Apparently, Dan Savage also had a conversation with Dino Rossi about abortion, and the U.S. Senate wannabe is not only opposed, he told Dan that women who have the procedure should be arrested and prosecuted for murder. Who knew that Dan and Dino and I all hang out at the same bar?
Well it turns out that we weren’t the only ones, for a reliable source writes that he was also at the bar that night, and after Dan finished talking with Rossi, my source followed up to ask, “You would prosecute for murder… even in cases of rape, incest or when the health of the mother is at risk?”
“All life is sacred,” Rossi responded, as he picked the olive from his umpteenth martini.
Or so my source says. If Rossi recalls otherwise, he’s free to publicly clarify his stance on the issue.
Anyway, with over 150 comments already in yesterday’s thread, I just thought the HA community needed more space to debate why Rossi thinks women shouldn’t have control over their own bodies.
Rossi is Ellen Craswell mashed up with Dick Balch.
“If you can’t trust your car dealer, who can you trust?”
~Dick Balch
Rossi has to take that stance. He’s not allowed to think for himself. It’s required of Republicans to toe the line. Another yes-man to bookend Reichert is EXACTLY what the state & country need right now.
I’ve been reading Joyce Arthur’s stuff and she’s really, really interesting.
A high-powered mix of feminism that celebrates sexuality and libertarianism (not the economic kind AFAICT).
And of course she’s fanatically pro-choice and tears the forced pregnancy crowd to shreds in article after article.
Her response to a William Saletan piece in Slate is totally mind-blowing:
You don’t have to agree with everything in it. It’s just a powerful and interesting viewpoint.
A taste:
Yeah – other countries again wonder what freaking planet this country lives on.
Helmet-Hair-Hamlet has a public policy position which is not solely about serving his and his cronies personal financial accumulation of wealth on the backs of tax payers?
I don’t believe it. There must be some money in it for him to lock up women.
Too chickenshit to cite your so-called “source” huh? Shocking.
Besides, if you’re so poor Goldy, how is it you have the means to hangout in bars all the time?
How’s that little $25K “fundraiser”/You-don’t-wanna-work-so-you-want-people-to-give-you-money campaign going BTW? Just askin’.
Mark1 @5,
Honestly… could you be any more concrete?
I don’t know why any Washington voter would seek to replace Murray with Rossi. Put aside for a minute all of the real issues about Rossi, as in this case with his old Catholic stand on pregnancy and the role of women, but what Murray brings to Washington voters. Okay so we’re sick of Harry Reid and the answer is to….vote out the people who have served Washington state well because we’re stupid and impotent to affect change in any other way?
Rossi has traditional woman hating views, something more common from a different era. The repubs will sanitize this relic and we won’t hear much about Rossi being a woman hater. Their hope is that women will not take note of it either. In state races, someone’s ideas that women are stuck with “biology is destiny” baby machines is one thing. As a senator, it takes on a different level of importance.
He has nothing to offer.
But does Dino have carnal relations with farm animals?
What if all the pro-abortion supporters here had parents who actually had abortions? Life would be so sweet! No Goldy, no Dumb-as-a Carrot Patty Murray…
@9 John425 06/11/2010 at 10:58 am,
What if all the men like you who seem to believe government regulation of an oil company’s proper use of public land and water is bad but regulating what a woman does with her body is fine got vasectomies and led by example. Heck, you’re practically ball-less already.
It’s pro-choice, not pro abortion. The same dickheads who believe that women must literally sacrifice themselves if it is a case of life or death, or living with rape by a disgusting relative or stranger, are also the dickheads that are disgusted by single mothers.
Irony is crunchy.
Remember the good old days when Republicans didn’t like Catholics?
@12 Michael on 06/11/2010 at 11:16 am,
Turns out that misogynist WASPs don’t reproduce at a rate that is politically viable.
John425 @9,
So… is that what you mean by being “pro-life”…?
Conservatives, or those who value life over a mothers’ convenience,
Don’t feed the bears.
Goldy is using this issue not because he cares about it. He isn’t actually all that concerned with Rossis stance on abortion. After all he’s a political geek who knows how little it figures into a legislative career. He knows as well as anyone and better than most that judging a politician on one issue is like picking a spouse based on the color of her hair. It simply doesn’t figure into the big picture.
Goldy is scared. He knows that liberals and progressives have disgusted the American voter and is worried about Murrays chances. He’ll pull any political trick possible to discredit Rossi, the more emotional and less rational the better.
I made the mistake of arguing about this issue yesterday. Waste of time. My mind isn’t changed and no-one else is either.
Don’t waste your time feeding the Goldy ‘I’m frightened about the future of progressives’ express.
Goldy, you keep telling us not to vote for Rossi, but it seems like when we elect the people you tell us to, they end up doing a horrible job. Maybe it’s time to do the opposite of what Goldy says?
Lauramae asks:
Maybe it’s because Murray is SOOOOOOOOOO EFFECCCCCCCCCTIVE in the Senate?
Puddy looked up Senator Murray’s legislative record… and she’s a “regular dynamo”!
“A resolution commending the University of Washington women’s softball team for winning the 2009 NCAA Women’s College World Series.”
“To prohibit certain funds from being used for certain efforts.”
“Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration.”
In the previous congress she managed to get 22 cosponsors on this mighty piece of legislation…
“A resolution celebrating the accomplishments of title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, also known as the Patsy Takemoto Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act, and recognizing the need to continue pursuing the goal of educational opportunities for women and girls.”
Crist Vetoes Anti-Abortion Bill From GOP Legislature
Lauramae strikes again…
@12 “Remember the good old days when Republicans didn’t like Catholics?”
They now have, well, besides women, radical Islamic Mexican Catholics to hate on.
@16 “I made the mistake of arguing about this issue yesterday.”
Yeah, that was a mistake. You got your ass handed to you. Let’s take up where we left off. Don’t run away this time. If you do, don’t came back later pretending that you didn’t have your ass handed to you.
Speaking of mistakes, I see Puddy is back. Have you made up your mind yet whether the earth is 4,000 or 6,000 years old?
For those who haven’t been following on the other thread, Puddy’s answer tells us whether or not Puddy is taking his meds today. The 6,000 year answer tells us two things. One, he’s back on his meds and, two, the meds don’t work worth a shit.
Hasn’t the US’s debt doubled under Murray?
This may amaze you, but I have other things to do, on occasion, than dispute irrelevancies with you.
And, as I wrote, I won’t be drawn on this issue anymore. It is a political red herring those on the left love to use to distract voters. Find someone else to distract.
I said all that any rational person would need to hear to find abortion to be the abomination it is. Why continue to plow over freshly turned earth?
Where I’m at this odd yellow ball is in the sky. Anyone know what it might be?
Doesn’t that also mean that a man who knows about the abortion is an accessory to murder? Let’s make felons of the dads too!
You know, it’s not just about Dino thinking that women who have the procedure should be arrested and prosecuted for murder. A woman who discusses this with a reproductive services provider and subsequently makes an appointment to terminate a pregnancy is guilty of soliciting murder-for-hire. And her partner, if he does not turn her in, is again an accessory, unless he’s putting up the money or finds the doctor for her, in which case he is a felonious co-conspirator. And her parents or brothers and sisters are too if they know. And the nurses and receptionists at the doctor’s place of business.
Pro-abortion and pro-choice is not the same thing (and pud, that site is a joke). Abortion is a terrible option, but it is one that MUST be available if we are to preserve reproductive freedom for women. As Bill Clinton said, it should be safe and rare.
Otherwise it’s just forced birth by the state. Must be fun to be forced to have your rapist’s baby, eh, Dino? Oh, you’ll never know, will you? Asshole.
But to help make it rare, I would certainly support extremely enhanced reproductive counseling in schools and elsewhere (for single and married adults, for example) and greatly expanded access to birth control, including subsidizing the Pill, paying for free condoms, and so on.
Yep, Dino Rossi wants to force women to bear the child of their rapist, even if their health will be broken by the process.
Nice guy. He should run for something.
I am pro life so I will be voting for Rossi. But there have been some good programspro choice advocates that have been supported without the support of pro life legislatures. that have provided children with the nourishment they need. But being secular also has a horrible history of treating women, China forces abortion on women.
I believe we are a pro life country at heart still, our sense of freedom perhaps allows for abortion, but the scare tactics against pro life politicians does not work anymore and now we just consider the source. Even level headed pro choice people see through these types of scares.
20. Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every thread spews:
Lauramae strikes again…
Good catch Puddy.
Abortion is a watershed issue.
If you aren’t pro-life…you are pro-abortion.
These KLOWNS try to walk the tightrope that extends over Hell…believing they can be for allowing abortions, but not be for them. Typical leftist double-speak.
Lost sez, “Why continue to plow over freshly turned earth?”
Because you call it murder and you refuse to talk about what you’d do about it. The reason you refuse is because it would reveal your faux-libertarian vision to be of an America with deregulated industry and tens of millions of women regulated women having their bodies monitored by our government and hundreds of thousands of women are sent to prison or even executed. Or maybe your vision is one where women are readily forgiven because society made them do it and it’s only the doctors and nurses who are sent to prison. What’s your damned vision, Lost? As it stands, a repeated whine about the murder of zygotes and blastocysts is all you’ve brought. Of course, if that’s all you’ve got, then please feel free to bow out of the discussion. But do understand that you’ve had your faux-libertarian ass handed to you.
“If you aren’t pro-life…you are pro-abortion.”
And you’re a stupid fucking twit in a KLOWN Kostume who spends way too much time in the barn. Get lost.
Re 32
My sister is what she would call pro-choice. I love my sister, but we’ve had this discussion from every possible angle and agreed not to discuss it anymore. Her mind won’t change, and neither will mine.
Do you think that if someone about whom I care deeply can’t draw me to discuss this issue further that you can? If so you are much mistaken.
Here, @30, I fixed it for you,
“I am pro regulation of women’s bodies and support sending them to prison or executing them if they have or seek an abortion, or if the suffer a miscarriage due to their unhealthy lifestyles, so I will be voting for Rossi.”
No, don’t thank me. This one’s on the house.
sorry, our country won’t be run in accordance to your bronze age religious beliefs.
@34 With our having exposed where your vision leads us, you now have damn good reason why you should refuse to further discuss the implications of your views. It really is best that you step outside and enjoy the afternoon. Far better that than having your ass handed to you repeatedly, huh?
@36 We have wingnut freaks who believe that the earth is, given the meds they’ve ingested, either 4,000 years or 6,000 years old, wanting to force their beliefs down our throats. I can only hope that things don’t get much krazier than that, Michael.
I imagine that at family reunions and company get togethers you are that guy that won’t let a topic on which agreement is impossible go. You know the guy, the drunk fellow in the corner loudly saying something he’s repeated 14 times, which everyone is sick of hearing.
Here’s a tip. There’s a difference between a stalemate and a win.
How about you try answering why abortion should be the sole perspective on which you judge candidates for elected office, and we have something to discuss. Otherwise go back to your spiked punch and loudly repeat your comments ad nauseum to someone else.
In your delusions maybe. Your running away from discussion does not a stalemate make. What you’re trying to do is more akin to tipping your king over and declaring a draw. It doesn’t work that way. Whatever your delusion, it’s still checkmate. You can go now.
“How about you try answering why abortion should be the sole perspective on which you judge candidates for elected office, and we have something to discuss”
You resort to a strawman. Again. A standard wingnut diverionary tactic. I never said that and I don’t believe it. Really, Lost, is that your best shot?
So it’s “guns vs abortion” Again. And Again. What is this, 1982?
“I imagine that at family reunions…”
What else can you pull from your ass?
Imagine? One needn’t imagine your absolute refusal to explore with us the societal consequences of your belief that abortion is murder. The proof is now spread across two abortion threads.
@16, 39: Poor ignorant little LOST
Abortion is not the sole reason to distrust Rossi.
How about:
Rossi is crooked.
Rossi is a shill for the BIAW.
Rossi profits from foreclosures.
Oh, and your foolish statement:
Rossi thinks women should be imprisoned for abortion even in the case of rape or incest.
Excuse me, but since when has RAPE become a matter of convenience.
Rossi has an extreme position even for a conservative – and your statement reflects a true ignorance of Rossi’s position.
Umm, and a true conservative or libertarian would not want to try and control other peoples bodies. We all know that if you make abortion illegal (like Rossi wants) that real women will die having illegal abortions.
It is not for me, but if I believed,as you do, that Plan B was a form of murder, yep I would vote against a murderer, Wouldn’t you?
FWIW, I voted for Rossi in his first campaign. The he did and said a number of dreadful things that I regard as irresponsible.
There, are moreover, ten other reasons to vote against him:
As someone who has voted for many repubs, I will not do so now because of what has become of the party. You want a list of Republican issues that estrange folks like me:
Drill Baby Drill
Impoverish the future by not taxing the wealthy
deny global warming
pauperize the US by NO support for health care reform
forcing others to accept their religion .. eg the soul!
stupid french jokes
Fox News
prayer in the schools
killing Tiller
immigration laws as racism
Karl Rove and Dick Chaney’s get out of jail cards
The Republicans of 2010 are the know nothings of 1860. They need, we need a new party!
Is there a Lincoln in the wings?
Basically, the right-wing stance on reproductive rights boils down to “Don’t kill ’em in the womb. Save ’em for cannon fodder.”
Re 44
Rossi is crooked says an anonymous poster on a
PI blog. Well, then it must be true. Come on.
Rossi has political patronage from influential groups? How about Murray and the unions that use member dues to pay for her campaigns? At least make some attempt at unbiased viewing of politicians. They’re all connected to interest groups and more or less corrupt. Just a choice of whether you’re speaking of connections to an industry which creates jobs or one which protects exististing and worthless jobs needed or not.
I profit from foreclosures. The bank will sell the property to someone at an auction or offered price. Why that should be someone else is beyond me if the property looks to be a good investment. The defaulting buyer made a bet that he could make payments he couldn’t. Too bad he couldn’t, but it is problem. I don’t force the prior owner to default and see no ethical problems with buying the property.
‘True libertarian’ and ‘true conservative’ are meaningless terms. I am true to myself, my family and my friends. By doing so I am true to my community. I don’t owe loyalty to specific stands taken by ideological groups.
And as I’ve said I won’t argue your abortion question. Everything I’ve had to say on it has been said, sometimes twice. Read my posts if you care to or not if you don’t, but I’m finished with that debate.
Your posts usually deserve an answer, but I’m short on time to cover the vast ground you lay out.
I made no mention of Plan B and know a very small amount about it. I’ve heard a lot of hyperbole from both sides on it, but prefer to make up my own mind. So, no comment on Plan B.
If I had a guess McCain/Palin was a republican sacrificial lamb. Given the recession and fear it engendered no-one who used R after their name was going to win. Save the good candidates for 2012, would be my guess as to strategy. In any case I’ve never defended Palin, except where the attacks were on her family or were politically driven by our left wing media. Personally I think she was and is out of her depth.
The wealthy do pay taxes. IRS figures indicate the top 20% of taxpayers pay 80% of the tax burden. The top 5% pay 20%. How much of the communal burden is fair in your mind?
Personalities are just that. I find Maddow, Schultz and Olbermann just as offensive as Beck and Limbaugh. These are entertainers, not to be taken seriously. They are punch lines, not political dialogue.
I deny Global Warming because it doesn’t exist. Someone here proudly showed me a graph the other day showing a less than 1 degree rise since 1900. Those of us who remember know that the period at the beginning of the 1900’s was among the coldest on record. So no, Chicken Little, the sky isn’t falling. Add to that the corrupt and lying behavior of ‘climate scientists’ clearly shown in emails and faked reports and I’m not planning on my North Bend cabin being oceanfront any time soon.
The rest is fringe element stuff. Does the Democrat party have it’s share of weirdos. Sure. Look at Bernie Sanders and Bawney Fwank. Doesn’t mean the whole party is corrupt or buys the nonsense.
Got to go, meeting with the bank to make an offer on a couple of foreclosures. That widow will be out in the street sooner than you can say Dino Rossi. Bwah ha ha.
I could understand an anti-choice viewpoint if they actually cared about the babies that were born…
“I’m finished with that debate”
You didn’t even take part in any debate, Lost. All you did was exclaim that abortion is murder, declared the debate a stalemate, and then turned your tail and ran.
“Those of us who remember know that the period at the beginning of the 1900’s was among the coldest on record.”
heh- Lost remembers the early 1900’s. And I thought I was old.
Be careful when you fly preggers, ladies, we don’t want Lost accusing you of voluntary manslaughter.
So you wish to dispute the claims made by the source?
Is it your contention then that Dino Rossi supports upholding Roe v. Wade and keeping government out of the personal medical decisions between a doctor and a patient?
That would be very big news indeed.
48. lostinaseaofblue
You could look up the science instead of listening to the hyperbole, but that’s so liberal.
Wow, you’re hilarious. So the “good candidates” (whoever they might be–you know it’s almost certainly going to be Mitt in 20102, right?) avoided a wide-open race in which neither the sitting president nor vice-president took part (for the first time in a generation or two), against what was certain to be either a woman of black man, in favor of wiating four years to run against an incumbent president whose popularity they can not even predict. Because THAT’S what political professionals think is a good idea. Riiiight. You’re good.
You’re still batting .000. “IRS figures indicate the top 20% of taxpayers pay 80% of” the dollar amounts of income taxes only. As is always, immutably true of Republicans, you ignore all other taxes and focus on a pull quote about the only real progressive tax in the US. Ya wann know why? They make all the income. Not hard to figure out. But the guy who makes $1 million per year pays SS tax on only about 10% of that income, while the poor schmuck trying to raise four kids on $30K pays SS tax on every fucking dollar he makes. How much of that burden is fair in your mind?
You might be dumb, you might be misinformed, or you might be a liar. I’m not here to guess. Do you have any idea what a 1 degree Celsius (BTW, that’s approximately two degrees Fahrenheit) rise in global temperature represents? Yes, the instrumental record shows global temperatures rising about 1.1 degrees Celsius since 1880. The trend is clear and is inexorably up (I believe that the relative stasis, not decline, from 1940-1970 represented the world destruction from WWII, but that’s me). According to all major temperature reconstructions published in peer-reviewed journals, the increase in temperature in the 20th century and the temperature in the late 20th century is the highest in the (reconstructed) record.
Oh, YOU…. You and your lying sack of shit repetition of the baseless charges made by right wing ideologues from their cherry-picking of stolen data from a single UK source. Of course, when the UK Parliament looked into the matter and found out that it was all total and utter bullshit, somehow you and WorldNetDaily failed to note it. Must have just been an oversight, eh?
I’ll just go ahead and post it for you, because you won’t:
The truth hurts, I know. Go and lick your wounds.
That would be nuts, Daddy Love.
I add “Go sit in the corner” as in:
Completelylost thinks repeating half-baked platitudes is an argument. It’s what passes for conservative “thought” these days.
The really sad thing: they’re pretty much all like that now and they’re too stupid to be embarrassed.
re 54
Most of the reason I don’t look up Plan B is because I don’t have the time to look up every little detail liberals come up with to defend the indefensible. When I was in high school debate a regrettable trend had developed. It was to spit out in rapid fire diction as much information as possible in the 8 minutes argument allowed. The quality of the information didn’t matter, the quantity did. The debator would then claim that the opponent gave up the debate by not covering one petty argument, usually itself suspect. I believe that most of these young people grew up to be progressives.
In re McCain/Palin I was guessing at something about which I don’t care. Either a Republican will win in 2012, or more likely not. Obama will reap the rewards of a naturally recovering economy in spite of his efforts to destroy the country, and win fairly handily, I should imagine. Frankly it seemed the only logical reason to run McCain when better candidates, yes, Mitt Romney for one, existed.
Yes I was referring to income tax. Since the compilation of local, state and federal taxes of various kinds is pretty complex, it seems the most sensible way to approach the liberal lie that the rich don’t pay their share. Yes, they earn more. So they should pay for the fire department, police agencies etc for their lazier neighbor. Why? Liberals have a kindergarten notion of fairness where everyone gets an equal share of the treat going around. Hate to break it to you, but the industrious and smart often get a share proportionate to their efforts. That is an adults version of fair.
What you posted is crap. It is the PC cover-up report any government paying salaries for lying ‘scientists’ would come up with. The language is careful nonetheless to distance itself from the lying scientist.
In non cover up English for those who can’t read-
136. Though climate scientists need to keep data secret to hide the fact that no global warming has been occuring for at least a decade, we’ll punt and blame UEA, rather than the liars at CRU. This kind of practice of secrecy is entirely inconsistent with the rest of the scientific community, but what the hell, we need to keep citizens scared so we can come up with more bullshit Carbon Credit trading and other taxes.
137. We didn’t actually conduct much of an enquiry, because we really don’t want to know. We need to defend the preposterous nonsense around Global Warming and it’s non-occurence, so we’ll punt this one to the Scientific Appraisal Panel. That way when the truth about the fraud practiced at CRU comes out we can say we had a ‘limited investigation’ and that all matters of scientific evidence are someone else problem.
Bravo Daddy Love. Keep drinking the Kool-aid, buddy.
Re 55
For someone who has yet to advance a cogent argument of any kind this is fairly brazen. Whey you have something to say, I’m all ears. Otherwise be quiet and let the adults talk.
YLB @ 3 and your link: Wow. That is one powerful essay.
I think I have the answer for you, Lost. Chip implants. You faux-libertarians can fight to have every American woman implanted with a chip to monitor her bodily functions and track her location. You’ll know who is pregnant and when, who aborts and where, and for any miscarriages you’ll have a record of drug and alcohol consumption as well as a physiological record that could be tuned to track innappropriate behavior. You could even track altitude to see which women are flying. Every zygote and blastocyst would be fully protected. It’d be a regular faux-libertarian utopia, I’m sure.
@57 re 55…I direct your attention to post #101 on the previous thread. That was a show stopper, and cogently got to the heart of the matter.
Good one, Zotz.
Rossi still wont define his position on abortion.
It’s pretty sad when the best person you’ve got to run for the US senate refuses to define himself on issues.
It’ll be Murray by 12% in November.
Do you feel fertility clinics should be outlawed?
Should we prosecute for manslaughter somebody who threw the extra zygotes out with the day’s trash?
If a zygote is kept in a frozen state for 18 years, is it eligible to vote?
If they are around for 67 years, will they be eligible for Social Security?
Are zygotes to be counted in the Census?
Should sperm and egg donors undergo background checks to insure they are American citizens to avoid having legacy zygotes?
The logic of your position (life begins at conception) raises some interesting questions, wouldn’t you agree?
Sometimes I confuse you with Proud Leftist. Then I remember he or she can be rational.
I repeat what I told Steve. I won’t argue this further, as I’ve written at least twice sufficient argument for a rational person.
However it takes the clinically disturbed mind of a thing like Joyce Arthur to try to make abortion just part of the culture, and even celebrate it as part of female sexuality.
What a sick and twisted woman. What a sick and twisted group who could believe her garbage.
Well folks, better things to do on a Friday night. Have fun.
58 – Yeah! Best find in a while for me. She’s a really intense writer.
I won’t argue this further, as I’ve written at least twice sufficient argument for a rational person.
Spoken like the true intellectual giant you are. But since we are irrational, why the ongoing, and apparently one sided, “dialog”? Do you also talk to the walls in your house? Your toaster?
The one I really got a kick out of was your, oh so clever, dig at “Nitche’s”(sic) social life the other day. Did you know he was in the social swirl surrounding the famous composer Richard Wagner and his wife Cosmia? Did you know he got in a lot of hot water for vehemently opposing the casual antisemitism so fashionable in European cultural circles in the latter part of the 19th century? This is stuff you can get from Wiki in 30 seconds.
But no. You felt entitled to take a cheap uninformed shot at him anyway.
You sir, are a putz.
I believe you’re distorting her views just a bit not to mention throwing up your hands and calling her names. But she makes no bones about it – she firmly believes abortion is a good thing and advances humanity. She believes women have always had abortion and always will. It’s simply a matter of a woman having control over her own body like any man and ALWAYS reserving the option to reject unwanted pregnancy as her unquestioned right. To be against abortion is to be against women and if her statistic of half of all women having an abortion in her lifetime holds up, she is more or less correct.
As I said I don’t know if I agree with a lot of what she claims in her various essays but it makes for damn good thought provoking reading.
However it takes the clinically disturbed mind of a thing like Joyce Arthur to try to make abortion just part of the culture, and even celebrate it as part of female sexuality.
Curious. Curious how you can decry the destruction of a clump of cells as ‘murder’ yet call a human being a “thing”.
This calls for rectification….would that be three or five Hail Mary’s?
@48 LSI blue .. it is not polite to ;ostbut not answer.
Plan B is a drug that is used post intercourse. It blocks implantation. Is this killing a baby?
No, the rich do not pay their share of taxes. In fact tyhe US has thw lowest taxes of any in industrialized nation. Addd ot that the tax we pay for our ridiculously expensive health care, poor retirement systems and bizarrly expensive college .. the braking line for nearly confiscatory taxes .. cost of living .. for Americans is way above the median income.
Other than Glen Beck, your sources for knowing more about global warming than the scioentific community are????
BTW, you never said whether you accept the fact that dogs are sentient so kiling a dog is killing ba baby?
Spot on. The only thing he’s really given us is “abortion is murder”. Nothing more. After refusing to further discuss his views he declares this non-debate a “stalemate” and then cuts and runs:
No need to guess, Daddy, you already nailed it. He’s dumb, misinformed and a liar.
These past few days have revealed much to me as to the folly of engaging in conversation with these people. Looking at Puddy for a moment, we’re talking climate change with someone who believes the earth and the universe are only 6,000 years old and looks forward to a soon-to-come apocalypse?? The photons striking his eyeballs after a three million year journey from the Andromeda galaxy are not real. The Cambrian era mass extinction not only did not happen, there was no Cambrian era. He calls scientists “liars” and he calls me a fool. Well, if I waste one more minute discussing climate change with the likes of that idiot then he’ll have at least gotten one thing right.
This attempt of ours to pull more out of Lost was purest folly. With his declaration that abortion is murder, he had shot his wad. He has nothing more to offer.
Why are Democrats pro baby-killing? Yeah answer that motherfuckers!
Morning Steve,
Are you still playing the drunk second cousin in the corner? ‘And another thing…’ (Sorry, hard to convey the drunken slur in that phrase, but you get the idea.)
Two quick notes- when you want to insult someone have the grace to keep track of whom you are insulting. “He calls scientists “liars” and he calls me a fool.” I called liars who claim to be scientists ‘scientists.’ I have great respect for academics and true scientists using the great gift of their intelligence to make the world a better place for everyone. I have none at all for those who lie, fiddle with numbers and act in secrecy because they are doing these things. I don’t expect you to understand subleties, but do try. Puddy and you may have had some conversation about the age of the Earth. I really don’t know.
Second thing? Because a person has this thing called a life doesn’t mean they are cutting and running. Nor, after each argument has been repeated two or three times do I see the point in continuing a discussion.
Goldy for once was right, it’s too nice a day to be inside. Have a nice day. I’m off to enjoy the sun.
Thanks for a morning dose of teh stupid, Lost.
After losing track yourself, you accuse me of losing track and make a big deal out of it. Too funny. Other than that, you give us some “drunk in the corner” horseshit and some pathetic excuse for cutting and running, which yet another epic fail to go beyond your shallow and insipid “abortion is murder”. You obviously have nothing, and so you bring nothing. You utterly fail to debate anyone here and yet claim a “stalemate”. Sorry, but the only debate involving you, Lost, appears to be one that’s going on in your thick skull between your remaining brain cells, endlessly arguing over whether or not to process an original thought.
Steve, just off to go fishing. I’d recommend it for you as well. It clears the mind, and if any mind needs clearing it’s yours, old buddy. Really, go hiking or fishing, that or gardening or something. Anything but hitting the bottle this early, as you’ve so clearly done. Honestly, this drinking or dope habit is making you grumpy and inchoherent.
Have a good day, and knock off the sauce, Steve.
Reduced to making shit up, are you, Lost? Drinking in the morning? I just hope for your sake that this isn’t the usual wingnut projection. If you haven’t heard, that’s a Psych 101 thing.
You bring nothing because you have nothing.
Judging by Lost’s last couple of posts, I’m betting he was wasted by noon and by now he’s passed out somewhere. Toss in Puddy’s outing as an “all science is lies” flat earther, and this has been a very interesting day at the cesspool.
So I can only conclude so far that Democrats are happy baby murderers!
Why yes, you found us out! After all the only thing more delicious than bacon is stir fried baby!
Actually Democrats are racists, because most abortions occur in black/latino community! This is simply a form of genocide…
@80 Crusader
Yep .. Dems are racists, human racists at that!
Of course the Repricans are anti human race as a whole! Right?
Of course .. we care ntoo much about sad babies to kill them!
Yes he wants to ban infantcide. I do not see what is wrong with that.
Umm – in cases of rape and incest – the woman should have to bear the child?
You agree with that kind of neanderthal thinking?
Oh, and infanticide is not abortion and plan B is not abortion. Just to clarify that. Incase you were too ignorant to know the difference.
The reason that abortion is pertinent when talking about Dino Rossi is simple — it speaks to what kind of person Rossi is.
The current law on abortion is Initiative 120, passed by a vote of the people in 1991. Rossi wants to overturn a law that a majority of the people of the State of Washington voted for.
A politician that wants to overturn a law that was passed by a majority of the people that he claims to represent — doesn’t and shouldn’t represent those people.
Then how do you explain what the legislature has done regarding I-960?
Do you support getting rid of all the lawmakers who overturned it?