And I’m not.
So on the one hand, who cares about the inside baseball stuff? But on the other hand, here’s a story about how the Rick Santorum campaign still feels like it’s amateur hour.
On Friday, I heard that Santorum would be in the area, so I went about trying to find a press person. First, to the campaign website. None of the tabs were a press person, and it looked like there were only a few offices, none in Washington. But! There was an 800 number.
So I tried it on Friday night, but it was pretty late. I tried it again Saturday morning, and was on hold for quite a while, before I decided “fuck it, it’s just not that important that I go.” So the end, right? There have been plenty of campaigns and elected officials who don’t get back to me. I also emailed Romney about his campaign appearance, and they also didn’t get back to me. I assume they see Horse’s Ass, and are like “fuck it, it’s just not important that we have him at our event.” That’s really fine. This blog is written by people in our free time and we don’t have time or the staff to follow up on this sort of thing like the professionals.
So, why am I writing this? Well, about 7:00 on Sunday I get a call back from the Santorum campaign (I didn’t leave a voice mail; I was just on hold for a while). I told them I was a blogger here in Seattle, and would very much like to attend Santorum’s rally. They said, I’d have to contact Nathan, their contact in (I think, but I didn’t write it down) Colorado, but that they’d love to have me. So fine, I left him a voice mail yesterday and again this morning. I called several other times and he never picked up. So I wasn’t making a trip to Tacoma if there was no WiFi or no electricity, and thus am heading home.
I know it’s a minor thing, but, don’t tell me I’m going to be able to attend and then not get back to me with any sort of arrangements. And really, nobody could direct me to someone in Washington who might be able to answer questions?
Now, compare that to when I saw Hillary Clinton 4 years ago. A few calls and I’m on the list, no problem. Compare it to Obama who could organize the Key Arena quickly and who had bloggers (although not me, I had to work) attend. Both of those were on almost as short notice as the Santorum campaign.
Rick’s obviously here to get some political mileage crying crocodile tears over Gregoire’s signing of the gay marriage law. I wonder if he’s going to leave after that, or stick around for Catholic Advocacy Day on Wednesday and lead a bunch of folks waving pictures of aborted fetuses while “Just Faith” participants from Seattle try to talk to legislators about passing a budget that provides for poor people and working families.
I believe the diocese had a final choice as to who could attend.
Next time Brother Rick visits! I suggest you try their press office.
They’re going to have to ship in their audience from Eatonville.
cmon dude, I expect better from you.
using that logic, should we assume that obama shipped his audience in from the Hilltop and Central district?
Eastern Pierce County is conservative, Tacoma’s liberal.
Down town Tacoma just doesn’t strike me as a good place for a member of the far right to hold a rally.
Carl, I did get a press release from the Santorum people, with several dates in the Northwest, so they had some organization. It might just have been you. Or maybe it just means their press list is way out of date.
@4 Yeah.
I sure hope Santorum wins our state’s GOP caucus. I would love to see that.
In front of the building next to Occupy Tacoma’s encampment wasn’t a very carefully chosen venue.
New slogan…
Santorum: The NEW Aroma of Tacoma.
By the way, not only is Santorum an unapologetic homophobe intent upon belittling and besmirching people he disagrees with, Santorum is in the pocket of the oil and gas industry.
Sirota reports:
Hope he wins on March 3rd!
actually I think it was a wise choice. It was a giant middle finger to the occupy losers – and it put another nail in their coffin of irrelevancy.
I dunno, sounds a lot like your typical progressive to me.. especially here at HA.
just sayin….
Shouldn’t the headline be ‘Rick Santorum is in Sane’? I mean, really. He’s going after the bigot vote now. He agreed that he is a bigot and then whined about the left being intolerant of bigots. Take your pick, either jaw-dropping stupidity or insanity.
We never besmirch you fucking butt lickers. We can’t help it if you like the taste of a “good” Santorum after, you know, fucking the goat.