I’ve been quietly concerned that the Republican Primary Entertainment Franchise could peter-out shortly after the 3 Jan. Iowa caucus. I’m just not ready for it to be over yet.
Sarah Palin to the rescue?
In a pre-taped interview set to air tonight on Fox Business Network’s “Follow The Money,” Eric Bolling mentioned to Sarah Palin that people constantly tell him they wish she was running for President.
[…]“You know, it’s not too late for folks to jump in,” Palin replied. “And I don’t know, you know, it — who knows what will happen in the future?”
So… good news for all those people who bought “Palin 2012″ t-shirts as a joke four years ago; they may soon be wear-able outside of Halloween parties or in ironic neighborhoods of Brooklyn.
Please, oh please, oh please, oh please!
OK, they lost me on the ironic neighborhoods of Brooklyn comment.
Translation: send enough of your money to SarahPAC and I may motivated to live it up in 5 star hotels wearing the latest, smartest shoes and suits while tossing my word salad to “Real Americans”…
And the more I toss, well the better my chances of tossing Obama out of the White House..
Yaaaa sure, ya betcha! Don’t forget to mail your check!
Just because you fantasize about Mrs. Palin is no reason to get so upset.
I TOLD you she would not sleep with you!
Even if Sarah runs for President, she will be much too busy to have you over for a toss in the hay!
I suggest just sending her an apology note along with some of those nice brownies your friend makes!
Love and XXXX
@3 You gotta be kidding! Nobody except Todd is that hard up.
# 2: “Tossed word salad”. What an apt metaphore!
Sarah Palin tossed word salad with side dish of moose meat pie.
Ahhh yes… ylb is channeling Jon Stewart. I was going to give him credit for something original and pithy but then I remembered Jon Stewart stealing from Chris Rock stealing from HBO!
Nothing original… move along.
Here is something Sarah Palin supports…
So naturally HA loonatics have to be against it since Sarah supports it. HA morons choose to support Palestinians and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood other religious repression types.
@8 Throwing up straw men arguments again.
Did anyone in this thread say anything about the US Commission on International Religious Freedom?
In your fevered mind, did they?
Are you now telepathic so you know who HA commentators support?
The voices in your head say yes.
A “surreal American” drools at the keyboard @ 7
Like the rest of his 30k+ gaseous comment oeuvre, nothing the least bit notable was said.
No. Why?
Most HA are atheists! proud leftist wouldn’t know a religious act if it hit him in the face. And it’s not covered on the leftwrong puke sites!
The rest of that worthless commentary is feckless as ylb and his useless databaze!
The only voices are those from the dark side spinning in that vacuous place called your cranial orifice!
Ohhh poor poor ylb, nothing ever original comes from the useless mass of protoplasm.
12 – LMAO!!! A fool (Puddybud) waits for Sarah to toss her insipid word salad in his direction.
She’s counting on you to shovel dollars in her direction fool – first!
Just like Beck got your 9.95! Waaaaahahahahaha!
puddy, you still didn’t address the question.
Where did anyone in this thread say anything about the US Commission on International Religious Freedom for you to claim the HA crowd is against it.
By puddy logic, I can claim that puddy supports christian terrorists, asparagus and garlic ice cream and puppy crushing because he has not posted a position statement on those topics for or against in this thread.