After months of silence, Rep. Dave Reichert has finally issued a statement regarding reports of mismanagement of the King County Sheriff’s department under his watch:
Reichert’s statement said some of his own efforts to improve officer supervision and oversight were stymied by a lack of support from other county officials. In particular, Reichert mentioned King County Executive Ron Sims.
“I worked as sheriff to address these issues and others but was often prohibited from doing so by successive years of $1 million to $2 million budget cuts,” Reichert said. “I repeatedly expressed to the county executive the need for an increased budget to effectively implement oversight of the behavior of the organization, to ensure policies and procedures are complied with and to create an ongoing auditing process in the Sheriff’s Office.”
What a load of crap. Reichert never had to deal with a budget cut — indeed, his budget grew faster than that of the County as a whole every single year of his tenure.
But you can’t really blame Reichert for his confusion, as he apparently never understood his own budgets in the first place. The truth is, Reichert’s budgets were a mess, repeatedly forcing him to come to the County Council and Executive with unplanned, supplemental budget requests… at a time when the county was struggling to meet revenue shortfalls without raising taxes. And apparently, not a single one of those requests were for increased supervision and oversight.
But what really irks me is the way he trods out the KCGOP’s tired old saw of blaming everything on Ron Sims… the man who appointed him to the Sheriff’s post, launching Reichert on his political career. (If you want to blame Sims for a poor decision, that one’s a doozy.) So much for loyalty.
Reichert’s unprovoked attack on Sims is a slap in the face of the undeserved comity the Executive has shown his former appointee. Ironically, the Seattle P-I had asked Sims to comment on Reichert’s tenure as Sheriff, and Sims declined. In the words of a miffed Sims staffer, the Executive explained that “he wouldn’t be able to say anything good about Reichert’s leadership of the department, and he didn’t want to lie.”
Now that Reichert has fired the opening salvo I hope that Democrats on the Council and in the Executive’s office embrace a little realpolitik. Reichert has a documented record as Sheriff, and voters deserve to know what it really is.
Of course it Sim’s fault. So is KCRE! Where is the election director Sims promised? Non-existent. There isn’t one, there never was one, he LIED to make the council stall on their plan to put the question of an elected auditor on the ballot. He knows-he will lose that ballot question.
He has to keep the position appointed, so he keep his job. If there was an honest auditor there, Sims wouldn’t be in office.
Who else can find thousands of ballots.
They have again, set the stage for finding and counting many illegal ballots. There are thousands of ballots that can’t be read by the Diebold counting machines. They have to be duplicated……….. Who would have guessed this would happen?
The thousands of ballots that Sam Reed was bemoaning can’t be counted because the voter didn’t pick a party -they’ll all be counted too.
NEVER FEAR – King County is HERE!
The electoral process is well and fully defined in the RCW, and SoS Sam Reed will be making sure that the RCW is followed. Also, as in the 2004 race, the courts will be happy to help you sort out if legal standards have been met. Good luck with that.
So who’s voting tomorrow? I voted last week.
Daddy love,
Are YOU really sure it will be COUNTED?
Parents kidnap their daughter and try to drive her to NY to have a FORCED abortion.
She escaped at a rest stop and they’re in jail.
With parents like that – who needs enemies?
That’s why Gregoire is working so hard soliticing 20 grand per donor to her pac, so HER courts remain slanted towards liberals.
5% of the ballots in King County are spoiled because the voter failed to “pick a party!”
This is why we have to fight fire with fire. The rethugs have gone past the point of even trying to look like they care about truth. They just take a known fact, i.e., Reichert got every dime he asked for in every budget HE submitted, and turn that around to say the opposite.
So we need to do the same thing. We need to simply level charges, true or not, against each chickenhawk, inbred republican we can find. Failure to do so will result in the further theft of our government by the extreme right wing taliban loving christians.
Gee, don’t you believe that parents have rights?
“We need to simply level charges, true or not”
So, it’s okay when liberals LIE?
sgmmac @ 5
I do, I do, I do…….
Unfortunately, their daughter is 19! And legally an adult in her state.
The kidnapping story is up on Kiro, not only did they kidnap her. They had scissors, guns & ammo, duct tape, etc……..
Retired three-star general James King, top deputy to Duke Cunningham briber Mitchell Wade, who is being investigated by the Federal Election Commission for $12,000 in what appear to be “straw” campaign donations to congressional campaigns, has a favorite aphorism, ‘There are no lies; the truth keeps changing.’
Great idea! Let’s compare and contrast the public service record of Reichart and Burner. We can go into detail on the accomplishments and shortcomings of the KC Sheriff’s office. And for Darcy, we can… well, she did serve on a homeowner’s committee once… maybe she banned someone from parking an RV on a street in her neighborhood? Or maybe she saved a tree from being pruned?
– Joe, CT’s Senator in 2006 and beyond
Joe at 16:
Hm, Joe, I have a different idea. Let’s look at educational accomplishments and compare Burner and Reichert. Reichert has an AA degree from a bottom-tier college, where you can only get an AA if you drop out after two years, and nothing beyond that. Burner was a National Merit Scholar who worked her way through Harvard to get a degree in computer science and economics, and who got straight A’s at the most competitive law school in the Pacific Northwest. Which of the two has the intellectual abilities to understand the complicated issues Congress has to deal with?
17 Interesting point. In general, the qualifications for police leadership are best gained on the street, not in a classroom. That leaves a biiiiig question as to whether the same thing is true of the background requirements for a good legislator.
“Everyone sit down! The terrorists have assured me that they will land the plane safely at JFK! But first, we must chant, ‘BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!’” [Carl Grossman]
The fact they’re working illegally doesn’t excuse them from paying taxes, dickhead. And if they pay taxes, they should get the benefits they paid taxes for. This is so simple anybody but a wingnut can figure it out.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/17/06@ 9:33 pm
You fucking moron, illegal aliens pay sales tax too. Since they pay taxes for welfare, you think they should also get welfare, moonbat?
Commentby americafirst— 9/17/06@ 9:41 pm
Don’t run away,do you think illegal aliens should get welfare also?
Bush no good! Bush no good! Bush no good!
“Allah Akhbar!” [Carl Grossman]
I fully agree with your post #22 My Left Foot, as do about 60% of the nation!
Reichert has a selective memory for his good ol’ days at the KC Sheriff Dept. His department was well known as a weak link and poorly managed. Between inadequate controls over the evidence room, ignoring the Council’s instructions on staffing and weapon disposal, and the loose way he kept track of overtime and grant funds — who knew what was going on over there. Here’s a glimpse at just the stuff that was public disclosed:
The Sheriff’s Office is not complying with county code requirements for firearms disposal.
The Sheriff’s Office is not in compliance with the staffing plan proposed by the Executive and adopted by the County Council instead actual staffing fairly reflected the Sheriff’s internal staffing plan.
The Sheriff’s Office experienced significantly increased overtime despite notable decreases in workload indicators, and management had not analyzed overtime and comp time usage to determine what specifically caused the increases. Additionally, the lack of an adequate system for recording and analyzing overtime use prevented the Sheriff’s Office from reducing its overtime expenditures because management did not have full knowledge of where, when, and why overtime was incurred. This deficiency was exacerbated by the lack of data and comprehensive policies, procedures, and guidelines for managing overtime.
Program managers at the Sheriff’s Office did not understand grant requirements and how to establish controls to ensure costs were allowable, adequately supported and incurred within the period of availability – resulting in questioned costs of almost $1mm.
The audit for 2000 revealed internal control weaknesses in four areas: timely closure of drug seizure cases, accountability for property stored in the evidence room, oversight of the seized vehicles inventory, and accountability over the firearms inventory. All these findings are repeat findings from the 1998 and 1999 audits, and the State Auditor’s Office had been commenting on the evidence room issues since 1996.
Yeah, he was a model public servant! ARGH.
Bush is no good – compared to WHO???????
Wanna be JFK (John Kerry)? Yeah, right!
Screamer (Dean)? Please, gimme a break!
What Democrat has the charisma, the smarts and the guts to make a great President?
sgmmac @ 26
I am glad you asked the question, my poor unenlightened friend.
John Edwards, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton (you can say what you want, but she is smart, qualified and with the right spin, could shock everyone.
It is just me, but I think a ticket of John Edwards and Barrack Obama, in any order, is an exciting choice. So would Hillary and Barrack. All three choices are intelligent, successful and loaded with charisma. Edwards, unshackeled from Kerry is a formidable debater and Obama has the public presence and a strong, even, off the cuff delivery that make Bill Clinton such powerful figure. We won’t have to worry about them cracking inappropriate comments at press conferences or losing their temper and stammering for words they don’t know.
I would ask you this: who on your side would you like to see run and why?
One last point. You asked me “What Democrat has the charisma, the smarts and the guts to make a great President?”. Do you honestly believe that Bush has any of these qualities? He is spineless (his military (ahem) service, his vocabulary speaks volumes about his lack of smarts. And charisma? He could inspire my dog to chase a ball. In fact, my dog is smarter than your president.
couldn’t inspire my dog
“John Edwards, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton”
Commentby My Left Foot [……………………………………..Tell us about THEIR military service! hehe, JCH]
“Allah Akhbar!” [Carl Grossman]
My Left Foot and sgmmac:
Let’s not forget the actual president elect Al Gore.
Bush no good! Bush no good! Bush no good!
Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!
We need to simply level charges, true or not, against each chickenhawk, inbred republican we can find. Failure to do so will result in the further theft of our government by the extreme right wing taliban loving christians. Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 9/18/06@ 11:31 am
Isn’t it nice to see Rosie O’Donnell jumping in the litter box with the ‘little people’? Speak out a bit louder Rosie, there are a few ‘undecideds’ who haven’t heard you yet.
Voter IDs for ALL voters! Make voter fraud a capital offense, and deport all illegals!!!
Post the information from the WSBA. Bluff called. You folded.
Your side of the isle is about to shrink, significantly. Enjoy mouthing off. Soon you will the opposition.
Post the information you lying bitch.
Point us to the threat of your children. Better call the AG’s office back. You messed up.
My LF,
I would only vote for one on your list.
I like Rudy Guilianni – Colin Powell. I don’t know who else could inspire me to give my vote up for them – right now – anyways.
I used to like McCain – a lot, but he is aggravating me lately, most especially with their current stubborn stuff on article 3.
Gore is a has-been. He will never be President.
I guess you missed it, eh little man?
I’ll repeat myself, just for you, sweetcheeks. I’m sure your cohorts here in moron central will appreciate that you threaten the children of those you hate. Such a real man, eh, big boy?
And, again, I’m quite sure the moron that willingly married you is ever so proud of her little man.
You have apltly proven yourself a vile little man* quite adept at playing with himself… carry on, sweetcheeks, carry on.
*a vile little misogynist man who gets his kicks out of threatening the children of those with whom he disagrees and who can only build himself up by tearing down others. You may be an adult by virtue of your age, but you have much to learn about being mature and truly being a man.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/18/06@ 3:25 pm
Carl Grossman, I don’t think “Anonymous” likes you. BTW, Is Mrs. Grossman back from “shopping” with “Jerome” at the Embassy Suites??
Don’t underestimate Gore. So far, it has turned out that he was right about almost everything. Plus, he has won once before.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Giuliani or Powell run, but Powell could never win as a Republican, and Giuliani could never get his party’s nomination. Imagine the hemorrhaging you would see around here from JCH, Puddy, YO, Mark the Yellowback, etc. if the Republicans nominated a pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-affirmative action candidate. Hell, go over to U(sp) and see the constant attacks against moderate Republicans in this state like Sam Reed, Dan Evans or Gerry Alexander. I would love to see the Republicans nominate someone that could lead all the people, but it ain’t happening anytime soon, I’m afraid.
Now we know Mrs Grossman is a lawyer. A moonbat lawyer to boot!Puddy, You got to Mrs Grossman. Good job. You give her an assist and what does she do Attack you! “She can’t take on JCH.”
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS
“She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She c”She can’t take on JCH.” an’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” “She can’t take on JCH.” ……………………………..hehe, JCH
I see you like you pretend too. There was no threat. The two of you really should quit. Crack Kills!!!
Post the information. Bluff called. She does not have what she thinks she has. If she did, it would be posted. Now she has to hide and claim the “high road”. The two of you are morally repugnant and bankrupt.
Produce the proof.
JDB, Condi Rice/J.C. Watts 2008 [Where do I send a check?]
John Craig:
For once, you are actually funny!
And send you check to your pimp like you usually do before he slaps you around.
Candidates for President. Just so none of the Republicans (or really liberal Democrats) start to quake in their shoes, please remember that most of the candidates for President that I have supported never made it past the primaries.
Even the last Republican I supported, who I thought had a pretty good chance was beaten in the primaries. I thought he had a chance because he was President at the time (President Ford).
There was John Anderson, who I thought was ok, John Glenn in 1984, Joe Biden in 1988 (and would again, if I thought he stood a chance), really liked Paul Tsongas in 1992, couldn’t stand anyone in 1996 (so I voted Libertarian), was uninspired by Gore in 2000 (but voted for him anyway, as he was the best we had running and the race was just too close) and felt pretty much the same about Kerry in 2004.
Perhaps I should throw my support behind a particularly obnoxious Republican.
Still, I have hopes that Joe Biden will give it another try, even though I doubt that he could get the nomination. Here’s a thought. The election is still pretty far off, and there’s still time for a relatively unknown candidate to emerge. Why not Patty Murray? Maybe a Biden/Murray ticket?
Of course, it could never happen, but I can dream, can’t I?
Ron Sims biggest mistake?
How about “being on this planet.”
Republican’ts are always going on about “personal responsibility” yet they always blame someone else for their fuckups. Look up hypocrite in the dictionary and you’ll see chickengeorge bush’s picture.