Goldy has the latest Rodney Tom is full of shit news. First quoting the Seattle Times:
Tom created a buzz after broaching the idea of a $250-a-day fine for each day lawmakers go past the time allotted in the regular session.
Then Goldy notes:
For wealthy lawmakers like Senator Rodney Tom (R-Medina), $250 isn’t all that much money. Hell, that’s less than Tom spends a day just murdering kittens. (Actual Rodney Tom 2012 campaign slogan: “Because Those Kittens Aren’t Going to Murder Themselves.”) But for legislators who mostly rely on their $42,000 a year salary, the $15,000 in fines they would have accumulated this year could’ve been the difference between keeping and losing their homes. The end result would be those lawmakers who can’t afford to pay the fine caving to lawmakers who can.
Aah. Nothing like fake populism from a dirtbag millionaire in an effort to advance their dirtbag millionaire goals. Look, if Rodney Tom had wanted to end either special session early, he could have done it at any point simply by resigning. Since a Democrat would replace him, a Democrat would caucus with the Democrats like Democrats are supposed to do, and then they could have passed a budget. Done and done. Or barring that, he could have gone back to caucusing with the Democrats. Either event would involve Rodney Tom eating a lot of shit, but if he’d wanted the special session to end earlier, that would be the thing to do.
Also, as the person who is most responsible for the legislature adjourning with a lot of work yet to do, Rodney Tom should really not be discouraging the legislators actually doing the people’s business. I mean honestly, the legislature should have passed the Reproductive Parity Act. It should have passed the DREAM Act. It should have passed a transportation budget, or at least let municipalities pass their own. But Rodney Tom was a roadblock that kept that important work from being done. To say the legislature should have got even less done is highly insulting. Honestly, the goal should have been to pass legislation that makes Washington a better place, not to simply avoid a special session.
tensor spews:
Rodney Tom whining about legislative inefficiency: somewhat like the arsonist complaining about the cost of the fire department, but more like the biggest, ugliest dump in the sewer complaining about the blockage.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Rodney Tom is just another rich guy who bought himself a legislative seat and plays at being a politician, feathering his own nest as he goes along.
I’m a member of the Leisure Class, too, but I do something constructive with my time: I rip off the rich by playing the stock market.
Of course, some days are more fruitful than others. I made only $44.34 today. Still, it’s more fun than working. Going to a job five days a week sucks every which way to Sunday.
Roger Rabbit spews:
House GOPers have wrapped up their confab on immigration reform, and have concluded that America needs to be protected from Democrats. As one put it, “Trusting Barack Obama with border security is like trusting my daughter with Bill Clinton.”
That sounds like a great legislative agenda! Moreover, it’ll have a wondrous effect on Hispanic voters. 2016, here we come! WHHHEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Roger Rabbit spews:
Stripped of middle class incomes, and burdened with student debts, millions of young Americans are skipping parenthood. Which means the next generation of Republican warmongers will have to get their cannon fodder somewhere else. They need immigrants more than they realize.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Stripped of middle class job opportunities and hobbled by crushing student debt, millions of young Americans are skipping parenthood. Which means the next generation of Republican warmongers will have to get their cannon fodder somewhere else. They need immigrants more than they realize.
SeattleMike spews:
I think we need to find a way to impose a hefty fine on any politician who runs under the auspices on one party, then cynically switches party affiliation after they get elected to obtain a more powerful position.
A suitable fine would be somewhere in the neighborhood of whatever they spent to get elected in the first place.
Roger Rabbit spews:
The GOP is ramping up its war against workers.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“Honorable beaters of children … ”
Texass Republicans are getting physical with witnesses against their anti-abortion law.
Of course, that’s entirely in keeping with long-established GOP traditions.
PS I didn't fall off of the bus spews:
Come on Roger, $44.34 today in profit, hard to feed a family on that. I’ll give you a tip. Buy Oil, OIl, Oil…EVEP, CHEVRON, etc etc. Hell I made 16k today. It is a no brainier, just invest in everything Owebamma hates and the prices of it (basic supply and demand to push your Yugos around) will skyrocket. Not to mention Any industry that supports this wealth destroying idiot, and you will recover wonderfully. Paychex, GE, and god knows the affordable care act drug makers who will make a killing.