Right wing slut Tim Eyman has gotten his John back.
Michael Dunmire, who apparently took a hit during the Bush Recession forcing him into a one-year hiatus from political bestiality, has come back this year and bought himself some more gen-u-wine Horses’ ass! $100,000 worth, paid right into Eyman’s personal services fund. (Apparently, Dunmire is okay with Kemper Freeman’s sloppy seconds.)
You have to give Eyman some credit for turning his life around and breaking into the big-leagues of political prostitution. It seems like just yesterday he was literally stealing money from his Johns….
I can almost see the magical end of this magical Republican market…
* No business pays taxes (some get ‘subsidies’ too, corn farmers and Exxon mostly).
* No one making over $250K a year pays more than 10% in taxes (we have to be ‘fair’ to the important people).
* Everyone else pays 30% in taxes and gets virtually no services for it (their fault for being poor and not working harder).
* Medicare is eliminated for vouchers. You’re 86 with mild dementia and a history of breast cancer? Ok, now go shop the magical PRIVATE market for insurance…GOOD LUCK! How hard could that be? You think Medicare supplemental insurance is complicated, or explaining Drug benefit part A or B or whatnot…just try flat out searching for new private market insurance where EVERY plan is entirely unique and different. Sorry grandma…good luck.
It’s too bad Eyman won’t use his talents to help end the War on Drugs and legalize cannabis. I’ve called this to his attention several times over on his posting at Sound Politics, but he keeps deleting my comments as being “off-topic.”
Tim Eyman, be useful: use your abilities to end this crazy prohibition against cannabis!
slut? so daryl do you call your female students a slut? by the way, how can you be posting at 9:05am on a school day? is this where my tax dollars are going? maybe ill have to look up what school you teach at and let them know what you do on their time
Great, and as a matter, I am going to his site and making a sizable donation right now, as he just saved the taxpayers of this state 5 Billion in new taxes (you know, the majority of the people of this state) who who consistantly have voted for restricting tax increases to a 2/3’s majority.
BTW, the Union Johns in this state have been supplying the Olympia bunch for years, so Tim deserves what he gets!
It’s rare to see so many trolls shitting in one place. Their outhouse must be broken.
We would be shitting down your rabbit hole, but since Obama’s devaluating of the dollar, gas is to high to get there.
We’re just pissing in the gutter, waiting for the 8 billion dollar in the hole Post office to bring us junk mail flyers that we can no longer afford to use because food prices are so damn high
SO we are planting carrots!
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If he’s getting his John back wouldn’t that make him a whore?
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You are correct, sir!
Give that man a “Tim Eyeman is a Right Wing Slut” tee-shirt! (when somebody makes one…LOLOL)
Darwhyle complaining about Dunmire and his $100k, but says nothing about mayor mcmumbles’ bike nazi-scam artist “transportation expert”(insert laughter here) appointee for the same amount in cash-strapped seattle?
Sluts do it for fun; whores do it for money regardless of whether they care or not. Calling Tim’eee a slut is an inslult to sluts.
@13 Good point. In that light, Ed Schultz got it wrong too.
“Slut” is a synonym for prostitute as well.
Yep! Ingram’s a whore, not a slut.
Just having a little fun.
“political bestiality” Hmm, is that something kinky that Eyman and Dunmire do involving Best Foods mayonnaise or something?
Steve @ 18,
Naaa…just Dunmire gettin’ himself a little horses’ ass.
Timmy: “Michael, should I wear my man-thong? Do you need lube? I shaved my chest for you. What would you like, MIchael?”