In the hours after Naveed Haq went on a shooting rampage at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in July 2006, Jim Miller wrote the following at Sound Politics:
In this post, I argued that the Seattle Times should not have published a letter saying that “neocons” should be weeded out, especially under the inflamatory headline they chose: Eradicate those who have put us in the Middle East. The editor, Jim Vesely, seemed not to understand my argument, judging from his reply.
Perhaps Mr. Vesely does not know that “eradicate” and “weed out” are terms commonly used by some of the bloodiest dictators. Perhaps he did not know that some, especially on the left (and among the followers of Pat Buchanan), use “neocon” to mean Jew. And it was absolutely clear that the letter writer thought that supporters of Israel should be weeded out.
Perhaps now, after the shootings at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, Mr. Vesely will understand my point. Perhaps he will even realize that publishing a letter that advocated weeding out a group, and appeared to advocate eradicating them, was wrong. Perhaps.
A few days later at his own blog, he wrote:
When Naveed Haq forced his way into the offices of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, he told the people working there that he was a Muslim-American and that he was unhappy with Israel. He then began trying to kill them.
Even before he gave himself up to the police, our local journalists were ready with the excuses. Haq was a lone gunman (as if that made him less dangerous). He had a history of mental illness (many terrorist are not quite right in the head). He had a minor criminal record (many terrorists do). And so on.
As we’d soon find out, the local journalists’ “excuses” weren’t really excuses, they were the facts of the case. Haq was a lone gunman with a history of mental illness and a criminal background. But at the time, Jim Miller wasn’t satisfied with that explanation: Naveed Haq was acting as an agent of a larger force, intent on eliminating Jews from society. He saw this shooting as the natural consequence of the kind of eliminationist rhetoric that often emanates from those who radically oppose Israel.
Of course, after a mentally unstable lone gunman in Arizona shoots a Democratic Congresswoman in the head, Miller points to this passage from Instapunchline Glenn Reynolds, saying that it’s “worth reading”:
To be clear, if you’re using this event to criticize the “rhetoric” of Mrs. Palin or others with whom you disagree, then you’re either: (a) asserting a connection between the “rhetoric” and the shooting, which based on evidence to date would be what we call a vicious lie; or (b) you’re not, in which case you’re just seizing on a tragedy to try to score unrelated political points, which is contemptible. Which is it?
I realize that a moron like Jim Miller is an easy target, but this level of hypocrisy seems to be extremely commonplace on the right. With the Haq case, Miller was right to point out that the kinds of extreme rhetoric against Jews can often have consequences like this. And Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik is similarly correct in pointing out the exact same thing regarding Arizona’s right-wing crazies.
From what we know already about the Tucson case, alleged shooter Jared Loughner is a mentally unstable loner who doesn’t fit neatly into any political profile. This is similar to Haq, who was clearly not an Islamic radical, and had even tried to convert to Christianity. But just because a mentally disturbed person doesn’t fit a particular profile doesn’t mean that they’re not influenced by the political atmosphere that surrounds them. Haq was clearly influenced by anti-Semitic eliminationist rhetoric that has a long history in numerous places around the world, especially among Muslims. And I find it nearly impossible to believe that Loughner wasn’t influenced by the eliminationist rhetoric against progressivism, multiculturalism, and government in general that’s become more commonplace within America’s far right in recent years (and especially in Arizona).
As with the aftermath of every terrorist attack, I cringe at the natural impulse to respond with stupid symbolic legislation. The answer here isn’t to ban anyone’s right to speak their mind. But if there’s one rallying cry that’s worth listening to, it’s the call to improve the state of mental health treatment in this country. That’s really the common thread between the Haq shooting and this past weekend’s tragedy. Of course, when it comes to providing help to the mentally ill, it appears that our fiscal situation leaves us with only enough money for rhetoric.
Amen Lee.
ROTF, Josh Marshall (@joshtpm):
Yes, to the post, well said.
If mentally unstable people were easily able to get help that might hurt gun sales.
That’s bad for bidness.
How are the Republicans in the House going to turn the economy around if liberals are promoting “job-killers” like easier access to mental health care?
Beyond superlatives, Lee.
The word “kill” appears in the title of the bill that the Republicans are voting on to repeal the recent Health Care reforms.
“Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”
That’s the name of it. That’s a first, as far I know.
Outstanding post. Let’s see here–wingnuts don’t want to fund mental healthcare, demand free and easy access to weaponry and ammunition of all types, and promote incendiary, demonizing, and threatening language aimed at government officials and liberals. Do you folks ever recognize the perfect storm of mayhem that you are brewing up?
@2: Here’s an especially good (looong) list just since SCOTUS affirmed an individual right in Heller:
Insurrection Timeline
Chillingly, I think they do. See @7.
Wow. Like any other factual assertion they try to make, the wingnuts’ claim that there is a balance between the Left and the Right when it comes to crazies and acts of political violence is utter fiction. They own this baby. It’s all theirs.
@6 “RECOGNIZE” it? They’re having multiple orgasms over it.
@7 It’s worthy of note how many of the individuals referred to have issues with substance abuse, wife beating and child molestation.
And, lest we not forget, goat fucking, of course.
@7 From your link,
Fascism bordering on Marxism? Good grief! Where do they find these loons?
@ 11
Also Fetal Alcohol syndrome, low intelligence and the resulting inability to accept basic civil education and legal authority.
White trash, financed and instigated by billionaires with the desire for absolute power and the financial means to disseminate the propaganda to enable it.
After all, they own most of the media.
Are you suggesting that fascism doesn’t morph into communism? What, are you educated, or something? You do understand that educated people can’t be trusted, don’t you?
@12 I used to like Republicans. Well, maybe “like” is too strong a word. I never voted for one, of course, but I had no dislike for them. But that started to change when I heard that they were fucking goats. I didn’t believe it at first, but then I encountered Mr. Klynical. Damn. That’s when I realized that they really do fuck goats.
Anyways, I was intent on rescuing Klynical’s goat, that poor, hapless beast, so I searched and found Klynical posting on a wingnut site with an email address and traced his IP – to Calcutta. He may be dumbed down from fucking goats but that doesn’t mean that he still isn’t clever enough to hide his trail.
1. Provide better mental health intervention and treatment
2. Strictly regulate guns
3. Loudly and persistently call out any public figure who uses violent or eliminationist speech (no, not ban it, but call it out every time)
A lot of people are actually doing #3 right now, which is why the right wingers are so nervous. The more Rush, Palin, et al, feel forced to deny that their violent language is actually violent language, the more we win.
I’d respect Republicans more if they’d just shout from the rooftops, “We’re fascists, dammit, and we’re damned proud of it!” But, nah, they project it onto us like they’re ashamed of it or something.
BRAVO Lee!!!
In spite of the tragic consequences of this preventable outrageous violent political act, and in spite of the buffoonery of some of the commentary (as in the clown car driver you made an example of here),
I am inspired to believe and to hope that the voice of reason (like yours!) will win out in the end.
Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting
There’s your rhetoric. :,-(
@20 Another article at the link you posted,
That irresponsible, money grubbing political slut gets no pity from me.
And we conservatives will always remember what leftist pinhead progressives did before 2009.
What are you leftist morons screaming about.
This fool was after Giffords since 2007. The FACTS are proven.
Oopsie… Another FACT exploding leftist pinhead minds.
I think this post sums it up very well. The atmosphere and the rhetoric surrounds everyone all of the time. Who knows what effect it has on the mentally unstable. While there may be no direct agency in the act, the contstant drone of violent babble makes it seem like a viable option for the unreasonable. The shooter may not have targeted Gifford because of wingnuttery specifically, but the atmosphere of wingnuttery certainly didn’t discourage him any.
It isn’t like the shooting happened in a vacuum, not generally and not specifically as it relates to Giffords who we understand was targeted by other crazies before.
When the conversation gets amped up the way it is, there are always a ready supply of people who get energized to action by the shit talk.
Instead of responding to thei voices in their heads they have a ready supply of sheer hate speech right there on the radio. Right there in print, right there coming out of shrill mouths.
re 23: ‘The FACTS are proven’ is a statement that doesn’t mean anything.
So, in 2007 wingnuts weren’t saying inflammatory things?
You are desperate to distance yourself from a registered Republican who killed a 9 year old at a Democratic political meet and greet.
You are beneath contempt.
@23 pud,
When did the lunatic political assassin buy the Glock 9mm pistol along with an extended magazine that was used buy the lunatic political assassin to shoot and wound 13 people and kill 6 (including a 9 year old 3rd grade girl)?
When was the last time a sitting Congress person was shot on American soil?
How many acts of political gun violence have there been since 2007?
Correlation is not cause, but it is correlation.
This is the link to Loughner’s Pima Cty registration as a Republican. It’s not photoshopped and Tucson is spelled correctly.
Once again Firz, this was blamed on Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.
Where were Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in 2007? No where on the political radar. But you were a dipSHIT in 2007.
Once again Firz, this moron was a satanist God hating moron. These are not conservative qualities.
Once again Firz, this moron was a whack-job leftist per professors.
Once again Firz, this moron was a leftist pinhead per people who knew him.
His strange behaviour started in 2006. He was a leftist then and it seems he’s still a leftist now.
He was a registered independent with leftist qualities.
Puddy called it yesterday. The DUMMO CHILD is stupid! The HA leftist are WRONG WRONG WRONG. The FACTS are proven. Loughner is one of yours.
Great question but a non sequitor. He’s a whack-job leftist who bought a gun and offed many people.
He was a satanist. Correlation – leftist progressive.
He hated God. Correlation – leftist progressive.
He talked to himself. Correlation – leftist progressive.
He read Communist Manifesto. Correlation – leftist progressive.
He read Mein Kampf. Correlation – leftist progressive.
He read Animal Farm. Correlation – leftist progressive.
In fact the leftist frenzy Saturday and Sunday buy fools like you all proved how WRONG WRONG WRONG you are with “correlations”.
Enough data for Puddy.
Unfortunately, a lot of psychiatrists are just as crazy (if not crazier) than the people they are supposed to help:
The Fort Hood shooting was a mass shooting that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood—the most populous US military installation in the world, located just outside Killeen, Texas—in which a gunman killed 13 people and wounded 30 others.
The sole suspect is Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major serving as a psychiatrist.
Suspected Tucson gunman Jared Lee Loughner registered as an independent voter in Arizona in the fall of 2006, according to the Pima County Registrar of Voters.
Puddy trusts the WA PO!
Photoshopped BULLSHITTIUM Douglas Firz from a leftist BULLSHITTIER!
TUCSON is spelled TUSCON. People who live in a city do not misspell it’s name.
If you go to the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission website and put in the address listed on this “registration” it comes up in Senator District 26. Look at the BULLSHITTIUM in Firz BULLSHITTIUM post!
Chris Roads, Pima County Registrar of Voters, declares that Jared Loughner is registered as an independent. First registered in 2006.
Too bad the leftist pinhead progressives are pizzed this is one of theirs!
Ah c’mon Lee, Jim Miller is a partisan hack, and so am I. He’s a propagandist, and so am I. The two differences between him and me is that I’m willing to admit it and I’m on the right side.
Oh my goodness… This is too good.
So will Stupid Solution Steve decry this act?
Will rujax stick his thumb up his ASS to scratch his brain?
Will Lib Unscientist actually post something useful?
This is a Fact which supports Puddy’s position!
The thing to remember about Jared Loughner is that he shot a Democrat, not a Republican. Keep that in mind the next time a winger tries to argue that Loughner is a “liberal.”
Oh my goodness… This is too good.
This is P R I C E L E S S.
@6 You forgot to mention that some of them are openly advocating civil war.
Sadly Wrong is Roger Dumb Rabbit, the bloody idiot you are! Loughner killed a Republican judge.
29 –
Loughner read Ayn Rand – Correlation a potential Paul Ryan Staffer, i.e. REPUBLICRAP!
@16 Well, at least he isn’t fucking sacred cows; that would get him in trouble in Calcutta.
– Patricia Maisch, the woman who wrestled the clip from the political assassin on Saturday in response to the Faux Noise interview question “there’s anything you can think of, over the last day and a half, that you might be able to turn into a positive.”
@25 “a registered Republican who killed a 9 year old at a Democratic political meet and greet.”
And that is all anyone needs to know about this tragedy.
@28 Go back one comment and read #27, putz. The shooter is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN in Arizona voting rolls. Does that mean anything to ya?
Animal Farm is a book that has long been cited by right wingers.
Of course, as has been discussed here many times, “goat shed” is a goto place for some right wingers.
@29 “He’s a whack-job leftist”
Once again, see #27, the shooter is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN, putz.
And that proves what MikeBoyScout?
Uhhh No Roger Dumb Rabbit, it WAS FAKED.
See #31 Roger Dumb Rabbit. See CNN Roger DUMB RABBIT.
And the HA faithful leftist pinheads take what you say is gospel! P R I C E L E S S Lunacy!
@37 How am I “wrong” putz? Have you already forgotten Loughner’s principal target was a Member of Congress? And that the MOC he targeted was known by Loughner to be a Democrat? On the other hand, Loughner, who simply sprayed the crowd surrounding Rep. Gifford with bullets, probably had no idea he shot a federal judge; and even if he did, what are the chances he knew the judge’s party affiliation? This judge was appointed by President George H. W. Bush when Loughner was, let’s see, three years old. I wonder if Loughner was reading newspapers at age three? Or maybe he asked to see the judge’s voter registration card before he shot him?
Another EPIC FAIL by Puddy The Irrational.
@46 Last I heard, you wingnuts thought CNN was unreliable.
Those are your words Roger Dumb Rabbit. So how did the Republican judge die Roger Dumb Rabbit? No amount of your insufferable BULLSHITTIUM can replace the fact the Republican judge died from a bullet from Loughner’s gun!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
Loughner apparently was a believer in the tax evading, paranoid whacko David Wynn Miller.
Tax evading, paranoid of the “gub’mint” – correlation, right wing nutjob.
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit you claimed the faked registration was real. WA Post said he was a registered independent. You being the Dumb Rabbit you are chose to believe another faked foto. If it was only real. How is the word “IF” treating you today?
Oh my the dumb brick ylb is performing another look at me look at me moment providing absolutely nothing worthwhile to the Loughner is a leftist pinhead argument.
Still reading Daily Kooks eh?
Still a moron too!
52 – Oh my Puddybud can’t handle that Loughner would “Go Galt” with Michelle Malkin and Paul Ryan and evade taxes and worship Gold with Glen Beck and David Wyn Miller.
Correlation – Loughner is right wing and Puddybud is fulla shit.
Once again all can see the look at me moment of the dumb brick ylb. He runs to Daily Kooks, receives his latest blog point and runs to HA to post it. Of course the dumb brick provides no proof with his useless post. Just Roger Dumb Rabbit like speculation. Well we see what Roger Dumb Rabbit’s speculation led to. Fake registration beliefs.
@46 (continued) But let’s get back to the question of whether Loughner is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN or not, puddy. The poster @27 linked to what appears to be a current Arizona Secretary of State voter registration page officially listing Loughner as a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN. CNN published what appear to be copies of Loughner’s 2006 and 2008 voter registration cards in which he identified himself as an independent. The current registration would be more up-to-date than the 2006 or 2008 registrations, putz. People do change their affiliation and registrations, putz. For example, I used to be a Goldwater Republican, but as should be obvious to you and everyone else on this blog, I subsequently left the Dark Side and went over to the side of light and reason. The key word here is “subsequently,” putz. Loughner didn’t shoot those people in 2006 or 2008 when he was a registered independent. He shot them in 2011 when he was a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN. I think that’s significant.
David Wynn Miller agreed with all of Loughner’s videos on Gold and Mind Control on You Tube.
It’s a fact. Look it up.
Correlation – right wing nutjob.
@51 This isn’t hard, putz. Things are still in flux, but the media will be on top of this within a day or two, and then we’ll know for sure whether Loughner’s REGISTERED REPUBLICAN status on the Arizona Secretary of State’s website is real or fake. One of us is gonna eat his words reeeeeeeeal soon, putz. I’m not worried.
@54 I speculate all the time in the stock market, putz, and do quite well. My secret is I do informed speculation, as opposed to your wild guessing. See #57.
@46 What’s your proof that it was faked, putz?
The puddybitch can’t read big words so he stays away from Daily Kos.
53 – Nope Loughner lists “We the Living” by Ayn Rand on his You Tube page.
Paul Ryan requires his staffers to read Ayn Rand and credits Rand with inspiring him to public service. Paul Ryan is REPUBLICRAP chairman of the Budget Committee in the House of Representatives.
Michelle Malkin tells her followers to “Go Galt”. Galt is a character in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.
Puddybud cites Malkin many times in the HA comment threads.
Correlation – Loughner is a right wing nutjob like Puddybud.
Question for the dumb brick ylb… Does Miller’s material reveal calls for violence?
Well does it fool? Let’s see the dumb brick in action!!!!!
The Republican was right next to the Democrat that was targeted as was a 9yo girl and a bunch of other people.
TUCSON is spelled TUSCON. People who live in a city do not misspell it’s name.
Classic Puddy.
Keep trying with the ad hominem attacks dumb brick ylb? Great attempt at proving a correlation.
It’s like you holding your wanker in your hand. Your attempt is so puny. Now that’s a perfect correlation!
@62 This is classic puddybud. When he’s getting his ass kicked, he tries to change the subject.
So, can we all now agree that we need to make it harder for the mentally ill to get their hands on firearms?
65 – Just making fun of your knee jerk hatred Puddybud.
Keep going.
@65 What’s “puny” about jerking off in your own hand, putz? It works for a lot of sex-deprived dudes, including you, I’m sure. Or do you wish to claim you’ve never jerked off? I have proof to the contrary. My mother used to warn me that jerking off makes you go blind. That’s why I never did it. And I’m sure that’s why I can see and you’re blind.
Well Roger Dumb Rabbit…
And everyone follows your BULLSHITTIUM as gospel truth. Puddy likes Salsamanca comments about your “posts”. More like rabbit pellets.
@67 No, I don’t think the Repukes will agree to that.
Oh my Roger Dumb Bunny has lost it now!
Sucks to be the Roger Dumb Rabbit.
Does Loughner’s videos on Mind Control and Gold call for violence?
Does the “We the Living” call for violence? Paul Ryan makes his staffers read Ayn Rand
Correlation is still there – right wing nutjob.
@70 Puddy, we both know I’m a liberal propagandist, this is a liberal blog, and I’m more popular here than you are. You aren’t jealous, are you? Envy is an ugly thing.
@72 I’m not the one who lost his eyesight, putz.
I almost feel guilty about the pounding we’re dishing out to putz tonight. The key word here is “almost.”
My momma always told me the best time to kick a wingnut is when he’s down.
I don’t think Puddybud was aware of the David Wynn Miller connection.
Whatever. G’night all!
I’ve posted that question after a mentally ill person is in the news for shooting someone many, many, times over the last two years. I haven’t got an honest, workable, yes out of a righty yet. That there’s some fucked up shit.
Lee, the original post misspelled the Tucson as Tuscon. Tucson, Arizona Not Tuscon, Arizona!
Again notice the dumb brick ylb throws up some Daily Koks BULLSHITTIUM and then can’t answer Puddy’s question because he can’t determine an answer from Daily Kooks! There is no correlation WHATSOEVER, but the dumb dork is still trying. Proves he’ll drink anything from Daily Kooks!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! There is no living brain tissue in the dumb brick ylb.
Here are two different images, photoshopped from the Arizona Secretary of State website. One of them has Loughner as a registered Democrat in Tucson, and the other as a registered Republican in Tuscon:
Roger Dumb Rabbit pounding his pud? Now that we know Loughner was an independent and the registration brouhaha above was faked, all Roger Dumb Rabbit has left is #74, pounding his leetle rabbit pud!
Puddy is laughing at the “evidence” provided by Roger Dumb Rabbit. Such a useless lineup of BULLSHITTIUM!
This has to hurt the leftist pinhead brigade. And Roger Dumb Rabbit ate it up as gospel. Douglas Firz is as dumb as a tree and now we see Roger Dumb Rabbit is as dumb too!
Even the DUmmies have given up trying to say Loughner is a Republican but not HA dumb brick ylb!
It’s his look at me look at me moment for January 10, 2011.
So, can we all now agree that we need to make it harder for the mentally ill to get their hands on firearms? Puddy has no problem with that Michael. But as everyone can see when they are mentally unstable leftists you all circle the wagons and try to blame it on Republicans.
Michael, Looks like the progressives at the community college didn’t report Loughner’s strange behavior to authorities!
I’ve posted that question for two years and no one on the right has ever agreed to a workable solution that would actually help keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.
A few years back State Rep. Pat Lantz (D-26) proposed changes that would help keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and was screamed down by members of the right and they didn’t come up with their own plan to do it.
So… One of the things we need to do is to make sure that people like Jared get reported to the proper places and that action is taken on those reports. Get him listed so that he can’t buy a gun (and expand the instant checks to ammo, so he can’t buy any of it either) and get him some mental help.
Past funding that was to be used for community based mental health treatment never materialized. Even when included in an insurance plan, mental health treatment is not funded to the same extent as other medical problems. It would not be unusual for schizophrenia to occur during young adulthood. There isn’t much mentioned about the family and if they were notified by the school.
Republican’s are always trying to cut any form of public healthcare spend and mental health funding is always first and foremost the thing they want to cut. They seem to still be living in the bad old days when mental illness was seen as a weakness or sin and something that was untreatable and shameful.
Now that’s interesting Michael. Utah, one of the most conservative states in the union funds mental health!
There were six deaths. Why do I only know about the little girl who died? The news isn’t doing their job! I should know who the other five people are!
Holy cow! So much crazed hatred out of Puddy these last two days. The attempted assassination of the good congresswoman and the senseless murder of bystanders seems to have flipped his switch. He’s gone rabid! I tell you what, if Puddy doesn’t calm down we’ll have to turn his ass in before he goes to a grade school and shoots a bunch of sweet little nine year old girls.
Take a triple dose of meds, Puddy, and chill the fuck out before you completely lose it.
@91 Hmm, you seem to be medicated well enough tonight. How about you sparing your ol’ pal Puddy a few pills? After all, we’ve all just seen how when a wingnut like Puddy loses it, they shoot at everybody in sight. Republican judges. Little girls. Old granny types. Look at it this way, Troll, the life you save may well be your own.
Puddy has obviously transcended the Psych 101 thing that usually ails him. He’s now a candidate for somebody’s doctoral thesis.
Tell you what, Puddy, if you’ll agree to be the subject of my doctoral thesis, I’ll give you free therapy for a month.
“He shot a Republican judge”
Well, Puddy, do you know that this particular judge was under US Marshall protection after his life was threatened? Why was his life threatened you ask? Because he allowed a civil suit to go forward against a rancher for holding illegal aliens at gunpoint, kicking one woman and threatening their lives.
On tonight’s evening news, don’t know which one, there was a profile of each of the victims, who they were, why they were there. One guy saved his wife by covering her body with his, he was killed.
And he didn’t hate God, he hated God on our “currency”. Him being such a grammar freak, probably thought an ‘L’ was missing – “In gold we trust”
Palin Supporter Compares 9-Year-Old Victim To Hitler
A Palin supporter named Tina King posted the following comment about the death of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green on Palin’s Facebook page:
“It’s ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway,” King wrote. “Hey, as ‘they’ say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly.”
Oops, forgot the link, here it is:
@91 Buy a fucking newspaper, cheapskate.
Oh great Don Joe. What does the judge being under protection have to do with a crazed leftist nut mowing him down. Oh wait… no one knows who called in the threat, since 70% of Arizonans are for the immigration laws.
Roger Dumb Rabbit@99,
That blog person is very sick just like Stupid Solution Steve. Check this blog and ask has Puddy ever picked on Goldy’s child? And that lady writing on Palin’s blog doesn’t represent most Palin Supporters. Remember it was Lee who said you can’t equate others by the remarks of one. But Roger Bumd Rabbit will always try. As you wrote above, being a liberal hack, nothing is out of bounds for you!
Wait for it.. Pavlov sez you’ll see the dumb brick ylb make another chronological historical attempt at a look at me look at me moment.
Wow, Goldy’s blog time is way off.
Why Roger Dumb Rabbit? You get facts wrong from reading a newspaper as well as the Internet @51. Are you suggesting he should emulate you?
Your “adoring” leftist progressive pinhead audience would be split!
Don Joe should be Don @102.
Don also farts
Anyone who had a skull shrine in his parents back yard hated God! Puddy thinks Loughner has some fellow worshipers posing as HA leftist pinhead progressives here and Stupid Solution Steve is upset Puddy is pointing this out. Puddy wonders why Stupid Solution Steve is upset. Hmmm…?
No one on the HA leftist progressive pinhead side has condemned the skull shrine found in his parents back yard. Now why is that Don? We all know Stupid Solution Steve isn’t apologetic and promotes liberal women taking pine wood and jabbing it into open car windows aiming at another human being’s head trying to hurt their political opponent. Stupid Solution Steve isn’t apologetic over 9 year girls being mowed down by looky leftist kooks. Stupid Solution Steve isn’t going to condemn it. Neither will the Lib Unscientist. Neither will the dumb cinder block rujax! Niether will the dumb brick databaze keepa ylb. Neither will Roger Dumb Rabbit. But we all know how Roger Dumb Rabbit is held in “high esteem” over his “comments”.
This skull shrine has been known now for over 12 hours and not one HA leftist progressive libtard condemnation! So why is that Don?
Let’s review the purveyor of the Stupid Solution.
Stupid Solution Steve projects his hatred and mental illnesses on others. Stupid Solution Steve sees FACTS and calls it hatred. Stupid Solution Steve views FACTS and loses his “mind”. Stupid Solution Steve’s special brew promotes deep held liberal progressive psychoses. Stupid Solution Steve calls it a Psych 101 Thing. Stupid Solution Steve has graduated to the Doctorate Degree Level of Psych 701 Stupidity. Stupid Solution Steve’s special brew brings out the worst in liberal progressive thought. Stupid Solution Steve’s special brew has caused him to sink deep into the pit since March 15. Beware the ides of March people. Stupid Solution Steve’s special brew causes him to post useless commentary on blogs. Did Stupid Solution Steve create his special brew to improve his golf game? Does Stupid Solution Steve want to be like Tiger? Stupid Solution Steve is a sick “man”!
Stupid Solution Steve isn’t apologetic and promotes liberal women taking pine wood poles and jabbing it into open car windows aiming at another human being’s head trying to hurt their political opponent. Stupid Solution Steve would have cheered the loudest if Rand Paul received a concussion or worse yet lost an eye to the pine pole. Stupid Solution Steve isn’t apologetic over 9 year girls being mowed down by loony leftist kooks. Has anyone found his apology yet? But Stupid Solution Steve scours the Nets high and low looking for conservative apologies. Stupid Solution Steve isn’t apologetic over a Republican judge losing his soul to a loony leftist kook. Stupid Solution Steve promotes loony leftist kooks having skull shrines in the private homes.
Someone needs to start their PhD thesis on Stupid Solution Steve, purveyor of the odd and really stupid.
Your leftist media in action. Even when the facts are proven otherwise, the DUMMOCRATIC playbook is still in action! Halperin doesn’t really care the DUMBOCRATIC slobbering media took incorrect pot shots at conservatives. Halperin is upset the conservatives are rightly identifying the moronic behavior of leftist progressives.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. The MSM’s Slobbering Love Affair with loony leftist progressive thought continues.
I wrote this the other day:
Apparently it has a name: Stochastic Terrorism.
Oh God, the “Puddy” has a bug: @108 it’s coming at us trying to smear by using Halperin as a paragon of leftist media.
Halperin is not our fool, he was disowned long ago.
That’s the best you got??
Nope you dope Lib Unscientist. But Halperin is a well known MSNBC kook. The kind always touted here on HA!
Another MSNBC Kook Chris Matthews forgets the Daily Kooks analogies. He’s touted here on HA.
WOW. Just wow.
I’m just arriving this morning – and reading up thread to catch up, and I hit “Puddy” at 107.
People have taken pot shots at the “Puddy” about remembering to take meds – which I always considered to be simply talkin’ trash – but that post is raving, literally. I am reminded of nothing more than a particular unfortunate patient in a locked ward, a disordered fellow wearing a home-made ‘Y2K’ baseball cap and explaining to me, in very pressured speech, about the voices talking to him over his (non-functional) portable radio.
Here is another MSNBC Kook touted here on HA
Ed Shultz, MSNBC Monday January 10, 2011, “But in the wake of all of this, what are we teaching the next generation? Hell, we can’t even communicate without yelling at one another. And you know what? I’m at fault. I admit it. I get passionate: but not in a violent way! And I believe that we have to say things on this show and we have to be honest. Because there’s a lot of stuff, especially across the street that is not the truth, that is embellished to the point where it might make somebody think that doing something radical is the right thing to do.”
Ed Schultz, MSNBC Monday May 11, 2009. “He is an enemy of the country, in my opinion, Dick Cheney is, he is an enemy of the country. He’s making it harder for those who are in power right now to protect the country. He’s about the political divide. It just, I just think the guy’s such a freakin’ loser. You know, Lord, take him to the Promised Land, will you? See, I don’t even wish the guy goes to Hell, I just want to get him the hell out of here.”
Of course there is no FACT Lib Unscientist can refute in any post above so it’s potshot ad hominem attack on PuddyTime.
Go ahead make my day! Take a walk down memory lane.
Because you say so, does not make it true.
Halperin is vilified on the left – he’s #2 on the “Hack 30” list at TPM.
You could at least martial your evidence a little better. Is there a corrupt subroutine?
Oh wait Lib Unscientist. your pals in action on Twitter…
So Lib Unscientist using TPM again? The blog who couldn’t get David Ehrenstein correct as Barack The Magic Negro?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
The Hatred of the Left, well chronicled for Lib Unscientist.
Here is another of Lib Unscientist’s heroines.
Your preznit making a sick joke. If GW Bush had said anything like that you’d be scratching your pink pantied scrote jumping up and down like a chimpanzee Lib Unscientist
“Puddy” really seems manic this morning, and last night.
Just read over the thread from last evening – and it’s really just more of the same “Puddy” act – it’s quite an act, if an act. If this is the real, honest, unfiltered output of someone’s mind – then it’s quite disturbed, though fascinating from a performance art POV.
Again, I lament that there is no honest, earnest discussant from the right – that might be a worthwhile conversation. As it is, the “Puddy” – whatever it is – is just disruption that is oddly fascinating for a short time, though ultimately sad, just sad.
Nothing new from Lib Unscientist. He’s still stupid today as he was yesterday!
No lament on the dishonest blame game discussion of the leftists.
No rejection of Roger Dumb Rabbit even when it was proven the voter registration picture was faked.
No refutation of the FACTS.
No discussion of the leftist tactics of Jared Lee Loughner.
No rejection of the blame game.
Just another day of ad hominem attacks against Puddy. So go ahead and make my day!
(Saw this over on Blatherwatch. Thought it was worth copying here:)
Let’s start a list of any U.S. Governor(s) or Presidential/Vice Presidential candidate(s) who has ever used a graphic of gunscope crosshairs on members of congress.
I’ll start. Please, everyone, join in and help expand the list. Just copy and paste with your additions.
1. Sarah Palin.
Do you mean Unscientist or Unascientist?
I think that this guy was a lone, insane gunman. I also think he might have been influenced to become violent by all of the rhetoric.
He bought the gun in 2011 – he had a vendetta since 2007. He has been documented as spouting off about the 14th amendment (natural born citizens), he thought Federal funding for his own community college was “unconstitutional” and he posted on the “gold standard”.
These memes are clearly right wingnut themes – not liberal themes.
Little Puddy is protesting too much because, as the facts come out, it is becoming increasing clear that this shooter had a political agenda in addition to being crazy.
The facts are that Palin out out an ad with crosshairs targeting specific politicians including representative Giffords – for supporting health care reform.
The facts are that republicans and Puddy have lied about the health care law and have targeted representatives that voted for it.
The facts are that other republicans candidates have been less subtle (Debbie Wasserman Shultz had a republican opponent who had a fund raiser at a gun range and shot at a silhouette with the initials DWS).
It is these kind of tactics and this kind of rhetoric that crosses the line and can incite the crazies. Leee has a very good point about this.
Puddy is going crazy trying to fend off this argument because he knows it has traction – and he knows that his bedfellow republican crazies have been winking at this all along.
Your comments have reached a level of vitriol we haven’t seen out of you before, nor from anybody else, and they are very disturbing. Seriously, if you have a doctor or a priest you can talk to then I strongly suggest that you do so today.
@99, 100 Roger quotes a Palin Facebook comment,
While the comment itself is deeply disturbing, the fact that it was allowed to remain on her page while other comments critical of Palin were immediately removed and the commenters blocked is the real story. Her page is heavily monitored and yet this comment somehow passed muster. Something is very wrong with that woman and the people she has surrounded herself with.
@118: Poor Puddy
Quit making such a fool of yourself. Liberal Scientist pointed out that a “liberal blog” (TPM, known to be very accurtate compared to a piece of crap like Faux News that has well documented biases and mistakes) listed Halperin as a hack.
You try to vilify Liberal Scientist for showing that “liberals” view this guy as a hack…exactly what his citation did – and you do it for citing a “liberal” site.
What was he supposed to do – cite a conservative site to show what lioberals think?
Wow – are you that stupid that all you can do is mindless attack and make ZERO sense?
I realize that you (Puddy) are all worked up about this – but the criticism must have struck a deep chord top get conservatives so “riled”.
I mean – this is a bout a killer getting a gun and killing a democratic representative at an official function. This guy clearly had some crazy rightwingnut views – but he was also clearly crazy.
When you try to cite his old views or older political affiliations – that is not really relevant to his recent activity – people change, people listen to violent rhetoric and become convinced they can do crazy things and some crazy people get easy access to guns in Arizona and kill innocent people and 9 year old girls.
Lee, according to TIME magazine, one of the six warning signs that someone is mentally ill is they regularly smoke marijuana.,00.html
Here is a more comprehnsive list of mental health warning signs. Abuse of drugs/alcohol is one of them. Smoking some pot is not abusing drugs, just like taking a drink of alcohol is not abusing alcohol.
And if you read this profile, Loughner’s friend says that he quit smoking marijuana several years ago:
Nice try, dummy.
And this Time article points out that Loughner never failed a drug test when he was rejected for the Army, he only admitted to having smoked marijuana in the past.
@ 132
It is going to come out that Loughner failed either an intelligence test or the standard tests they use to screen for mental illness.
What this guy Loughner was, was the guy that just wanted to see chaos. I don’t know if he had a political angle on the crime, but he’d be the guy that would yell “FIRE” in a crowded theater just to see the effect. I would think it likely that the purpose of him going apeshit with a handgun on a crowd of people is just a more extreme version of that.
It wasn’t the cause he wanted, it was the effect, for its own sake.
Hey Puddybud,
The Sheriff isn’t backing down:
He points the finger at your beloved bloviating whale!
According to the latest report I’ve read (don’t remember where), Loughner passed the intelligence test, but was rejected after he admitted to being a heavy marijuana user. What’s odd about that is that his friend believed that he’d quit smoking pot by then. It’s possible that he merely admitted to being a previous heavy marijuana user (which also disqualifies you from military service).
I think you could very easily be right about Loughner being inspired by the thought of generating chaos. But I don’t see that as mutually exclusive to the idea that his choice of target – and even his now well-publicized animosity towards Giffords – wasn’t influenced by the political climate. He was a young man with a lot of interest in politics and government. To believe that he was isolated from political rhetoric is just as unrealistic as believing that Muslim terrorists are isolated from the political rhetoric surrounding radical Islam.
Lee @ 135
According to Time magazine, Loughner’s heavy marijuana usage could have caused the apparent psychosis, schizophrenia or other mental illness that evidently prompted his homicidal massacre:
Since the days of Reefer Madness, scientists have sought to understand the complex connection between marijuana and psychosis. Cannabis can cause short-term psychotic experiences, such as hallucinations and paranoia, even in healthy people, but researchers have also long noted a link between marijuana use and the chronic psychotic disorder, schizophrenia.
Read more:
There is a lot of talk about cracking down on “rhetoric” — even though speech is constitutionally protected and there is no evidence that “rhetoric” influenced Loughner that much.
Marijuana is another story, since Loughner was a heavy user, at least in the past. If weed causes mental damage, that could last even after someone stops smoking it (assuming that Loughner ever stopped).
Also this just in,
The icons are not “gun crosshairs” they are “surveyor marks”. Please file where appropriate.
Oh my correctnotright wants to jump into the fray. Jared Loughner listened to heavy metal music. But but but that doesn’t incite a leftist fool to violence does it correctnotright?
Wrong again stupid libtardo. When Daily Kooks uses cross hairs or the DNCC uses cross hairs and the word target as Puddy placed above (did correctnotright actually read the links) we see how much of an ASS correctnotright is. It’s A-OK when they use cross hairs for political speech. THERE IS NO TRACTION. You side has failed with the connections.
Puddy waiting for this one. Another failure by a liberal soft on crime sheriff. This is the sheriff Lib Unscientist wants to hold up as “his hero”. Well…
So if this fool was mentally unstable for God knows how long, how did Dupnik’s crew allow this leftist moron to purchase a Glock?
As the news breaks more and more we see the farts spewn by correctnotright above are just that chunky smelly farts.
CBS News Morning Show. But don’t mention that to the liberal progressive Jared Loughner apologists on HA. They will claim the poll is fixed.
Hey Roger DUMB Rabbit, more proof you are an idiot!
But keep the faith. Being a liberal apologist does afford you some “adoring” fans.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Retired Lawyers should stay off their computers.
Don’t worry Stupid Solution Steve… Puddy hasn’t forgotten you. It’s just that there is nothing much else to say about or to you unless you see medical help immediately!
According to Time magazine, Loughner’s heavy marijuana usage could have caused the apparent psychosis, schizophrenia or other mental illness that evidently prompted his homicidal massacre
Time is somewhat inaccurate in reporting it that way. Marijuana can’t cause psychosis or schizophrenia. It can only exacerbate it within those who have a genetic predisposition to it. We know this because schizophrenia rates in a society have no correlation to marijuana usage.
For pre-disposed individuals, the damage tends to be worse for those who start using it at a younger age, as Loughner apparently did. And if Loughner’s friend is to be believed, Loughner’s mental health actually got worse once he stopped smoking marijuana, which I find unusual. However, there are some folks who believe that marijuana can keep schizophrenia in check. I’ve never believed that myself, but I’ll readily admit that there’s a lot we still don’t know about this.
There is a lot of talk about cracking down on “rhetoric” — even though speech is constitutionally protected and there is no evidence that “rhetoric” influenced Loughner that much.
Please don’t misunderstand this post. I don’t support cracking down on rhetoric. But I have no problem with public officials criticizing those who use eliminationist and violent rhetoric for being irresponsible.
As for whether the rhetoric influenced Loughner, it strains all credulity to believe that a young man with an interest in politics, who’d read a number of politically-themed books, who’d attended a Giffords event in 2007 and would occasionally complain to friends about a vote she took, who’d called a woman in his class a terrorist for discussing abortion, who had bizarre views against using currency, and who believed that government was exercising mind control on him, was completely isolated from the right-wing influences. If it comes out today that he didn’t own a radio or a TV and had no access to the internet, I’ll reconsider this. But there’s no question that Loughner was aware of the political atmosphere that surrounded Congresswomen Giffords.
Marijuana is another story, since Loughner was a heavy user, at least in the past. If weed causes mental damage, that could last even after someone stops smoking it (assuming that Loughner ever stopped).
I think it’s entirely possible that Loughner continued to smoke pot even after his friend believed he quit, but if it’s true that he did quit smoking pot in 2008, it’s silly to believe that his mental illness had anything to do with pot.
These guys know their geese are cooked.
They are literally…literally…caught with blood on their hands.
On another thread the trolls got after me and the sites I cited listing the hard evidence of the incessant right wing extremist hate speech. This has been going on since the sixties and is now reaching a screaming crescendo….and there is NOTHING anywhere CLOSE to this violent rhetoric coming from the “left”. Even during the eight years of the criminally incompetent Bush Administration. Challenged to back up the allegations, they scattered like the cockroach they are.
So as these hate merchants…fear merchants…ratchet up the hate speech, they show themselves as they realy are. They show what their true agenda really is.
You see Ha liberal progressives there is no remorse from those fools who lead your party…
How dumb cinder block rujax? Got any proof today from a reputable web site?
The puddybitch is just going NUTZ trying to hide from his own demonstrations of hate.
Who does the jesus hate mister believer?
When would the christ EVER utter the filth that his self-proclaimed followers (and I mean you!) spew on a daily basis.
The dumb cinder block rujax bent over taking up the ASS again hasn’t provided any links. Everyone knows why. Hate 24x7x365.25. Also he can’t refute anything Puddy has delivered, including links with FACT after FACT!
Stay stupid you are proving what liberalism does as a mental disorder!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This one is beyond resuscitation.
@ 136
Except for the fact that MJ usage has not been shown as a causal factor in the onset of schizophrenia. It never has been. It is often symptomatic of the self-medicating that all mentally ill people do in the early stages of their illness.
MJ has been proven to be an exacerbating factor in schizophrenics, it does make their symptoms worse and harder to diagnose with any specificity. When they stop using it, the symptoms of the disease subside or disappear for a while, but only temporarily. Eventually the symptoms become too obvious to ignore or suppress.
I knew a couple people that became schizophrenic as they grew up, the symptoms most often appear in the mid to late teens, with the “break” occurring in the late teens to early twenties. This is why colleges see a disproportionate share of schizophrenics amongst the students. The two people I knew, used weed in their teens somewhat, but they both switched to alcohol and narcotics as their only recreational drugs by their late teens. Using them to incredible levels, from the first time they tried them.
They both learned to hate the effects that MJ had on their minds, as all it did was make their disjointed thoughts even more intense and harder to control and conceal.
Alcohol and narcotics are anesthetic in their basic effects, whereas MJ intensifies feelings and the symptoms, rendering them harder to conceal. They would rather be numb to the problems, rather than feel them even more intensely and have them be noticed. Real mental illness is a motherfucker. The pain is very real. But it is a pain of the mind rather than the body.
The anti-legalization crowd always uses the causal factor as an argument in their rationale for maintaining the current prohibition on MJ, but it never really flies as a propaganda tool for the simple reason that by a long measure, most schizophrenics are diagnosed as such having never touched MJ in their lives. Such diagnoses most often occur in the mid-twenties, after the patients have suffered and hidden their illness for years. That diagnosis often only coming after a psychotic break or an intensification of the symptoms to the point where the patient can no longer manipulate peoples perceptions of their behavior. In the alcoholic, the symptoms are often attributed to the alcohol, rather than the disease that led to the alcohol usage. This delays a proper diagnosis for years or even decades.
Far more Schizophrenics use alcohol or narcotics to mask their symptoms, even against themselves. They don’t want to be sick. Like anyone, they don’t want to be seen as weak or damaged. So they manipulate their parents and their friends by pretending to NOT be crazy.
Many schizophrenics become very good at hiding their symptoms over the years. Such people are often never diagnosed or are at a very late stage. MJ does not mask the symptoms the way that alcohol and narcotics do.
But now rujax, steve, ylb, and lib unscientist are exhibiting such strong symptoms nothing can mask it anymore!
Hey ButtPutty @145, you need to check your facts again. The source of the quote was a veteran Democratic operative, whatever that means, not a “party leader”.
See the full article at Politico which your article pointed to as its source.
It would help your arguments if your links were actually relevant.
Spuddy @ 150
But it is you that exhibit the classical symptoms of that of a borderline personality disorder, just based on your writing style and the bizarre interpretations of the content of the links you invariably post in here. You are nuttier than a squirrel turd.
Really correctnotright, when all the evidence points to your sick side of the aisle?
Your side calls us Talibangelists. Well that means we worship God in heaven. Your side and Jared worship skulls.
Your side reads and promotes Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto. We don’t.
Your side wants to promote free and clear MJ use. Pat Robertson said he doesn’t condone the behavior and most of us don’t either.
Your side loves Heavy Metal Rock. We like Christian Hymns and Gospel Music.
ButtPutty the squirrel turd.
I like that. It has a ring to it that is somehow appropriate.
Oh it’s Ekim and his goat. Yep that’s the Politico article.
Mark Penn first said it back last November 5th or so. Now the chickens have come home to roost because Mark Penn is saying it again. They listen to the “Mark Penns'”. Do you have a point?
So asking again your point is?
Once again DeadToad posts nothing to refute any link here. It’s ad hominem 24×7 with this progresso!
re 157: I guess he just can’t cope with your barrage of ‘proven facts’.
The irony here is that when Puddybud finally snaps and shoots someone, all the other right-wing nuts around the country will bend over backwards claiming that he’s not influenced by right-wing media.
Well asshole?
What’s your answer?
Good try Lee. Ain’t gonna happen and you know it. But Puddy can see some atheistic or skull worshiping HA based progressive liberal performing a Jared Loughner act.
Did you find the Tuscon spelling yet Lee?
Puddy doesn’t answer to Mr Hater 24x7x365.25.
Good bye moron as the receiver rests on the cradle!
You guys will find this strange I’m sure, but I kinda sorta…JUST kinda sorta…wish the cyniklown was here to add his paranoid gyrations trying to walk back from the monster these fucks have created.
Again…JUST kinda sorta.
Oh my headless lucy reappears@158.
So Puddy asks the bent over up the ASS taker rujax again, GOT PROOF?
Did you find the Tuscon spelling yet Lee?
Yes, you’re still spelling it wrong, shit-for-brains.
You WON’T answer because you CAN’T answer.
You CAN’T answer because you have no answer.
You (the BIG you) created this monster and you can’t stop it now. This monster you made will eat you alive, and it’s starting now.
Your words and actions have consequences Mister Puddybuddy. This is serious stuff you did. You believe in the hereafter?
How will you be judged?
This way you are on…this is not the way of the righteous. This is not the way of the christ, the jesus you say you follow. This path you are on is the way of pride and mammon and the flesh and the horned one.
How WILL you be judged?
I don’t worship skulls. That is an occult thing, derived directly from Christian theology and its iconography. You worship “God in heaven”, and a major aspect of your belief system is the inherently presumed right to commit incredible acts of violence and destruction to enforce that belief system and impose it on others. This alone renders your entire belief structure invalid and illustrates to the world what it really is. That is, flim-flam in the purest sense.
Thats right, your “side” burns books instead of reading them. Your “side” punishes and criticizes people for reading books that do not directly support your belief system. Your “side” seeks only to suppress information that disturbs that pretty little bubble you have imposed upon yourselves.
Pat Robertson is an unintelligent little gnome, who constantly changes his position on varying subjects in his efforts to enrich himself. He runs a business. Thats all his “church” really is. It has made him extremely wealthy by hiding behind religion and manipulating people with it.
“Christian” music is shallow, thematic pablum. I listen to Metal for the simple reason that it presents the ugliness of the world for everyone to see, in loud angry terms. You so-called “Christians” would rather hide that ugliness from people and prevent them from even wanting to look. Christian music is sugar-coated bullshit with virtually no variations on the basic theme whatsoever. It is fluffy, insubstantial crap.
shit-for-brains? Projecting like Stupid Solution Steve again? The leftist fakir moron who placed the fake registration misspelled it ya idiot. When Puddy told the HA world that’s one of the immediate identification points you weirded out on #64. Now everyone can see above the original post where the leftist fool misspelled Tucson!
See ya shit-for-brains!
Ahhh yes DeadToad like rujax hasn’t offered anything concrete to the Jared Loughner discussion. Too bad y’all can’t prove he wasn’t a whack-job leftist, because your arguments are so Shallow Hal!
Awesome, I’ve had to correct your spelling twice now. Well, at least you’re capable of learning things a small child is capable of learning.
Puddy’s rants are now about as nonsensical and maniacal as those of the shooter. I must say that I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that he soon took it up another notch and had an eruption of violence. We’re watching this play out and escalate in front of us. Don’t we have a responsibility to report this man’s increasingly bizarre behavior to the proper authorities?
Now that I see where it leads, I’m going to have to quit listening to gospel music.
Sorry delusional one you’ve corrected nothing… Another EPIC FAIL from Lee. You project too much all the time.
Uhhh Steve. It’s you who is irrational. It’s you who projects your “thoughts” onto others. All the FBI and others have to do is contact the databaze keepa and request a full DB backup and they will be visiting you soon enough for your diarrhea postings. Here is another refresher view of the ones you hold so dear.
Be sure to zero in on the Fuck Bush/ Fuck Cops picture. Isn’t that one of your nephews? Where is your remorse for DUMMOCRATIC women sticking pine wood poles into cars trying to hurt or maim gentlemen? Where is your remorse when 9-year old grand children of former Phillie Managers get killed by leftwing whack-jobs? here is your remorse when conservative judges get killed by leftwing whack-jobs? Sadly it’s lacking on this blog Stupid Solution Steve.
Steve at 172
I just skimmed this thread. Wow, I see what you mean. I’ve never seen Puddy so lacking lucidity, and that bar is awfully high. He is nuts. If there were any question before, there surely is none now.
HAHAHAHAHA proud leftist. Why don’t you go down and represent Jared Lee Loughner pro bono? He’s got your mindset!
I don’t think there was ever much doubt. But yeah, his mental state is clearly getting worse.
Singlehandedly taking on many of the HA leftists and this is all they have to come back with.
Can ya say leftist? LEFTIST. See ya!
Judgement day is coming Mister Puddybuddy. The jesus is NOT going to be happy with you.
It’s quite disturbing to watch someone’s mental state deteriorate right in front of us. I really do wish there was something we could do to help him before he erupts in violence.
If Puddy were to show up at Drinking Liberally in his current state of mind, I’d strongly recommend that someone pat him down before allowing him to enter.
Dunno Steve…he’s never been much different.
@184 Well, sure, he’s always been kinda crazy, but ever since the shooting he’s been really fucking crazy. He obviously recognizes the shooter as a fellow traveler and he just can’t deal with it. It seems to have pushed him over the edge.
@183 I’m not going to DL until I know that Puddy’s wearing a straight-jacket and confined to a padded cell.
@184: I know! I’ve been calling out the pudpuller as psychotic for a long time now.
Seriously, he is sick. The best thing we can do is ignore it.
re 31: “TUCSON is spelled TUSCON. People who live in a city do not misspell it’s name.”
I lived in Tucson for ten years. I find it ironic that in Wingtopia ‘proof’ of not proof is not correct.
You are wrong, WaxxMann.
Seems that Loughner was a registered Republican. Imagine that! Who came from Tucson, not Tuscon.
I hope Loughner’s appreciating the way his fellow Republicans are abandoning him in his time of need.
He probably feels like Jesus did on Peter’s third denial.
But, to be fair, some Democrats did print bull’s eyes on their political maps. So I would advise all Democrats NOT to show up at a Republican rally with a crossbow.
The constitution does NOT specifically give anyone the right to brandish a crossbow in public.
We’re walkin’ back from our own crossbow nuts.
I was by earlier this morning – and I see “Puddy” has stayed around and is in the same manic state as earlier.
In the past he’s said he had a job and couldn’t poist during the day – is he not going to work?
I agree with the commentary above – “Puddy” seems totally crazed. This isn’t about political disargreement – he is ranting and seems pressured and disorganized.
I wonder – anyone who actually knows him – like, in person – I think SJ does, at least. I wonder if someone could contact him and check in. I’m not joking, actually.
I’ve met him as well, and while I don’t expect to ever see him again, if I do, I’m prepared to strongly encourage him to seek mental health treatment.
The Frogg of Death spewed:
One of my favorite South Park episodes:
Cartman and the boys form their own cristian rock band. They even write their own songs by replacing “baby” and “girl”, etc. with jesus and god. It made for some pretty funny listening, to whit:
Oh racist one, the fake was already discredited even by the leftists in the MSM. Maybe you knew his parents when you lived there on the 10 year degree program. Maybe your
“brain”fecal matter was left on him.Keep up your silly mantra.
While each of these leftist progressive fools are “worried” about Puddy’s state, none of these same fools can provide any rebuttal evidence to the FACTS presented here about Jared Lee Loughner. While you all scream and shout and bark at the moon, nary a scrip of rebuttal evidence is produced.
Man we see it really sucks to be a leftist these past few days.
That’s nice Lee. Still waiting for any leftist to produce credible Jared Lee Loughner was a conservative evidence. Any evidence he listened to Glenn Beck? Doubt it.
He probably listened to NPR and Bill Moyers or MSNBC and Keith Odormann!
But the HA leftist progressive think so. They are usually on the wrong side of polls.
George Stephanopolous. Still won’t stop the crazies HA leftists here. Talk about needing medical help, even when ABC News says there is no evidence, the HA leftist progressive pinheads keep marching to the same drummer. Now that’s a deep psychosis.
There are specific examples in the post.
I get the feeling that “Puddy” perceives that people are listening to him and thoughtfully considering his words at this point.
Pud, I don’t think anyone is listening. And no, that does not mean that you won an argument, it means that everyone has grown exhausted from the crazy.
I think there are genuine feelings of concern among the posters here, and again, I would ask that any readers here who know you personally check in on you.
If you’re not unwell…well, I’ll just leave it at that – get help.
PudWaxx said that my brain was fecal matter. Is this the way Cornell graduates call you a poopy head?
It seems odd that teh Waxxster would be advising us all to (in the name of Sweet Bleeding Jesus!!!!), to please listen to George Stephanopolous and realize that shooting the Democratic Congresswoman was just some crazy coincidence (like the murders of the abortion doctors).
Puddy is feeling and doing great Lib Unscientist. Knowing Jared Lee Loughner is a libtard proves Puddy’s comment to DUMMO Child last Sunday. Knowing you and others were WRONG WRONG WRONG makes it even more special!
“Now, we have no evidence that the shooter, Jared Loughner, was motivated by anything but the crazy voices in his own mind.”
Where is the evidence that Loughner was afflicted with auditory hallucinations? Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr — could this just be some BS that George Stephanopolous MADE UP???!!!
Waxx dispenses the BS — YOU decide!!
Puddy proclaims victory. Wow. He seems to find great comfort in his delusions. I guess we should be happy for him. Most of us feel a little sheepish when our asses get handed to us on a silver platter; not the Pud, though. He does a victory dance and spews the trash talk.
Yep Puddy old pal…you beat down all those liberals. Smote ’em. Yessirree. You can be the Republicans pet Negro for the rest of your life. Earned your spurs. Just like Michael Steele (well hopefully not like him), and Alan West and Alan Keyes and Juan Williams. Play their game right and it’s worth some coin. Good for you.
Yes, Puddy, you smacked us down. You win. You always win. Every fact you’ve ever presented here is unassailable. God loves you most of all his children and hates us. The good work you’ve done here at HA combating the evil, treasonous libtards has no doubt earned you a special place in heaven, a seat nearer to God than even Jesus.
Wrong again proud leftist. There are no delusions. Well you may still have some in your head. Not one of you have presented any rebuttal for the FACTS as presented yesterday and today.
Sucks to be a leftist these days.
Sure is interesting how the delusional headless lucy still hangs onto the paranoid ravings leftist loons. This is a premeditated leftist who had hallucinations. Yet you leftist fools want to discuss this due to “the political climate”. This moron had 5 encounters with Pima County Police.
Bout time you saw clearly. Did you miss your morning 16 oz glass of Stupid Solution, Steve?
You need help, Puddy. Whether it’s a priest or a doctor you turn to, you need to find somebody you can trust to help you. Good luck.
re 208: “Sure is interesting how the delusional headless lucy still hangs onto the paranoid ravings leftist loons. This is a premeditated leftist who had hallucinations.”
I’m no psychologist, but what you are saying has become the written form of glossolalia — which is a serious mental condition.
I think that maybe you should consult a professional. And remember, when you are explaining yourself to the psych, always refer to yourself in the third person.
Psychs are very impressed by that.