I get email:
For someone who doesn’t want to be tied to Bush, Rossi is doing a shitty job of defense. Sending out press releases talking about the Governor talking about how you named your dog after Bush?!?! Are you fucking serious?
The emailer is referring to a press release sent by the Rossi campaign in response to this quote by Gregoire:
“In fact, he is so enamored with George W. Bush he has named his dog [Dubya]. I feel sorry for the dog.”
When Rossi should be trying his best to show voters that he’s not in league with Mr. 28 Percent, this release shows he’s not taking taking that advice. What a bunch of whiners.
And this photo above, well… let’s just say that campaigns pay people 4k a month to keep them from happening.
He is making fun of YOU Will! Best part is
you don’t know it. Rossi will be our next gov.
Bush at least has a higher approval rating than
@ 1
Keep looking for that pony…
When are you going to put up another “Beg For Money”??
Seems like Gregoire hasn’t helped your plight will…you are begging while she is YOUR Governor!
She is a 39-year Government Bureaucrat who will get a FAT Pension when she is beaten in November.
And you will?
You will keep right on begging while SHE lives the high life.
@3 Oh yeah, Will the beggar. He’s for “change”
just like Obama. As in gimme mo money.
@ 3
Anytime you want to give is fine by me, Cynthia.
@ 4
You too, mark. Anytime you want to pony up. Hey… ponies… that’s right up your alley.
Found one yet?
@6 Here, demonstrate for us what it’s like to be outraged:
We’ve got five minutes worth. Yours could last a lifetime.
Re Elect Rossi!
Being like bush is better than being like congress if you use poll numbers.
From the poll numbers, the only people that approve of congress are fellow government employees.
I hear that it’s up to 73% want drilling in alaska. How much longer can congress hold out before throwing their special interest groups under the bus. And with the new GOP ads coming out reminding the nation that gas prices have doubled since the democrats took power and democrats are against drilling in alaska the democrat party might become extinct before the republican party.
The gas issue that the dems thought they could use against the reps look like it’s actually the other way.
Will the dems doom obama?
Too bad Rossi isn’t running against Congress. He’s running against the Governor of Washington. So you right wing turds deflect all you like. And please Fake Mark – explain why you are shamed of Bush.
The country has reacted very negatively to republicans in the last three special elections – all held in long-time, heavily republican districts, and all won by the Democratic party.
Keep hoping – keep praying to your false god – keep lying. You still looooooose righties.
Why is Rossi hiding his DUI? Also, why is he hiding his tax returns? This proven liar has something to hide – that’s why. And we’re going to find it!
Yep, old Dino is ‘Just Like Bush’ – they’ll both be unemployed come January.
Naming the dog Dubya makes some logical sense, too. Like his namesake, someone always has to follow him around and clean up his messes.
Nice Job Will, If you read what will linked to it states clearly that Rossi’s kids named the dog. So now Christine the witch hates dogs and kids! That will get some good commercials and of course will get Gregoire alot of votes among the phedophiles and dog haters.
Why does Rossi support the murder of innocent children in Washington? He has fought hard against any health care for Washington’s children and in typical right wing fashion, doesn’t want them aborted but doesn’t care if they die due to lack of medical care 15 minutes later.
@14 “votes among the pedophiles”
Republicans are going to vote for Gregoire???
Christine Gregoire insinuates that being proud of your country and pointing out others are not is shamless and devisive. I disagree.
Christine Gregoire: These shameless attacks by the state Republican Party have no place in our politics. If John McCain is serious about running a ‘respectful’ campaign on the issues, he and Republican leaders like Dino Rossi will denounce this tasteless attack ad and tell the state Republican Party to pull the plug on it immediately. After eight years of the most divisive, fear-driven politics this country has ever seen, I agree with Senator Obama that it’s time to turn the page and bring Americans together.
Here is that ad our crazed governor is whining about. You decide.
So the Dino-Sore has been doing WHAT since he LOST the election?
Sounds like the Dino-Sore and his “mentor” have a lot in common.
I suppose…ROB…you are drawing on your EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE at being a black person in America.
Oh shucks…ROB…that’s right, you are a:
“typical white person (rob)”
And we already know about the tremendous amount of empathy (look it up, moron) and understanding you have toward those different than you.
Sorry but drilling off the coast of Washington will go over like a lead balloon.
High gas prices or not the residents of this state don’t want to see oil rigs off the coast.
Re: 19. Yes I am a typical white person as far as Obama is conserned.
Are you black rujax?
LMAO @ Robtard @ 17!!!
John Flip-Flop McSameOld never loved his country until he was 30.
RE: 20, I didn’t know us residents of this state can see 150 miles over the horizon. We are better than we think we are. Maybe its the newbies from back east that can see that far?
RE: 22, well I guess you could call him a fast learner compaired to Michelle Obama who is 45.
Re: 22 of course John McCain started serving his country at the age of 18. That was the same age Michelle Obama started taking advantage of affirmative action.
25 – Bullshit, he was chasing ass and being a generally crappy pilot while cruising on his Daddy’s grease.
“votes among the pedophiles”
Republicans are going to vote for Gregoire???
Democrats have a union protecting their pedophiles, it called the teachers union. They need it.
Bullshit, he was chasing ass and being a generally crappy pilot while cruising on his Daddy’s grease.
07/17/2008 at 9:39 pm
Of course Obama’s service is … wait he never served. He is just a typical chicken shit liberal. Nevermind.
The whole ‘everyone who isn’t a democrat is like bush’ campaign is laughable.
Maybe he should be more like Chuck Shumer who helped put Indy Mac out.
Maybe he should be like J. Gorelick who worked for Indy Mac and who will be under investigation for fraud.
Maybe he should be like Nancy Pelosi who’s passed every war funding bill that’s come her way.
Maybe he should be more like Chris Gregoire who has taken money from tribes in exchange for favors or who has let sex offenders run loose or who has created a budget deficit so large you could drive a truck through it.
I guess the left was never big on ideas though…
RE: 25, I laugh every time I see you hippies saying you “support the troops”
Here is how the Navy rewards you for being “a generally crappy pilot”
Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star and Navy Commendation Medal, and are for actions before, during, and after his time as a POW.
All of you out there that have earned similar awards or lesser awards, Yos Libtard believes your service is generally crappy.
Hey wonder why the righties didn’t start drilling off the coast of Florida and California when they ran both the White House and the Congress – oh yeah – I forgot – they had two republican governors they wanted to protect.
Re: 28, Well Obama does want to send more soldiers to Afghanistan so I guess that makes him a “Chicken Hawk”.
You sure don’t here that term much these days. Wonder what happened to it?
RE: 31, Gas was $2.00 a gallon. As the facts change intelligent people change their positions. What do liberals do?
Obama is either a chicken shit or a real chicken hawk, there is no in between. He will get pummled no matter what he says which is right and just.
I guess if Obama wins he will be sending his daughters to Afghanistan because he isn’t like Bush!
Rossi could have just as easily flipped the bird to you dems rather than the sign. heheheeheh I love it. If he really was suicidal he would have a “just like Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi”.
A guy who chased strippers, crashed his plane all over the place, collaborated with the NV Commies, dumped his first wife for a rich heiress, threw screaming fits at his fellow Republicans is truly “fit for command” in robtard’s book.
Re: 37, Obama isn’t qualified to lick the sweat of McCain’s balls. He was a “community organizer”, pot smoking, drunk cocaine abuser though.
Sounds like presidential material to me.
I can talk shit about McSame all night long but I give the ancient old mariner/flyboy a little bit more credit than that chimpanzee robtard voted for twice.
But no way should this country vote for that ill-tempered warmonger.
RE: 37, I don’t know about you YOS LIBTARD, but all the soldiers I knew chased strippers, you may have been hanging out with the gay soldiers but the majority are GUILTY AS CHARGED SIR!
40 – So where’s the “family values” robtard?
LMAO! You bore me. Good night..
Re; 39, How are you goin to react when the chimpanzee cartoons and comparisons (big ears) start coming out about your second coming of Jimi Hendrix?
When McCain was busy giving information to the VC they could use against us, his wife was busy being disfigured in a car accident. When he came home, he had an affair on her, dumped her for a rich broad who spends 800k a month, and proved that GOP family values suck.
Actually the chimpanzee/Bush photshops that have been posted here on this site and one of Obama/Chimp would be a good advertisement.
Just like George Bush!
I have to learn how to photoshop!
Will: I think I had a sort of post-post-modrin moment looking at the photo. At first glance, I assumed it was Photoshopped. You’re saying that photo is for real?! LOL.
“It’s no surprise that a disproportionate number of conservative intellectuals were once communists — first, the National Review crowd in the 1950s (Whittaker Chambers, James Burnham, Frank Meyer, Wildmoore [sic] Kendall), then the neoconservatives of the 1970s (former Trotskyists Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz). They simply exchanged the primacy of the state for the primacy of the market.” Jonathan Chait
Why isn’t he being prosecuted under Pasado’s Law for naming his dog after Bush? That’s animal abuse!
Not that I’m against abusing dogs … they should all be tortured to death … starting with Jane Balogh’s mutt … dogs are useless … dumbest animals ever born … they chase rabbits but never catch any …
Send in the Clones………I guess Will is taking over puppetmaster duties for Goldy today.
…at least you have a trained set of Marionettes to work with Will as the usual cast of single digit IQ’ers like Yearns4LittleBoys, FartSmellin’Art, Roger Roadkill and BiBi Goober are all present and accounted for.
How about a story on the ‘Hood Rat Mama Obama visiting Qwest field pretending to love her country? She claims ‘America is broken’, but the only thing broken is Mama Obama’s “American Spirit”. Just like most liberals, her cup is always half empty.
50 – You’re one to talk. The D in your handle stands for “dumbass”.
I’ll bet you are the type of KLOWN who likes to pinch people who disagree with you.
Am I right?
Does anyone know if that cunt SIN dee McCain’s daughter is a lesbian like WHATADICK Cheney’s daughter is?
Or perhaps she’s a drug addict like Jeb Bush’s daughter – who by the way is where she belongs – in jail.
Or pehaps she’s like the twin Bush whores who went out and got drunk while underage?
Or maybe she’s like Puddylicker/Rick D’s wife, just a big, fat, greasy, ugly, whore with an asshole a mile wide after fucking the entire graduating class of UW?
52 – No. You’re wrong. By the way, out of all the names I’ve been called I think “you leftist bastard” stands out.
That one’s actually a little funny.
Yes, “pedophiles” love Chris Gregoire. The legislation passed under her leadership
– Verifies the address of all sex offenders through in-person checks by law enforcement officers
– Ensures the DNA of all registered sex offenders is in crime lab database
– Continues Operation Crackdown — arresting sex offenders statewide on warrant status
– Improves the statewide sex offender notification Web site
– Expands electronic monitoring of sex offenders
– Supports sexual assault victims
– Increases the number of prison beds
– Protects children on the Internet
– Expands crime labs
I don’t really know–is Dino Rossi like Bush?
He doesn’t even seem to have positions on the issues other than cockamamie freeway/bridge plans where the costs are fudged and the revenues are nonexistent, which does not speak well of either his intelligence or veracity. But other than being a blooming liar–in which fashion he does strongly resemble Greorge W. Bush–I don’t even know (because he won’t say) where he stands on, say, the state budget. You know, the area of his supposed superior expertise.
Even Cynical can tell us nothing about what a Rossi budget mught look like.
I have lost some respect for Will over this post. The way he is mindlessly repeating a commercial’s tag line makes him seems a little too suggestible. I need thought and analysis put into what I read.
I’m putting Will on notice. If you don’t write more intellectually insightful posts in the future, you’re going on my do-not-read list.
Look at Dino Rossi’s site (www.DinoRossi.com) and check his program under “Public safety.” Then look at my post @55 and follow the link I supplied, and you’ll find out that most of what Dino says he would do as Governor, Governor Gregoire has already done.
I found Rossi’s explanation of how the dog was named to be questionable. He just named the fucking dog after GWBush and now has to change his story so he can avoid being tarred with the same brush.
And even if his silly story is true, Bush-worshiping right-wing children come from Bush-worshiping right-wing parents.
BTW, I think all the posters here are cowards for remaining silent over the Richard McIver story.
Goldy was only half right when he called this comment section a toilet. His blog is a toilet, too.
I’m going to give this blog one month to step-up it’s game. If I am not suitably impressed with what I see, I will no longer read or comment on this blog.
You have until August 18th to earn my respect.
Can’t wait for the June fundraising numbers in this race.
60 T
I have never liked McIver, and did not support his cadidacy. Since then, I have found him to be a poor representative who is constantly giving an appearance of corruption. I would not support his re-election. But I do not live in the City of Seattle.
Regarding the domestic violence incident: Given that his wife called 911 back to retract her request almost immediately, and the fact that subsequently and consistently insisted that she fabricated the incidents leading to the call because she was angry at her husband, I will not pass judgment and assume facts not in evidence.
60 T
Dude, I am counting the days. Can you take Rick D. with you?
Real classy. Afraid to show the whole picture?
Pretty bush league of you.
RudaASS@19: You have empathy toward those different than you?
Well where was your fat ass empathy when Katrina hit the New Orleans 9th Ward? Oh yeah you were on this blog discussing Brownie and his FEMA issues. Hmmm… I didn’t see you or any of your kind down there helping those different from you.
Nuff SAID you moronic idiot!
Donovan@64: Whadya expect?
Republican Troll I am sure that Will is shaking in his boots regarding your readership LOL!
I think the republicans are cowards for not holding SIN Dee McCain’s feet to the fire for selling her business to a bunch of foreigners.
Anyone see this article on CNN.com?
“American Democrats angry that Columbia posed as a fake humanitarian group to save hostages.”
Where is Goldy? Must have a hangover. I am expecting a report on the keynote speeches by Sgt. Wesley Clark and Howard “The Scream” Dean.
I’m going to give this blog one month to step-up it’s game. If I am not suitably impressed with what I see, I will no longer read or comment on this blog.
You have until August 18th to earn my respect.
Any chance you could move that deadline up to today?
@57 A wingnut complaining about someone being “suggestible” is like Charles Manson complaining about being locked up with “criminals.”
bybygoober: Looks like some of your family will be “shaking in their boots”:
Army to shoot live pigs for medical drill – http://apnews.myway.com/articl.....6AD80.html
@58 Except Dino plans to pay cops’ salaries by cutting taxes.
68 T
The words you present in quotes appear nowhere in the article you linked to, which dealt with a similar humaitarian group that was upset that the fake site ripped off their stuff. So what’s up with your fake and misleading quote?
I am glad to see Rossi aligning himself with the Bush regime. It’s worth 10 points to the Governor alone.
Another 10 points come from having Puddylicker as a Rossi butt boy. Anyone as dumb as Puddy causes a loss to their candidate.
Oh and Puddy, isn’t it true your wife won’t fuck you because you have Aids? And didn’t you get that from your pal republican Larry Craig?
@60 “I’m going to give this blog one month to step-up it’s game. If I am not suitably impressed with what I see, I will no longer read or comment on this blog.”
You sure are a procrastinator! Instead of waiting 30 days before you leave, why not make it 30 minutes? Or, better yet, 30 seconds? Can I help you pack? Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!
That had to go up at EffU…
Rob @ 30: I won’t criticize McCain for his service. I won’t even criticize him for getting shot down (hey, stuff happens – Bush’s father got shot down too, and Kennedy’s boat got sunk).
But I’m not going to get into a medal-counting contest, especially when political issues were involved in the war at the time. The Nixon administration decided that making all the POW’s heroes was helpful to their policies at the time. In addition, in McCain’s case the receipient had high military and political connections (his father and grandfather were both Admirals and Republicans).
By way of another example, check out McArthur’s (a Republican) receipt of a Medal of Honor, which he received upon being ordered out of the Philipines (by a Democratic President) prior to it’s fall in WWII. His performance there certainly didn’t exceed what would be expected of someone of his rank and experience. I think McArthur’s decision to abandon War Plan Orange early on was a huge mistake, and he should have taken at least some of the blame for the loss of most of the B17’s on the ground at Clark Field. But America needed a hero at the time, so McArthur was selected. (McArthur’s father also was awarded the MOH for actions at Chattanooga during the Civil War, making him the only father-son MOH awardees to my knowledge).
Likewise, take a look at Lyndon B. Johnson, a young reserve navy officer in WWII while still a Congressman. He tried to further his political career by doing double duty, as quite a few other Congressmen did at the time. This ticked Roosevelt off, because they were causing problems within the military (their political status was greater than their rank and military value), and they were needed in Washington to pass wartime legislation, so in 1942 he ordered the military to release them from active duty and send them all back home. When Johnson received that order, he was in Austrailia and he got McArthur to put him on as an observer on a bombing run on the Japanese-held island Lea, so he could say he “saw combat”. Afterwards he was sent home with a Silver Star, courtesy of McArthur’s Chief of Staff Sullivan – McArthur knew that having a Congressman who owed him favors was not an opportunity to be missed. The Silver Star commendation referred to him volunteering for a “suicide mission”, and obtaining valuable intel while under heavy fire in the process.
But it was not a “suicide mission”. At least one bomber in Johnson’s squadron WAS shot down – ironically, the one Johnson was SUPPOSED to be on. But the bombing run on Lea wasn’t considered to be anywhere near as serious as the Rabul raids, which the same squadron made on a regular basis. But more importantly, Johnson’s plane NEVER MADE IT TO THE OBJECTIVE – turning back some 100+ miles from the island due to generator problems in one engine.
And if we want to be fair, we could even point out that there was quite a bit of controversey over Kennedy’s receipt of a medal for his actions in saving his crew after his PT boat was rammed by a Japanese destroyer. Adm. Halsey didn’t want him to get the medal, he wanted to courts-martial him for negligence in allowing his boat to get rammed in the first place. But Kennedy’s father was the former ambassador to Britain, so Halsey had to shut up.
So, when it comes to politics, counting medals isn’t a very good way to measure the qualifications of a candidate for President.
Why doesn’t Darcy have a cool website like this, given the “nerd” she is: http://seantevis.com/kansas/30.....kcd-style/
Wow, did McCrash get that Distinguished Flying Cross for crashing all those Navy jets? Or was that for when he crashed the last one and was fished out of the water by a Vietnamese man? Good thing for McCrash he was there or he would have drowned, with both arms being broken and all.
78 rhp
It seems to me that you’re saying that, as the son and grandson of powerful and politically well-connected Navy admirals, John McCain could get a Silver Star for successfully pouring himself a cup of coffee while in the service. Sounds about right.
Troll is very concerned about the quality of posts here. Everybody make a note of it!
(Trying not to ruin my keyboard and monitor with beverage here.) Snort!
Things are getting worse for the democrats. The party is splitting apart, the racists on one side, the sexists on the other side.
Hillary said her supporters would switch to mcsame. It’s now starting.
Is america in a recession?
The BBC doesn’t think so.
The religion of man made global warming is now open to debate.
The fracture in the myth of global warming has started.
GRANDMOTHER “TYPICAL WHITE PERSON, what does he think about the rest of the white folk.
bybygoober: The only people with Aids on this board are your family members. I also see the syphilis is really in an advanced stage with you.
85 MS
You see, this is why we think you guys are gullible, delusional idiots.
I amend that: gullible, delusional twits. Read: APS Climate Change Statement
@57 “I need thought and analysis put into what I read.”
Likely because you fail to find these things within your own mind.
Glad to see you’ll be leaving us soon.
Damn. I am very disappointed you didn’t reply to me last night when I told you too. Get back on the program.
Jump steve, jump.
88 – LMAO!! Stamm, you’re so miserably delusional.
Things are getting worse for the democrats. The party is splitting apart, the racists on one side, the sexists on the other side.
Hillary said her supporters would switch to mcsame. It’s now starting.
When everything is said and done we won’t need them. This is just the democrats making up an excuse before they lose the election to save face. Something they are very good at since they have had so much practice.
@91 “Stamm, you’re so miserably delusional.”
Stamm’s post @90 would seem to support that statement.
Is obama a muslim?
Dan rather isn’t sure. Hell, dan rather doesn’t even know obama’s name.
Like other prominent democrats that called obama the wonderful muslim name of osama bin laden, dan rather is now part of the club.
Damn. Can’t get me off your mind can you. Are you dreaming about me yet? Called my name out while with your wife yet?
@88 Daddy Golden Showers Of Love: I love how the DOnkey react to this article. Even if one unit has a different thought you can’t handle anything except the lockstep goosestepping right?
Good job Yellow Waterman.
DO(nkey) – Deliberately Obstinate
@88 Daddy Golden Showers Of Love:
“Arctic sea ice extent on July 16 stood at 8.91 million square kilometers (3.44 square miles). While extent was below the 1979 to 2000 average of 9.91 square kilometers (3.83 million square miles), it was 1.05 million square kilometers (0.41 million square miles) above the value for July 16, 2007”
What? Arctic sea ice growing? Whodathunk…
That clip made me laugh. What did Rather say? Something like “Jesse Jackson paved the way for Osama Bin Laden,” when he meant to say Barack Obama? That is so funny. I’m still laughing.
Puddy, read post #88 more carefully…
bybygoober: Your hero Keith Olbermann is feeling the pressure.
“After last night, nobody is going to do anything. We‘re going to see how these next two votes take place. If she doesn‘t deliver in the way that she thinks she can on May 6th, are we now talking about retribution or the threat of retribution to get her out of the race? Are we now—is it as bloody back as it is emanating from her campaign?”
Lee@100 if someone has a change of heart or says let’s investigate further your side “throws them under de bus”.
97 Pud
Lee is right. The APS explicitly denies what Marvin Stamn claims, and I posted the proof directly from the APS site.
Opinions expressed in their fora are not endorsed by the APS, period. It was really Lord Something-or-other (I can no longer find his name), a well-known global warming denier (=crackpot).
And re: Arctic sea ice. It may be growing, it may be shrinking (see Greenland), I don’t really know right now.
But the globe is warming, and human activity is the cause, and a thousand posts detailing small anomalies don’t change that.
102 Pud
You see, Pud, that’s the thing. No one had “a change of heart.” What happened was that well-known global warming denier got an article published under the name of one of the APS’ 39 fora, which was, as the APS pointed out, not “peer reviewed,” which is a nice way of them saying it’s a stinking pile of the same old crap you’re pushing.
if someone has a change of heart or says let’s investigate further your side “throws them under de bus”.
The thing about global warming….
The people that believe it aren’t doing anything to change it. Nambla’s daddy love is probably still driving a car, fucking up the planet as he blames republicans. Hypocrite.
Even with all the improvements to his castle, gore’s energy usage has gone up. Typical democrat hypocrite.
All one has to do is compare the homes of bush and gore to see who really walks the walk.
We have photographic evidence from satellites that clearly prove the polar icecaps are shrinking. That is indisputable.
Since we know that the polar icecaps are nothing more than frozen water, and we also know that ice melts at 32 degrees F., if the planet is not warming, as you claim, then what is causing the ice to melt?
Can any conservative give any peer reviewed SCIENTIFIC studies to counter the rest of the scientific community and their 800+ peer reviewed studies with NONE of them being refuted by and credible climate scientist?
if someone has a change of heart or says let’s investigate further your side “throws them under de bus”.
No they don’t. There are corporate interests who have invested significants amounts of money into producing junk science for the sake of undermining the growing consensus that global warming is a real problem.
At the TED conference earlier this year I posted these words from Al Gorebasm.
“There are a lot of great investments you can make. If you are investing in tar sands, or shale oil, then you have a portfolio that is crammed with sub-prime carbon assets. And it is based on an old model. Junkies find veins in their toes when the ones in their arms and their legs collapse. Developing tar sands and coal shale is the equivalent. Here are just a few of the investments I personally think make sense. I have a stake in these so I’ll have a disclaimer there. But geo-thermal concentrating solar, advanced photovoltaics, efficiency, and conservation. ”
So as Puddy told you in a PuddyFact Al Gorebasm is making big bucks off of your sorry asses.
In a speech in Monterey Ca, Gore recommends good investments. (minute 15:00 in the video)
In a speech gore said
If the oil companies can’t be trusted because they are making a buck, isn’t gore pushing the use of his investments the same?
Good thing democrats are able to overlook the hypocrisy in their party.
Another Republican criminal. These people are attracted to the Republican party the way a fly is drawn to shit.
Prodigy’s ‘puzzling’ fall leads to murder charge
Farragut, Ia. — Matthew Joseph Elliott seemed destined for the spotlight.
He was a star in speech contests and school plays at Farragut High School. He also pitched for the baseball team. He was charismatic, a talker, and when he discovered politics, he blossomed.
He was elected governor at the Iowa Boys State mock government convention in 1998 as a junior. He followed the accomplishment with a year as head of his high school student council. Later came a term as student body president at Drake University and a front-line job in legislative campaign battles for the Iowa Republican Party.
All before he turned 25.
“It was kind of obvious politics was going to be his life,” said Luther Thompson, Elliott’s uncle. “We all thought he was headed to be governor of Iowa.
“We all thought, ‘Here’s a kid who may someday amount to something.’ ”
Elliott, 26, sits instead in the Polk County Jail, accused in the murder of a 7-month-old West Des Moines girl who was the child of a teenage roommate. Authorities say Elliott killed the baby while on the run for escaping from a halfway house and violation of the state’s sex offender registry law.
His arrest has been followed by pointed silence and sealed court records. Few people in his hometown of 476 people will talk about Elliott, and a judge has allowed prosecutors to keep secret details of a search warrant that led to his arrest.
There is little information, official or otherwise, that helps explain how a well-connected political prodigy became a murder suspect.
“I have no clue what went wrong in this kid’s head,” said House Minority Leader Christopher Rants, who last spoke to Elliott sometime around January 2006. “To be honest … I’d rather not talk about him.”
Iowa court records and interviews with former associates show that was about the time Elliott’s career ascension began to sputter — roughly two years before the child, Alexis Gilbert, died from massive head injuries.
The turning point seems to coincide with Elliott’s own hometown legislative campaign in 2006. He moved back to Farragut to challenge an incumbent from his own party, which reportedly angered some Republican leaders.
Within a month, Des Moines police were called to investigate child pornography discovered on Elliott’s party-issued laptop. He avoided prison, but later pleaded guilty of drunken driving and an assault on his girlfriend.
Today, few of his former colleagues will talk about what happened to Elliott.
GBS: That was satellite evidence.
Not exactly indisputable.
Democrats that still drive and cause global warming even though they know better?
Can any conservative counter T. Boone Pickens position with FACTS and logic that he’s wrong?
After all, he is a billionaire oil man. You’d think his opinion on the matter has some validity, don’t you agree?
Why is he so against sending $700 billion dollar of our wealth every year to Terrorist nations? Is he wrong?
Why are conservatives so for drilling for oil here, knowing full good and well that if we drilled every inch of America we count not come up with enough oil to sustain our selves for any length of appreciable time?
ANWR holds LESS than 1 year’s supply of oil that America consumes.
So why continue pursuing the failed energy policies of Reagan and George W. Bush?
Failed administrations for America and the majority of Americans. Great for Big Oil and the Paris Hilton types, though.
“So as Puddy told you in a PuddyFact Al Gorebasm is making big bucks off of your sorry asses.”
Puddybud, first of all, no one said he wasn’t making money off of his investments.
Second, what is wrong with investing capital in business?
Third, do you think the Dick Cheney’s and the George Bush’s of the world aren’t making money off of us everytime we go the to gas pump?
Or are you the only one in America paying President Clinton era gas prices?
No, you’re completely wrong. Every year since 1979 the polar ice caps summer ice boundary has shrunk.
NASA satellite images prove this. It is indisputable. PERIOD.
So, if we have NASA generated images that PROVE the polar ice caps are melting, what is causing it if it’s not rising temperatures???
Can you explain that?
Stamm, as long you keep posting crap we’ll give you crap for it.
You’re such a loser.
Marvin wrote:
“If the oil companies can’t be trusted because they are making a buck, isn’t gore pushing the use of his investments the same?
Good thing democrats are able to overlook the hypocrisy in their party.”
Making a buck and creating market conditions that enriches terrorists are two different things, Marvin. I don’t expect you to understand that because you are too blinded by your loyalty to conservatism than America.
Besides, when Democrats are in charge the country generates more jobs, and the stock markets historically do better under Democrats that Republicans. Each and every time.
Just so you know the historical avg. return on the Dow is 12% under Republicans and 17% under Democrats.
That’s about a 40% better return on ROI.
We get business, we get regulated capitalism. You on the other hand, want to continue funneling money to the terrorists.
Liberals want to begin the change NOW to get off of oil. We are smart enough to realize that it has to happen over time not overnight. But, you obviously don’t get it by the stupid diatribes that you post.
Moving to RE sources now instead of drilling for oil puts America in a more secure position sooner rather than putting off the inevitable that you conservatives prefer.
Why do you conservatives procrastinate so much?
Why do you want to continue funding the terrorists with your economic policies.
Why do you hate America and love the Islamofascists?
Why do you prefer squandering trillions of dollars in Iraq fighting a 100 year war of no value instead of killing bin Laden in Pakistan?
Why do you support such obviously failed leaders?
Gore gave another of his sky is falling speeches. He lectured about riding bikes.
While his caravan of linclon town cars and suvs are left idling in the street.
Hypocrisy only democrats can appreciate.
Where’s the link. How recent are the pics?
The discussion isn’t about rising temps, temps have risen and fallen on this planet many many times. The question is if it’s man made.
If I provide the link that demonstrates that the ice caps are shrinking, what then?
Are you going to agree that they are shrinking or are you going to dispute picture evidence generated by NASA.
There’s no sense in me providing a link if you are still going to dispute the evidence.
Al Gore is correct in his analysis of global warming…but his discoveries are nothing new! He just read the complete history of earth’s climate changes and wrote a book before you and I. Of course, to make it exciting he had to make man the villain!
Shame on you Al Gore!…Shame, Shame, Shame……!
Proponents of the Greenhouse theory cite a 1.5°F temperature increase since 1850 as evidence that man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are dangerously heating up the planet. A careful examination of the Earth’s climate history, however, shows that this warming is the result of a natural fluctuation in temperature and poses no threat to humanity.
The Earth’s temperature is constantly rising and falling. Since the last ice age ended 10,700 years ago, there have been seven major warming and cooling trends. Of the six trends preceding the current period of warming, three produced temperatures warmer than the present average of 59°F while three produced temperatures that were cooler.
The two centuries preceding the current era of global warming were the coldest in nearly 11,000 years. In the year 1650, the temperature plunged to a low of 57°F, the coldest point since the ice age. That is why the era between 1650 and 1850 is known as the Little Ice Age.
The two periods in history in which the planet was significantly warmer than today were characterized by bountiful harvests and economic prosperity. Between 6500 B.C. and 3500 B.C., the temperature rose to 62°F, three degrees warmer than today. This is the temperature that Greenhouse theory proponents claim will be the temperature by 2100 and which will supposedly wreak havoc on the environment.
However, it was precisely during this time that the Agricultural Revolution began, laying the foundation for civilization. Between 900 A.D. and 1100 A.D., when the temperature rose to 61°F, Europe experienced record harvests and economic prosperity.
Global warming is a recovery from the Little Ice Age. The 1.5°F temperature increase since 1850 represents a return to normal following four centuries of unusually cold weather. Even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a proponent of regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, concludes that ” . . . some of the global warming since 1850 could be a recovery from the Little Ice Age rather than as a direct result of human activities.”
Al Gore is making a lot of money on what has become known as a natural phenomenon. Al’s great, great, great, great, great x 10 grandkids will be making money on the next natural phenomena – a return to the ice age!
Lord help us!
Several holes in your story.
Let’s start here: Can you link to ONE scientific peer reviewed study that backs up your claim that this is a natural phenomenon?
Second, do you really believe Al Gore came up with some power point presentation and the entire scientific community bought it?
C’mon. That defies common sense and logic.
Fact: CO2 gasses are accelerating global warming beyond historical norm’s and averages. In geological timelines, it’s racing along like a Ferrari.
Any how, link to a peer reviewed scientific study.
Al Gore is correct in his analysis of global warming…but his discoveries are nothing new! He just read the complete history of earth’s climate changes and wrote a book before you and I. Of course, to make it exciting he had to make man the villain! As Gomer Pile would say…..”Shame on you Sergeant Carter!…Shame, Shame, Shame……!”
Proponents of the Greenhouse theory cite a 1.5°F temperature increase since 1850 as evidence that man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are dangerously heating up the planet. A careful examination of the Earth’s climate history, however, shows that this warming is the result of a natural fluctuation in temperature and poses no threat to humanity.
The Earth’s temperature is constantly rising and falling. Since the last ice age ended 10,700 years ago, there have been seven major warming and cooling trends. Of the six trends preceding the current period of warming, three produced temperatures warmer than the present average of 59°F while three produced temperatures that were cooler.
The two centuries preceding the current era of global warming were the coldest in nearly 11,000 years. In the year 1650, the temperature plunged to a low of 57°F, the coldest point since the ice age. That is why the era between 1650 and 1850 is known as the Little Ice Age.
The two periods in history in which the planet was significantly warmer than today were characterized by bountiful harvests and economic prosperity. Between 6500 B.C. and 3500 B.C., the temperature rose to 62°F, three degrees warmer than today. This is the temperature that Greenhouse theory proponents claim will be the temperature by 2100 and which will supposedly wreak havoc on the environment.
However, it was precisely during this time that the Agricultural Revolution began, laying the foundation for civilization. Between 900 A.D. and 1100 A.D., when the temperature rose to 61°F, Europe experienced record harvests and economic prosperity.
Global warming is a recovery from the Little Ice Age. The 1.5°F temperature increase since 1850 represents a return to normal following four centuries of unusually cold weather. Even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a proponent of regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, concludes that ” . . . some of the global warming since 1850 could be a recovery from the Little Ice Age rather than as a direct result of human activities.”
Al Gore is making a lot of money, and has earned many rewards including the highest award on the plant – The Nobel Peace Prize – on what every scientist know to be another one of earth’s natural phenomenon. Al’s great, great, great, great, great x 10 grandkids will be making money on the next natural phenomena – a return to the ice age!
Lord, help us!
105 MS
…is that it is indisputable.
It’s not a matter of belief.
Just bought a high mileage car (Smart) and sold my old one, which got 24 city mpg anyway.
I don’t blame Republicans, except for how they block our progress combatting this problem. I blame everyone, including my parents. But we’re going to change what everyone does, including you.
It’s not about what one person does, except in your little game of “gotcha.” It’s about us as a species changing huge swaths of our patterns of consumption, housing, transportation, agriculture, and industry.
If you knew a goddamned thing about it you’d understand that. But you don’t, because Republicans prefer to remain ignorant.
123 PM
First, where’d you steal that from? Attribution is only courteous.
Second, you’re as wrong as the anti-evolutionists, and just as near extinction. Science has passed you poor suckers by, and instead of getting smart you get stupider, yes even “bitter,” clinging to your erroneous beliefs.
It’s funny that you lift one snippet of the IPCC hat tip to various drivers of climate change and declare that this means they agree with you. Funny, but they also say:
Funny, huh?
A car with high mpg is going to put $$ in your pocket. Nice, good for your family.
How are you blocked from reducing your carbon footprint? Stop driving. Stop using oil products. Stop using electricity that isn’t clean. Etc. Etc. I believe you are very capable of reducing your carbon footprint if you wanted to. The fact that you are blaming others for your inaction is very telling.
By force?
All the problem takes is for the believers to change their lives. Very simple. Why the believers are waiting is beyond explanation.
Yes it is about one person. And then a second person. So on and so on.
What is stopping every man made global warming believer from changing their own lives without the threat of government force. Why aren’t they?
Marvin @ 126:
For every one person who changes and reduces their carbon footprint, some other ASS HOLE JERK OFF like you can erase the net gain.
I could have a ZERO carbon footprint and that’s as low as I can go. But ASS HOLES like you can pollute endlessly countering all the sacrifices us patriots are doing for America.
In case you haven’t been following the news, we are at war with Islam. 9/11 happened because Osama bin Laden could finance al Qeada’s operation. Where do you think bin Laden, the Saudi born terrorist got his money??
Now, you’ll say the ‘bin Laden family made its money in construction.’ While true, that construction boom came as a result of trillions of dollars of OIL money coming in to the country. Let’s face it, they didn’t make their money selling sand and sunshine.
Without the well financed operation 9/11 couldn’t have happened.
You want to see a nuke go off in America? Keep schlepping for drilling for more oil in America. Keep us addicted to oil so the terrorists can buy a loose nuke on the black market from Iran, since Bush authorized the outing of an undercover CIA agent the blew a 20 year secret CIA operation that tracked WMD’s we may never have the intel to prevent it.
SO, why won’t you Republicans do your part in the War on Terror and conserve fuel like we did in WWII?
Why do you insist on funding the terrorists?
Why won’t you change your oil habits in order to preserve FREEDOM?
Why is that?
@127 “Why is that?”
I assume it is because Marvin and his ilk hate America, plain and simple. Like the line from the new Batman movie, some people just want to see the world burn. I’d say that’s our Marvin.
I worked on the new Batman movie. Thanks for putting another couple cents in my pocket.
And by the way, it’s about time you started replying to me. It’s your duty.
Jump steve, jump.
I worked on the new Batman movie. Thanks for putting another couple cents in my pocket.
Yeah, OK, sure Bob. Whatever you say.
So, Marvin, did you like the article I posted about the Republican perv who murdered a 7-month-old baby? I’ve got hundreds more like it. They’re easy to find, seeing as how there’s so many Republican pervs out there. Want me to post more? Wouldn’t you agree that the Republican party attracts pervs the way shit attracts flys? Hmm, what about you, Marvin? Are you just another perv who’s found a home in the Republican party?
Sure of course. Make excuses why the believers won’t do anything.
So. Don’t you want to do all you can to do the right thing?
If it was a problem I’m sure Clinton would have done something about it.
So drilling for oil and not buying oil from the middle east is going to help the terrorists?
Because I want to be like al gore. He had his staff leave his cars idling in the street with the air conditioning on.
The sad thing for you is that I do. Just like when you compare the homes of bush and gore, your carbon footprint is larger than mine. Fact.
@130 There’s a lot of shit jobs in the film industry. Marvin could push a broom or clean up after a caterer and say he worked on Batman. No doubt, Marvin is incapable of any in-depth description of any career worth having.
@132 “Fact.”
LMFAO at Marvin – again.
Just like when you compare the homes of bush and gore, your carbon footprint is larger than mine.
Even if the claims about Bush’s vs. Gore’s carbon footprint were true, this would have no bearing on the difference between yours and anyone else’s.
No, a high mileage car reduces the amopunt of fossil fuels I burn, even if I drive the same number of miles, which, like many other people these days, I no longer do.
But reducing all issues to an issue of human selfishness is so Republican of you.
Change what you do by force? You bet your Republican ass. By force of economics, force of the choices you will be able to make, force of the regulations in effect on our society and world.
Blame Al Gore all you want. Then changes that are coming will affect you as well.
Hello GBS @ 122
I will attempt to answer your questions, comments, suspicions, doubts one by one.
GBS spews:
Several holes in your story.
Answer: Show me one hole backed by scientific data other than Al Gore.
Let’s start here: Can you link to ONE scientific peer reviewed study that backs up your claim that this is a natural phenomenon?
Answer: I could give you plenty but since you asked for one here it is: tp://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg1/ar4-wg1-chapter1.pdf
Second, do you really believe Al Gore came up with some power point presentation and the entire scientific community bought it?
Answer: Yes, because the scientific community understood Gore’s point to be true on the issue of global warming. After all, Gore is not a scientist and therefore who do you think supplied the information. Scientists also agree that man made carbons are excelerating the process of climate change and it is their intent to slow this process. However, they understand the problem to be much bigger than Gore’s basic approach..
C’mon. That defies common sense and logic.
Answer: If this is your viewpoint then I can safely assume that you do not believe in evolution as a process of change, or that the recent increase in natural disasters across the world is not a by-product of this evolutionary , atmospheric change, or perhaps you keep your windows closed, never leave your home or listen to the news to witness the reality of the atmospheric changes you yourself is giving Al Gore credit for as he brings this information you’re denying to the foreront of human attention.
Or perhaps, you have never studied past climate phenominals in the past and have no comparative reference then and now.
Fact: CO2 gasses are accelerating global warming beyond historical norm’s and averages. In geological timelines, it’s racing along like a Ferrari.
Any how, link to a peer reviewed scientific study.
Answer: I could give you plenty but since you asked for one here it is: http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessm.....apter1.pdf
I suppose man made CO2 gasses resulted in the ice age? Perhaps man made CO2 gasses caused the continents to split. Perhaps in your viewpoint man made CO2 resulted in the extreme Holocene history of climate change in Ethiopia which caused severe draught during AD 1390 – 1520, which incidently, almost wiped out a significant portion of the population across the globe. Perhaps you have an answer for the discovery of fossil fuel at the north pole beneath the crust of ice. This discovery is evidence in itself that at some point in history, ice did not exist at the north pole.
I am not disputing your claim that man made carbon is the culprit. In fact, if CO2 or carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels continue on a “business-as-usual” level, man will have added approximately 5 trillion metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere by the year 2500 (according to scientists). Your claim is a fact. I am simply stating that it is not the main cause as Al Gore has made it to be and an exhaustive study of historical climate changes proves my point.
Historical data suggests that a similar massive release of carbon accompanied an extreme period of global warming 55 million years ago which was known as Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Man made CO2 was no where to found, in fact, man was no where to be found, if he even existed then.
Did I miss the in-depth description of your career?
Even if??
Aren’t you the one that said you speak the truth? Guess that’s just another lie you’ve been caught in.
@138 “Did I miss the in-depth description of your career?”
No, but you did miss a post where I provided a brief outline of a healthcare facility design and construction issue. It was about the conflicts between the ICC codes used by cities for hospital contruction plan review and inspection and the NFPA codes used by the state DOH to inspect the same city hospitals.
This blog isn’t the place to discuss my profession. However, trolls like you like to accuse people you disagree with of being either unemployed or holding some menial job. I imagine that’s just more troll projection. In the instance noted above, I had been accused of working at a drive-through fast food establishment. So I chose to throw out a few of sentences only someone in my profession could come up with to put that to rest. The troll disappeared. Perhaps he was late for work at Micky D’s. I don’t know, but I imagine you’ll disappear too.
Go fuck yourself, Marvin.
Of course not. That’s what makes you a hypocrite.
Coming from someone that accused me of being a piano delivery boy. What a fucking hypocrite you are.
Something you should think about… why do so many people come to the conclusion you work at fast food?
Thankfully you don’t work in a field that requires an imagination.
Nice language. Is this how your parents taught you to act. Shame on them for failing their job as parents.
“Coming from someone that accused me of being a piano delivery boy”
I believe you have me mixed up with somebody else. I usually accuse you of fucking farm animals.
“why do so many people come to the conclusion you work at fast food?”
Well, there was only one and he was a troll. And everybody knows trolls are the dumbest goatfuckers on the planet.
“Thankfully you don’t work in a field that requires an imagination.”
Indeed, designing complex structures requires no imagination whatsoever.
“Nice language.”
Thank you very much. Go fuck yourself.
What a sense of imagination you have.
I’m starting to feel sorry for you.
@143 “I’m starting to feel sorry for you.”
Like I give a shit what you think.
You keep replying to me.
Once again you are a hypocrite.
GBS@115: The University of Colorado uses NASA satellites. What is wrong with any libtard accepting a new fact? If the ice increased, is this a mind blowing experience? Did you all look at the links on the side? OR the pull-down menus?
Oh lookie here Yolanda w/ Little Brains@116 appeared again.
Notice there was nothing for consumption.
147 – LMAO at your busybody bullshit!
Truth always hurts HAs Yolanda! What did you bring to the commentary between GBS and myself?
If anyone rereads your drivel they will realize you have brain erectile dysfunction. You brain resides in your dick and it is truly dysfunctional.
It goes with your case of assfacia – that disease where your face looks like your ass and your bowels can’t determine which way to move.
LMAO @ Pacman’s lies about climate change.
Convenient non-mention of the threat from negative feedback loops. Repeats the standard denialist mantras. Oh! It happened in the past = just go on business as usual.
There’s even conspiracy theories about Gore and scientists and Gore trying to get rich.
Demonization=politically motivated hatred.
Pacman, did you know your pal PuddySilly said the man upstairs is causing the warming? He ought to know, he’s got the direct connect like Pat Robertson. LMAO!!!
149 – LMAO at your worthless silly-assed hatred!
This just in – there is some evidence that SIN Dee McCain posed nude in college and Penthouse is onto the photos. GOD I love this shit – the right wing is just going to have to break its neck to spin this one. HARDEE FUCKING HA HA!