You can run from that. After all, you’re a coward.
But you can’t hide.
Mike in Olympiaspews:
Why on earth would he not release his tax records? It seems like such a simple thing to do, and a necessary one. The only reason that I can imagine why he hasn’t is that he has something to hide.
Dino is a proud member of Go Pee Pee?
Now we know what is spewing out of his mouth.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gregoire is a 39 year on the Public dole type.
Therein lies the problem.
Do you really expect a career bureaucrat with a GUARANTEED Paycheck, GUARANTEED Benefits and a GUARANTEED Pension to truly understand the difficulties facing small business owners who risk capital and have no GUARANTEES???
In the end, Gregoire’s lack of real world business experience will lead to her defeat.
Daddy Lovespews:
Barack Obama on today’s Republicans and why they think tire pressure gauges are funny:
Now two points, one, they know they’re lying about what my energy plan is, but the other thing is they’re making fun of a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent. It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.
You got that right. Except I would have called it a step that would “reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent” today, not one (*cough* McCains’s) that would reduce it only a quarter as much, twenty years from now.
These ads are pretty lame. They could have gotten this message across in less than a minute, without the annoying C64-generated e-typewriter sounds.
Ah, the C64, now that was a wonderful machine…
Rossi is so unfit to lead, you’d think they could come up with something better than, “He’s a politician,” and (incidentally), “He’s like Bush.”
4 “Gregoire is a 39 year on the Public dole type.”
Gee…you mean like General Petraeus? Or Condi Rice? How about Colin Powell?
How long has Doug Sutherland been sucking on the public teat? Hasn’t Dick Cheney worked for the government for about a million years, except for the time when he ran a company that did almost all its business with…the government?
Might it just, maybe be possible that someone might be motivated to be good at their job by something other than the greedy desire for a higher paycheck, or the fear of getting sacked…like maybe the conscience that God gave us all, and that some of us haven’t spent our lives trying to ignore?
Daddy Lovespews:
4 Cyn
First, you just described John McCain, except that he’s had guaranteed benefits from BIRTH.
Anyway, Rossi will lose because he has to convince voters why HE would be the better choice, even though–as a former part-time legislator who hasn’t worked in government for four years, and NEVER in the executive branch–he’s a known risk. The point is that Dino Rossi has to present voters with a really compelling case that he would better than Chris Gregoire, and he hasn’t.
In fact, he can’t. He can’t talk about his actual position on real issues, because if he does people will realize that he’s a Republican, and a pretty right-wing one.
So here’s Rossi, a known risk due to his inexperience, unable to make a strong case for change, and tethered to a strategy of claiming that he’ll be a “leader” without saying how. You do the math on that.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Compelling Case??
$8 BILLION of Increased Spending
$2.9 BILLION project deficit for upcoming biennium
OVER $1 BILLION spend on Viaduct project without even a decision made on the Viaduct itself.
That kind of compelling case!!?
Daddy Lovespews:
$8 BILLION of Increased Spending
Increased population
$2.9 BILLION project deficit for upcoming biennium
$1.2 billion saved as surplus and in “Rainy Day Fund” in the CURRENT biennium
OVER $1 BILLION spend on Viaduct project without even a decision made on the Viaduct itself.
Not spent. Allocated. The vote of the people rejected the plans put forward so far. What would Rossi do, ignore the voters and shove Kemper Freeman’s “preferred alternative” down our throats? Is that his kind of “leadership?”
But you illustrate my point. People may very well not be totally in favor of Chris Gregoire’s policies.
But what are Rossi’s policies? What would he do? His much-touted budget passed a deficit to Chris Gregoire. His SR520 bridge plan got laughed off the stage. You see, Cyn, he has to convince Washington that he’s better than what they’ve got. And he’s not closing the deal.
@4 Yeah, like that MBA guy presently in the Whitehouse! He’s the shits!
@4 You actually think a rich real estate guy cares about small business owners?
Forbes Magazine has listed Washington State as the #3 place to start a business. Before Christine took over, we were listed as #5.
One concept (among many) things the Republican Party never seems to have grasped is the basic concept of “deferred maintenance”. They are willing to defer every expense, no matter how necessary, if it will give them an argument to justify immediate consumption.
I have my own gripes against my company (everybody does), but “deferred maintenance” is not one of them. My company takes extraordinary care of it’s equipment, and it last a long, long, time. They know that it’s a lot more expensive to replace the equipment all at once, when everything breaks due to inadequate maintenance. Anyone who takes over as CEO of the company can rest assured that he won’t get any surprises of that nature on his watch.
But while Rossi was in the legislature, and while he was influential in the budgeting process, he and his fellow Republicans worked hard against deferred maintance. They never say a project that couldn’t be put off indefinately, arguing that it was “too expensive”. Of course, it’s several times as expensive now, and we have several of them all now due (overdue) at the same time: viaduct replacement, 520 bridge, I-5 roadbed re-building, not to mention reasonable mass-transit options. And that’s not even counting the non-monetary items, such as education (it’s too late to go back now and re-educate children who were hurt by overcrowded classes eight years ago).
Yet when a Democratic governor such as Gregoire is forced to start cleaning up the mess, you hear from the wingnuts who all claim that somehow it is SHE who is at fault for picking up and paying the bills which they left helped to leave unpaid for so long.
Good government is a balancing act. You don’t waste money, but you DO have to spend well on reasonable programs, which are investments in our future. But Republicans are so far off to the right that quite a few argue that NO taxes are reasonable.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
12. sparky spews:
“@4 You actually think a rich real estate guy cares about small business owners?
Forbes Magazine has listed Washington State as the #3 place to start a business. Before Christine took over, we were listed as #5.”
I think he cares way more than a government bureaucrat attorney who has alienated small businesses thru out Washington.
sparky, if the business climate is so great in Washington, why do contractors & Suppliers, restauranteurs, hospitality industry and other small businesses represented by NFIB all support Rossi?
Ask small business owners about the Forbes article. You’ll get a big BS!!
Gregoire==Government Employees support
Rossi=====Small Business Support
Which is more important??
“4. Mr. Cynical spews:
Gregoire is a 39 year on the Public dole type.
Therein lies the problem.
Do you really expect a career bureaucrat with a GUARANTEED Paycheck, GUARANTEED Benefits and a GUARANTEED Pension to truly understand the difficulties facing small business owners who risk capital and have no GUARANTEES???
In the end, Gregoire’s lack of real world business experience will lead to her defeat.”
If this is true picture of your belief system, Mr. Cynical, then you must be vehemently opposed to Sen. McCain for president since he’s always been on the public dole his entire life. In fact, did you know he’s never held a job in the private sector at all during his adult life?
Yes, so you must be for Sen. Obama since he’s had only limited time in government and always worked to champion the cause of the ordinary person like you and me.
Are you going to stick by your principles or are you going to flip-flop in public?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
10. Daddy Love spews:
$8 BILLION of Increased Spending
“Increased population”
Is that the latest Gregoire talking point??
Population caused $8 BILLION of increased spending!!
Good luck with that.
Have you ever heard of “incremental cost” Daddy Love? If we add 1 new citizen, what is the incremental cost of serving that citizen??
Probably zero,
At some point however, you do have cost increases. However, there are also economies of scale to be realized.
Increased population also yields increased taxes.
Are you really going to try& sell that??
14. Mr. Cynical spews:
Gregoire==Government Employees support
Rossi=====Small Business Support
Which is more important??
Support of the governed.
Always has been, always should be. Except in the eyes of Republicans who see corporations as “citizens” with equal rights as “We The People.”
@14 I think he cares way more than a government bureaucrat attorney who has alienated small businesses thru out Washington.
sparky, if the business climate is so great in Washington, why do contractors & Suppliers, restauranteurs, hospitality industry and other small businesses represented by NFIB all support Rossi?
Because, as we’ve explained to you numerous times, the NFIB is a right-wing lobbying group that only represents a percentage of the small businesses in the state.
To give you an idea of how outside-the-mainstream the NFIB is when compared to small business owners in general, see here:
Those are troubling developments for the NFIB, which directed 98% of its congressional campaign contributions during the 2004 election cycle to Republicans. Faris, a former executive director of the Republican National Finance Committee, was so tight with President Bush that he merited a presidential nickname, Action Jackson.
That must have delighted the NFIB’s members – at least the 95% who identified themselves as Bush voters on the eve of the last election. (An exit survey after the election by the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council found that 57% of small-business owners voted for Bush.)
Nice job folks putting down the execrable screamer Mr. Cynical – a degenerate right winger.
Dino Rossi, the REPUBLICAN, is a salesman of shoddy goods. His agenda is to make State government “work” – for his cronies in the BIAW and a few other places. As it has been with Bush, a well-heeled right-wing minority will benefit from Rossi’s policies while the majority suffers and then that minority will just scream and blame the suffering on the Dems.
Rossi is just another deceptive salesman. It remains to be seen how many people are fooled this November by his dog and pony show.
Richard Popespews:
YellowPup @ 6
Rossi is so unfit to lead, you’d think they could come up with something better than, “He’s a politician,” and (incidentally), “He’s like Bush.”
Well stated! The ad is rather lame, and unlikely to change very many votes. Probably more effective in putting Rossi’s opponents to sleep!
What we need to hear is how well our state government is doing in hard national times under Christine Gregoire, or how Dino Rossi’s proposals would either suck really badly or be impossible to implement.
If Rossi wants to duck questions on controversial issues that he chooses not to make part of his campaign (such as abortion), most voters — especially swing voters — aren’t going to care so much. And if Rossi closes his campaign events to the public — shame on him! — but people probably think that Gregoire and all other politicians tend to close a lot of their campaign events as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rossi doesn’t even decide what to eat for lunch. His wife handles that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So what? Rossi is promising billions of increased spending on roads. And he’ll do it without taxes! Emptying the prisons is one way. Another way is emptying the nursing homes and dumping the old folks on the curb. But Rossi’s a Republican so he won’t mind seeing 89-year-old retired schoolteachers with dementia digging through Pioneer Square dumpsters for food scraps.
W. Klingon Skousenspews:
re 4: Do you — beyond a propensity for jabbering about it?
Hmmm…Suppose Gregoire had elected to make her way in private law practice instead of deciding to spend her adult life in public service.
If so, by now she’d most likely be a senior partner, if not the head of some major law firm and would be wealthy enough to buy and sell all of the rest of our sorry asses.
Yeah, right…sure sounds like she’s been a real money-grubbing opportunist, huh?
I’d also like to hear what comments Cynical would like to make about Slade Gorton having followed almost the same career path, except for his having ended up in the US Senate instead of running for Governor.
26 – Yeah! Nice point. Except Gorton came from a wealthy family. He was a trust fund kid who chose a career in public service – Republican-style public service anyway.
Put an R and $ next to a man’s name and that person can do no wrong for a wingnut like Mr. C.
But if you grew up poor or middle-income, struggled to get an education and chose a career in government? Well then you’re a commie pinko sucking off the “gubmint” teat.
And wingnuts wonder why so many can’t stand them.
I love it when you prove to the world that the “GOP” is full of shit and proven liar Dino Rossi is the head shit shoveler – this punk looks, acts and talks like a crook and I’d bet my bottom dollar he is a crook. And if the right wingers want a crook running the state then vote “GOP.”
The rest of us are happy with a great economy in a great place to live despite the occasional annoying buzzing sounds that come from the flies like Dino who buzz around the toilet seat.
Dino this, Dino that. The fact is is that woman hiker who was murdered by that trigger-happy teenage white trash bear hunter was shot UNDER GREGOIRE’S WATCH!
that is great!!
We had a good discussion going here until Retardo showed up in 29.
The difference is Gorton served in the military and held a private sector job. Gregoire, Sims, and Nickels NEVER HELD PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS THEIR ENTIRE ADULT LIVES!
Absolutely disgusting.
Rossi will have no problem wining. The Queen will retire.
So I assume that this means that you strongly support Darcy Burner over Dave Reichert because Reichert never held a private sector job in his entire life.
I like Darcy. I’ll be voting for her. Beside, even if I did like Reichert, it would make more sense to have a Democratic serving the 8th when Obama wins.
Are my feet freaking freezing?
Humm… I am a small business owner in the construction industry and I don’t support Dino or the BIAW.
Better come up with some new material.
@39 – bullshit – you’re neither a small business owner or in a BIAW related company. Go back and look at your previous lies.
In any event – the facts speak for themselves. Proven liar Dino Rossi bends over and lets the BIAW fuck him in the ass and asks them what he should say – and then he says it.
Crooks supporting crooks.
@15 Im sure he would stick to his principles
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 No she wasn’t. She was shot under Bush’s watch — in a national forest! If the G.O.P./B.I.A.W. Party didn’t have its priorities so fucked up that they overfund political graft in Alaska and underfund forest rangers in Washington, this never would have happened, dolt!!
Daddy Lovespews:
33 T
You’re describing John McCain.
Daddy Lovespews:
16 Cyn
I’m saying your arguments are weak and easily countered with plausible alternatives.
I’m also saying what you AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE: that Dino Rossi is not giving us strong answers as to what he would do better, and because he does not have a compelling answer for this he will lose.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Daddy Love–
Here are a few facts for you to chew on:
Dino Rossi released the following statement today regarding the memo Governor Christine Gregoire sent to State Agency Directors, Boards and Commissions asking them to take steps to reduce state spending.
“I’m glad that Governor Gregoire has started to recognize the budget crisis she’s created. She had to know that by increasing spending 33 percent in her first term she was heading the state toward a budget deficit. Unfortunately, her announcement today does not go far enough.
“Dealing with the incumbent’s $2.7 billion budget deficit will require a lot of effort and belt tightening across state government. In the last four years the expansion of government has started at the top. As Governor, I will see to it that cutting waste starts at the top. I will reduce the size of the governor’s office budget, which has nearly doubled over the last four years.
“In addition to a hiring freeze, we should also freeze salary increases for politically appointed state employees. Further, Governor Gregoire should suspend salary negotiations with state employee groups over pay increases until we know the full extent of our deficit next year.
“Other governors around the country began tightening their state budgets months ago. In January, I called on the incumbent to use her supplemental budget to reduce rather than increase the total spending for the biennium. But instead, she passed a supplemental budget that increased spending by an additional $291 million.”
Daddy, no matter what facts Rossi uses to back up his criticism of Gregoire the Spending Maniac, it won’t be enough for you. You are a partisan hack. The question is how will the Voters Respond.
29, 42 I wonder how “Troll” feels about saddling Schwarzenegger with responsibliity for the members of a “Christian” motorcycle gang in Orange County who were arrested for murder this morning.
@45: Dino Rossi is an idiot. first – we still have had a budget surplus this year and a rainy day fund where we have put money away for the state – Rossi conveniently “forgets” this. When Rossi was trying to balance the budget he tried to cut health care and education – some great choices. Besides, Rossi transportation plan is DOA since he can’t say where the funds are coming from and everyone in the state is laughing at his proposed “cheaper” 520 with 8 lanes than the proposed plan for 6 lanes – it shows how rossi lies and invents numbers. He is simply not reponsible enough to even run for dogcatcher – he would claim a budget deficit and let all the dogs loose – becaue it would be good for small business. Then would catch and neuter them for less than it costs to catch them alone….freakin’ republican liars – Rossi’s money comes from the BIAW – all he cares about is lying to get in to promote their right wing agenda – building everywhere and no environmental regulation – we’ll be having landslides in downtown Seattle with Rossi at the helm.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
$8 BILLION of increased spending under Gregoire in the face of a recession.
Gregoire===Government Employees best interest
Rossi===Small business and real world best interet.
Seems like a clear choice.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
correctnotright spews:
“freakin’ republican liars – Rossi’s money comes from the BIAW – all he cares about is lying to get in to promote their right wing agenda – building everywhere and no environmental regulation – we’ll be having landslides in downtown Seattle with Rossi at the helm”
Come now KLOWN..Downtown Seattle ALREADY has building everywhere…thanks to your City KLOWNcil. High Density/Smart Growth—just what you asked for.
Seattle already has excessive regulation.
The University of Washington study calculated the cost of the LEFTIST Overregulation to add $200,000 to the cost of a house.
You have your bow & arrow pointing at yourself Tonto.
Good Lord.
@49 “The University of Washington study calculated the cost of the LEFTIST Overregulation to add $200,000 to the cost of a house.”
The “Grand Old Party” Party.
i.e. GOPP.
I love it. Dino – face it.
You’re a R.E.P.U.B.L.I.C.A.N.
You can run from that. After all, you’re a coward.
But you can’t hide.
Why on earth would he not release his tax records? It seems like such a simple thing to do, and a necessary one. The only reason that I can imagine why he hasn’t is that he has something to hide.
Dino is a proud member of Go Pee Pee?
Now we know what is spewing out of his mouth.
Gregoire is a 39 year on the Public dole type.
Therein lies the problem.
Do you really expect a career bureaucrat with a GUARANTEED Paycheck, GUARANTEED Benefits and a GUARANTEED Pension to truly understand the difficulties facing small business owners who risk capital and have no GUARANTEES???
In the end, Gregoire’s lack of real world business experience will lead to her defeat.
Barack Obama on today’s Republicans and why they think tire pressure gauges are funny:
You got that right. Except I would have called it a step that would “reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent” today, not one (*cough* McCains’s) that would reduce it only a quarter as much, twenty years from now.
These ads are pretty lame. They could have gotten this message across in less than a minute, without the annoying C64-generated e-typewriter sounds.
Ah, the C64, now that was a wonderful machine…
Rossi is so unfit to lead, you’d think they could come up with something better than, “He’s a politician,” and (incidentally), “He’s like Bush.”
4 “Gregoire is a 39 year on the Public dole type.”
Gee…you mean like General Petraeus? Or Condi Rice? How about Colin Powell?
How long has Doug Sutherland been sucking on the public teat? Hasn’t Dick Cheney worked for the government for about a million years, except for the time when he ran a company that did almost all its business with…the government?
Might it just, maybe be possible that someone might be motivated to be good at their job by something other than the greedy desire for a higher paycheck, or the fear of getting sacked…like maybe the conscience that God gave us all, and that some of us haven’t spent our lives trying to ignore?
4 Cyn
First, you just described John McCain, except that he’s had guaranteed benefits from BIRTH.
Anyway, Rossi will lose because he has to convince voters why HE would be the better choice, even though–as a former part-time legislator who hasn’t worked in government for four years, and NEVER in the executive branch–he’s a known risk. The point is that Dino Rossi has to present voters with a really compelling case that he would better than Chris Gregoire, and he hasn’t.
In fact, he can’t. He can’t talk about his actual position on real issues, because if he does people will realize that he’s a Republican, and a pretty right-wing one.
So here’s Rossi, a known risk due to his inexperience, unable to make a strong case for change, and tethered to a strategy of claiming that he’ll be a “leader” without saying how. You do the math on that.
Compelling Case??
$8 BILLION of Increased Spending
$2.9 BILLION project deficit for upcoming biennium
OVER $1 BILLION spend on Viaduct project without even a decision made on the Viaduct itself.
That kind of compelling case!!?
Increased population
$1.2 billion saved as surplus and in “Rainy Day Fund” in the CURRENT biennium
Not spent. Allocated. The vote of the people rejected the plans put forward so far. What would Rossi do, ignore the voters and shove Kemper Freeman’s “preferred alternative” down our throats? Is that his kind of “leadership?”
But you illustrate my point. People may very well not be totally in favor of Chris Gregoire’s policies.
But what are Rossi’s policies? What would he do? His much-touted budget passed a deficit to Chris Gregoire. His SR520 bridge plan got laughed off the stage. You see, Cyn, he has to convince Washington that he’s better than what they’ve got. And he’s not closing the deal.
@4 Yeah, like that MBA guy presently in the Whitehouse! He’s the shits!
@4 You actually think a rich real estate guy cares about small business owners?
Forbes Magazine has listed Washington State as the #3 place to start a business. Before Christine took over, we were listed as #5.
One concept (among many) things the Republican Party never seems to have grasped is the basic concept of “deferred maintenance”. They are willing to defer every expense, no matter how necessary, if it will give them an argument to justify immediate consumption.
I have my own gripes against my company (everybody does), but “deferred maintenance” is not one of them. My company takes extraordinary care of it’s equipment, and it last a long, long, time. They know that it’s a lot more expensive to replace the equipment all at once, when everything breaks due to inadequate maintenance. Anyone who takes over as CEO of the company can rest assured that he won’t get any surprises of that nature on his watch.
But while Rossi was in the legislature, and while he was influential in the budgeting process, he and his fellow Republicans worked hard against deferred maintance. They never say a project that couldn’t be put off indefinately, arguing that it was “too expensive”. Of course, it’s several times as expensive now, and we have several of them all now due (overdue) at the same time: viaduct replacement, 520 bridge, I-5 roadbed re-building, not to mention reasonable mass-transit options. And that’s not even counting the non-monetary items, such as education (it’s too late to go back now and re-educate children who were hurt by overcrowded classes eight years ago).
Yet when a Democratic governor such as Gregoire is forced to start cleaning up the mess, you hear from the wingnuts who all claim that somehow it is SHE who is at fault for picking up and paying the bills which they left helped to leave unpaid for so long.
Good government is a balancing act. You don’t waste money, but you DO have to spend well on reasonable programs, which are investments in our future. But Republicans are so far off to the right that quite a few argue that NO taxes are reasonable.
12. sparky spews:
“@4 You actually think a rich real estate guy cares about small business owners?
Forbes Magazine has listed Washington State as the #3 place to start a business. Before Christine took over, we were listed as #5.”
I think he cares way more than a government bureaucrat attorney who has alienated small businesses thru out Washington.
sparky, if the business climate is so great in Washington, why do contractors & Suppliers, restauranteurs, hospitality industry and other small businesses represented by NFIB all support Rossi?
Ask small business owners about the Forbes article. You’ll get a big BS!!
Gregoire==Government Employees support
Rossi=====Small Business Support
Which is more important??
“4. Mr. Cynical spews:
Gregoire is a 39 year on the Public dole type.
Therein lies the problem.
Do you really expect a career bureaucrat with a GUARANTEED Paycheck, GUARANTEED Benefits and a GUARANTEED Pension to truly understand the difficulties facing small business owners who risk capital and have no GUARANTEES???
In the end, Gregoire’s lack of real world business experience will lead to her defeat.”
If this is true picture of your belief system, Mr. Cynical, then you must be vehemently opposed to Sen. McCain for president since he’s always been on the public dole his entire life. In fact, did you know he’s never held a job in the private sector at all during his adult life?
Yes, so you must be for Sen. Obama since he’s had only limited time in government and always worked to champion the cause of the ordinary person like you and me.
Are you going to stick by your principles or are you going to flip-flop in public?
10. Daddy Love spews:
$8 BILLION of Increased Spending
“Increased population”
Is that the latest Gregoire talking point??
Population caused $8 BILLION of increased spending!!
Good luck with that.
Have you ever heard of “incremental cost” Daddy Love? If we add 1 new citizen, what is the incremental cost of serving that citizen??
Probably zero,
At some point however, you do have cost increases. However, there are also economies of scale to be realized.
Increased population also yields increased taxes.
Are you really going to try& sell that??
14. Mr. Cynical spews:
Gregoire==Government Employees support
Rossi=====Small Business Support
Which is more important??
Support of the governed.
Always has been, always should be. Except in the eyes of Republicans who see corporations as “citizens” with equal rights as “We The People.”
I think he cares way more than a government bureaucrat attorney who has alienated small businesses thru out Washington.
sparky, if the business climate is so great in Washington, why do contractors & Suppliers, restauranteurs, hospitality industry and other small businesses represented by NFIB all support Rossi?
Because, as we’ve explained to you numerous times, the NFIB is a right-wing lobbying group that only represents a percentage of the small businesses in the state.
To give you an idea of how outside-the-mainstream the NFIB is when compared to small business owners in general, see here:
Nice job folks putting down the execrable screamer Mr. Cynical – a degenerate right winger.
Dino Rossi, the REPUBLICAN, is a salesman of shoddy goods. His agenda is to make State government “work” – for his cronies in the BIAW and a few other places. As it has been with Bush, a well-heeled right-wing minority will benefit from Rossi’s policies while the majority suffers and then that minority will just scream and blame the suffering on the Dems.
Rossi is just another deceptive salesman. It remains to be seen how many people are fooled this November by his dog and pony show.
YellowPup @ 6
Rossi is so unfit to lead, you’d think they could come up with something better than, “He’s a politician,” and (incidentally), “He’s like Bush.”
Well stated! The ad is rather lame, and unlikely to change very many votes. Probably more effective in putting Rossi’s opponents to sleep!
What we need to hear is how well our state government is doing in hard national times under Christine Gregoire, or how Dino Rossi’s proposals would either suck really badly or be impossible to implement.
If Rossi wants to duck questions on controversial issues that he chooses not to make part of his campaign (such as abortion), most voters — especially swing voters — aren’t going to care so much. And if Rossi closes his campaign events to the public — shame on him! — but people probably think that Gregoire and all other politicians tend to close a lot of their campaign events as well.
Rossi doesn’t even decide what to eat for lunch. His wife handles that.
So what? Rossi is promising billions of increased spending on roads. And he’ll do it without taxes! Emptying the prisons is one way. Another way is emptying the nursing homes and dumping the old folks on the curb. But Rossi’s a Republican so he won’t mind seeing 89-year-old retired schoolteachers with dementia digging through Pioneer Square dumpsters for food scraps.
re 4: Do you — beyond a propensity for jabbering about it?
I fixed my link in comment #19
Hmmm…Suppose Gregoire had elected to make her way in private law practice instead of deciding to spend her adult life in public service.
If so, by now she’d most likely be a senior partner, if not the head of some major law firm and would be wealthy enough to buy and sell all of the rest of our sorry asses.
Yeah, right…sure sounds like she’s been a real money-grubbing opportunist, huh?
I’d also like to hear what comments Cynical would like to make about Slade Gorton having followed almost the same career path, except for his having ended up in the US Senate instead of running for Governor.
26 – Yeah! Nice point. Except Gorton came from a wealthy family. He was a trust fund kid who chose a career in public service – Republican-style public service anyway.
Put an R and $ next to a man’s name and that person can do no wrong for a wingnut like Mr. C.
But if you grew up poor or middle-income, struggled to get an education and chose a career in government? Well then you’re a commie pinko sucking off the “gubmint” teat.
And wingnuts wonder why so many can’t stand them.
I love it when you prove to the world that the “GOP” is full of shit and proven liar Dino Rossi is the head shit shoveler – this punk looks, acts and talks like a crook and I’d bet my bottom dollar he is a crook. And if the right wingers want a crook running the state then vote “GOP.”
The rest of us are happy with a great economy in a great place to live despite the occasional annoying buzzing sounds that come from the flies like Dino who buzz around the toilet seat.
Dino this, Dino that. The fact is is that woman hiker who was murdered by that trigger-happy teenage white trash bear hunter was shot UNDER GREGOIRE’S WATCH!
that is great!!
We had a good discussion going here until Retardo showed up in 29.
That’s either good satire, or a reason to be very, very worried about you.
The difference is Gorton served in the military and held a private sector job. Gregoire, Sims, and Nickels NEVER HELD PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS THEIR ENTIRE ADULT LIVES!
Absolutely disgusting.
Rossi will have no problem wining. The Queen will retire.
So I assume that this means that you strongly support Darcy Burner over Dave Reichert because Reichert never held a private sector job in his entire life.
Rossi will have no problem wining.
You forgot the ‘h’.
I like Darcy. I’ll be voting for her. Beside, even if I did like Reichert, it would make more sense to have a Democratic serving the 8th when Obama wins.
Are my feet freaking freezing?
Humm… I am a small business owner in the construction industry and I don’t support Dino or the BIAW.
Better come up with some new material.
@39 – bullshit – you’re neither a small business owner or in a BIAW related company. Go back and look at your previous lies.
In any event – the facts speak for themselves. Proven liar Dino Rossi bends over and lets the BIAW fuck him in the ass and asks them what he should say – and then he says it.
Crooks supporting crooks.
@15 Im sure he would stick to his principles
@29 No she wasn’t. She was shot under Bush’s watch — in a national forest! If the G.O.P./B.I.A.W. Party didn’t have its priorities so fucked up that they overfund political graft in Alaska and underfund forest rangers in Washington, this never would have happened, dolt!!
33 T
You’re describing John McCain.
16 Cyn
I’m saying your arguments are weak and easily countered with plausible alternatives.
I’m also saying what you AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE: that Dino Rossi is not giving us strong answers as to what he would do better, and because he does not have a compelling answer for this he will lose.
Daddy Love–
Here are a few facts for you to chew on:
Dino Rossi released the following statement today regarding the memo Governor Christine Gregoire sent to State Agency Directors, Boards and Commissions asking them to take steps to reduce state spending.
“I’m glad that Governor Gregoire has started to recognize the budget crisis she’s created. She had to know that by increasing spending 33 percent in her first term she was heading the state toward a budget deficit. Unfortunately, her announcement today does not go far enough.
“Dealing with the incumbent’s $2.7 billion budget deficit will require a lot of effort and belt tightening across state government. In the last four years the expansion of government has started at the top. As Governor, I will see to it that cutting waste starts at the top. I will reduce the size of the governor’s office budget, which has nearly doubled over the last four years.
“In addition to a hiring freeze, we should also freeze salary increases for politically appointed state employees. Further, Governor Gregoire should suspend salary negotiations with state employee groups over pay increases until we know the full extent of our deficit next year.
“Other governors around the country began tightening their state budgets months ago. In January, I called on the incumbent to use her supplemental budget to reduce rather than increase the total spending for the biennium. But instead, she passed a supplemental budget that increased spending by an additional $291 million.”
Daddy, no matter what facts Rossi uses to back up his criticism of Gregoire the Spending Maniac, it won’t be enough for you. You are a partisan hack. The question is how will the Voters Respond.
29, 42 I wonder how “Troll” feels about saddling Schwarzenegger with responsibliity for the members of a “Christian” motorcycle gang in Orange County who were arrested for murder this morning.
@45: Dino Rossi is an idiot. first – we still have had a budget surplus this year and a rainy day fund where we have put money away for the state – Rossi conveniently “forgets” this. When Rossi was trying to balance the budget he tried to cut health care and education – some great choices. Besides, Rossi transportation plan is DOA since he can’t say where the funds are coming from and everyone in the state is laughing at his proposed “cheaper” 520 with 8 lanes than the proposed plan for 6 lanes – it shows how rossi lies and invents numbers. He is simply not reponsible enough to even run for dogcatcher – he would claim a budget deficit and let all the dogs loose – becaue it would be good for small business. Then would catch and neuter them for less than it costs to catch them alone….freakin’ republican liars – Rossi’s money comes from the BIAW – all he cares about is lying to get in to promote their right wing agenda – building everywhere and no environmental regulation – we’ll be having landslides in downtown Seattle with Rossi at the helm.
$8 BILLION of increased spending under Gregoire in the face of a recession.
Gregoire===Government Employees best interest
Rossi===Small business and real world best interet.
Seems like a clear choice.
correctnotright spews:
“freakin’ republican liars – Rossi’s money comes from the BIAW – all he cares about is lying to get in to promote their right wing agenda – building everywhere and no environmental regulation – we’ll be having landslides in downtown Seattle with Rossi at the helm”
Come now KLOWN..Downtown Seattle ALREADY has building everywhere…thanks to your City KLOWNcil. High Density/Smart Growth—just what you asked for.
Seattle already has excessive regulation.
The University of Washington study calculated the cost of the LEFTIST Overregulation to add $200,000 to the cost of a house.
You have your bow & arrow pointing at yourself Tonto.
Good Lord.
@49 “The University of Washington study calculated the cost of the LEFTIST Overregulation to add $200,000 to the cost of a house.”
Simplistic and misleading, of course.