do? I mean besides cross dressing, and picking up gay hookers….
If you can’t see the problems the GOP has caused in this country, it is because your eyes are closed, not because there is no problem. Anyone with half a brain can see what the last few years of total control of our government, and 90% control of the media by the cons has done to our once great country. Anyone with a quarter of a brain can understand Satterturd is not non partisan, and is only playing pretend to fool the ignorant. Anyone with an eighth of a brain knows better than to vote for any Republiconvicts, no matter how fuc*ing qualified the Sargent Schultz types like yourself think they are.
Have you tried to buy a euro lately? A barrel of oil, or an ounce of gold. This country is going into the toilet at 100 miles an hour, and all because people like yourself aren’t doing anything to stop it.
Have you read “Broken Government” by John Dean? “Fiasco”? “Armed Madhouse”? If you read any of these books, you might better understand our country’s, and it’s people’s nightmare.
If you are not fighting the Republiconvict Mafia, you are endorsing, or supporting it by your inaction. Wake up and smell the corpses. I mean really. Start counting corpses. All so the top 1% can plunder our treasury, and the world at an even greater rate.
The fact that Clinton got a blow job doesn’t bring the 500,000 dead Iraqis back to life. Whether it is Bush, or Satterturd, all Republiconvicts, if they call themselves Republiconvicts need to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting. Every single traitor loving pathetic one of them.
Calling yourself a Republiconvict these days is the same as calling yourself a NAZI after the concentration camps were discovered. It’s that simple.
So I guess if a Republican can win in King County, Seattle Jew is wrong that the Republican party is dead.
Therefore, I guess Hillary is not a shoe in for the Presidency?
Isn’t it really the fault of the Dem elite that has supported the war, and those who re-elected said elite, that have dug their own graves?
So, who voted for Maria Cantwell, Iraq war supporter, in the Democratic Primary?
The Democrats have lost their base, and me, by supporting the war. That is it, clear and simple.
FSMP- at the risk of being repetitive, I am a Democrat, and I hate R’s for all that crazy crap too. Shit- oil was at 26 bucks a barrel before the Bush’s stepped into our shit and now it’s almost a hundy. And we actually were not in a deficit then- whereas now it’s, what- 260 Billion? You think I or any sane person likes that shit??
But this race doesn’t have anything to do with any of it, and that is what you fail to see. You are wrong, Facts, when you think the party affiliation of the King County Prosecuting Attorney will have anything to do with how many more people die in Irag, the price of oil, global warming, what happens in GITMO, wire-tapping or ANY of that horrible shit.
Hell, brother- I’ll join you in a rally to string Bush and his cronies up if you’ll come up with some reason to vote for the far lesser qualified candiate in this race other than the fact he’s a Democrat….
Argh. Hillary may be a shoo-in, but she’ll never be a shoe in (whatever that is).
In a court of law,they do not have to prove their innocence: you need to prove their guilt. Those nasty presumptions!
allium @44,
Yes, and in a libel suit the burden of proof is on the plaintiff. To win, they would (amongst other things) have to prove they were innocent of the crimes of which I’ve accused them. They can’t.
This is all too precious!
Goldy, you’re shocked, SHOCKED to find out that a campaign you oppose has donated to it funds by the party with which the campaign is affiliated!
Oh, the outrage…the calumny…the perfidy…the LACK OF DEFERENCE TO YOUR BIAS!!!
Because it goes against your demand to set the rules of your sandbox, it must be ipso facto illegal…
And now you dare those who contribute to the party that, in turn, contributed to the campaign to sue you for defamation…How brave! How stalwart your confidence when all the while you know they won’t and probably can’t since in political campaigns truth isn’t a defense, and, per NY Times v. Sullivan, such an action wouldn’t be successful anyway.
Besides…you’re probably judgment proof…
So rant…rave…roar…roil…rail…rock on!
Then give consideration to the fact that the more you do junk like this, the more you tar ol’ Bill Sherman with the brush of your wackiness…
Here’s a question to ask yourself: How many votes will Satterberg receive because of the screwball antics of HA? How many votes have you cost Sherman by doofus accusations such as the one you posted at the head of this thread.
And goofballs such as Rog, Facts/Farts, Joe Pinehead pile on adding lunacy luster to the whole comedic circus.
Though about taking this whole act to Vegas? You could headline the men’s restroom floor show at the big truck stop on I-15 just south of town.
The excesses of Horse’s Ass, et al, do more to further Republicans than just about anything you can name…And this is what Democrats tell me.
The Piper
@16: If he’d bought a BJ then he should have been thrown out of office. If the leader of the free world can’t get a free hummer, then he’s got no business holding the position.
Not that kind of position, silly, the presidency.
#7 Goldy ejaculated…
because Bill Clinton got a blow job
It’s not about blowjobs, it’s about clinton and his obstruction of justice and perjury. Of course people like you will never mention that and only mention the blowjob.
So Doug. Clinton obstructed justice eh? What has the Bush Crime Family done? Compared to Bush, Clinton was a god. And he could complete a sentence….
Let’s just see if the local papers print this scam or not.