Meet Dino Rossi’s newest campaign consultant: John Carlson.
From: Dino Rossi
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 5:08 PM
To: Carlson, John
Subject: In case your staff didn’t pass it on to you.John,
We are going after Patty every day and it has resulted in many articles on Iraq, Lobbyists ……
We have a media plan in place that’s working. We are ahead in poll after poll. She spent millions in the primary and 54% told her she shouldn’t get 6 more years to raise our taxes….. We spent $150,000 on air in the primary. Most people are not going to pay attention until after labor day anyway.
Why don’t you call me if you have questions. We are giving you plenty to talk about with the press releases below but it looks like you are not getting them.
Thanks for your help.
[Press Release links appended]
From: “Carlson, John”
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:47:17 -0700
To: Dino Rossi
Subject: RE: In case your staff didn’t pass it on to you.Hi Dino,
Some context.
Yesterday I had intended to talk about your campaign for the first 20 minutes of the show. I mentioned how well the Scott Brown event went, then played the Murray “Dino DC fundraiser” ad and pointed out that she was trying to make you look like the DC establishment while she was battling the insiders to fight for our families. I said your campaign should aggressively respond to this BS, not least because she has had dozens of DC fundraisers over the years and was taking four times more PAC money than you.
The lines absolutely caught fire. Emails had been trickling in since before the primary from people saying that you lacked “fire in the belly” or “passion”, but I wrote them off as Didier supporters. But yesterday the response that poured in wasn’t coming primarily from Didiots. They are Rossi supporters who watched the Ds mislead voters by sliming you in 2008 and were going right back to that playbook. They don’t want it to happen again. And neither do I.
What started as an extended commentary from me became two hours of listener “venting”, a number of emails, all of which said essentially the same thing, and more calls today. Not one of them was trying to get you to talk up abortion or any other social issue, but all wanted your campaign to take a tougher line on Murray. Their thinking is that if the Ds can get away with tossing mud today, they’ll throw more next week, and more the week after that. But if the tactic backfires, then maybe they’ll think twice.
FOR EXAMPLE: How about an ad stating that Patty’s deliberate misstatements reveal how “desperate she’s become to stay in Washington, DC.”? Voters across the board don’t like politicians who want to stay in Washington, DC. Tie all of her attacks on you to that motive. Not just to be in the senate, but to be “in DC” where she continues to drift out of touch.
Anyway, that’s the background on what touched all of this off. I called you yesterday to tell you, but it went straight to voice mail.
I realize there is a difference between the KVI audience and the state at large (as I tell people, KVI is the primary, KOMO is the general). But please realize that what your campaign heard these past couple days was coming from people who dearly want to see you win. And with the exception of Terri, no one wants you to win more than me. Well, OK, maybe the kids…….
First of all, let me just state for the record that I genuinely like and respect John Carlson. He’s always been incredibly gracious and helpful to me, and I tremendously enjoy our conversations both on and off the air. But… if I were Rossi, I’m not sure I’d be taking campaign advice from a guy who garnered only 39 percent of the vote against Gary Locke, for chrisakes, let alone from the crowd wisdom of the callers at KVI.
And yet, just a couple weeks after Carlson suggests “an ad stating that Patty’s deliberate misstatements reveal how ‘desperate she’s become to stay in Washington, DC.’,” that’s pretty much the ad Rossi runs:
As much as I generally like it when candidates talk for themselves, Rossi’s eye-on-the-interviewer/shit-eating-smirk demeanor does little to persuade voters that he’s got that “fire in the belly.” Furthermore, while a challenger’s goal is generally to make the election a referendum on the incumbent, Rossi’s first-person kvetching just comes off as narcissistic and defensive — you know, it’s all kinda about him. Which I suppose might even be okay, if so many voters didn’t already dislike him.
And while I know this is an extraordinarily negative year, in which challengers and incumbents alike must go extraordinarily negative in order to survive, Rossi still needs to persuade and collect about 80 percent of the undecided vote, and these are the folks who don’t trust either party. So at some point, Rossi’s gonna have to actually come out for something, other than, you know, just repealing Wall Street reform and rolling back reproductive rights.
One other concern, Dino: you might want to look into who the hell on your staff was so indiscrete as to let this private correspondence ultimately fall into my hands, as I can assure you it didn’t come from Mr. 39 Percent.
And John, when Dino confidently assures you on Sept. 2 that he’s “ahead in poll after poll,” you might want to ask him for a look at his internals. I’m just sayin’.
In the comment thread, John Carlson defends/explains his use of the term “Didiots”…
25. John Carlson spews:
“Didiots” does not refer to Clint’s voters, gang. It refers to the few of his supporters who refused to support Rossi after he won the primary because he’s not “pure” enough. Think of them the way liberals thought of Ralph Nader after the presidential race of 2000.
Of course, for the moment, by that definition, the “Didiots” still include Clint Didier himself. Still, I can empathize. In fact, that’s exactly my take on the better-than-thou Naderites who arguably cost Al Gore the election in 2000.
So in the spirit of conservative talk radio and all it stands for, I suppose it would be wrong of us to hyperbolize or decontextualize John’s statement for mere rhetorical effect or political gain.
Nice scoop Goldy
Wonder what Didier supporters think about being called Didiots by someone trying to help Dino win?
John who?
KV what?
“We are giving you plenty to talk about with the press releases below but it looks like you are not getting them.”
How’s that Dino? You routing them through Goldy?
Nice scoop Goldy!!
Sorry Goldy, this email exchange reads just a little too cute. There’s a writer somewhere imagining such an exchange. Strains credulity, as they say.
Imperfect @4,
Are you calling John cute? I’ve emailed John, so I guess he could deny it, but it actually sounds exactly like him.
How anyone could be impressed with Dino is beyond me. He wants–desperately–to be a United States Senator, for fuck’s sake. That is a serious calling for serious people, not for people whose most compelling trait is naked ambition.
yawn, goldy, you really need to get a job
You dolts aren’t much into your foolishness being exposed, are you? Goldy provides a public service. You? Not so much.
Look what you did Goldy. Carlson’s quitting his job on KVI.
Hmmmm, so how hard is it to slime Rossi? What I want to know is how he managed to stay out of prison.
Pointing out the fact that Rossi went back east to vacuum up a couple duffle bags full of cash from Wall streeters, and then comes out against Wall St regulation is slinging mud?
Didiots!!! Haaaaaaaa!!! Kinda like what the Abramoff gang thought of the natives they were fleecing… And the Bush gang thought of the fake christians they were using.
Sad when the all too superior GOP shows how superior they think they are compared to folks that actually have to punch a time clock for a living, or take care of their families. The rabble.
13,485 trillion and counting. Way to spend your grandchildrens pork Patty!
@14 ld. You mean Bush right? Tax deferments for the rich, 2 wars not paid for, Medicare part D not paid for, and so on, and so on. $$$ All paid for on the Chinese credit card, and while America lost 600,000 private sector jobs to boot.
Bush’s legacy 6 trillion in debt and not a job to show for it.
And you want to complain about Patty ld? What were you doing when they sucked out yer brain?
Thank you Patty for all you have done to create jobs in Washington and not in China, or France.
6 more years! 6 more years!
BTW no one told ld that “pork” is less than 1% of the total budget from what I hear. Not like them fact things will get in the way of someone that thinks the Republicans have a plan for America besides total destruction.
Such elitism!!!
Rossi made it onto the Rachel Maddow show tonight. She was showing the article in the Times where he went to the shipyard that expanded because of stimulus, when he would have voted against it. I be he didn’t look any of the workers THAT NOW HAVE JOBS in they eye and tell them they were pork too!
Rossi, a walking hypocrite. Just like every Republican.
Have you ever met a Republican who was not a hypocrite? I don’t believe I have. There ought to be a bounty on them.
Maybe he’s not conservative enough for them any more. Do notice how they tend to eat their own on the Right these days…
I’ll tell you what, Dinoidiot trolls. Bring your Dino signs to my community. I’ll take them and throw them in the garbage where they belong. If they’re on our public right-of-way, they’re gone. You don’t like it? Go whine to your weasel-faced candidate. He won’t care, since he’s plotting on which new segment of the population he can exploit, now that he gave up on his earlier foreclosed property losers. What? He didn’t give up on them, just put them on hold? He’ll find some other group of suckers, just like Palin.
Dino is all about the money. Whatever, wherever he can get it. Pretty simple, really.
I haven’t seen a Dino sign in my community yet, but if I do, I’ll remove it, for the good of our community.
@2 Yeah, interesting that Carlson called Didier supporters “Didiots.” That should play well with the Tea Partiers. They won’t vote fo Murray, of course. But they may not vote for Rossi, either. They might decide they don’t like any of the candidates on the ballot and stay home.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
Police killed a shooter who opened fire at a Fort Bliss, Texas, convenience store tonight. Two injured victims were hospitalized.
Hey! Protecting easy access to guns is a conservative value! What’s a couple more innocent victims compared to the God-given right of crazy yahoos to pack heat?
He’s got an R next to his name Puddybud:
I’m sure you’ll make some connection to Hillary somehow. And call him a “lefty”.
13,486 Trillion, A billion more dollars in debt in just 4 hrs. That would create a few jobs.
No Wonder America is Pissed!
“Didiots” does not refer to Clint’s voters, gang. It refers to the few of his supporters who refused to support Rossi after he won the primary because he’s not “pure” enough. Think of them the way liberals thought of Ralph Nader after the presidential race of 2000.
Again it’s No Facts No Positions…
You are another with Moronic Moonbat! Memory Malady…
Puddy placed links from leftist pinhead web sites which stated Bush left a $4.88 Trillion debt fool. Ask TEH DATABAZE KEEPA ylb for the information. You see Factless, ylb would be a good Pavlov’s Doggie and trot out if PUDDY DIDN’T place it in TEH DATABAZE!
That’s averaging $610 Billion a year. Of course most even keeled economists admit he had to deal with the economy after 9/11, and before 9/11 when the US economy was entering a recession.
Stay stupid… you are catching up with ylb and he’s as dumb as dirt.
Did you see the black lady on CNBC told Odumba I’m Tired of Defending YOU
And you Odumaniacs just watch the country dive lower and lower as the debt gets higher and higher!
My my my ylb, it ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION fool.
Again as dumb as dirt!
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress:
At the time:
• The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
…• The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
• The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
• George Bush’s Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION!
You fools continue to attack opponents on sideshow issues to avoid addressing voting records. It’s all you’ve got left! Folks care about the Economy and our Massive Deficit..where you KLOWNS have failed us.
Take a look at this today!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
You KLOWNS are the Radicals!!
2.8 Billion dollars a day in new debt, you Klowns know how many damn jobs that would create?
# 29: Not so many jobs were created on Bush’s watch. The only reason for the “52 weeks” was because things had dropped so low post-9/11.
And the Democrats didn’t have control of the “Senate and the Congress”. In case you forgot your 7th grade civics course, the Senate is part of the Congress. And the Democrats didn’t “take over”. They had to have one independent agree to vote in their caucus to form a majority – Leiberman. Otherwise, the Vice President (Cheany) would break any ties. And Bush made clear that he would veto any legislation he didn’t approve 100%. All the 2008 Congressional Election did was remove the ability of the Republicans to enact legislation, but the Democrats were similarly hamstrung.
Finally, the economy in 2005-2007 had been artificially pumped up by the utter lack of oversight and regulation of the real estate credit market, and the Wall Street financial instruments which funded it. Within a few weeks into 2007 the real estate market started it’s implosion, which started the current recession. Although the seeds of economic disaster had already been sown and were sprouting from the ground, there were still steps which could have been taken to soften the fall, but the Bush administration blindly insisted that nothing was wrong, until in August 2008 the collapse was obvious to all. I’m pretty sure that Bush & Co. knew this by the early summer, but were hoping it wouldn’t hit until after the November elections.
So then, let’s look at the DJIA performance while Bush was President, with Republican control of Congress for most of six years (out of eight) while he was in office:
Starting DJIA: 10,587.59
Ending DJIA: 8,281.22
Performance: -21.78%
And interestingly enough, Bush is the ONLY president since WWII to serve two full terms and have the DJIA lose ground as of the end of BOTH terms.
BTW,that would be “indiscreet” (lacking prudence, good judgment, or circumspection). While “discrete” is a wonderful and proud word meaning “completely separate and unconnected,” I don’t think you can say that some member of Dino’s staff is not divided into parts and have it be meaningful in your context.
Interesting that the Carlson e-mail would say: “as I tell people, KVI is the primary, KOMO is the general”. The blaberwatch article says he’s leaving KVI to go to KOMO.
As I mentioned yesterday, last Sunday I heard Rossi speak. In front of a relatively friendly audience, he really does give a great stump speech, and his attempts at portraying humility actually works well. I’ve been told he can “work a room” well, and now I believe it. In that context, you almost get to the point where you could consider him likable. I’m sure he didn’t get some success in real estate without having some personally appealing qualities.
But it doesn’t work in front of cameras. And when he thinks his audience isn’t sufficiently friendly, his smile does come across as a smirk.
But I don’t vote for people based on how much I like them. I’ve got some good friends that I enjoy spending time with, but I wouldn’t give them a job in my company, much less let them within a mile of having control over the federal budget.
30. Mr. Cynical
Hey, sorry if the election is not going the way you prefer.
If by “the Economy” (and by the way, that is not a proper noun and should not be capitalized) you mean jobs, of course people care about that. We have 9.n % unemployment! Too bad that all Republicans want to do is send jobs offshore and kill jobs at home by cutting job-creating programs during a recovery.
But as to the deficit, you couldn’t be more wrong. I know it’s the go-to “issue” that Republicans want to talk about this year, but polling suggests (and I notice thst you do not back up your assertion of what voters care about with any numbers) that voters place the deficit far down on their list of conceerns.
A CBS News/New York Times Poll taken Sept. 10-14, 2010, asked “What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?” Repondents could pick only one.
Economy/Jobs 60%
Health care 3%
Budget deficit/National debt 3%
War/Iraq/Afghanistan 3%
Other 24%
Unsure 4%
Doesn’t look good for your argument, does it?
As for Rasmussen, they use telephone polls and their screens are skewed GOP and will be until late October. All it proves is that a lot for people are misinformed. The questions is whether, whatever sily and uninformed things people might believe, do so-called “government programs” ACTUALLY reduce poverty? The evidence is that they do. For example, poverty among the elderly dropped dramatically after SS was passed.
As usual you don’t read too well Puddybud.
There’s your favorite Puddybud – eugenics. He’s got an R next to his name. I’m sure he’s got the lower taxes bromides down pat.
You’d vote for him in a flat second if you don’t call him a “lefty” first that is.
No wonder so many elderly lipton tea bags want us “socialists” to keep our dirty hippy hands off their social security and medicare.
I believe that was actually Jeffords of Vermont back in those days. Seems like ages ago now.
saw a tv spot in which our dear and well-known
Senator Murray looks so very nice in her pink hoodie
as she talks with sincerity about the “Middle Class”………
that Rossi’s ugly “part of the problem” ad
seems wrong
Hmmmm.. What’s the right wing solution to deficits??
Cutting taxes… Seems to make sense..
Oh and cutting spending of course!
We don’t need any meddlesome agency to bollix up energy production. Drill baby drill! And have another plate of Gulf oysters while you’re at it!
We don’t need any mine safety agency! Look at the Chileans – they just drill for trapped miners. Drill baby drill!
And while you’re at it – increase defense spending. There’s lots of swarthy people with funny last names and a wild look in their eyes who blow themselves up and curse the good name of Amurika. They need to go and we need to watch the show on Faux News Channel.
That’ll balance the budget in no time.
A bipartisan consensus is growing that the federal government must confront its addiction to debt as soon as possible or risk an economic meltdown that would severely punish the vast majority of Americans
The federal government will borrow an estimated $3.7 trillion by 2011. As the Wall Street Journal noted, “That is more than the entire accumulated national debt for the first 225 years of U.S. history. By 2019, the interest payments on this debt will be larger than the budget for education, roads and all other nondefense discretionary spending.”
Keep it up Odumbo
If folks care about the economy and the deficit, why then did Fox News spend all of August talking about mosques? Mitch McConnell said he had a secret plan to put people back to work, it has yet to materialize. What are the Republicans waiting for?
@42 “A bipartisan consensus is growing that the federal government must confront its addiction to debt as soon as possible or risk an economic meltdown that would severely punish the vast majority of Americans”
We’ll just jack up your fucking taxes, Teabagger. Problem solved. And the resultant cry-baby whining from you will add entertainment value.
42 – Bush set the standard for a level of debt that this country can handle.
You voted for the guy twice didn’t you?
If Obama keeps it at that level, this country has nothing to worry about.
By the way, Goldy, wath out for the “poison pill”. I wouldn’t put it past quite a few wingnuts to slip you a fake document so they could attack your credibility, and scare other media off the subject. I’m convinced that this is what happened to Dan Rather, rather effectively.
“You voted for the guy twice didn’t you?”
At the time, their fearless leader, Dick Cheney told him that, “deficits don’t matter”. Stupid fucking teabaggers.
Hey, I hear that Teabagger O’Donnell might be going to jail for tax evasion after having siphoned off chumpface Id’s contributions. heh-
If debt was so bad, the “bond vigilantes” would be pricing long term treasury debt much, much higher.
But they’re not. It doesn’t equate to a vote of confidence but the taxes on the rich better rise or that may change.
Wow, rich people suffered so badly at Bill Clinton’s tax rates.
heh- I’m thinking that Puddy might try taking a few more of those blue pills.
Stupid goatfucking KLOWN @30 sez, “our Massive Deficit..”
Didn’t the KLOWN get Cheney’s memo? Deficits don’t fucking matter, goatfucker. So get with the fucking program, KLOWN.
If the defecit doesn’t matter, then how come Hillary Clinton and The head of the joint chief of staffs says it is the Number one security concern. eh Bucco
And Pattycakes and her Tennis Shoes voted for all the bankrupting ideas such as this monster healthcare bill that was suppose to save Billions…wrong, it will cost Trillions, and insurance companies are jacking up rates as we speak to account for this crap legislation, as well as companies laying off like hell as a result of it.
After reading Carlson himself @25, I hereby retract my message @4 suggesting this email exchange was someone’s attempt at an amusing fabrication.
Count me as a liberal whose respect for John Carlson, heretofore substantial, has been diminished.
“If the defecit doesn’t matter, then how come Hillary Clinton”
heh- Id now trusts Hillary more than Cheney.
51 – It doesn’t seem to matter to the bond market. What’s the rate on a 10 year Treasury. I thought you right wingers were all for “letting the market decide”.
52 – Murray will win period. If she campaigned on cutting Social Security and Medicare then the older Earl and Earline Greys would be calling her a socialist to taking away their entitlements.
Monster Health Care? 100 billion a year – to cover way more people.
Insurance companies will find any excuse under the sun to jack up rates. Always have, always will. That’s why a public option was needed.
I’m looking forward to Health Care II. We’ll have to wait for the next progressive Dem after Obama.
“insurance companies are jacking up rates as we speak”
heh- Like they’ve never done that before.
A corporate funded Teabagger hating on corporations. And quoting Hillary Clinton to dispute Dick Cheney’s line that “deficits don’t matter”! What’s the world fucking coming to?
heh- “Id” must be short for “idiot”.
Imperfect @53,
In defense of John, he had every reason to believe his correspondence would remain private, and people speak informally in private conversation in a way they never would in public.
@29 Id (Idiot)
First, here are the real numbers for Bush:
1. Took the largest budget surplus in history and turned it into the largest deficit in history.
2. In 8 years bush created a total of about 8 million jobs – Obama has more than doubled that job creation in less than 2 years.
Further, id (iot) says this:
Umm, Bush was still President and had veto power in 2007 – so that bubble (fed by the banking industry and housing industry greed) fell to the ground.
Only a true idiot would not look at the underlying cause of the numbers and the whole effect. For instance, Bush’s 52 months of job creation came after 2.5 of the worst years ever (the crash of 2001-2003 – unti the recent Bush recession of 2007-2009) so any idiot could have done better over that time. If you look at the entire Bush record – it stinks. If you try to blame the democrats for the 2007 bubble – you forget about the deregulation of Phil Gramm that caused the banking and housing bust and you forget about the Bush tax cuts that failed to stimulate the economy but caused the massive deficit.
Oh, and if you don’t like the deficit – then cut the defense budget. If you don’t like the war in Afghanistan – blame Bush for screwing up there and devoting all the resources to an unnecessary war in Iraq.
In short Id (iot) stry to actually think and not parrot the right wing idiots you hear on TV or radio.
What’s today’s Republican solution to our deficit problems?
Tax cuts!!!!
Plan to cut taxes… How “responsible”..
We’ll see in November what America thinks of the Obama Pelossi Reid trio, won’t we!
60 – If this country thinks the solution to its problems is more tax cuts for the rich then it “richly” deserves what it gets.
I don’t believe the typical American believes that but if they’re too beaten down to vote, again, they’ll get what they deserve.
I’m planning to vote.
I-1098 – YES
Self-serving industry sponsored tax measures – NO
Patty Murray for Senate.
wrong area.
Here is the new leadership
I’m voting Hell No on I1098
Hell yes on I1053
Hell Yes on Dino Rossi Senator
Proud Leftist @ 18,
Many years ago (Ronald Reagan had just been elected) I met a Republican who wasn’t a hypocrite. It was at a wedding reception taking place in the refectory up at Lakeside. we we’re having a genial argument about the new administration (he had a good 30 yrs more experience than I).
After telling me he didn’t care about whether Reagan really believed the God-related things he was saying so long as the working class voters did and so long as his economic policies benefitting corporate interests went through. He then went on to tell me I’d see the wisdom of conservatism when I was older.
I think I merely spluttered in indignation, but that rich old dude wasn’t a hypocrite.
Heh. Rossi is a bought and paid for shill for real-estate and banking special interests.
The smirk and the robotic recitation of talking points is well designed to invoke a pavlovian reaction in the zombie right winger trained by years of propaganda from Faux News Channel and right wing hate talk radio.
Murray isn’t perfect but highly preferable.
May he, and his species, rest in peace. Hypocrisy is an essential element of being a member of today’s GOP. BTW, it would seem that the passage of 30 years hasn’t caused you to see the “wisdom of conservatism,” has it? I’ve noted that I’ve grown more liberal with the passage of time, primarily because the vapidity and anchorless nature of the conservative movement has become more and more evident. Conservatives do fear tactics well, but that’s about it.
New York Post
OBAMA now says he thinks skepticism of the federal govern ment is healthy.
And, suddenly, he says he now believes in a limited, fiscally conservative government.
This is the same guy who spent $787 billion we did not have on a stimulus plan that has yet to create very many jobs.
This is the same guy who believes the federal government should be responsible for the health-care needs of everybody in the country and spent another roughly $1 trillion in money we don’t have to buy us a government program we did not want.
And this is the man who has spent money we do not have at such a blistering pace that in the first 19 months of his administration, he racked up more public debt than every one of his predecessors from George Washington to Ronald Reagan. Combined!
But no worries. Obama is really going to fix things now.
“We’ve proposed to freeze discretionary spending for three years, to start whittling down some of the debt that I inherited,” he bleated yesterday.
THAT would be like for mer President Bush showing up in New Or leans after Hurricane Katrina all hapless and offering the use of his kitchen sponge to soak up some of the flooding.
So, Obama is the responsible fiscal conservative now?
What’s next?
Obama becomes one of those crazy “birthers” his administration used to spend so much time attacking?
But forget demanding to see his birth certificate or inquiring whether he was born in America.
The real question is becoming: What planet is the guy from?
If there’s anyone left who doesn’t know, Fisher Broadcasting owns both KOMO and KVI. So if Mr. Carlson is switching from a microphone connected to 5,000 watts at the bottom of the dial to one feeding 50 kilowatts smack in the middle of it that reaches half the continent, that sounds like a promotion. It sounds like KVI doesn’t fit well with Fisher’s priorities, so they’re letting it slowly wither and die, running syndicated shows and extracting the last bit of “dollar-a-holler” advertiser revenue before the rest of the listeners wander away.
“What planet is the guy from?”
I believe it’s safe to say that he’s from a different planet than the one you’re from, Id.
@67 LD (Lowest denominator)
Once again another idiot republican hypocrite is blathering about the budget deficit.
Where were you when Bush turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit?
Where were you when Bush wasted over a trillion dollars on an unnnecessary war in Iraq? and then squandered the progress in Afghanistan so we will waste another trillion there.
Are you ready to cut the largest government program (the defense budget)?
Are you against tax cuts for the rich?
Are you so stoopid you think it is a good idea to cut the budget in a recession?
The real question is how blind, dumb and stoopid are the republican idiots? Are they just idiots or are they just liars?
I think they are both and LD is a prime example of one.
Hearing a Republican scream about the deficit is like watching a fat person chase down a large pizza with a diet soda.
And who stopped any regulation rhp6033?
Barney Frank who had an epiphany last month and now wants to reign in Fannie and Freddie!
Where did Stupid Solution Steve hear this? Here are the facts Stupid Solution fool!
Hey you’d all vote for Harry Reid’s Pet, the Bearded Marxists!
He’d fit in to all the socialists and marxists in the Sadministration now!
Pathetic, linking to O’Donnell’s site where she doesn’t even attempt to refute the charge that she syphoned off money from her campaign. That’s your rebuttal? Really, Puddy, you need to take some meds. Try the blue pills. They seem to calm down the lunacy you always deliver here.
I admire your patience in dealing with Puddy. A calm recommendation of medication rather than simply telling him to go blow himself. That’s good. Not sure I can exercise such moderation.
The right wing politics of always lower taxes on the rich and removing regulations to maximize corporate profits.
Thanks, my friend. With Puddy I have patience. But I must admit, with Lost I have no patience whatsofuckingever.
Ok, you libs are right…let’s tax all at 20 percent…ok?
@71 “Oh, shit…’s Mister Creosote!”