Well, that was quick. Just a few minutes after the polls closed, NBC called the Michigan Republican primary for Mitt Romney. Of course Michigan, New Hampshire and Iowa are all moot, what with Guiliani’s brilliant Florida strategy about to catapult him back into frontrunner status.
Meanwhile, over in Bushistan…
Hmm. If that were Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or John Edwards posing, imagine the outrage. Baghdad Barack? Hegira Hillary? Jihad John?
I’m watching the Nevada Democratic debate right now, and all I can say is… fuck Tim Russert. I mean really, fuck him. He has this great opportunity to ask the three leading Democratic candidates (one of which will likely be the next president of the United States) about important issues facing our nation, and all he wants to do is focus on race and gender in the hope of sparking a cat fight. It ain’t working.
According to the Seattle Times, it’s very, very close in Michigan. Mitt Romney “edges” ahead, just “narrowly” leading John McCain in early returns.
Um… the headline and lede were supposedly updated at 6:12 PM, at which time Romney was leading McCain by 9 percentage points, and projected by all three networks to be the winner.
Not that I’m implying an intentional bias, but narrow lead my ass.
That guy on the left looks like a terrorist. Does he torture people? Does he pick up rabbits by their ears? I’ll bet he does! He looks like the type.
now that you are mentioning it….the guy on the right looks like a Rabbit. Is that you ?
Tim Russert just said “[Some MIT Geniuses told me] that in 2050 the population of the world will go from 6 billion to 9 billion…”
2050 headline reads “Scientist Accidentally Creates 2.5 Billion People in ‘laboratory accident.'”
Goldy, goldy, goldy….
Russert is an entertainer. Talking about race (given the past comments) is entertaining. Give him a break…he wants ratings.
Re Russert: At least there are some public policy Q’s tonite.
Sunday he had one of the two leading contenders for teh most powerful office in the world’s most powerful nation on for a full hour, and failed to ask a single question about what she would do as President.
There was limited discussion of Iraq and mortgages — raised by Hillary both times, and steered into backward-looking perspectives — “was this a mistake”, etc — both times.
I’m watching the Nevada Democratic debate right now, and all I can say is… fuck Tim Russert. I mean really, fuck him. He has this great opportunity to ask the three leading Democratic candidates (one of which will likely be the next president of the United States) about important issues facing our nation, and all he wants to do is focus on race and gender in the hope of sparking a cat fight. It ain’t working.
Don’t you love it when you turn liberalism back on liberals. hehehehee
Half&Half@Whereever: Exit polls showed only 7% of Michigan Moonbat!s voted and most of them voted McCain. Most of the independents voted McCain.
Most Republicans voted for Romney. Source Clinton News Network.
Sucks to be You!
You all knew him as Clueless now he’s Half-wimp, Half-chicken!
Meanwhile, over in Bushistan…
Especially nasty, given that they execute criminals with swords in Saudi Arabia…
Half&Half@Whereever: Exit polls showed only 7% of Michigan Moonbat!s voted and most of them voted McCain. Most of the independents voted McCain.
Fine by me… the Romneybot is undoubtedly easier to beat for any of the Democrat candidates.
And why the hell do conservative idiots always talk about “moonbats”? Does that name even make *sense*?? I mean, I guess it’s better than saying that Democrats are reptilian kitten-eaters, but it’s not really that descriptive, eh? You people are definitely not creative.
(Of course, liberals tend to just call hardcore conservatives “fascists”, so I guess that we might need to be a little more creative too…)
What a contrast;watching the democratic debate,the prevailing theme amongst the candidates seemed to be reconciliation;afterwards their chief advisors were really contentious with each other.
The candidates kissed ass;while the advisors kicked it.
If for no other purpose,the advisors debate would have been much more entertaining.
Actually that’s an Arabian ceremonial rabbit sword used to ritually slaughter rabbits before preparing them for a feast to honor an important guest. The guest is given the honor of lopping off the rabbit’s head, and it’s customary for the guest to thoroughly have a good time at it and savor every wonderful moment.
Cooking over an open pit or even just an open fire can be quite the challenge. Most open-air cooking is done over a spit. The art of cooking in this manner includes being able to tell how high above the fire to place the spit, how fast to rotate the spit and how long to allow it to cook. Read on and learn to roast rabbits on a spit.
1 Step One Skin the rabbit. Carefully remove the fur and upper layer of skin from the animal. Remove the ears and the bottom part of each leg, below the first major joint. Rinse the body with fresh water and clean the cavity well.
2 Step Two Pat the rabbit dry and then rub a spice blend into the skin. Mix sage, pepper, and salt into a seasoning blend that can be rubbed into the meat before cooking. Allow the meat to absorb the flavor of the spices by letting it sit in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
3 Step Three Remove the rabbit from the refrigerator and rub a thin layer of butter over the surface of the rabbit. This will help to keep the meat moist and give it the browned skin that is expected from an entrée made over an open-pit fire.
4 Step Four Take the spit and slip it through the rear cavity, letting it emerge through the neck. A few rabbits may be secured to the spit so that multiple rabbits can be roasted at the same time.
5 Step Five Fold the forelegs of the rabbit over each other and secure with a piece of cooking twine. Stretch out the rear legs and cross them. These legs can also be secured to the spit with cooking twine. To save space it is possible to secure the rear legs of one rabbit to the front legs of a second rabbit.
6 Step Six Place the spit into the rack set up over the fire. Test the heat of the flame by holding your hand at the same height as the rabbit. You should not need to pull your hand back drastically because of the heat but should be able to hold your hand there for a second or two before you must remove it.
7 Step Seven Attach the drive chain to the spoke on the spit. Adjust the chain and the speed of the motor attached to the rabbit so that the rabbit rotates about every five minutes. This speed should allow the rabbit to cook in about 45 minutes.
8 Step Eight Baste the rabbit with a mix of white wine, garlic and butter. This will give the rabbit a succulent taste.
9 Step Nine Insert an instant-read thermometer into the crease between the thigh of the rabbit and the crease of the leg. The temperature should be 160 C.
The Piper
I’ll Bet This Guy Is A Republican
No, I don’t mean Romney, or the guy in the Middle East brandishing the sword, though they’re probably Republicans too. I’m referring to this guy:
“Colorado Lawmaker Kicks Photographer
“DENVER (Jan. 15) – Carrying a family Bible, a state representative-elect kicked a photographer who took a picture of him ….
“Douglas Bruce went to the House floor Monday morning ….
When Rocky Mountain News photographer Javier Manzano took his photo …, Bruce … brought the sole of his shoe down hard on the photographer’s bent knee. …
“Bruce, an anti-tax crusader, was chosen by El Paso County Republicans last month to fill an unexpired term. He delayed his swearing-in until Monday, when the House was not in session. That allowed him to take advantage of a loophole in state term limits that would allow him to serve eight more years instead of six.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://news.aol.com/story/_a/c.....3509990001
Update: The Colorado house speaker is planning to appoint a special committee to investigate taking disciplinary action against Bruce, which could include explusion. http://news.aol.com/story/_a/c.....2009990030
Note: Not surprisingly, this nut has had run-ins with the law: “During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Bruce was embroiled in several protracted tax disputes with the Internal Revenue Service. … Bruce acquired rental properties in Denver and Pueblo, Colorado. He has been cited repeatedly … regarding the upkeep of his properties …. In connection with … operating an unsafe building, Bruce spent eight days in jail in 1995 on a contempt of court citation.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Bruce
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Somebody should explain to this baboon that as a public official in a public place where the public’s business is being conducted, the media has a right to photograph him! Let’s hope his legislative career is a real short one — and also, that the photograph prosecutes and sues him. He’s got it coming! If he did that to ME, I’d handle it right there.
@2 No. Only a fuckwad like you would confuse that towelhead with a rabbit. A pink tablecloth isn’t the same thing as pink ears, dolt.
@4 This is exactly the kind of vacuous comment we expect from our brain-dead trolls. This is a PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE dumbass! If Russert wants to be an entertainer, he should go on Comedy Central. In any case, he’s not the star of this show, the candidates are. He’s supposed to be low-key and simply ask them questions on serious topics so they can show voters what they’ve got. Russert should be fired.
@4 No wonder most people think of you Republicans as immature frat boys. If you can’t do any better than that, you should go back to your coloring books and stay off this blog. This comment board is for intellectual discussions.
@6 WTF are you talking about? Russert is one of yours. Stupid fucking dog … all dogs should be euthanized, they’re a waste of oxygen.
@8 “Especially nasty, given that they execute criminals with swords in Saudi Arabia…”
That’s actually not such a bad idea. I’ve got a list of criminals …
@10 No problem, there’s lots more rabbits where those came from. Just let me know how many you want, then I’ll call up some cute female bunnies …
That’s actually not such a bad idea. I’ve got a list of criminals …
Figures that someone on here would think that cultural atavism would be a step in the right direction…
Romney winning Michigan isn’t news. If he’d lost in his native state, that would be news. The real news here is that Huckabee got only 16% to Romney’s 39% and McCain’s 30%, on the heels of a similar performance in Iowa, proving Huckabee is a flash in the pan, a one-trick pony who’s going nowhere.
Rudy Giuliani had an impressive 6th place finish with nearly 3% of the Republican vote in Michigan — behind Ron Paul in 4th place with a little over 6% and Fred Thompson in 5th place at about 4%. Maybe he can improve on this slightly in Florida.
BMA: Look up the term Moonbat! The Michigan Reptilian Kitten-Eaters voted for McCain. I guess they thought he’s the candidate liberals could beat.
Good luck!
What are you guys going to talk about once GWB is back in Texas as a private citizen? That date is coming up in about a year. What are you going to talk about other than George W. Bush and the Republicans once the Democrats win in November?
@20 Rudy who?
@21 McCain is the only GOP candidate who might have a chance in November.
I’m watching the Nevada Democratic debate right now, and all I can say is… fuck Tim Russert. I mean really, fuck him. He has this great opportunity to ask the three leading Democratic candidates (one of which will likely be the next president of the United States) about important issues facing our nation, and all he wants to do is focus on race and gender in the hope of sparking a cat fight. It ain’t working
How about if they support a voter ID card? If not do they support forcing senior citizens or poor people who make $500.00 a year in self employment income to supply a SS # on a 1040? We all know that Hillary supports drivers licenses for illegal aliens, right? Ooops, sorry we are not suppose to ask that question. roof roof
This is off-topic, but it may be the greatest thing in the history of Man-kind. Even my wife is intrigued by this:
At least it’s better than Piper’s rabbit recipes, eh?
Broadway Joe: How is that precinct work going in Nevada?
Do you support the Hilary proxy teacher’s union lawsuit to stop the Nevada Caucii?
Did you watch Frank Luntz interview that hispanic guy after the debate and how he said “many Hispanic people in the culinary union will not vote for Obama” Luntz asked why and the hispanic guy “duh duh um duh duh”. I could read etween the lines. Many can’t vote for Obama cuz…
The black lady looked at him and asked “Yeah, why won’t you tell us why they won’t vote for Obama”
You democraps deliver Priceless Moments!
Broadway Joe: Pelletizer is usually the first to go off-topic which he did above so you are kool.
The Thread Policeman Darryl won’t perform his obligations against Pelletizer, but let MTRG or JBG or another person whom thinks right stray and it the magic “Deleted – See HA thread Policy”.
Eugenics_Project(YLB): In keeping my promise to provide uplifting commentary (My Progressive Puddystudy of Hilary Clinton) more on the Romney Michigan Miracle.
Romney won Michigan. Can you tell me why?
Well I would wait around for your moronic idiot gene answers but let’s deep dive for a moment.
Why do 40% of Michigan and Michigan State graduates say they’ll leave the state upon graduation?
Why did the Detroit Free Press publish this article:
Michigan tops list of states that people are leaving
January 9, 2007
More people left Michigan last year than moved in, continuing a trend that has lasted almost 30 years, according to a survey from a leading moving company released Monday.
Of the 10,325 interstate shipments handled by United Van Lines in Michigan during the year, 66% were for moving people out of the state, putting Michigan in a tie with North Dakota for the largest percentage of outbound moves for the year.
Not once since 1977, when the company began tracking the data, has Michigan had more customers moving into the state than exiting it. But the 66% departure rate was just below Michigan’s highest departure level of 66.9%, in 1981.
David Corrigan, president of Farmington Hills-based Corrigan Moving Systems, which is affiliated with United Van Lines, said the economy and the weather are the biggest factors in why people are leaving. “It’s definitely gotten worse,” he said. “If people are looking for a job, they tend to have to go to another state to find one.”
The top destinations for people leaving Michigan via United Van Lines were California, Florida and Texas.
Other Great Lakes states, except Minnesota, also had more customers moving out than entering.
In general, the South and mountain West were destination regions, with North Carolina the top state for inbound moves. About 64% of customers crossing that state’s border were moving into the state.
Fair Use and copyleft to Detriot Free Press AKA freep.com
What did the democrat guvner and state house do when they gots control of Michigan – They raised taxes. People said screw that we’re gone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV_WI0teGv8
You see Eugenics_Project(YLB), all Puddy needs to do is run another Puddystudy and I can easily determine you are such an idiot.
Romney won Michigan because he gave people hope. Not like this other guvnur posting: http://www.rightmichigan.com/s.....113751/006
When you find your brain, please let us know Eugenics_Project(YLB). Ohhhh… you still need that infusion of the warm white sticky kool-aid.
Back to my other Puddystudy.
Romney staying in the race means he uses his inherited wealth to eat other Republicans, running attack ads, robocalls and push-polls. Those Republicans then have to use money they’ve shaken down from corporations and sheep-like followers to remain viable.
Couldn’t happen to nicer people.
As for the hallucinations of certain wingnuts on this board?
The travels of “Chimpanzee of Arabia” continue:
He first disowns the NIE in private, now in public:
What a pig-headed loser!
Oh… Eugenics_Project(YLB), you won’t find that on any right-wing web site.
Why do you ignore the real Michigan result. Hilary was the “only” candidate on the ballot. Why did she leave her name there when the others pulled out? Ain’t that curious?
But I did find this: http://marcambinder.theatlanti.....e_dems.php
“Exit polls show backlash against Hillary Clinton among black voters… Almost 70% of black voters in the Dem sample chose uncommitted and only 25% chose Clinton. (She’s leading overall — beating uncommitted by, like, 40 points)… Remember: Michigan’s Dem primary doesn’t matter b/c Clinton’s name is the only one on the ballot and there are no delegates, but one can read these numbers as a sign of trouble for her among black voters.”
NBC News exit polling found 73 percent of uncommitted voters favored Obama with 17 percent saying they backed Edwards.
Backing that up, precincts with predominantly black voters in Grand Rapids — as in Detroit — overwhelmingly voted uncommitted. In Grand Rapids, “uncommitted” beat Clinton in almost every precinct in the city’s diverse 3rd Ward.
In the city of Grand Rapids, 50 percent of Democrats voted uncommitted compared to 45 percent for Clinton.
“Exit Poll for Democratic Results Sample Size: 997 | Last Polled: January 15, 2008”
Uncommitted did very well with young voters edging out Hillary in the 18-24-year-old demographic 48 to 44%
Uncommitted beat Hillary 49 to 47% with high-income earners
Uncommitted fared better with voters as their level of education increased. Amongst college graduates, the vote was virtually tied at Hillary 47 and Uncommitted 46%. With no degree, Hillary won 60 to 36%. Those with a post-graduate degree favored Uncommitted 50 to 44%
Independents favored Mr. Uncommitted over Hillary by a margin of 51 to 37%
Fair use and Copyleft to the URL holders.
Face it wingnuts, your chimp sucks.
The Chimpmeister forges an “enduring relationship” with Iraq, i.e. we’ll be there forever:
What a moron wrote:”Romney staying in the race means he uses his inherited wealth”
He made his fortune in the financial markets. He inherited some money but the bulk:http://money.cnn.com/galleries.....mag/6.html
Yet when you read the “kool-aid” sites you would be led to believe he inherited “all” his wealth.
Of course Eugenics_Project(YLB) swallows that warm white sticky kool-aid willingly.
Piper: you are so right about the Eugenics_Project(YLB). He changes the subject so quickly when proven wrong time after time.
Now it’s Iraq again.
The Chimpmeister’s enablers in Congress are leaving in droves. They gotta cash out while they can!
Wingnuts are so sceeeeered of those “provocative” actions from Iran in the Straits of Hormuz. Now the idiots at Faux Noise Channels are back-pedaling:
They were fear-mongering over the Chimp’s cousin – the “Filipino Monkey”.
Russert aside,
Hillary was impressive.
Barack as well.
They seem to be polarizing around his talent as a leader and her experience.
Slogan time.
Here’s a story that will warm PStupid’s heart. A “journalist” leaves the WAPO to go to the Moonie Times:
and the kicker?
“fair and balanced”! LMAO!!! He’s going to the right place!
What are you guys going to talk about once GWB is back in Texas as a private citizen?
We’re going to blame the gawdawful mess we’re going to clean up on him. People are going to believe it because it’s true.
What are you guys going to do? What else? Blame it on Bill Clinton.
Once again the Chimpmeister proves he’s a wingnut’s wingnut. This monkey has something to teach every wingnut:
Now the other shoe drops as it usually does with this dry drunk:
Wingnuts like the Pooper and PSilly strive in life to see what they want to see with all the energy they can muster instead of what really exists. You put people like this in charge of things and the consequences can only be disaster.
He made his fortune in the financial markets. He inherited some money
I used a FIFO accounting method.
Here is what ticks off goobers like Eugenics_Project(YLB):
Mitt and Ann Romney could give $24,000 tax-free to each of their grandchildren, soon to number 12, every year to reduce his estate taxes.
The Eugenics_Project(YLB), has no inheritance to acquire.
Keep worshiping your chimpanzee idol, PSilly. Now he wants us to all eat cloned animals without notification:
I mean how fucking low can these people sink?
Eugenics_Project(YLB): I am almost a full vegetarian. Et tu muttonhead?
The worse thing that can happen to America? A cloned Eugenics_Project(YLB).
Waaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa
ROTFLMBAO. Ow it hurts so good.
Eugenics_Project(YLB)@44 Used the GIGO method. Uses the Media Morons, Daily Kurse and Stinky Progressives sites – Garbage In. Repeats their agenda verbatim on HorsesASSHoles – Garbage Out.
Waaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaa
ROTFLMBAO. Ow it hurts so good.
I am almost a full vegetarian.
I see – you must still drink the hot, salty, sticky white fluid from the “pork swords” of the losing rich dipshits you suck up to.
Rudy who?
I love it when you guys eat each other!
Damn right! LMAO!!!
You wingnuts are doomed. Supposedly McCain is leading the national polls for the R nomination (see http://www.realclearpolitics.com ) but…
Wingnuts HATE him:
If McCain gets the nomination we show this:
Which is bad enough but what the wingnuts fail to mention is this:
Buh Bye wingnuts.. Maybe you can try to amp Grandpa Fred’s Geritol or try to wave away Rudy’s stink but IMHO,
you’ll fail.
Eugenics_Project(YLB)@50: Can’t think of anything original again?
You are a credit to the NEW Progressive Bowel Movement.
http://www.princeton.edu/~tleo nard/papers/Womenswork.pdf
“Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement”
55 – 50 was pretty good wasn’t it?
It’s exactly what you do!!!!
One nice thing if Romney ends up as the Republican candidate is it will help motivate the undecided towards the Democratic side.
Terrorist Homophobe @ 27:
That’s a Las Vegas issue, and we in Reno don’t care all that much. Personally, I know I’ll have at least a few Culinary Workers in my precinct, and I’ll be glad to have them.
Terrorist Homophobe @ 28:
If I post off-topic (which is not often), it’s usually brief, to the point, and not a mindless cut-and-paste piece of hate-speech, which is why Darryl seems not to have a problem with that. And in this case, how off-topic is a post that is a response to two other posts already in the thread, namely Roger and Piper going back and forth at each other? And I’ll take the Bacon Burger over just about any rabbit recipe any day. Sorry, just don’t like rabbit.
You really should go back to your hate-blogs and your Photoshops, Terrorist Homophobe. You’re out of your depth.
Thanks Joe, ever the nice NEW Progressive.
Tell me again about your friends the Terrorist Rights Groups? Are your Guantanamo calls to your friends getting through yet?
Besides Joe: Daily Kurse is a hate blog, you are right I need to stop visiting.
Media Morons is a hate blog, you are right I need to stop visiting.
CAP is a hate blog, you are right I need to stop visiting.
Thanks for watching out for my blood pressure.
Besides Joe: All those photoshopped pictures put out there by your friends of Bush on a monkey body, you are right I need to stop visiting.
Thanks for watching out for my blood pressure.