I have some errands to do, so nothing substantive here, but here are the results if you want to talk about them:
Willard “Mitt” Romney ………….39%
Ron “Mitt” Paul ………………….36%
Rick “Mitt” Santorum ……………18%
Mitt “Newt” Gingrich ……………..6%
by Carl Ballard — ,
Smashing, inspirational win for Willard.
The headlines have just been pre-empted, and nobody will pay any attention to Willard’s minor upset in Maine.
…with bat-shit crazy in a close second place finish.
“Los Angeles (CNN) — Legendary pop singer Whitney Houston died at a Beverly Hills, California, hotel at age 48, officials said Saturday night.
“The entertainer, whose incredible talent was discovered at an early age, was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m. (6:55 p.m. ET) at the Beverly Hilton despite resuscitation efforts, a police spokesman said.
“Beverly Hills Police Lt. Mark Rosen said there were ‘no obvious signs of criminal intent’ and that the cause of her death is being investigated.
“Houston’s bodyguard found her body, said Courtney Barnes, publicist for hip-hop artist Ray J., who was dating the pop diva. Houston died on the eve of the 54th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.
Poor Mittens just can’t catch a break! After losing three straight, he ekes a skinny win over the Nutty Doctor, then a drug-addled pop diva steals the limelight from him by dropping dead in a hotel room the night before the Grammies. Maybe they should’ve scheduled the Maine Caucus on a Sunday. It’s starting to look like God doesn’t love Mittster very much. But wait, how can that be; he’s a devout Mormon, isn’t he?
… and Ricky Sanitarium maintains his momentum with a showing that looks like Scott Walker’s popularity rating.
I’m watching an interview with Eric Klinenberg author of Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone on Book TV and he’s making the point that politicians who play to the “family values” meme are probably alienating a hell of a lot of people when about half the adults in America are single and the never married, no kids demographic is growing quite rapidly.
Calgary 2 Vancouver 0 with 12 minutes left in the second.
@7 Yeah, we’re going to need the illegals, or America will depopulate and there’ll be nobody left to work or pay taxes. Why do Republicans hate everyone who works and pays taxes?
The problem with illegals is that they have no rights and can be exploited left, right, and center. We need to find a way to bring those folks in legally.
@10 What are you, some kind of flaming liberal who believes in social justice? Yeah, any reasonable person with normal human instincts would agree with you, but Republicans aren’t human so you can’t expect them to have human instincts.
When Texas goes D, which demographic trends suggest it will by either 2016 or 2020, the Republican Party will be dead. Think about it, California, Texas, and New York, the three most populous states, all voting Democrat. Where is the R route to victory in that scenario?
@12: They own the voting machines and voter suppression laws.
And see my tag line.
A win is a win is a win
R Money, the ultimate voter suppression weapon of apathy.
U.S. Under Reports Combat Casualties
American combat deaths in Afghanistan are more than twice what’s being reported to the public. That’s because more “civilian contractors” (read: mercenaries) than soldiers are being killed, and dead mercenaries aren’t counted.
I’m beginning to see why our government spends so much taxpayer money on mercenaries. Besides feathering the financial nests of your cronies, you can make a big war look like a little war.
How The Poor Get That Way
Conservatives claim the poor are “immoral.” Mittster says he’s “not concerned about the very poor.” After all, they’re poor because they’re immoral, right? Well, this article persuasively argues that the people who make the poor that way are immoral:
This is a story about how U.S. corporations and bankers invade poor countries, take over water supply systems, then gouge the world’s poorest people with monopoly prices for water that used to be cheap or free — and bully, threaten, and sometimes kill anyone who tries to stop them. For example, residents of Cochabamba, Bolivia, pay 20% of their income to Bechtel Corp. for tap water.
I would call that economic rape. And it is Bechtel, not poor Bolivians, who is immoral and evil. But don’t tell that to a conservative. To conservatives, poor people are just another profit center.
I just realized that with the Maine Primary, now the republicons are stealing elections from themselves, not just from Democrats.