I can think of one circumstance under which Rep. Weiner should resign: he makes a pact with Sen. Vitter and they both fall on their swords (figuratively) and go away.
Think about it. The calculus is right. Weiner flirted at a distance with women. Vitter hired a prostitute to play out his diaper fantasies. Roughly speaking, Vitter’s crime (yes…he actually broke the law) is many times worse than Weiner’s stupid, ill-advised, boorish, but not illegal, e-flirting.
A simplistic model would value a Senate seat as worth about 4.38 (=438/100) times the value of a house seats, giving the paired resignations impacts roughly commensurate with the respective offenses.
You know what is totally unacceptable?
Answer: Assholes calling for Rep. Weiner’s resignation without applying the same moral standards to Sen. Vitter. Because that is blatant, ugly, stupid, repulsive hypocrisy.
Rep. Reince Priebus is an asshole for his blatant, ugly, stupid, repulsive hypocrisy.
And to be clear, by “same moral standards”, I mean standards that consider the seriousness of the allegations. Vitter broke the law at the same time he was committing adultery by fucking a prostitute. Maybe you believe sexting is a form of adultery. I believe most people would recognize sexting as less of a violation of ones vows in partnership than physically fucking a prostitute—which, at the very minimum, has the potential for more serious complications like STDs or extramarital pregnancies. Honest politicians and pundits shouldn’t treat Weiner any worse, for an offence far less serious, than they have (or will) treat Vitter.
I’ll call for neither of them to resign…as happened in 2010 for Vitter, we should leave it to the voters to decide.
Unless, of course, Weiner and Vitter agree to resign together.
IOKIYAR, capable of breathtaking hypocrisy and incapable of embarrassment.
I agree with Darryl..they should both GTFO.
scumbag liars…all of them
On November 6, 2012, the voters in Weiner’s district will decide whether or not he gets to continue in the House.
The look.
OMFG. Breaking news. This creepy pervert’s wife is pregnant!
Well. My congratulations to the happy couple.
Would anyone out there “lie” to protect their family!
I feel “so bad” for Breitbart and his ilk.
I feel so bad for the baby weiner.
re 7: Cocktail weiner?
Dori Monson = the shrimp cocktail
Checked with my boss today and yep if I got caught sending pictures of my crotch to random people I didn’t know on my work phone or on work hours I’d get canned.
But hey, I’m working class and The Weiner is one of the rich and powerful. We shouldn’t be treated the same. Never mind that the clause in my contract that would get me canned looks remarkably similar to the first part of the houses’ code of conduct.
It’s easy for the Republicans to call for Rep. Weiner to resign. He has a D behind his name. If he had an R, you wouldn’t hear a peep from any holier than thou, bible thumping, family values republican.
@10. So you are going to equally call for Vitter to resign?
So you are going to be able to post all the places where you already called for Vitter to resign when his scandal broke?
Or do you think ethnics rules and consequences only apply to Democrats?
Ask around, I’m a big-old-lefty and have called Vitter and others to step down.
@7 You have feelings? Who could have guessed? I’ve always thought you were a preprogrammed circuit board.
> It’s easy for the Republicans to call for Rep. Weiner to resign.
Don’t be a frickin’ idiot. Wiener’s a national embarrassment to the Dems, and increasingly a major distraction. The latest photo, released today, will only increase the pressure on the Dems to get rid of this clown. And just to be clear . . . it’s Democrats who are now calling for him to resign.
Wiener is toast; not surprisingly, HA is a step behind.
Is it a crime to publicly accuse somebody of a felony, when you know it’s not true? I’m guessing maybe a civil crime?
Could be, it’s a misdemeanor to knowingly file a false claim of abuse of a vulnerable adult. Had to inform someone of that once.
See, lots o people on the left agree with me.
re 18: “Lying is unforgivable. Lying publicly about something like this is unforgivable, and he should resign,” Kaine said Wednesday.
It’d be nice if that standard were applied to Wall Street, Presidents who lie the country into wars that profit themselves and their cronies, imprison citizens without due process …. The list of significant abuse of power is endless.
Wiener should point that out in clear language that everyone can readily understand. This is a country that gets riled about peccadilloes and overlooks deliberate criminality. We punish people for blow jobs and wiener photos — and give the true murderers and criminals a pass.
Weiner is still an American hero. The only reason any of this came out is because he was looking into Clarence Thomas’ conflicts of interest.
The whole thing was instigated by Darryl Issa’s office by the way. You know, the criminal in charge of the ethics commitee.
well now we know what kind of husband you are.
he wasnt trying to protect his family you fucking fruitcake, he was trying to protect his job and his pride.
your man-crush is showing.
\TEH WEENUR is a “hero”….wtf are you smoking?
the guy is a first class douchebag…
I suppose you think John Edwards is a “hero” too.
Well the x-rated picture is out there.
I’m sure a certain moronic “weiner-on-the-brain” fool @21 is stroking himself to it as I type.
And Breitbart I hear (LMAO!) is “mortified”.
Let me just be a little cynical and deduce that the trigger for this publication event was the couple expecting their first child.
Again, the question for the worthless turd @ 21 and other right wingers:
Would you lie to protect your family?
And we know what kind you are.
I even have evidence. Wanna see?
amazing, the gop lies every day about how lower taxes creates jobs. hello! job costs are called salaries, and wages….these are costs….profits are after costs….profit will drive job creation…regardless of whether those profits are taxed at 33% or 35% they’re better than NO PROFITS so the entire theory is a LIE.
that’s the gop lie told every day. democrats shamefully let the lie happen with no regbuttal or callout. they shamefully let politics be taken over by media profits infotainment focusing on weiner’s boner photos….. who cares if some guy shows a photo of his dick or has a boner. it’s perverted of anyone to CARE about that. When children, families and people are hurt by the GOP lie every day. the democrats should say weiner will resign after every gop congressman who told the tax lie or the deficit lie has resigned. damn these democrats sure are not loyal.
and weiner is “rich”? wow how misinformed you are. he’s one of the most stand up guys for the working class and middle class around.
@23 What family? They don’t have families. Righwingers run together in packs.
I certainly understand why GOPers want to keep “Wienergate” going as long as possible. They don’t want people thinking about their efforts to dismantle Medicare and Social Security.
26 – Pack is too dignified.
Herd is more like it.
Another thing Republicans don’t want people thinking or talking about is how their buddies in Wisconsin are “solving” that state’s budget crisis by giving hundreds of millions of dollars of new tax breaks to their business cronies.
In other Wisconsin news, Gov. Walker has taken over federal job training funding and told local communities their K-12 school curriculums have to please local employers or they won’t get the money.
Speaking of runaway federal spending did you know the U.S. military budget is more than the rest of the world’s military spending combined?
Under George W. Bush military spending exploded from $400 billion to $700 billion a year, yet Republicans who say we can’t afford Medicare for America’s future senior citizens refuse to cut one penny of military spending.
The silly GOPer claim that cutting taxes increases revenue is back — and this time it’s Tim Pawlenty who’s peddling it.
> that’s the gop lie told every day. democrats shamefully let the lie happen with no regbuttal or callout.
Well, thankfully we have HA – or what’s left of it – to set the record straight.
You clowns don’t get it. The Dems are dumping on Wiener far more than the Republicans are, because Wiener has become a perverted joke who’s damaging the party and its legislative goals. The Republicans would love nothing better than for Wiener to stay in office, FRONT and CENTER. So, yeah, you fight for Wiener’s job here at HA!
I didn’t think so before, but right now I’m thinking Weiner is staying put. As cooler heads in the R party prevail, it will be realized that it’s better to have him stay. A guy from a solid D district, reduced to nothing, why wouldn’t they want that?
And given that Weiner’s wife is close to Hillary, she’ll have plenty of expert advice on how to survive this.
Weiner stays, and likely is even re-elected. Only caveat is if Pelosi decides that he’s too much of a liability and figures a way to buy him off.
I went to intrade.com to see what their odds were, and in the time it took me to write the above post it went from 59% to 55%
In the same vein of this hypocrite-hunting OP…
Reported recently is that the Obama administration is looking into giving payroll tax breaks to employers as a way to stimulate hiring. Yes, tax breaks which probably won’t actually increase hiring, but only increase profits and the bottom line of big business.
If true, will Dems support tax breaks as a way to boost hirings? I thought only republicans did that?
The D and R fight is old and tired, people – and a distraction from real issues, IMO. They both screw us, just with different foreplay.
Which is why you voted for George Bush twice.
Yes, tax breaks DON”T DO CRAP! Over 30 percent of the stimulus package was tax cuts. How’d that work out?
The administration is doing this BECAUSE IT WILL PASS BOTH HOUSES of the Congress and maybe some other desirable stuff will ride its coat tails.
I didn’t vote for Bush because he was a Republican. I thought he was more fiscally conservative than the other choices at the time – huge mistake on my part.
I voted for Obama – who is using Bush’s same fiscal playbook.
Is that really how you choose your candidates? Solely by party?
Back to tax cuts: What would be “desirable stuff” that might get passed with corporate tax cuts that would allow you support them?
I don’t believe payroll tax cuts will increase hiring in this recession.
Daddies a lawyer and he grew up in Park Slope. That doesn’t sound poor to me! Went straight from college to Chuck Schumer’s staff. Again, that’s not something a working class kid would do. That’s wealth and privilege.
So this means you would have voted for Gore? Apparently because he would have continued the Clinton playbook on containing Saddam and definitely would have listened when a CIA man told him bin Laden had something big planned on U.S. Soil.
Kerry? Not so much. By then the Dems were wedded to an re-emphasis on Afghanistan.
I voted for Obama because he was WAAAY better than the alternative – a bellicose cancer survivor whose first big decision was to hire a lunatic from the “Mad Zoo” of Alaska to be one heartbeat away from his desk.
What would be “desirable stuff”
Take your pick – anything Obama said he’d do to shore up his coalition and get himself re-elected
When did I say I supported tax cuts. I said they don’t do crap. 10 years of the Bush tax cuts…
Where are we now???
If I would have known that Gore or Kerry would have promoted and fought for a balanced budget, not gone to war without approval/funding, and not signed Medicare part D, I would have voted for them. I guess my mistake was thinking that Bush had those qualities, and they did not.
I have to admit that I was swayed by the “R” back then. I never called myself a Republican (although i adopted the Libertarian moniker for a while) but leaned that way in voting because of Republicans self-promotion as being fiscally responsible.
I’ve learned they are not. Neither are the Dems. None of them have our best interest in mind – only the companies and orgs that fund their campaigns are important to them.
The partisan passion is now amusing to me. I think it causes cognitive impairment. Just you watch – Weiner will get re-elected, and not because voters think he is best choice to represent them, but because a bunch of passionate dems will find it more important to stick it to republican voters and rub it in their face to “win”. What a circus…
Well the budget was pretty much balanced in 2000. But no way would it have stayed that way. Too much of the tax receipts were in capital gains from the tech boom and the accompanying stock bubble.
There’s been balanced budgets very few times in the history of this country and those times are highly correlated with recession and worse. Andrew Jackson eliminated the federal debt, the only time in U.S. history. We were debt free for only a year. A five year depression followed.
Running a deficit is perfectly fine as long as economic growth is continued and government policies can help or hinder to that end in my view.
I hope Weiner stays.
The longer this story is on the frontpages and tabloids, the better it is for Conservatives.
Weiner’s story has far more impact than Vitter…both in actions, drama and the fact that Weiner is a very unlikeable douchebag.
Now it appears Weiner’s wife MAY be pregnant??
I think this is just another trick to try and get some sympathy. Remember, Weiner told one of those women precisely what to say and how to lie. You don’t think this douchebag would lie again.
Weiner is the new Blago.
He’s a mouthy, tight-faced prick.
Please Weiner…Keep Fighting!!
@39: you say: “Daddies a lawyer and he grew up in Park Slope. That doesn’t sound poor to me! Went straight from college to Chuck Schumer’s staff. Again, that’s not something a working class kid would do. That’s wealth and privilege.”
got facts?
many lawyers in NYC are not rich. Tell us facts. What kind of lawyer? park slope brownstone mansion or park slope rent controlled apt.? tell us.
btw going to work to be a staffer meant he dind’t make much money. and the congressman’s salary isn’t rich. you retreat saying ” not poor.” I said he’s not rich, you want to argue get a damn fact. you don’t know what in hell you’re talking about either congressional staffers are from all walks of life, or do you have inside knowledge on that? nope just another gop lie assumption spewing forth …..the one I knew was a poor kid from a NE state whose parents had seven kids and she had to struggle to get through colelge but not being a greedy prick like most gopsters she worked on the hill for a liberal congressperson. she got called names in high school cuz her family was poor. that the kind of wealth and privilege you mean?
mayvwe weiner is rich, but if you got facts let us know. most people living on staff salaries or even congressional salaries aren’t rich and btw he has to pay rent in dc as well as have a home in nyc….right? and isn’t he representing queens anyway? show me his house then tell me how rich he is.
nolaguy — the unbalanced budget is 3/4 due to irrespnoisible bush tax cuts gore would not have done that. obama shouldn’t ahve done it either.
okay @39 — what a lying liar ….two minutes of googling reveals anthony weiner has modest wealth, nothing to brag about for a 46 year old
so typical of the right. just lie, lie lie. you ought to resign your job for telling the lie that weiner is rich. when you did no research and just maliciously lied. why don’t you resign and never comment again, if lying is bad, and liars should resign?
amen…excellent post.
Who will these geniuses vote for at election?
Sorry “people” – the candidate usually has an “R” or “D” next to its name.
Whatever – just don’t pick the “R”..
Spoken like the good little partisan lemming that you are…
48 – Asshat: again you can’t read for shit.
Vote for a Liberatarian for all I care.
The “R”‘s with their “family values”, warmongering and tax policies have run the country into the ground.
Your devotion to being a hardcore dumbshit is the only lemming behavior I see around here.
Weiner is still hanging on by a pubic hair.
This is hysterical watch this douchebag be hung out to dry by a slow to react, but ever increasing number of Democrats. This will be the perverbial death by a 1000 cuts for Weiner and the Democrat Party.
re 42: Well, when you are done with the self-indulgent ‘amusement’ that you feel about people who vote Democrat in the hopes of pressuring the politicians most likely to feel the pressure to vote in the peoples’ behalf, what are YOU gonna do to improve things??
Sitting on your ass and smirking doesn’t cut it with me.
Speaking of “priviledged”:
The GOP Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, went to college during the Vietnam era and then to law school. He would have been subject to the draft, but in his final semester of law school he secured an internship for GOP Senator John Sherman Cooper. When he graduated his student draft deferment expired, but suddenly his orders were changed to report not for a two-year stint in the JAG corps (as typical for most graduates of law school), but instead he was assigned to the Army Reserves, stationed in a training unit not far from his home in Kentucky for a six-month active-duty stretch. But he was only in the army for one month, when he was discharged first so he could return to working for the other GOP Senator for Kentucky, and then based on a doctor’s note saying that he had optic neuritis, a symptom of muscular dystrophy (no evidence of the disease has ever appeared). He then received appointments as assistant attorney general for Gerald Ford’s administration. After that, his political career was pretty much rolling right along the same track.
I haven’t been able to find much info about McConnell’s parents or their financial circumstances. But his early career life seems to have all the halmarks of them being in touch with the “old-boy’s network”.
And, of course, he is yet another example of the “Chicken-Hawks” who avoided service in Vietnam, yet are among the most ardent proponants of using military force – especially when a Republican is President.
51 – Weiner on the brain alert!
Is it Weiner or Wiener?
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Stupid speculation from the yelling beta boy. Gore was more into green activities and having no controlling interest in strange campaign contributions.
While the “D”‘s and their no morality attitudes have allowed this country to go down the sewer.
Corrected and Weiner is our latest example.
Read it on Wikipedia ya moron. Wait… get someone else to read it for ya because we all know from previous posts reading isn’t fundamental to you!
Homer Simpson@53,
Golly no link on McConnell. Must be from some left-wingnut site. That’s not what leftwing WikiPedia said!
“While the “D”’s and their no morality attitudes have allowed this country to go down the sewer.”
Republican morality.
What a bunch of perverts. Our degenerate wingnuts already dwell in a sewer of moral decadence and degradation.
While the dumbfuck puddybitch is still beating dead horses and putting up straw men the do-fucking-nothing rethuglaicant are tanking the fucking economy.
Not only does the puddybitch and the morons he support have no morals and no conscience but they are bone chillingly stupid.
Hey asshole SENATOR David Vitter BROKE THE FUCKING LAW!!! You don’t give a flyin g fuck about that do you you god-damned hypocrite.
teh jesus is soooo proud of you.
Did some right wing dumbass say anything worth remembering in this thread?
Heh. Of course not. No one gives a rat’s ass about his “payload”.
Ahhh Stupid Solution Steve…
Butt you forgot your NAMBLA friends. Remember Obummer appointed Kevin Jennings as the Safe School Czar. Jennings bragged about his admiration and praise for Harry Hay. Now who was Harry Hay? Hay was the long time advocate for NAMBLA and the legalization of young boys being abused by older gmen.
If yelling lost beta only had a brain!
There is no hope for misogynist rujax!
Then Stupid Solution Steve you forgot your jockstapping for the DUMMOCRAPTIC Loving ACLU and their support for NAMBLA. Somehow no DUMMOCRAPT in Congress condemned the ACLU!
Look up the “The Rape-and Escape manual” Stupid Solution Steve.
Remember Stupid Solution Stevev, the ACLU which the DUMMOCRAPTS love defends NAMBLA while suing the Boy Scouts.
So Stupid Solution Steve, yelling loser beta and the dumb as a cinder block rujax, I side with the Boy Scouts, you side with NAMBLA
See ya!
Wow yeing lost beta… Can’t come back from NAMBLA huh FOOL! Got that Rape and Escape Manual on the bookshelf bext to your Commie Manifesto?
Sucks to be a DUMMOCRAPT!
69 – LOL! Been there done that dummy!
You said no gives a rat’s ass about your “payload”.
For once, YOU”RE RIGHT!
My bad fool – you asked:
Who gives a rat’s ass about your payload?
I’ll answer that:
Oh my you brought up your ignorance of wireless data and encryption as another chronological FAYLE?
You are truly a moron!