Right Wing Nut House proprietor Rick Moran writes at American Thinker:
No one is saying that the Democrats are trying to steal the Minnesota senate race between GOP incumbent Norm Coleman and Democratic clown Al Franken – yet
And after citing an article comparing the Minnesota Senatorial election to the Florida 2000 debacle, Moran goes on to suggest that the election is being stolen, but in a slightly different way:
This is shaping up more and more like the transparent way the Washington state governor’s race was stolen by Democrats in 2006 when hundreds of ballots were suddenly “found” in Democratic King County – many of them coming from people (it was later determined) with unverifiable addresses.
Here we see the seeds of the type of propaganda effort, based on twisting of the truth and downright factually incorrect information (what is called, in less polite company, fucking lies), that occurred during the previous Washington state gubernatorial contest.
Interestingly, the the previous bullshit propaganda is cited as “evidence” to bolster the new propaganda efforts. I guess this is what Bush meant by “catapult the propaganda.”
Let’s ignore the first error—the race in question was 2004, not 2006. That’s an honest mistake that any out-of-state Wingnut could make.
The propaganda begins by the suggestion that ballots were “suddenly ‘found,'” in King County, as if nobody had any idea where the ballots came from. The implication, of course, is that they were manufactured after the election and thrown into the mix to change the outcome
There were several batches of “found” ballots in King County. The first batch resulted when elections workers put aside ballots from people whose signatures had not been previously scanned into the computer system. The workers were supposed to check the signatures against the paper records, but they didn’t. This was only discovered because King County Councilman Larry Phillips was one of the victims. A total of 561 absentee ballots were “found” this way.
The other source of found ballots came from the insides of secured voting machines and trays stored in a secure warehouse. There were 723 ~160 of these ballots literally found. But they were valid ballots cast during the election, and the voters who cast them were entitled to have them counted. The Republicans sued to prevent these ballots from being canvassed. The state Supreme Court rejected that idea.
The other implication in Moran’s statement is that, somehow, King County stood out as the source of “found” ballots. There were other counties that also “found” ballots. In fact, King County did not have the highest “error rate” in the state—there were four counties with higher rates. King County did have errors, but only at a rate slightly higher than the background rate for the whole state. King County also had a substantially higher voter load, with the same amount of processing time as other counties, so this is hardly surprising. The Republicans lost the election contest lawsuit in every way—except for the propaganda wars.
The final bit of propaganda in Moran’s statement is an irresponsible falsehood. He states that the “found” ballots in King County had “unverifiable addresses.” Um…no.
I don’t know where this notion came from. Perhaps Moran is confusing the 2004 election contest with a 2005 Republican scandal in which the senior vice president of the King County Republican Party, Lori Sotelo, challenged 1,944 voters days before the election, based on some sloppy attempts to find voter addresses that were not real residences (mailbox outlets or storage facilities). The challenges were potentially perjurious, fradulent, and hugely error prone (only 58 ballots of 1,944 challenges were disqualified). The episode had nothing to do with the contested 2004 election.
In sum…Moran doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about.
He probably doen’t care…truth and accuracy are not what it is all about. It’s the early stages of a shameless propaganda effort.
Let’s hope the politicians, the political parties, the media, and the bloggers do a better job with fighting Republican bullshit about election-fraud in Minnesota in 2008–2009 than they did with Washington state in 2004–2005.
Count all the votes. What a concept!!!
American Thinker? That’s funny. Conservatives don’t think anymore, they hate intelligence. As they prove over and over again.
But your point that bloggers, parties and the media need to do a better job of calling them on their bullshit is spot on. Demand evidence of their claims or call them liars. Loudly and often.
Repukes and wingnuts lie about everything. They even lie about their own, as in the ridiculous claim that Sarah Palin did not know that Africa was a continent.
But for some reason the so called mainstream media reports the lies, rather than reporting that they are lies. The large front page headline lie in the Seattle Times about Darcy Burner’s degree from Harvard is a recent example.
Most people do not have the time or inclination to look beyand what the TV news or daily newspapers report. So they believe the lie when the Seattle Times reports that Darcy Burner does not have a degree in economics, and they believe the lie when the TV reports that Sarah Palin thinks Africa is a country.
I want everyone to notice something about Darryl’s post. Notice he never once denies that some ballots were, in fact, manufactured. He does not deny that.
@4: I want everyone to notice something about Darryl’s post. Notice he never once denies that some ballots were, in fact, manufactured. He does not deny that.
He also didn’t deny Bigfoot or UFOs. What’s your point? Or are you just a fucking idiot?
Notice what else I didn’t say? I didn’t say that aliens came and used transporters to add new ballots in for Gregoire.
Man..are you fucking idiot!
Yeah, and he doesn’t deny that the world was created when a giant turtle regurgitated so that must mean he believes that it is true. Right?
Excellent Darryl!! I’ve been waiting for a concise compilation of the facts about 2004 for a long time.
I hope you can find the time to drill down further. How are error rates determined? Which counties had higher error rates and why?
All the facts can be then easily referenced to counter right wing noise.
I’ve been butting heads with the wing nuts over Obama too long.
We need some balance with Rossi.
Wingnuts: your candidate Rossi was trounced. By almost 200,000 votes. Are you going to scream fraud now?
Get over it!
This is cherry atop the dessert. The defeat of the orangies.
“I’ve been butting heads with the wing nuts over Obama too long.”
A total of 7 mins. more than your little racist mind can mingle.
Troll, you lying troll — as a matter of fact, except for those cast on DREs in Snohomish and Yakima Counties, every single 2004 ballot was manufactured. In paper-making machines, and then in printers.
However, contrary to your totally unfounded
lieimplication, no false votes were “manufactured”. Not in King County, and not in any other county. But lying scum like you never let the facts get in the way of your assholic delusions, do you?@4
Wow, how do you even operate a computer? You make the other wingnuts here look like Rhodes Scholars.
Darryl – Have you or Goldy thought about contacting the media and shopping this story to them? Or just writing an editorial about it as someone with the experience?
Believe me, I agree with you. But the media is still a little Republican friendly when it comes to what stories they go with (see Darcy Burner, resume)
Coleman knows he’s going to lose. He’s already down to 0.01% advantage, and there’s still a week of official counting to finish before the first results certification. Franken will probably be ahead even before the recount starts. And he’ll end up ahead by even more afterwards.
I think Begich/Stevens and Young/Berkowitz might end up in the same situation. There’s a huge number of as-yet-uncounted ballots, and if it ends up anything close, the Dems in Alaska would be idiots not to push forward. Alaska is totally corrupt, and I wouldn’t put it past them to be incredibly stingy with which votes count/don’t (i.e. ignore voter intent laws, name mismatch rules, etc.).
“How are error rates determined? Which counties had higher error rates and why?”
There are a number of types of error rates that are relevant. One rate comes from the number of count discrepancies between the first and third recount (i.e. the number of added or removed ballots) divided by the total number of ballots.
So, King County had 0.63 discrepancies per 1000 counted ballots. There were 13 counties with a higher error rate of this type. The highest was 1.74 discrepancies per 1000 counted ballots in Asotin County. That is followed by Franklin County with 1.58 discrepancies per 1000 ballots counted. This error counts a mixture of things including the error rate in the tabulation equipment.
Another type of error rate tallies the invalid votes (felons, double, out of state, deceased, and improperly processed) ballots and divide by the counted ballots. That is the type of rate I was referring to in the post. I wrote about this (as dj) in 2005 in the HA comment threads.
Darryl, weren’t the 561 “Phillips” ballots actually a subset of the 723 “signature” ballots? I don’t recall hearing a count of the stuck-inside-a-ballot-box ballots, but I can’t imagine that there were anywhere close to 700-plus of those.
10 – Nope. More like most of today and part of yesterday.
You’re funny people. You go to townhalls with your candidate McSame and call Obama all kinds of names: terrorist sympathizer, Arab, Muslim. You call him even worse names elsewhere. (Someone called him a “jigaboo” right here in these comment threads).
And then when I confront you all with this, I’m called a racist.
Keep it up. You’re setting some excellent ground work for 2012.
When you combine manufacturing ballots, along with throwing out certain ballots, that’s a powerful combination.
I’ve been down to Grady way. I’ve looked those workers up and down. They ARE the type of people who would throw out ballots.
Speaking of 2012, perhaps Palin will win the Regurglican nomination , subsequently selecting Rossi as her running mate. It could be known as the whiny-ass, looser, bitch ticket. Of course, this could never happen as Rossi is not from the real America.
N in Seattle,
You are right…723 was the total including the Phillips ballots.
troll, troll, troll, you are making things up again. No basis for your first paragraph.
And “looked those workers up and down”, my you are perceptive being able to draw conclusions without ant evidence other than “looks”
Nothing but lies you can’t prove any of this hate. Even the lie about killing obama was debunked by the secret service.
Your history of posts shows your a racist now that’s a Fact man!
Go find your Rev.Wright and the rest of your racist progressive buddies.
“When you combine manufacturing ballots, along with throwing out certain ballots, that’s a powerful combination.”
The Republicans did attempt to reject valid ballots that were administratively mishandled…they were unsuccessful. And there was one ballot in another county that was thrown out for being counted after the certification deadline.
Those aside, four million dollars of lawyers and armies of volunteers and party officials were unable to find evidence of ballots being “manufactured” or being thrown out. A judge in a conservative county rejected any notion of election fraud in the 2004 gubernatorial election.
“I’ve been down to Grady way. I’ve looked those workers up and down. They ARE the type of people who would throw out ballots.”
Your “look election workers up and down” assay only demonstrates what a complete moron you are.
All I know is when I went down to Grady Way a few weeks back, there were a bunch of people there with employee passes who were smoking Kool Kings, and I’m just saying, from the looks of them, if they were behind me on crowded downtown sidewalk, I would move my wallet to my front pocket.
I’m not saying they did throw out ballots, but when I imagine the kind of people who do throw out ballots, those people look at lot like what I imagine. They look extremely partisan.
Troll @23,
“All I know is when I went down to Grady Way…”
Really? Let me see if I understand correctly. You saw KC employees who may be ballot counters, janitors, computer support people, or security guards on their break. You didn’t interact with them, check their work, or observe them doing their job. And you don’t even know what they do for sure.
And from that experience you conclude that “[t]hey ARE the type of people who would throw out ballots”?????
TROLL! Today’s Worst Person in the World!
Troll @ 24,
“…when I imagine the kind of people who do throw out ballots, those people look at lot like what I imagine. They look extremely partisan.”
This could be an extreme case of Freudian projection, but it seems more likely you are simply a sociopath.
Troll gets only one think right: her handle.
21 – I can prove all of it. Let’s start with the right wing tool who called Obama a “jigaboo”.
This is a member of your crowd doing this Tony.
Oh, Troll?
I’m curious. Exactly what does someone that is “extremely partisan” look like?
At the Pierce County Democratic Party convention, I saw young folks in tee shirts and torn jeans, sitting next to senior citizens in business attire.
I saw retired military folks with short hair and command ball caps, and I saw folks that looked like they came out of a documentary about the 60’s.
I saw folks that I usually see out in the pews at church, and met one lady who insisted that religion should be outlawed. (She seemed a bit strange to me.)
Now, I realize that at Republican affairs, everyone looks pretty much the same, so perhaps that’s the issue. Those folks didn’t look like you, so they must be partisan Democrats.
Of course, the way the Republican Party is self-destructing these days, you might just be right about that.
@21: “tony” the ignoramus:
Guess the secret service reports and the two attempts against Obama were debunked too?
What other lies are you trying to foster?
@23: So you looked at some of the janitorial crew taking a break over TWO WEEKS AGO and you surmised that they were ballot stuffers.
Yup – you have SO much credibility.
Thanks for the trenchant insights. And hold tight onto your purse – ladies like you need the added protection when looking down alleyways.
Guys, you know Troll, that racist tool, does this kind of thing to piss people off.
People, we shouldn’t feed him.
“People, we shouldn’t feed him.”
But, but, but, I haven’t had this much fun Troll-smacking since Troll wrote that the “FEMALE BACK IS NOT A SEXUAL ORGAN!”.
You start off with McCain town halls now you use
a post off of HA.
Your pathetic little racist
END of Discussion.
END of Discussion.
He runs away! What a coward! Hey that “post off of HA” was from one of your fellow McSame/Rossi lovers.
Ok, in case you’re lurking. Here’s a McSame townhall attendee calling Obama an “Arab”:
Darryl @33,
Well, you know what those republicans say…they create their own reality, and they are proud of it!
Hey Tony,
Here’s your buddies calling Obama a terrorist, some say he’s got the “bloodlines”:
Of course you know, Darryl, that facts have never stopped wingnut propaganda — nor the morans (sic; pun intended) who believe wingnut propaganda.
Has anyone thought that perhaps there really was massive voter fraud in 2004 – after which the voter roles were cleaned up.
A rerun of that same election in 2008, with a much cleaner voter role, was decisive. Maybe the alleged fraud in 2004 wasn’t in favor of the candidate accused of receiving the benefit of the alleged fraud…
39 – Intriguing point. If that’s indeed the case all I can say is:
Thank you Sam Reed! I didn’t vote for you but thanks all the same!
(Can’t help but throw these kooky wingnuts another anvil.)
The funniest entry of the day.
Reading between the lines, yelling loser boy is too stupid to perform this type due diligence.
You are a credit to your party yelling loser boy.
Hey HorsesASSHoles:
Your favrit Moonbat! lost and couldn’t ride the “messiah’s” coattails
Dave Reichert 155,490
Darcy Burner 143,536
See ya
Then in a pretty safe place…
Mike Hope 32,787
Liz Loomis 32,669
See ya
In fact your favrit Moonbat! lost by more votes this time than 2006.
Well yelling loser boy, I remember most of the original Obama jock-straps here. You weren’t one of them. Just a jonny – cum – lately!
You were pulling for Deadwards. So maybe the moniker is correct.
Whats wrong? The truth cuts deep doesn’t it!
I’m not a big fan of religion, but right now I really admire the LDS church for what they helped do in California. In fact, I’m going to send them a donation!
Hi, Puddy.
Yes, we’re all a bit disappointed about Darcy, but in my case, at least, I’ll get over it.
Norm Dicks – 177,815
Doug Cloud – 88,590
The one I’m disappointed about is:
Jan Angel – 28,182
Kim Abel – 24,904
But considering that this district once elected Lois McMahan, I can deal with Ms. Angel.
Explain why, troll. How does a union between two consenting adults affect you.
Oh, and Troll?
You routinely come out as a raving bigot.
I can actually understand the LDS folks, the Evangelicals and the Catholics. While I disagree with their interpretation of scripture, they honestly believe that God is directing their votes. Their motives are good, even if I disagree with their actions.
But you’re “not a big fan of religion“. You seem to be motivated simply by some sort of need to interfere in the personal lives of others.
If religion isn’t your motivation, why would you care about gay marriage? Other than the religious aspect, marriage is just another civil contract. Are you opposed to gays buying property? Entering into binding contracts?
The folks in favor of gay marriage often claim that religious folks are trying to push their beliefs on others. If they really understood the motives of the religious folks, they could probably find a way to understand, even if they didn’t agree.
But apparently, you have no such motivation.
Let’s see. You don’t like blacks or gays. I haven’t seen you post anything about Hispanics, Amerindians, Orientals, Jews or women, but so far, it seems like you’re what most folks call a “bigot”.
Since you seem so obsessed with socialists, perhaps the Russian would be most appropriate.
Stupes –
Right wing bullshit was defeated. You’re the loser. You’re reduced to gloating over a girl losing in the 8th. I mean that’s the way you see her. If I lived in the 8th I’d have voted for her.
Why couldn’t anyone be man enough to beat Obama? It was pretty obvious a 72 year old has been wasn’t going to do it. He had to have a girl help him. A girl that you have theological differences with.
And WTF happened to Rossi? He lost by what? 180k votes? After all those millions spent by BIAW and the Republican Governors?
Always denying reality, projecting your loser-osity on others. You’re sad. Pathetic. Your side has been weakened by the poison of right wing bullshit. People hold their noses at the slightest whiff of it.
You failed. You lost.
@42 Enjoy Reichert’s victory, pudwhacker, because it’s ALL you’ve got.
President — OURS
Congress — OURS
Governor — OURS
Legislature — OURS
Land Comish — OURS
Suck on it, puttbutt!!
troll and pudpuller are the illegitimate children of Sarah Palin and that witch fearing priest from Africa.
Puddy, I notice a bitterness in your posts. Sucks to be on the losing end. Your party is in tatters, it is a party of the south and in danger of becoming marginalized.
I always thought you were a smart guy, but now I am not so sure that you are not just ignorant in the vein of Caribou Barbie. You don’t want to know any different because you think you already know it all.
You don’t.
When gay rights school teacher advocates try to manipulate grade schoolers with pro-homosexuality books like King and King, it affects me because I don’t like seeing young children being brainwashed into thinking homosexuality is perfectly normal.
And I don’t like seeing the hate and intolerance the gay community is bringing down upon the LDS community in the form of their intimidating protests and marches. It reminds me of Kristallnacht, which today is the 70 year anniversary of.
@49 Hey John — “Troll” is a troll. He’s trolling. The screen name is a dead giveaway. hint-hint
Speaking of blacks, I don’t know why blacks are proud of Obama’s win. I mean, the black half of his parents was the irresponsible half. It was his white mother and grandmother who raised him. They are the responsible one’s, right? His father, like so many black fathers, ran away after a year or two.
@53 Actually, troll, homosexuality is perfectly normal in the animal kingdom. Homosexual behaviors have been observed in plenty of higher-order animal species. The human animal is no exception to what happens elsewhere in nature.
@55 I’m sure the KKK will sleep better tonight knowing America has a white president-elect.
Troll- so the gay community objects to being denied the right to marry who they choose and you defend those opposing rights?
And what’s wrong with age appropriate knowledge of homosexuality? They do not need to know the mechanics. They should not hate or fear.
And I speak as the father of three, a long time youth sports coach and PTA member and one approaching the celebration of three decades of marriage.
@52 “troll and pudpuller are the illegitimate children of Sarah Palin and that witch fearing priest from Africa”
Coulda fooled me. I thought they were half moose.
Yeah, I’m speaking out against the gays bashing the Mormons, just like I spoke out against those who bashed Muslims after 9/11.
So then why do you bash blacks?
“like so many”
You are a lying hypocrite.
@60 Ever the protector of oppressed minorities, eh, troll?
According to the breakdown of the votes…
Blacks don’t like gays either.
And neither do hispanics.
And let’s not even talk about how muslims feel about gays.
And obama is also against gay marriage.
Why do gays only hate mormons when so many other people voted against them.
So not only does steve have sex with goats, he has sex with male goats.
No wonder he talks about goats so much. He’s on the down low.
Are you denying that there is no problem in the black community with awol fathers?
You fucking ignorant asshole. How dare you compare Kristallnacht to a legal NON-VIOLENT protest.
Of all the morons posting on this blog, you are without peer in the ignorant, fucking asshole category. You should be ashamed of yourself. The Mormon church butted in where they did not belong. The have no interest in this issue unless you count their sanctimonious self-righteousness. Lets talk about the hate and in tolerance of the LDS. Lets talk about their plural marriages, their murderous past, their penchant for violence to this day, their stated desire to take control of this country. Lets talk about their intimidation of blacks, women (who can not hold posts of ANY KIND in their “church”. Lets talk about secret meetings and the child molesting that this so called “church” was founded under.
You poor dumb sonofabitch. I would like to meet you and see for myself what a person completely devoid of any discernible level of intelligence might look like.
You might not like it trollop, but it is still not affecting you. You want to legislate morality.
I am still in shock that you would compare a night of terror to a daylight NON-VIOLENT protest…..how did you get there? Is this what happens when one fucks goats?
Like taking candy from a baby…..
trollop you posted so much “Obama is Muslim” bullshit here I was afraid to direct my brower here for fear of getting it on me. Oh, of course you always began your tirade with “Some people say……” as if that shielded you somehow. It does not. You are bigoted monster who hides behind the safety of your monitor. I would love for you to be out on the street backing up your “opinions” with your considerable ass.
How come you never mention the white fathers, the Asian fathers and the Native American fathers who go AWOL?
Huh, Marvin? That not fit your prejudiced view of the world?
You should STFU!!
If you’ve ever wondered what PuddyBud’s head exploding with cognitive dissonance would be like, his post’s since the Obama landslide is your answer.
He pops his head up every once in awhile, but his irrational opinions are drowned out by the clear racism of his “fellow” wingnuts.
What must have happened to Puddybud in 1996 that got him to support a party of such obvious racist hatred and fundamental policies that has kicked his (and everyone else’s) self interests to the curb.
Get some help, Puddybud. You are hanging around with the same people (wingnuts) who would love to hang you.
John I’m shocked and amazed here. You said:
So a one of the leftist Christians you are saying God didn’t direct your vote.
That’s very telling John Borelli.
Goldy, Lee, and headless lucy are the big purveyors of the phrase cognitive dissonance on this board.
Goldy identifies himself. Lee goes by two names which we know.
You headless go by 20+ names and counting. What will you do if the true ID blogging law is passed?
K, my older brothers who are a big time progressives (way more that yelling loser boy could ever be) acknowledges awol black fathers.
That’s why we all agree Jesse Jackson is a charlatan no, carpet bagger to the black cause.
You ain’t black so you can hang K.
Marvin, Obama claimed he was against gay marriage.
I posted the link where he said he was against gay marriage but was against Prop 8 in CA. So old snake tongue is at it again. He also said he would nominate judges who feel… not who interpret the law…
Pud- I was not acknowledging nor denying the issue of AWOL black fathers. I was arguing with troll who is so fond of “some say” or “like so many” constructions.
Pud- I was not acknowledging nor denying the issue of AWOL black fathers. I was arguing with troll who is so fond of “some say” or “like so many” constructions.
Pud- I was not acknowledging nor denying the issue of AWOL black fathers. I was arguing with troll who is so fond of “some say” or “like so many” constructions.
Sorry for the mutiple entries. Computer stall or early morning fog
@71: Umm- that is not how I read John’s statement:
I think John is saying that the people who vote their religious convictions DO honestly believe that they are following biblical directives.
The problem is that the interpretation of biblical directives can leave lots of room for disagreement. I mean how many adulterers have been stoned by people who claim to follow the bible literally? Do they follow just the old testament or the new? Do they turn the other cheek and not invade countries in an unnecessary war? Do they not cast the first stone if they have sin themsleves? Do they judge not so they are not judged?
What other abominations do they allow? Do they allow slavery (allowed in the bible)? The probelm of interpretation is acutally huge. Which directive does one follow? They contradict one another. If homosexuality is against the bible – so is adultery (even more so, since there is a specific commandment on it). In that case, McCain would be considered to be a sinner.
Pudwhacker calling Lee out for using two names is disingenuous at the very least.
Pudwhacker once conducted “business” here on HA using several monikers. Claimed he was experimenting, as I recall.
So pud, your argument rings hollow. Sort of like being able to see Russia from your house.
Stupes would even circle jerk with his sock puppet.
Talk about an experiment!
Who would win, pudwhacker or the sock puppet?
What an endorsement from pravda…
No wonder obama was the choice of the world, they knew he wouldn’t defend the national interests of america.
marvin the martian,
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Looks like the Russian communists are just trying to fluff their own feathers.
Take another sip and then go sleep it off.
I can’t do everything. Can’t you do something on your own for a change.
Why does it bother you so much when I point out the connection between the poor living conditions of blacks and the democrats? Are you starting to feel guilty that democrats aren’t doing anything to help blacks? All those run down inner city schools, failing to educate black children, all under democrat control.
Who should I believe, some bitter hateful blogger or joe biden’s guarantee that obama will be tested?
I know this isn’t the right blog to do this being democrat and all…
Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps, on the 233rd anniversary of their founding.
Semper fi!
85. Marvin Stamn spews:
69. My Left Foot spews:
How come you never mention the white fathers, the Asian fathers and the Native American fathers who go AWOL?
marvin you are framing an argument to fit your terms. There are lots of absent fathers. Not all are black. But you focus on the black fathers because it is incendiary. You are stuck in the failed Republican strategy of fear mongering, hate and lies.
I have no guilt.
I know, Barack is special. He will be the first president tested by foreign entities. Has never happened before. Oh my God, what will we do? What will President Obama do? I suppose cowering under his desk in the now non-White house could be one response. But standing up to these foreign interests is completely out of the question.
(for wingnuts, the above post is sarcasm)
Any day now Osama Bid Laden will be pulling up to the non-White House and together with the obviously Muslim Obama’s he will impose burkas’s on our women and we will all stop eating pork.
82 – It was a circle jerk. It was win-win from their perspective.
Anyone sane saw it as lose-lose.
@86: Go ahead Moron Stamn – go cower in the corner waiting for Obama to be “tested”. You cowards only know fear. I will be out in the light of day trying to shed some light on the corruption of the Bush cronies.
First order of business: Restoring the constitution, gettijng rid of Gitmo and the illegal wiretapping.
Second: Restoring Americas reputation, getting rid ot torture, working with (instead of ignoring) other countries.
third: Rebuilding the economy and stopping the give aways to the rich, the banking industry and the corporate shills and lobbyists. 8 years of republican lobbyists on K street – down the drain!
Shorter Troll: “they were shifty blacks”
re 93: It would be Newports nowadays. Kools are so 70’s.
@ 72, wrong again, Puddybud. But that is to be expected from a man who can’t even see that every time he posts a wingnut lie on a blog, or votes the R ticket in an election, he is kicking his own ass.
In fact that is really what 90% of Republicans are. They are like a man walking down the street, kicking his own ass, and then looking over his shoulder and blaming it on a “damn Liberal”.
Obama reneged on his promises to pay us and more. My friends are outraged you will be too.
That is an outrage! A website is updated!
You and your friends should move to Bolivia in protest!
Washington Times, that bastion of fair and balanced reporting….. Impressive.
We voted for him on what he would do for us.
You think it’s a joke? We don’t and more of us will be watching our help disappear before our eyes.
@100 You voted for Obama “on what he would do for us”?
First, that is terrible grammer that you are using.
Second, that is a very self-centered and juvenile point of view. You should vote for a president because of what they will do for the country, not for you personally. Haven’t you heard of a guy named JFK who said ask not what my country can do for me – but what I can do for my country?
Third, I think you are a troll and a liar. And a lousy one at that. Go away, fast, please!
Cognitive dissonance pinhead Real American: Apparently if you are not the 24th incarnation of headless lucy, then you can’t think for yourself and you choose to use a worn out term because you need to steal someone else’s line.
Sucks to be you single celled brainiac.
First to use ‘Nuff SAID
First to use The Prosecution Rests
Carl The Original Left Foot:
You betcha. I used MWS well because he did. And it was Goldy who outed me a fellow Philadelphian. Still waiting for him to out a lefty.
Don’t worry didn’t hold my breath.
yelling loser boy: Circle jerk?
I guess that was the first term you could think of since it reminds you of your early home years?
105 – Yep, you circled jerked with MWS. If you want I can retrieve the most hilarious circle jerk ever to take place in these comment threads. Indeed, it was between you and MWS.
I once challenged you to find one person from my side of the aisle who was so freaking insane as to circle jerk with his own sock puppet.
To the best of my knowledge you never delivered.
Puddybud said
then he hilariously said
Puddybud, if you didn’t exist, someone would have to create you… just for our amusement!
“Has anyone thought that perhaps there really was massive voter fraud in 2004 – after which the voter roles were cleaned up.”
What happened was that Snohmish County got rid of their DRE’s and went to mail-in balloting.
Gregiore’s big win was in spite of the screwed-up mess that Reed made of the voter rolls.