Dino Rossi’s record winning streak in hypothetical races remains unbroken, with the latest Rasmussen poll showing him eking out a 48% to 46% win over incumbent U.S. Senator Patty Murray. Man… has this guy ever lost a race he didn’t run for?
Of course, Rasmussen also had Rossi leading Gov. Chris Gregoire by a similar 47% to 46% margin at the same point in their 2008 gubernatorial race, and had Rossi up 52% to 46% as late as two months prior to election day. Rossi went on to lose by 6.5 points in the only poll that really mattered.
As for the Republicans actually running against Murray, well, they don’t fare so well, trailing by between 12 and 15 points. You know… hypothetically.
Looking at those signs, I’m convinced we’ve found the Missing Link.
Considering the literacy skills of those people, I’m amazed unemployment is only 10%. Personally, I think half the country is unemployable.
Let’s see. The closest GOPers have come to a champion in our state is a greasy real estate salesman who worked for a guy who went to prison for fraud whose only management experience was supervising a part-time janitor as a college student …
Meanwhile, our champion is a brilliant lawyer who won the biggest judgment in the history of the world who was elected state attorney general three times and was elected governor twice and what does she do in office? She adopts Rossi’s budget and tax policies …
It’s tough being a Democrat in this state. No matter how many elections we win, we keep getting Rossi …
Since you’re still talking about him, then he still poses a threat. Hardy-har-har. The election stealing and incompetence of Queen Crissy and Co. and her fiscal train wreck are pissing people off to no end. We will remember.
And Rodent: Talk to the hand before you fart out all of your verbal O.C.D. mouth diarrhea. I could care less what an retired courthouse janitor thinks.
Good day all.
@6 Let’s see. The GOP’s lawyers spent $2 million on a trial before a handpicked Republican judge in a forum-shopped Republican county proving they had no evidence of voting fraud except by 4 Rossi voters, and you still claim that election was stolen? A couple phrases come to mind: Whistling in the dark, pissing into the wind …
Rasmussen had Tim Eyman’s Initiative 1033 leading by 61 percent to 31percent in a poll taken last October.
The real question is different anyway. The question is: can Rossi beat the other Republicans in a primary? Unless he can, he won’t be running in a general election. This wouldn’t be like 2004 and 2008, where he was the anointed GOP candidate. He’d be running against real Republicans who WILL articulate their positions on the issues.
I’d just love to see Rossi try to pull his “I’m not running on that issue” in a fierce GOP primary, with teabagger moneybombs going off for his opponents. It would be HILARIOUS.
A9: Exactly.
And it’s a crap shoot with the top 2 primary and 11 “prefers R” choices.
Major popcorn and laugh potential, I think.
HA! I was wondering where you were going with that for a moment.
Yeah, a threat that we might pee ourselves from laughing too hard.
Rossi did okay, for a Republican, as long as he (a) didn’t open his mouth, (b) kept the media away from his fundraisers and other appeals to the wingnut “base”, and (c) the media repeated his campaign’s mantra (i.e., lies) that he was a successful businessman who had balanced a state budget previously.
Of course, once he could no longer hide from the truth, his potential support among independents melted away.
The one thing in favor of any Republicans running in the next race is that you can’t balance the current budget with cuts alone. That means that in the absence of real tax reform in this state, there will be some tax increases. Of course, the Republicans couldn’t have balanced the budget either with tax increases or drastic measures like opening our prison gates. But that’s never stopped them from blaming everything on the Democrats.
@11 I’d like to know where that’s going, too.
@13 The GOP’s approach is to bleed state revenues even more by turning over liquor sales to private business.
Keep laughin’ Goldy.
When a Republican wins Mass., NJ Gov and Virginia Gov….and Evan Bayh throws in the towel, you will need your sense of humor.
Progressivism is DEAD Goldy.
You KLOWNS blew it.
Rossi, hell; just wait until Governor Carlson throws his pink helmet into the ring.
Heard Kirby the other night, filling in for Lars who is thinking of taking away WA’s SW district from (ahem) Adam Smith.
Kirby on KVI had been running on fumes for years, filling four morning hours only because he repeated himself he repeated himself. But back on nights? Where he started? Not bad.
And when he filled in for Carlson against Schram, years ago, Kirby was very very good.
Think about it, KOMO. Carlson never did get the hang of sharing a bully pulpit with a schramster bully. Kirby grooved on it.
Yeah cause when Dems won NJ and VA in 2001 the GOP said it was just local races, now when the GOP wins in 2009 its has national implications. Wow what hypocricy.
As for MA we had a candidate duller than Gore running and who didn’t take it seriously. If Brown turns out to be a winger he is out in two years.
Brown’s pro-choice and pro gay marriage. Yeah, that’s a big win for the Tea Bag crowd…
We’ve always known that moderate Republican’s that run hard can win races.
Here’s a title you will never hear uttered on the news:
“United States Senator elect, Dino Rossi.”
Never, ever, ever — EVER!
Although, I am willing to open up the betting window to any conservative who is willing to wager at least $1,000 on Rossi to win Patty Murray’s seat in 2010.
Mr. Cynical,
You’re worth at least $5 million bucks according to your own words — care to take me up on the cash wager?
Re 18
Ever heard of push-back? See, you guys can tell yourselves you’re ‘taking back America’ all you like. Truth is most Americans don’t cotton to leftist policies.
Obama won through fear FDR won and destroyed the work ethic and basic social structure of the country through fear (while ironically declaiming “the only thing we have to fear..”)
The far left can only win elections by scaring people. Once the voters realize you govern very badly they switch back to decent politics.
21. GBS spews:
Depends who is running and what kind of odds & spread you give me.
Murray has a ton of cash.
Let’s see what transpires once the Primary is over. You are sooo confident..I expect odds or a spread.
Remind me of this GBS after the Primary.
I only gamble on stock options and short-term trades…and occassional sports bets & poker.
Mr C:
Spoken like a true Conservative who is unsure of himself or his party’s chances of winning.
Straight up, right here, right now, Rossi beats Murray in 2010 for her US Senate seat you win $1,000.
Murray wins, I get $1,000.
After all, you have the Teabaggers, Sarah Palin and a pissed off electorate at the “Obamao”.
If anybody should be getting odds it’s ME!! I’m the one fighting the Red Tide you keep squawking about!!!
What odds am I getting? At least 3:1? To be generous. OK, OK, no odds, I’ll take you straight up.
Liberals win by scaring people!!! Have you watched the last several Republican national campaigns. PLease tell me are you lying or willfully ignorant.
Re 25
Fair point.
It might be more accurate to say that in the mid-terms and in 2012 there is a winning political strategy for whichever side chooses to adopt it, if any.
Clearly stating a plan for the country coupled with a sincere statement of what the party believes would win in a sweeping way. Whether either side has the political guts to do this is another question. Whether once elected that party would act on the promises yet another.
But the big wins of the past for progressives have always been on the basis of fear.
Well I would disagree that Obama’s victory was based on fear. Remember that “hope” thing? You can argue about his ability to deliver, but the fear and hate is coming from the right at this time.
On the one hand I think Sen. Murray will have to work for it in 2010 and go out and campaign. Not taking your opponent seriously can be the kiss of death in politics and having a sense of entitlement over your seat tends to piss off the voters.
On the other hand she is an incumbent, has statewide name recognition, a big pile of money, and has handily won every election she’s ever run in.
Re 27
Yeah, I remember the hope to change and change to hope and hope and change etc.
But Obama won based on the economic fears of the people, as did FDR, not on actual policy he proposed.
And calling everyone with whom you disagree a wingnut and a traitor hardly exempts the left from fear and hate.
The real difference I see is that while some bloggers on the left are extreme in their language, the political class, including electeds, on the right spout extreme. You have congressmen shouting “liar” at the President and a former Vice-President saying he is undermining the security of our nation. That’s a bit different than nameless bloggers.
In my experience if hateful and vulgar names are going to be used in political discussion it will be by the left.
The president is a liar. All presidents are. This doesn’t mean it was appropriate to shout it out. Oddly I don’t hear you calling that liberal nutjob who said Republicans killed 40,000 people out. Representative Alan Gray, I think, but it was equally inapropriate. Yet no outcry from the left, and he’s generally lionized for his repulsive and lying statements.
Vocal and extreme political discourse goes back a long way. Maybe it’s a safety valve, maybe just a sign of poor breeding. I don’t know. Don’t pretend it’s all on the right though and expect anyone to believe it.
@31 Boo-fucking-hooo! Righties called us “traitors” and “unpatriotic” and “un-American” when we questioned their warmongering and torture of innocent people. Don’t expect any crocodile tears from me.
@26 Winning political strategy, are you kidding? You mean mob rule! The right is a herd of stampeding cattle. They’re dragging America into a swamp of idiocy and ignorance. The world hasn’t seen anything like this since the 1930s.
@26 “But the big wins of the past for progressives have always been on the basis of fear.”
@29 The superficiality of your take on history is stunning. FDR and Obama were elected to lead the nation out of economic collapses by people who had lost jobs, homes, and savings, and needed immediate relief. Those voters were motivated by real-life suffering, not fear only. They voted against the leaders and policies who had failed them, which under the circumstances, was an obvious and rational thing to do.
FDR and Obama didn’t just campaign on change, they brought change. They reversed the wrongheaded policies of their predecessors and set the damaged economy on course for recovery by applying Keynesian remedies that included government intervention in the banking system, monetary policies to halt deflation, and deficit spending to re-stimulate the economy and provide work for the unemployed. In both cases, these actions halted the slide, stabilized the economy, and allow recovery to begin. Both presidents contemplated turning the economy back over to private business interests after it became healthy again. And for saving capitalism, both presidents were called “socialists” by dunces who didn’t know what they were talking about and advocated the very policies that led to the crashes in the first place.
I’ve put you in the category of fools who learn nothing from history or experience. You are an ignorant man. You prove it every day in your posts here.
Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit running off at the mouth again……
Murray forced the military to buy things they didn’t want, in order to please big money corporate donors. She didn’t care that it was a waste of taxpayer money. Time for Murray to go.
@37 The only place Murray is going is back to the U.S. Senate with a landslide victory margin. You guys have nobodies running against her.
Is Murray owned by big corporations? Sure, but so are GOP politicians. It sucks, but a Republican-dominated SCOTUS just made it suck a lot worse, so voting Republican obviously isn’t the answer.
Once again ‘K’ shows he’s a whackamole progressive lock step person. In the final analysis of both bills, there was abortion and illegal alien coverage in the senate health care bill and that’s why they had to buy the votes of Landrieu, McCaskill, and Nelson who saw the language in their senate bill. They had to rewrite the House Bill because Bart Stupak and others saw the language in there too. So Joe Wilson was right.
Regarding terrorism, it was your preznit Odumba who claimed he would stop the strife whe he went on his World Apology Tour last April and June. Odumba did a face plant and the EunuchBomber appears.
So ‘K’ once again your commentary is an EPIC FAIL.
Yep, “k” got this right. They placed weally scawy candidates like Al Gore and John Kerry who drove them to the Republican side.
Tell us again why Al Gore lost his home state in 2000?
Yeah, idiots like Stupes is “weally scaaaeed” of candidates like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama..
The know how to defeat shithead right wingers.
24. GBS spews:
Rossi hasn’t even declared…in fact, likely won’t run.
We can go back & forth on confidence.
This is politics.
When it comes to betting, I try to negotiate the best odds & return possible.
Let’s discuss this after the Primary…
@42 “Let’s discuss this after the Primary…”
Or maybe you’d prefer to place your bets after the general election? I like sure things, too, Klown. That’s why I put my money on oil instead of gold.
Betting on someone who says they are not interested in running makes sense??
Yeah right.
Please, please, please let Rossi run for Senate!
In other news, the Tea Klux Klan are, SURPISE, are about 11% of the population and:
a CNN poll??
They have the accuracy of a kindergarten class throwing darts.
My experience is the majority are women…at least the events I’ve attended. Most are average Americans (certainly not elitist Progressives!).
There is a concerted effort to marginalize and minimize the Tea Party. It worked real good in NJ, Va. & Massa2shits, didn’t it.
The more the Obam-Mao-ites continue down the mock/ridicule path…the more it will destroy the Democrat Party.
Seems like you KLOWNS and your denial are akin to Self-Induced Suicide. Is that legal??