In attempting to brush aside the controversy over the campaign’s inappropriate and privacy invading abuse of the Everett AquaSox mailing list, Dino Rossi campaign spokesperson Jill Strait scapegoated Snohomish County Finance Chair Tom Hoban, telling reporters:
Dino Rossi was unaware that the list had been requested or used.
For his part, Hoban went on to ridiculously tell the Everett Herald that…
“It is not a partisan event. It is a fund raiser for Dino but it is not targeting any one particular group.”
Uh-huh. Well it turns out that Rossi’s feint of deniability is just as preposterous as Hoban’s claim of nonpartisanship, given the fact that Rossi was in attendance at a December “campaign kickoff” event in which Hoban bragged about their “design” to use their investment in the AquaSox to “help out if [Rossi] decided to run for office.”
[audio:]That’s right, Hoban, the self-proclaimed “ask man” explains:
“This is by design that a 2,500-seat venue, and Dino Rossi in it, might help out if he decided to run for office.”
And Rossi really wants to claim that he was “unaware” of plans to use the AquaSox and their mailing list for partisan political purposes? Really?
Can’t wait to see the Kate Riley rant attacking the Dems for raising questions about that.
Wait a minute, you libs (and I consider myself to be more liberal and progressive than any of you) all drive around with that “When Clinton lied, nobody died” bumper sticker. Now lying IS a big deal? Make up your mind, you little partisan, hypocritical fuckers.
You all make me sick.
@1 Stuff it, you stupid fucking commie-fascist.
As usual the right wing traitors go to Karl Rove page 1…when we get caught in a lie – deflect deflect deflect.
I’ve never in my life met an honest republican and I never will.
Especially PROVEN liar and crybaby bitch Dino Rossi.
@3 “Especially PROVEN liar and crybaby bitch Dino Rossi.”
Also known as the BIAW’s whining lackey.
If being caught in a lie is so bad, why no mention of obama. Oh yeah, white liberal guilt.
Note to the “civic leaders” who will try to fleece The Producers for $300,000,000 to renovate KeyArena now that we have no team.
Fuck Off !
Is that clear enough? Keep your greedy fucking hands out of my wallet.
and I consider myself to be more liberal and progressive than any of you
Oh really? And yes, I will be posting a link to that any time you try to claim something like that again.
@6 Delusional, vapid, insipid and shallow. Nothing new, folks.
@7 “Everyone non-white person on earth wants to live near white people. Blacks, hispanics, and asians don’t need to immigrate here, they need to be taught not to hate themselves and their culture.”
Troll wrote that? Good grief.
You hear that cunt Sin die McCain is spending 800k PER MONTH!!! on the credit card. Who is the elite?
These trolls are clowns. I just laugh at them.
@11 “These trolls are clowns. I just laugh at them.”
I think the proper troll spelling of the word is “KLOWNS”. For some unknown reason, the caps are an absolute must.
I wonder what Fraudiore will do with the Sonic situation??? Will she approve more tax revenue for the city to rebuild the Key??? Either way she is a loser…. Hhehehehe Re-elect Rossi.
Want her to spend tax money on a new arena, dog?
It’s funny how the trolls cry like little babies about Governor Gregoire, but are completely blind to our country collapsing around their ears.
Put the blame where blame is due.
Republicons are to blame.
Anyone stupid enough to support Rossi and the other sleazebags offering destructive “conservative economics” belongs in a nuthouse.
When Reagan started the war on the middle class we were the world’s largest creditor nation. Now because of flat world outsourcing, and insane deficit spending tax policies, we are the worlds largest debtor.
Take every “conservative” and “Republicon” policy, and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
America needs Republicons like a dog needs fleas.
15. All Facts Support My Positions spews:
It’s funny how the trolls cry like little babies about Governor Gregoire, but are completely blind to our county collapsing around their ears.
I agree with you All
The COUNTYis collapsing around our ears!!
There fixed. If only the damage the Bush Crime Family has done was that easy to fix…..
Rossi is a fraud. His whole campaign is fraudulent. He says he wants to help businesses, but he doesn’t. He only wants ignorant Washingtonians to buy his lies. He actually wants to help BIG BUSINESS, who only wants to crush their competition, in the race to the bottom.
The more they can outsource the better right Dino?
So Dipshit Dino. What plan do you have to penalize companies that outsource for sheer profit, regardless how bad it hurts America, or Washington State?
Yeah, I thought so……
The problems the “GOP” has these days, is Americans are waking up. There are not enough uninformed ignorant cowards to vote them into office any more.
Americans saw what Republicons running all 3 branches of government does, and we won’t let that mistake happen again.
Your party is dead. Your candidates can only run on fraud, and the folks buying your snake oil is dwindling more every day…..
@1 “Wait a minute, you libs (and I consider myself to be more liberal and progressive than any of you) …”
You, a liberal??? If you’re gonna be a lying Republican bastard you might as well go for broke, hey!!!
Want her to spend tax money on a new arena, dog?
07/02/2008 at 8:30 pm
Well we all know who is to blame for them leaving. Good luck with Sonic Fans. heheehehe
Talk about calling the kettle black! Anyone aware of the illegitimate Queen’s lies and broken campaign promises; not to mention stealing an election? The summation is defined as the word “hypocrisy”….now for the next 100 delusional responses…(99 from Roger ‘I can’t bear to leave my house-someone might see me’ Rodent.)
20 M1
Again, the same deflection we’ve already seen. Apparently, the only arrow in the Republican quiver is changing the subject, particularly when yet another sign of the GOP corruption we all know is rampant is uncovered.
So Rossi makes public liars out of the business partners he bamboozled and cynically raids corporate assets for his own benefit. He’s in danger of people realizing that he’s Republican.
The Republican party is being masssively repudiated here in the USA, beginning in 2006 and ramping up in a big way this year. They’re not fit to run even a waste treatment center, but perhaps we can employ a few of them there.
Goldy, Lee, et al. , bipolar Speculative Tantrum blogging / Amen blogging with the amen commenting by the likes of unemployed egoemphatic know nothings is getting old.
It’s no wonder any of you could hold a relationship together as you’re so damn dysfunctional and illogical that no rational person could stay in your vicinity for longer than 5 minutes.
Mark The Redneck IDIOT @ 6:
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Tell us again, IDIOT, how OPEC sets the price of oil.
You fucking moron. You have NO clue, NONE, how the American economy works, let alone, the world’s economy.
Sit down, shut up and be fucking thankful that Gov. Gregiore made this state the shinnnig example of Liberal economics.
5th most “business friendly” state according to Forbes magazine.
The ONLY state in the Union with a trade SURPLUS with China.
Housing market no where near the turmoil the rest of the nation is in due to better empolyment situation.
So tell us, Mark The IDIOT, how does OPEC set the price of oil. “Not a trick question.”
You never did answer your own question, you punk-ass bitch mother fucker.
24 VM
Is that an admission on your part that you realize that Dino Rossi underhandedly harvested private information from his business partners in order to solicit donations from unsuspecting and undeserving ball fans?
Because that’s how I read your post.
Troll at 1:
Clinton lying to hide an extramarital affair that was illegally leaked from the Special Prosecutor’s office, which said affair was obtained via an illegal wire tap, is NOT like lying and sending over 4,100 of our fellow citizens to die in Iraq.
If you won’t admit that, then you’re a fucking liar.
So shut the fuck up, you lying piece of shit conservative Troll.
How can you tell Rossi is a Republcian and not a GOP?
It doesn’t matter either one means LIAR.
Mark1 @ 20 is still trying to lie about the 2004 Governor’s race, saying Gregoire “stole” the election.
I guess for the slow ones, like Mark1, we have to review it over and over again. There was an election. The hand re-count, in the proceedure mandaated by law (hand counts being more accurate than machine counts), showed Gregoire won by a narrow majority. The Republicans brought suit to challenge the election, choosing a Republican county which had only two Republican judges, one of whom decided the case. After a trial, the judge decided that the only proven fraudulent votes were cast in favor of Rossi, which he deducted from the total, thereby upholding the final recount.
Mark1 keeps jumping to the conclusion he wants to reach, without pausing for the actual facts, which are somewhat inconvenient to his conclusions.
DL @ 26
Let me use one of your own frequent tactics aganst you:
Do you have proof that Rossi knew/supported/was involved in accessing this information? Because if you don’t, then it’s just speculation and the currency in which you traffic is fraud.
Now, let’s get back to the main subject, which the Wingnuts here keep trying to avoid.
1. Rossi is a minority partner in a minor-league baseball team.
2. The team’s privacy policy, which is posted on it’s website, says it won’t pass along the information to anyone else, or use it for any other purpose than Aquasox news via e-mail.
3. Regardless of this fact, Rossi’s campaign secured the e-mail addresses and used them for a blatant political fund-raising purpose.
4. Rossi’s campaign is trying to deny any responsibility for this act, arguing that a political fund-raiser isn’t “political”, and trying to leave the majority owners of the team and the team employees holding the bag (and the legal responsibility) for this violation.
5. Rossi’s actions, but for the “political message” exception to the Can Spam Act of 2003, would probably constitute illegal harvesting of e-mail addresses from a website which indicates that it’s e-mails are not to be used for any other purpose. However, a careful review of the appropriate statutes might reveal other violations
6: Call out to Richard Pope: there’s a limited private right of action under this CanSpan statute – this is a great chance to put your research skills to work, and perhaps even make a buck or two! Think about marrying a CanSpam violation with the Washington Consumer Protection Act, and you get attorneys’ fees and treble damages (up to a limit)!
It would actually be news if a republican DID NOT lie.
VM @ 30: Classical Nixon White-House denial: obstruct an investigation by arguing that you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt before you can start an investigation, or even consider an allegation. Nixon used this argument in his attempt to obstruct delivery of the White House Tapes to prosecutors and to the Congressional joint committee investigating Watergate. When that didn’t work, he argued national security. Whent that didn’t work, he argued executive priviledge.
But obviously, Republicans had no problem with conducting a continuous investigation of the White House during the Clinton years based upon the scantiest of allegations, with a special prosecutor who’s focus shifted from six years of unsuccessfully trying to pin responsibility for a savings & loan collapse on the First Lady into an investigation of whether or not the President ever engaged in a sex act and lied about it. Applying those investigatory standards to the Rossi/AquaSox scandal, we should have some interesting revelations.
Rossi is a minority owner with presumed access to Aquasox business records, and the e-mail list WAS used for his campaign in violation of the team’s published privacy policy. That’s more than enough to start an investigation, including discovery proceedures in a civil case (depositions, records subpoenas, etc.). To adapt the words of Sen. Baker (Republican Senator on the Joint Watergate Committee): “What did the President</strikethrough) Rossi know, and when did he know it????”
Rossi has to take PERSONAL responsibility (a) if he knew or had reason to know that the e-mail list was going to be used by his campaign, or (b) if he fostered a culture within his campaign whereby the rules are skirted or ignored, or (c) he set up a system whereby he would willingfully remain ignorant of illegal activities taken on his behalf.
To a lesser extent, Rossi must take some CORPORATE responsibility for the actions of people in his campaigns which are for his benefit, even if the above standards of personal responsibility are not met. This is not unfair, as it goes to the candidate’s ability to manage an organization. The higher the responsible person is ranked in his campaign who participates in the misconduct, the more responsibility Rossi must take. This is because he is presumed to have vetted these people carefully and is in a position to supervise their actions.
On the other end of the spectrum, a low-level campaign volunteer who takes action only on his own volition carries with it only the slightest degree of responsibility.
At the very least, upon learning of the violation by which his campaign benefited, Rossi should be required to conduct an internatl investigation and release the results, admit the violation on behalf of his campaign, prohibit the persons involved from working on the campaign, directly or indirectly in the future, investigate to determine if others were engaged in that or similar conduct, ensure through training and supervision that it wouldn’t happen again, and divest himself and his campaign of any benefits which might have accrued to him as a result of the violation. In this case, he should at the least forego any further contact with, or use of the AquaSox facilities or property, for the remainder of the campain, and cancel the advertised fundraiser to avoid receiving any direct benefit from the violation of the team’s privacy policy.
Of course, the Bush administration’s idea of taking responsiblity for their misdeeds & failures consists only of (a) saying on TV that you are taking responsibility, and (b) quickly finding a scapegoat to suffer any real consequences.
The team’s privacy policy, which is posted on it’s website, says it won’t pass along the information to anyone else, or use it for any other purpose than Aquasox news via e-mail.
Awesome. I’m smelling…class action lawsuit! Smells like…victory! Thanks, rhp! :-)
Rossi benefits directly from the theft of this information. The evidence should be obtained and his guilt should be determined by the team onwers and/or the Washington Public Disclosure Commission and/or a court of law.
But while we’re talking about intellectual honesty, pal, this is pretty much the same argument being used to smear Chris Gregoire vis-a-vis Indian tribes donations, excepting the distinction that nothing in the Gregoire-tribal transactions was either illegal or unethical.
QED Dino’s in charge. Dino benefited. Dino is responsible. Capisce?
RHP @ 33.
Actually it’s classical HA tactics when there’s an issue involving anyone on the left, which is why Daddy Love uses it so frequently, and why I pointed it out and chose to use it.
If he did something illegal, fine punish him.
However, the title of the post is specious at best as people do not have a right to privacy from private corporations. They may have an expectation of privacy as outlined by their own Terms of Service (which they reserve the right to change at any given time btw), but the information was not made known to people who didn’t already have access to it.
Furthermore, it’s freaking email addresses for crying out loud. Oh no, the rossi campaign knows the email address! What is this world coming to?!?!
Finally, there is no direct link to Dino Rossi at all. Through your rationale Kevin Bacon should be held accountable for 99% of the worlds crimes because he’s only 6 and sometimes less degrees of separation away from any given crime committed by any given person.
The fact that you’re even spinning your wheels on a topic like this when the current governor can’t fix transportation, balance a budget, or adequately provide for basic police services is a little lopsided on the flaming irrational tilt.
Why are e-mail addresses important?
Because Congress decided in 2003 that it was important, with the Can-Spam Act.
Because people thought their phone number was important enough that the government was compelled to establish a DO NOT CALL registry.
Because most people will only give their e-mail addresses when there is a promise that the information will be held privately, and not transferred or used for purposes other than what was advertised.
Because if Rossi wins the election, he and his campaign staffers will become government employees with access to lots more personal information – and apparantly little compunction about how it is used.
Because attempts at election abuse, such as that which occured in Ohio in 2004, reveals that every aspect of an election needs to be watched very closely for improper manipulation and responded with forcefully.
Because this incident reveals a lack of moral leadership in the Rossi campaign. Even if Rossi didn’t know about this use, what SHOULD have happened is that the first time the subject came up, it should have been squashed within both the Rossi camp AND the AquaSox camp, based if nothing else on the conviction that Rossi would be REALLY PISSED when he found out that such a violation occured, and heads would roll.
Instead, individuals in both organization seemed to feel that such behavior would be either be sanctioned, rewarded, or at least tolerated, which tells me something about what those individuals thought of Rossi’s leadership style.
Then, of course, then there IS the possibility that Rossi had direct knowledge of the improper diversion of the e-mail list.
Now you got my attention. I hate being spammed on any of my domains. Dino should not only be kicked off the ballot, he should lose the right to vote.
And the pols that leave their signs out all over the area after the election should automatically be kicked out of office.