Is there some way to de-rail Ron and get him to hit the trail?
The Piper
He’s looking for an appointment to the upcoming Democratic Administration
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 How about if Ron stays and you go?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I like those funky old trolleys you could ride for 10 cents that had grass growing between the rails and didn’t cost $500 million a mile to build.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When Republicans Run Airport Security …
You get low pay, high turnover, lousy service, and your baggage stolen. If this continues, we’re going to need a lot more hiking trails, because EVERYONE will be walking:
“If anything could ever stop me from traveling, it would be the nightmare of going through security at the airport. No two airports do the security checks in the same way. One wants shoes off, the next doesn’t care. One time carry ons go through without a problem. On the return trip, you are pulled aside and numerous items are confiscated. Computers are wiped down over and over, and run though the xray as if something new will appear. On my last trip, I found upon opening my check in luggage, that one box of watches had been taken. The thief left the box. I also am missing earrings. This had to have been done by a TSA inspector.
“No one will do anything. According to the airline, this never happens. I am doing a lot more driving to destinations now in spite of the cost of gasoline because I refuse to be treated like an enemy of this country. I am a 70 year old grandmother, not a 18-25 year old middle eastern male.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For years, Republicans have complained about government inefficiency and incompetence, and claimed that private enterprise can do a better job of just about everything government does. Well, if you let Republicans run government — they’re right! No business would fuck up like TSA does. If this kind of shit went out in a private business the board of directors would be replaced, the CEO would be fired, and all the employees would be let go. Hell, the company would go bankrupt! It’s amazing that Republicans, who run most of America’s businesses, can be so fucking inept at running TSA and every other federal agency — which makes me suspect it’s intentional.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dr. Rabbit has a simple solution for airport security hassles: VOTE DEMOCRAT!!! That’s right, the only way to clean up this mess is to FIRE the fucking morons who created it. After all, that’s what private business does when the customer satisfaction index hits zero.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans better break out their walking shoes and get ready to hit those trails, because the voters are getting set to tell the GOP to take a hike!
“Voters say they are far more likely to trust Democrats to handle the economy and health care. Consider Linda Zimmerman …. ‘We’re Republicans and I’m very unhappy with them, and I’ve been watching the Democrats,’ she said. ‘We did better when Clinton was in than we did with Bush. It’s just terrible.’ …
“Bill Hine, a 65-year-old Vietnam veteran …, considers himself a ‘soft Republican’ …. But … he’s not happy …. ‘A lot of Republicans are just anti-anything, anti-changing anything, and that’s one of the things I’ll be looking at,’ he said. …
“‘Middle-class America is being chipped away at,’ said Edward Lemieux, a 57-year-old pattern maker …. ‘We’re all of a sudden becoming a country of rich and poor,’ he said.
Lynn Haynes, 42, [is] a registered Republican … but supports universal health care and is giving Democrats a hard look. ‘I see too many people … who just don’t get any health care,’ Haynes said. ‘I look at what they get for retirement and Social Security, and I don’t see how they live on that and afford their prescriptions.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Things are so bad even Republican voters can’t stand the GOP! This sure doesn’t look good for the neo-CONvicts! 2008 is going to be the biggest Democratic blowout since 1932.
Roger Rabbitspews:
These boots are made for walkin’, and they’re gonna stomp the Pukes!
I hope Sims doesn’t cave to the rail freaks. A bike path only is the smartest move.
Irv Kupcinetspews:
I’m convinced. Republicans are demons and must be destroyed at the polls — the ashes of their party to never rise again and their betrayal of the values of Abraham Lincoln to be rebuked for generations to come.
I have determined this is a hate site. A hate blog. And to quote CAIR, Hate Hurts America.
Irv Kupcinetspews:
re 13: Can you direct me to a more mentally healthful site?
Irv Kupcinetspews:
re 12: “I don’t believe you. You’re a liar.” Bob Dylan , 1965
I guess we have different role models.
Don Joespews:
To our resident wingnuts:
Follow Darryl’s to the Hominid Views post, and check out the video of Guiliani’s NH campaign co-chair. Then, take the following poll:
a) John Deady is spot on in his comments;
b) John Deady is mostly right, but Guiliani should issue a statement clarifying Deady’s remarks;
c) John Deady is a complete moron, and Guiliani should completely distance himself from Deady immediately; or
d) I don’t give a shit, I’m voting for Ron Paul anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Why aren’t you giving equal time to the conservatives who demonize liberals? There’s a very simple solution to this problem: When your side stops, I’ll stop. So, if you want to do something about Roger Rabbit demonizing Republicans, the most effective course of action available to you is to persuade Republicans to stop demonizing liberals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No one wants this country to return to civil political discourse than I do, but there’s absolutely no percentage in treating Republicans with kid gloves as long as they’re stomping on our fingers. That’s like asking one side in a war to stop shooting while the other side keeps shooting at them. It don’t work that way, asshole! When your side stops, I’ll stop. That’s how peace works. There is no such thing as unilateral peace. I ain’t the fool you take me for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Given that nearly every rightwing blog is a hate site, why shouldn’t liberals have one hate site? You’re nothing but a fucking hypocrite.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Although I wouldn’t categorize HA as a “hate site.” Not by a long shot. All we do here is tell the truth about Republicans. It’s not my fault Republicans are what they are. They’re responsible for that, not me. All I do is report facts. Most of my comments are simply cut-and-paste jobs from the news media.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s pretty silly to proceed on the premise that Republicans and Democrats are qualitatively equal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The whole fucking point of voting for Democrats is that they’re better than Republicans.
Stewart and Colbert are going to cross the picket lines of the striking writers. David Goldstein’s silence is deafening.
He is only complains when people from the opposite political party do something he disagrees with, but he remains silent or makes excuses when it’s people from his party.
“He is only complains when people from the opposite political party do something he disagrees with…”
This is a liberal blog, ya fucking moron! Goldy has stated up-front, without apology, that he offers a liberal perspective. If you want non- (or semi-) partisan news go read the bloody newspaper. If you want the “other” perspective, go read Little Green Wingnuts! But hanging out in Goldy’s comment threads and bitching about his liberal bias just make you look like a total dipshit.
Correction, this is a hate-blog, ya fucking moron. And if he wants to earn my respect, he’s going to need to grow a pair, and speak out against the act, not the party. What’s the difference between this blog, and a white supremacist’s blog, who only speaks out against black criminals, but who remains silent when whites commit crimes? Would you have respect for the white racist blogger, because he says up front what his blog is all about? Fuck no you wouldn’t, you fucking moron.
One more thing, I want to be thanked for posting on this blog. I want my contribution to be acknowledged, and I want someone to thank me for posting here. I do this for free. Goldy often says, it’s boring to just have people who agree with you chime in. In other words, it’s people like me who have more value here.
What’s the difference between this blog, and a white supremacist’s blog, who only speaks out against black criminals, but who remains silent when whites commit crimes?”
I guess the difference is that this blog doesn’t “speak out against black criminals” and “remains silent when whites commit crimes”.
“Would you have respect for the white racist blogger, because he says up front what his blog is all about? Fuck no you wouldn’t, you fucking moron.”
I most likely wouldn’t read (and comment on) such a site. But, more to the point here, I certainly wouldn’t expect “balance” from such a blogger.
Your logic is flawed. You could have used the example of, say, a church that only presents the side of God and never the side of Satan. Or a business’ blog that only extols the virtues of their product and never of that of their competitors.
This really is your misunderstanding of the purpose of this blog. You seem to confuse it with the news media.
“One more thing, I want to be thanked for posting on this blog.”
In the immortal words of the Vice President in the hallowed halls of the Senate, “Go fuck yourself.”
“I want my contribution to be acknowledged”
(* Snicker *)
“…and I want someone to thank me for posting here.”
Sorry, asswipe, you don’t post here. You comment here. Big difference.
“I do this for free.”
…and your comments are worth every penny spent for ’em.
“Goldy often says, it’s boring to just have people who agree with you chime in. In other words, it’s people like me who have more value here.”
The “value” of a commenter would be determined by those who bother reading comments (and, specifically, your comments). You’d have to ask them whether they find your comments of any particular value.
Here’s what I don’t like about this blog. You say “I don’t like Republicans because they do A.” But then when a Democrat does “A,” you remain silent. That’s your right to remain silent, but you won’t earn my respect.
Right Stuffspews:
“It’s amazing that Republicans, who run most of America’s businesses”
I suspect this is yet more utter nonsense….
Please provide reference.
“which makes me suspect it’s intentional.”
Exactly Rog. Put the tinhat back on, you’ll be safe then.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 This is a liberal propaganda blog, not the New York Times, you fucking idiot. If you’re looking for wingnut propaganda try Freep, Drudge, or Stefan’s sucky little blog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 We didn’t hate anybody until people like Adolf Hitler, Ann Coulter, Jonathan Gardner, and you came along.
but you won’t earn my respect.
Exactly, now go bitch and moan somewhere else like (un)SP.
Lets get back to “Comments to “Ron Sims at Trail Link 2007”
I think the video stopped before the donation plate was passed.
We don’t need more unused trails.
The Burke-Gilman, and Sammamish River trail is unused? I did not know that.
I think George is right. Fuck nature. Fuck parks. Fuck trails.
Let’s turn all public parks into Park & Ride lots. Let’s turn all bike trails into light rail lines.
So George, let me see if I understand your thinking on this matter. You are for any solution that brings the most number of people to a place? Correct? That’s what you said, right? Because less people will use a bike-only trail, than a ride a train along that corridor, then there should be a rail line there also. Am I understanding your logic correctly? Then unless you’re inconsistent in your thinking, you also believe a rail line should be put back in along the B-G, and Sammamish River trail. Correct? Or is that hitting a little too close to home. Yeah, that’s what I thought.
How much you wanna bet that the same people who were against the 60 acre Seattle Commons park, and are now bitching about Paul Allen’s over-development of the SLU area, are the same people who are against a bike-only trail on the eastside, but when trains are put in, they’ll be bitching about that, too!
A non-rail trail is the right thing to do. Some things need to be rammed-down the citizen’s throats, whether they like it or not. God help us if Woodland Park, or Greenlake park, didn’t exist, and it were left up to today’s Seattle voters to decide if the parks are going to be built or not.
So I hope Sims doesn’t back down from the small, but noisy crowd.
#34,35,36 Try reading the post again.
George says:
Lets get back to “Comments to “Ron Sims at Trail Link 2007”
I think the video stopped before the donation plate was passed.
We don’t need more unused trails.
You want a hint, We don’t need more unused trails.
We don’t need more unused trails.
We don’t need more unused trails.
George is right, get out there and use those trails. We don’t need anymore unused trails. Log off. Scoot your fat, lazy ass away from the computer, and go for a nice walk in nature along one of our many area trails.
Is there some way to de-rail Ron and get him to hit the trail?
The Piper
He’s looking for an appointment to the upcoming Democratic Administration
@1 How about if Ron stays and you go?
I like those funky old trolleys you could ride for 10 cents that had grass growing between the rails and didn’t cost $500 million a mile to build.
When Republicans Run Airport Security …
You get low pay, high turnover, lousy service, and your baggage stolen. If this continues, we’re going to need a lot more hiking trails, because EVERYONE will be walking:
“If anything could ever stop me from traveling, it would be the nightmare of going through security at the airport. No two airports do the security checks in the same way. One wants shoes off, the next doesn’t care. One time carry ons go through without a problem. On the return trip, you are pulled aside and numerous items are confiscated. Computers are wiped down over and over, and run though the xray as if something new will appear. On my last trip, I found upon opening my check in luggage, that one box of watches had been taken. The thief left the box. I also am missing earrings. This had to have been done by a TSA inspector.
“No one will do anything. According to the airline, this never happens. I am doing a lot more driving to destinations now in spite of the cost of gasoline because I refuse to be treated like an enemy of this country. I am a 70 year old grandmother, not a 18-25 year old middle eastern male.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For years, Republicans have complained about government inefficiency and incompetence, and claimed that private enterprise can do a better job of just about everything government does. Well, if you let Republicans run government — they’re right! No business would fuck up like TSA does. If this kind of shit went out in a private business the board of directors would be replaced, the CEO would be fired, and all the employees would be let go. Hell, the company would go bankrupt! It’s amazing that Republicans, who run most of America’s businesses, can be so fucking inept at running TSA and every other federal agency — which makes me suspect it’s intentional.
Dr. Rabbit has a simple solution for airport security hassles: VOTE DEMOCRAT!!! That’s right, the only way to clean up this mess is to FIRE the fucking morons who created it. After all, that’s what private business does when the customer satisfaction index hits zero.
Republicans better break out their walking shoes and get ready to hit those trails, because the voters are getting set to tell the GOP to take a hike!
“Voters say they are far more likely to trust Democrats to handle the economy and health care. Consider Linda Zimmerman …. ‘We’re Republicans and I’m very unhappy with them, and I’ve been watching the Democrats,’ she said. ‘We did better when Clinton was in than we did with Bush. It’s just terrible.’ …
“Bill Hine, a 65-year-old Vietnam veteran …, considers himself a ‘soft Republican’ …. But … he’s not happy …. ‘A lot of Republicans are just anti-anything, anti-changing anything, and that’s one of the things I’ll be looking at,’ he said. …
“‘Middle-class America is being chipped away at,’ said Edward Lemieux, a 57-year-old pattern maker …. ‘We’re all of a sudden becoming a country of rich and poor,’ he said.
Lynn Haynes, 42, [is] a registered Republican … but supports universal health care and is giving Democrats a hard look. ‘I see too many people … who just don’t get any health care,’ Haynes said. ‘I look at what they get for retirement and Social Security, and I don’t see how they live on that and afford their prescriptions.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Things are so bad even Republican voters can’t stand the GOP! This sure doesn’t look good for the neo-CONvicts! 2008 is going to be the biggest Democratic blowout since 1932.
These boots are made for walkin’, and they’re gonna stomp the Pukes!
He’s demonizing Republicans again, and you cowards are remaining silent, just like the Germans remained silent when Hitler first demonized Jews.
It’s too bad RR didn’t owe Michele Anderson and Joe McEnroe money.
I hope Sims doesn’t cave to the rail freaks. A bike path only is the smartest move.
I’m convinced. Republicans are demons and must be destroyed at the polls — the ashes of their party to never rise again and their betrayal of the values of Abraham Lincoln to be rebuked for generations to come.
No offense.
Jews are demons and must be destroyed. The ashes of their bodies never to rise again and betray the fatherland.
Adolf Hitler. May, 1938.
I have determined this is a hate site. A hate blog. And to quote CAIR, Hate Hurts America.
re 13: Can you direct me to a more mentally healthful site?
re 12: “I don’t believe you. You’re a liar.” Bob Dylan , 1965
I guess we have different role models.
To our resident wingnuts:
Follow Darryl’s to the Hominid Views post, and check out the video of Guiliani’s NH campaign co-chair. Then, take the following poll:
a) John Deady is spot on in his comments;
b) John Deady is mostly right, but Guiliani should issue a statement clarifying Deady’s remarks;
c) John Deady is a complete moron, and Guiliani should completely distance himself from Deady immediately; or
d) I don’t give a shit, I’m voting for Ron Paul anyway.
@9 Why aren’t you giving equal time to the conservatives who demonize liberals? There’s a very simple solution to this problem: When your side stops, I’ll stop. So, if you want to do something about Roger Rabbit demonizing Republicans, the most effective course of action available to you is to persuade Republicans to stop demonizing liberals.
No one wants this country to return to civil political discourse than I do, but there’s absolutely no percentage in treating Republicans with kid gloves as long as they’re stomping on our fingers. That’s like asking one side in a war to stop shooting while the other side keeps shooting at them. It don’t work that way, asshole! When your side stops, I’ll stop. That’s how peace works. There is no such thing as unilateral peace. I ain’t the fool you take me for.
@13 Given that nearly every rightwing blog is a hate site, why shouldn’t liberals have one hate site? You’re nothing but a fucking hypocrite.
Although I wouldn’t categorize HA as a “hate site.” Not by a long shot. All we do here is tell the truth about Republicans. It’s not my fault Republicans are what they are. They’re responsible for that, not me. All I do is report facts. Most of my comments are simply cut-and-paste jobs from the news media.
It’s pretty silly to proceed on the premise that Republicans and Democrats are qualitatively equal.
The whole fucking point of voting for Democrats is that they’re better than Republicans.
Stewart and Colbert are going to cross the picket lines of the striking writers. David Goldstein’s silence is deafening.
He is only complains when people from the opposite political party do something he disagrees with, but he remains silent or makes excuses when it’s people from his party.
This is why I don’t have any respect for him.
BS @ 23
“He is only complains when people from the opposite political party do something he disagrees with…”
This is a liberal blog, ya fucking moron! Goldy has stated up-front, without apology, that he offers a liberal perspective. If you want non- (or semi-) partisan news go read the bloody newspaper. If you want the “other” perspective, go read Little Green Wingnuts! But hanging out in Goldy’s comment threads and bitching about his liberal bias just make you look like a total dipshit.
“This is why I don’t have any respect for him.”
Umm…I’m sure he’ll lose minimal sleep over it.
Correction, this is a hate-blog, ya fucking moron. And if he wants to earn my respect, he’s going to need to grow a pair, and speak out against the act, not the party. What’s the difference between this blog, and a white supremacist’s blog, who only speaks out against black criminals, but who remains silent when whites commit crimes? Would you have respect for the white racist blogger, because he says up front what his blog is all about? Fuck no you wouldn’t, you fucking moron.
One more thing, I want to be thanked for posting on this blog. I want my contribution to be acknowledged, and I want someone to thank me for posting here. I do this for free. Goldy often says, it’s boring to just have people who agree with you chime in. In other words, it’s people like me who have more value here.
Oh, and one more thing, if I am not thanked, and asked to please stay, I am going to quit posting on this blog.
B.S. @ 25
“And if he wants to earn my respect…”
Ummm…I think he’ll just pass on that offer.
What’s the difference between this blog, and a white supremacist’s blog, who only speaks out against black criminals, but who remains silent when whites commit crimes?”
I guess the difference is that this blog doesn’t “speak out against black criminals” and “remains silent when whites commit crimes”.
“Would you have respect for the white racist blogger, because he says up front what his blog is all about? Fuck no you wouldn’t, you fucking moron.”
I most likely wouldn’t read (and comment on) such a site. But, more to the point here, I certainly wouldn’t expect “balance” from such a blogger.
Your logic is flawed. You could have used the example of, say, a church that only presents the side of God and never the side of Satan. Or a business’ blog that only extols the virtues of their product and never of that of their competitors.
This really is your misunderstanding of the purpose of this blog. You seem to confuse it with the news media.
“One more thing, I want to be thanked for posting on this blog.”
In the immortal words of the Vice President in the hallowed halls of the Senate, “Go fuck yourself.”
“I want my contribution to be acknowledged”
(* Snicker *)
“…and I want someone to thank me for posting here.”
Sorry, asswipe, you don’t post here. You comment here. Big difference.
“I do this for free.”
…and your comments are worth every penny spent for ’em.
“Goldy often says, it’s boring to just have people who agree with you chime in. In other words, it’s people like me who have more value here.”
The “value” of a commenter would be determined by those who bother reading comments (and, specifically, your comments). You’d have to ask them whether they find your comments of any particular value.
Here’s what I don’t like about this blog. You say “I don’t like Republicans because they do A.” But then when a Democrat does “A,” you remain silent. That’s your right to remain silent, but you won’t earn my respect.
“It’s amazing that Republicans, who run most of America’s businesses”
I suspect this is yet more utter nonsense….
Please provide reference.
“which makes me suspect it’s intentional.”
Exactly Rog. Put the tinhat back on, you’ll be safe then.
@23 This is a liberal propaganda blog, not the New York Times, you fucking idiot. If you’re looking for wingnut propaganda try Freep, Drudge, or Stefan’s sucky little blog.
@25 We didn’t hate anybody until people like Adolf Hitler, Ann Coulter, Jonathan Gardner, and you came along.
but you won’t earn my respect.
Exactly, now go bitch and moan somewhere else like (un)SP.
Lets get back to “Comments to “Ron Sims at Trail Link 2007”
I think the video stopped before the donation plate was passed.
We don’t need more unused trails.
The Burke-Gilman, and Sammamish River trail is unused? I did not know that.
I think George is right. Fuck nature. Fuck parks. Fuck trails.
Let’s turn all public parks into Park & Ride lots. Let’s turn all bike trails into light rail lines.
So George, let me see if I understand your thinking on this matter. You are for any solution that brings the most number of people to a place? Correct? That’s what you said, right? Because less people will use a bike-only trail, than a ride a train along that corridor, then there should be a rail line there also. Am I understanding your logic correctly? Then unless you’re inconsistent in your thinking, you also believe a rail line should be put back in along the B-G, and Sammamish River trail. Correct? Or is that hitting a little too close to home. Yeah, that’s what I thought.
You fucking hypocrites sicken me.
How much you wanna bet that the same people who were against the 60 acre Seattle Commons park, and are now bitching about Paul Allen’s over-development of the SLU area, are the same people who are against a bike-only trail on the eastside, but when trains are put in, they’ll be bitching about that, too!
A non-rail trail is the right thing to do. Some things need to be rammed-down the citizen’s throats, whether they like it or not. God help us if Woodland Park, or Greenlake park, didn’t exist, and it were left up to today’s Seattle voters to decide if the parks are going to be built or not.
So I hope Sims doesn’t back down from the small, but noisy crowd.
#34,35,36 Try reading the post again.
George says:
Lets get back to “Comments to “Ron Sims at Trail Link 2007”
I think the video stopped before the donation plate was passed.
We don’t need more unused trails.
You want a hint, We don’t need more unused trails.
We don’t need more unused trails.
We don’t need more unused trails.
George is right, get out there and use those trails. We don’t need anymore unused trails. Log off. Scoot your fat, lazy ass away from the computer, and go for a nice walk in nature along one of our many area trails.