Goldy gives a good reason for every woman in Washington state to NEVER, EVER VOTE FOR RODNEY TOM AGAIN. Ever. For anything. And why no voter should ever trust Tom again.
So, for future reference, any time you see a press release where Tom is supporting a bill you support…consider that he might be using his committee appointees to kill the bill, as he did with the Reproductive Parity Act, or he might simply fail to use the parliamentary tools available to him to get a simple “up or down” vote on the bill, as he did with the State Dream Act.
Tom thwarted the will of the people (who elected more Democrats than Republicans to the Senate) and the people of his district (you know, people like ME, who thought we were electing a Democrat) by putting the Republicans in charge of the Senate.
It’s disgraceful.
I’m beginning to suspect Rodney Tom never changed parties and was a Trojan horse from the get-go.
Get over it. That’s what we on the right have been told over and over after Nov 6 2012.
Puddy looked at The Stranger articles. BTW, what are qualified undocumented immigrants? Illegal aliens? Peeps who broke the law. Maybe Rodney Tom cares about Federal laws.
He’s acting like Harry Reid in the US Senate! Oh my!
@2 “Peeps who broke the law.”
Who said this: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Unless you’ve somehow never violated any statute, ordinance, or regulation, you are a lawbreaker too.
Tell you what, puddy, I’ll agree to kick out all the illegals for good if you’ll agree to also kick out all Republicans who have broken laws, starting with Bush and Cheney.
Cue the faux-victimhood from our resident right-wing myth-bewildered knucklegragger.
Washington voters elected more Democrats than Republicans to the Senate. For that matter, US voters voted in far greater numbers for Democratic Representatives than for Republicans, yet Boner and Cantor are still running the joint. Al Gore got more votes than shrub, and Obama trounced the Republican TWICE, BIG.
So you have NOTHING to whine about. Nothing was stolen from you. No one cheated you out of your fair representation. No one (on our side) drew lines to keep your vote from counting fully – that’s what your team does, asshole.
Who is saying anything was stolen? More lunacy with no meaning! Puddy was comparing the whining of Da Perfessa over an election with the so called whining accusations of two HA libtard leftists here. One retired and the other an unemployed lunatic with a crazed databaze. Puddy now cues the truth so the leftwing schmucko idiot can view it first hand!
One ignorant jackASS! There are way more Nov 6th entries schmucko! So ignorant of what left wrong peeps post all the time on HA!
They broke our federal laws DUMB Wabbit. I know people who came here legally and followed all the rules. So why should someone who came illegally go to the front of the line DUMB Wabbit?
The same person who said this…
Piddl is doing his best White Goodman imitation…
Touche…jokey jokemaker!
When the Lib da schmucko’s argument is reduced to ashes, #8 is what is left!
Spiking the ball on the 40th, eh, piddl?
You are a loon, a 6000-year-old-earth, can’t-form-a-coherent argument loon.
By way of remedial rhetoric, this thread was about electeds turning their back on the people who voted for them. You whined about being told to ‘Get over it’, apparently as had been told to wingnuts after the 2012 election. These are in fact not at all comparable, as was my point. In 2012, as in 2008 and 2000, the Democratic nominee for President got a majority, though in only 2 of 3 of those times was he seated. Moreover, in the 2012 election you reference, Democratic nominees got on the order of 1.5 million more votes for House candidates, yet somehow, a Republican control persists.
So, republicans and other troglodytes like yourself have nothing to whine about, but whine you do…we all put up with it, day after day, utter divorced from reality, stamping your feet and braying to high heaven about how you’ve been wronged … victims to the end.
@7 “I know people who came here legally and followed all the rules.”
No you don’t. There are millions of rules and nobody follows all of them. We’re all lawbreakers.
@10 Yeah, Darryl’s point is totally lost on putz, that Tom got elected by running as a Democrat and then turned into a Republican on the first day of the legislative session. Unfortunately his constituents have to put up with him for 6 years, but I dare say this is the last time he’ll ever be elected to anything in this state.
Most of the women in Washington can’t vote for or against Rodney Tom. Therefore, the only women in Washington he most likely gives a shit about are the Stepford wives in his own district.
It’s also a safe bet he really doesn’t give a shit about Goldy.
Ummm no DUMB Wabbit. Puddy remembers this… Doubts you read it.
Oh no DUMB Wabbit…
Just look at HA for example. There is no civil debate. When someone changes their screen name on the right, the blog controllers out them to their past names. You can’t discuss anything without ad hominem attacks and name calling. And if you do it back to a HA libtard you are an evil person!
Oh no DUMB Wabbit…
Y’all are close-minded, dogmatic zealots. The every day posts of HA libtard lemming losers proves that in SPADES!
@12 and everyone else:
Um, 4 years, fortunately.
Tom (and Sheldon) is up for re-elect in ’14. I intend to spend a lot of time in his district working for his D opponent, whoever that may be.
Eat shit pudpuller, you Oreo motherfucker!
Poor Zitz, when all else fails, out comes the ad hominem attacks. Facts seem to miss Zitz! Demonstrates how you aren’t well read!
Why thank you Zitz. You prove your DUMMOCRAPT bred “inclusiveness” well.
arschloch is the old name for the unemployed lunatic Pluto boy moron! He is still all arschloch!