Dino Rossi has released four TV ads (as opposed to those anti-Murray ads from IE campaigns that flooded the airwaves prior to Labor Day), but his latest is the first not to feature him narrating on camera.
Why? Perhaps because it’s relentlessly negative, and those aren’t the kinda words you want to put in the mouth of the candidate. But perhaps also, focus groups found Rossi a little, I dunno… creepy?
In any case, I never really thought those ads worked. And apparently Rossi’s media strategists agree.
Well, i think he has exhausted his fifteen minutes of lying, and needs to make it through another six weeks; thus he has others speak for him.
i’d vote for a blueberry muffin if it supported withdrawal.
A blueberry muffin would make a far more competent senator than would Dino the Dim.
Goldy’s change of blogging strategy.
Because all of the Democrat candidates he told us to vote for are doing shitty jobs, and he can hardly find anything to praise them about on his blog, Goldy has apparently switched his blogging strategy to one of diverting your attention away from his fucked-up advice and pointing you in the direction of Republicans who don’t hold any political office.
Actually, Goldy has always focused fairly heavily on the opposition.
Your posts are a little extra dumb today.
A blueberry muffin would make a far more competent senator than would Dino the Dim.
and what about murray, “proud leftist?”
Patty Murray is a passionate, effective, and dedicated servant of this state’s citizens. In contrast, all Dino the Dim seems to care about is himself. I’ve never had the sense that he wants to be in politics because of his devotion to public service.
What I find interesting is wondering what would have happened to real estate prices in our area if Dino were governator, and had the BIAW overbuild all they wanted to. Can anyone say half price houses?
Dino’s and BIAW’s dream. Turn Washington into Florida!
There’s always another housing bubble coming down the pike.
It’s so predictable, it’s a viable retirement strategery.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why the financial pundits express shock, shock! that new-housing-start numbers are low. Why in the world would any reasonable capitalist build a house when there are thousands and thousands and thousands of never-occupied houses already plastering the nation, sitting unsold?
He has a puny whiny sounding voice and by now people associate his voice with sleaze. An anonymous voice spewing “facts” sounds more believable/authoritative than his own voice.
I understand why no Republican would ever mention this, but Patty Murray’s “18 years in Washington” include the beginning of her tenure in Jan. 1993 when she and the other Democrats (and 0 Republicans) voted for the tax package that ultimately balanced the federal budget and kicked off the Clinton Expansion, the longest economic expansion in US history.
Until the Republican Congress and the Bush gang of morons, thieves, and torturers came in a blew it all the fuck up to put us in the big shithole we’re in today.
And Dino Rossi wants to force women to bear their rapists’ children.
But they know this. He’s losing women by a large margin, and this ad won’t get them back.
Hmmm…? What a bunch of DUMMOCRAPTIC BOBBLE HEADS on this blog! If it has a D next to it’s name your BOBBLE HEADS go up and down.
Yes, Rossi is attacking Patty Sneakers over her lying “facts”. Patty and her negative campaigning… If your record sucks slam your opponent. Do tell libtardos do tell.
While Rossi ain’t the greatest candidate he’s WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than Sneakers.
Where was Patty when Boeing moved headquarters to Illinois? Asleep as always in her sneakers.
She’s running away from her taking $500 Large from Wall Street while accusing Dino of cozying up to them.
She’s a great bud of lobbyists, just look at all her connections… Wait a minute didn’t she claim that was Rossi?
She’s running away from her support for tax increase votes that directly impact the elderly.
She proudly claims all the earmarks she procured for WA State in her commercials, something Rossi doesn’t have. Wait a minute… DelBene is attacking Reichert for those same earmarks..
She’s running away from her votes on Porkulus, that monstrosity of a failure.
Now we see GM needs to see it’s stock at $134 a share to get our money back. Thanks Patty. Why ain’t you running on that vote? Rossi would have voted for GM union bailout?
She’s running away from her vote on OdumbaCare, that whale of a beast. Rossi is against that albatross.
Why isn’t she running on her “record”? Instead it’s some pablum puke comments on how she didn’t do this or that. Rossi is starting to nail her around her lies.
Hmmm…? No condemnation here Patty?
Puddy read Joe Biden is coming to WA State for Patty. So it’s the plagiarizer and the dumb one. Wow what a dynamic duo!
Run on your great votes Patty… Wait a minute… DUMMOCRAPTIC Strategists said don’t run on your record… smear the opponent. Ask ylb TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA for the original Puddylinks on the subject! He’s searching right now!
Puddy predicts if the vote is close and Dino has a lead… watch for a recount ad nauseum. Mysterious piles of votes will magically appear in King County.
Wow Daddy Loves to tell Lies…
Once again Puddy Loves to correct Daddy Lies… Again from the U.S. Treasury
FY 1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion -$281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion -$281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion -$250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion -$188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion -$113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion -$130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion -$17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion -$133.29 billion
Golly there is a deficit every year Daddy Lies. Puddy places this up at least once a year yet Daddy Lies and Daddy Lies and Daddy Lies again and again and again!
Now where is dat Clinton surplus again?
Puddy on meds,
“Rossi ain’t the greatest candidate”
Puddy’s meds wear off,
Where does Daddy Lies get his facts?
Didn’t Rossi support SB-6537 Daddy Lies? Isn’t this another of Patty’s lies? Hospitals must give emergency contraception to rape victims and provide it upon request within 72 hours of sexual contact.
Hmmm… What fecal material will Daddy Lies write next?
Heh Steve on Steve’s Stupid Solution… Continual posting on HA.
No one has spotted Steve off Steve’s Stupid Solution.
So Steve why aren’t DUMMOCRAPTS running on Porkulus or OdumbaCare or Cap and Trade?
Do tell. Well you are all drunk on your Stupid Solution!
So Puddy, I guess when Bush said we had a growing surplus he was lying right?
Just remember that Mary Lane Strow is now in the fight… and Goldy you know what that means.
Hopefully that means Josef’s keyboard will get so sticky it will crash his computer and he won’t be able to comment any more.
Colsandersfavoritechicken is ofhis meds again.
He gets sooooo manic…I worry about him.
Oh my the dumb cinder block rujax appeared and no one cared.
Sucks to be rujax; someone with no talent, no brain, and no intelligence. Just ad hominem attacks all day!
Nope, of course you’d claim that Facts because it blows apart Clinton’s claims… When Bush made that comment to a Joint session of Congress, Bush read the same newspapers everyone else read. He listened to the Clinton Sadministration braggadocio like all you libtardos did. As you can see the final US Treasury numbers don’t lie.
Remember Facts Clinton’s people ran Treasury until January 2001.
It’s amazing how no one comments on how come Patty is NOT running on her votes like the DUMMOCRAPTIC strategists said.
Why isn’t Daddy Love and Correctnotright sticking up for those votes? Ohhh yeah… the American public doesn’t like all the spending.
Josef, rujax had this happen to him recently, so he always wishes his bad luck on his political opponents. Look at his useless attack as a badge of honor!