Remember when the nutcase Republicans were saying stupid shit about the IRS collecting personal health information in order to enforce Obamacare? Take, for instance, this doozy from Fox Nation:
IRS Hiring Thousands of Armed Tax Agents to Enforce Obamacare?
Under the new law, the IRS is required to fine taxpayers thousands of dollars if they do not purchase health insurance. In order for the government to enforce compliance, tax authorities will need information, for the first time, about people’s health care.
Wow…you can just envision an IRS agent pointing a gun at your head telling you to divulge intimate medical details about yourself. Gosh…that sounds scary.
(I’m only surprised they didn’t claim that Agents would be armed by mass confiscation of guns following passage of Obama’s next legislative assault on America: new gun control laws.)
At least there were no gun-wielding IRS agents in the congressional Republican’s take on it:
A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee minority staff estimates up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the ‘reconciliation’ bill being taken up by the U.S. House of Representatives this weekend.
“When most people think of health care reform they think of more doctors exams, not more IRS exams,” says U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady, the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee. “Isn’t the federal government already intruding enough into our lives? We need thousands of new doctors and nurses in America, not thousands more IRS agents.”
Of course, the whole thing was a lie manufactured to capitalize on fear of the IRS in order to sway public opinion against health care reforms.
Or was it a lie? (Via MoJo):
Under a GOP-backed bill expected to sail through the House of Representatives, the Internal Revenue Service would be forced to police how Americans have paid for their abortions. To ensure that taxpayers complied with the law, IRS agents would have to investigate whether certain terminated pregnancies were the result of rape or incest. And one tax expert says that the measure could even lead to questions on tax forms: Have you had an abortion? Did you keep your receipt?
Wait…this is just hyperbole invented by MSNBC or spewed by a flawed analysis from a minority party House committee, right?
In testimony to a House taxation subcommittee on Wednesday, Thomas Barthold, the chief of staff of the nonpartisan Joint Tax Committee, confirmed that one consequence of the Republicans’ “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” would be to turn IRS agents into abortion cops—that is, during an audit, they’d have to detemine, from evidence provided by the taxpayer, whether any tax benefit had been inappropriately used to pay for an abortion.
[…]“Were this to become law, people could end up in an audit, the subject of which could be abortion, rape, and incest,” says Christopher Bergin, the head of Tax Analysts, a nonpartisan, not-for-profit tax policy group. “If you pass the law like this, the IRS would be required to enforce it.”
Keep classy, G.O.P. congresscritters!
The expression may be hackneyed, but…this really is a classic case of Wingnut Projection.
Remember folks…when the Republicans accuse Democrats of something outrageously over-the-top, you can be pretty sure it’s because they are planning to do something similar. (Or are actually doing it already…You know, like Newt Gingrich going after Clinton for adultery.)
And that, oddly enough, leads to my financial tip of the day: If Republicans make gains in 2012 in the Senate or the Executive-branch, then before they are sworn in…take out a big fat live insurance policy on Granny.
Let’s just have a national sales tax and blow off income taxes. I could care less if you think it’s “regressive.”
“…take out a big fat live insurance policy on Granny.”
That could be VERY expensive, assuming an insurance company would sell you a policy on Granny!
I had hoped that Obama would have had better sense than to get involved in this Libyan mess. Looks like he’s gonna get in there with the Brit and the Frogs. It’s a mistake to start another shooting match when you’ve got two going on now with no end in sight for either one.
Wow! I’ve got 100% of the post on this thread so far!
And the army of IRS agents that are going after medical marijuana cooperatives.
re 3: Thanks for the cautionary note on starting wars.
This is a perfect illustration of what Darryl was saying. The irony flies right over your head.
So nobody’s policing thread crapping anymore?
So when is the puddybitch and his forced birth cult going to want to give these poor girls the death penalty for murdering their babies?
Why go after the doctors? the clinics? who does the premeditating?
Why get the fucking government involved? I thought you defectives HATED the government.
Show some BALLS assholes. EXECUTE your nieces and daughters. You’ve got legislative majorities in friendly states…WHAT’S FUCKING STOPPING YOU?
Soo… The rights gone from freedom, liberty, and don’t tread on me, to peeking in bedroom windows, looking at library records, and pouring over your medical records. I think I like the old right better.
O’ and let’s not forget this:
perhaps the IRS can help obama with his fuzzy math.
obama is so arrogant, or stoopid.
neither one is good.
@1 thru 4. Wow. Batting 50%. I could flip coins and match that. Conservative thought–the never ending search for a low bar.
@doofusdoofussdoofuss @ 10 above. Doubling the debt. Like, so fucking what? Didn’t Cheney state that “deficits don’t matter?”.
@9: That’s a great law, but we need to apply it to everybody who relies on the government…but, but, but…wait…that’s EVERYBODY.
Case closed.
Wow. I have posts 11-14. Ain’t I special?
That could be VERY expensive, assuming an insurance company would sell you a policy on Granny!
Sure, like the fucking Galtian geniuses at AIG? Of course all those dumb fuckers rose to the top through pure fucking hard work and merit, right? Not like seniority protected union janitors mopping the floors at the Capitol.
At least the janitors didn’t lite up $8trillion and burn it. Sheer fucking genius…gawd wingers are delusional.
It’s wrongheaded in so many ways. Like Governor Walker turning down high speed rail money to save the state money and having it cost the state of Wisconsin more in the end, policies like this one work to keep poor people poor and would cost the state more in the long run.
So let me get this straight…when dumb fuck Wall Streeters, most of whom got their jobs because they “knew somebody” or “went to the right schools” blow up the economy, destroy jobs, and ruin, yes ruin, the future for millions of human beings….they should get a fucking bailout? But some poor slob teacher trying to make do on $30k/year is “busting our balls” and “stealing” from those poor kids in the future?
You know what I say to that? FUCK YOU. YOU ARE THE ENEMY.
Oh my they are back on the high speed rail argument. For what? Florida’s Governor Scott, Ohio’s Governor Kasick as well as Wisconsin’s Governor Walker said cost overruns for their proposed train systems could force their states to find more in state funds for cost overruns. Billions in cost overruns! Hence they rejected it. Remember the BIG DIG Michael? How many $billions did that cost Massachusetts in overruns? Each governor also pointed out ridership on these line might not never cover operating costs, again forcing each state to provide big buck subsidies.
Butt that’s okay with Michael. It’s not his deficit money being spent!
see, thats where you miss the point. NO, the wall street fucks should not have gotten a bailout – many should be in jail.
and its not the teachers who are leaches, its the all the people pulling the strings at the state and district level, and the union heads, who are the leaches…fuck THEM.
but hey, lets just give more money away in contracts to people because they are the “right color”, it seems to work in seattle…..oops, maybe not.
funny how those who were in charge of the fiasco in seattle are now working in the obama administration..
hmm, coincidence? sure……………
ya, hows that light rail working out for the seattle area?
And who most of them jock strap over the years FartASS@17? DUMMOCRAPTS. Want proof? Ask rujax. I delivered to his sorry cinder block ASS a long list of Wall Street peeps who showed their junk to DUMMOCRAPTS. Even Roger Dumb Rabbit agreed with me on this one! Yet you are a moron as always. Who do you think Raj Rajaratnam and Bernie Madoff dropped trough with? Wall Street DUMMOCRAPTS! How many DUMMOCRAPTS did these two take to the cleaners. Lots!
Nuff said sucka. But don’t let a useless rant get in the way of real facts FartASS!
Then Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This one is stoooooooooooooopid!
@21: What? The big money has bought both major political parties? OMFG!
You’re nothing but a lickspittle apologist for the people who are robbing you blind. How stupid is that?
and its not the teachers who are leaches, its the all the people pulling the strings at the state and district level, and the union heads, who are the leaches…fuck THEM.
So, dumbfuck, the reason for the greatest wealth redistribution in history to the rich is because of some low level administrators and a couple of union bosses who, by the fucking way, represent only 7% of the private work force?
You’re breaking my heart.
Ummmm Nope you dope FARTASS. I provided the OpenSecrets documentation. You can ask the databaze keepa ylb. He has all the data. As for me being a apologist for Wall Street or DUMMOCRAPTS… that’s funny! Remember Lehman Brothers? Bankrupt!
And you seem to forget your hero Roger Dumb Rabbit agreed with me about Wall Street and their love of DUMMOCRAPTS!
WRONG AGAIN fool! So stoooooooooooopid and moronic!
Well here are some of those union bosses in action FARTASS!
@21, puttfucker:
Your constant reliance on To quoque may fool some of the peanut gallery, but not yours truly.
You are a groveling lickspittle lacky. Your only redeeming virtue is your ineptness.
Oh my FartASS here is the one I was looking for. Pretty sure this was delivered to HA in 2009 as I don’t miss funnies like this…
NEA General Counsel: Union Dues, Not Education, Are Our Top Priority
As all can see when FartASS has no facts he ad hominem attacks. Bring some facts fool! Puddy brings link after link after link after link… You bring farts, diarrhea, and vomit! Call me all the names you want. It proves you ARE LOSING the argument! So you can stuff your illogical fallacies where the sun never shines on your FARTASS body!
Typical screaming into a hurricane for this fool!
@24, 25: Fucking grow up, partisan pup. Read This for a basic primer
You’re so stupifyingly stupid it hurts.
You bring Ezra Klein of Journolist to the argument FARTASS?
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This fool was discredited long ago!
Calling names? Pot meet kettle. You cry like a wimp when somebody calls you down on it. You are a liar. You are a cretin. You have presented no facts on this thread and the one cite you linked to took the remark entirely out of context.
How do you sleep at night?
You see, Republicans are right. Government is incompetent. And if you don’t believe it, Republicans will be sure to make it so.
And BTW…
@10 Seriously? We’re going to focus on the different methodologies for getting a worse-than-weather-forecasting estimate… When we’re talking about TRILLIONS of dollars added to the debt EITHER way!?
I guess I’m not surprised that a Republican would chide the president for projecting that we’ll be strangling ourselves slower than the CBO thinks we’ll be strangling ourselves.
According to the CBO Director’s Blog:
Hmm… Now there’s your $3 trillion.
Maybe if Barack O-Bush-ma weren’t such a Republican patsy, we could reduce the damn deficit.
Y’know, “There may come a time when we elect a president at age 45 or 50, and then 20 years later the country comes up against the same kind of problems the president faced before… People would like to bring that man or woman back.”
Dontcha miss Bill “Budget Surplus” Clinton? C’mon Republicants!–Admit it… You’re so in love with hating the Bush budget deficit; you must surely LOVE Bill Clinton. Y’know: “The enemy of my budget deficit is my friend…”
Nope. The only thing a Republican stands for these days is to be the opposite of whatever the Democrats are. No matter what that may or may not be.
More? More, putttttttyyyfucker? How about this or this
or this?
You are a lickspittle clown groveling for the rich. Go fuck yourself.
Facts FARTASS. I gave you OpenSecrets. I see you used OpenSecrets. Good for you. You can be taught. And one of your sources tells us DUMMOCRAPTS got a 2-1 funding advantage and it just swung to an evening out the last 3 months of the year? Wow that’s almost powerful stuff FARTASS! EVERYONE with a brain (you excluded) knows I use OPENSECRETS for my FACTS. Why do you think Ezra Klein used Congress and not the Senate? Cuz he had no “equality” argument. And even that is tepid at best. Take Goldman Sucks for example and look at the blue bars FOOL!
Take Lehman Brothers for example and look at the blue bars fool!
Both gave Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more to the DUMMOCRAPTS. Somehow Roger Dumb Rabbit got it but you still don’t. I guess it proves you are a DUMBASS! Man you are so stupid you make bricks look intelligent!
You wanna see more and get laughed off the blog this evening moron?
@32: Well, enough Puttyfucker bashing for a while. He is a useless cur.
That was some good stuff you brought up, and shows sound analysis of the CBO vs. OMB forecasts. A lot depends on the assumptions, but you have to get into the weeds to see what those are. Chumps like puttfucker have not time for that….it’s all about propaganda for them.
I would ask that many of my fellow progressives get over this Birch Bayh like obsession with the U.S. debt. You are buying into and reinforcing a conservative meme. Read some Krugman. Go to Dean Baker’s blog. Read some Jamie Galbraith. This crap about the debt is helping conservatives crap on the present so we can be assured of a shitty future. It should be condemned roundly and mercilessly.
And you haven’t addressed Bernie or Raj or even J Allen Stanford FARTASS… lovers of DUMMOCRAPT money!
Cuz you just got your FARTASS kicked to Japan and back!
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@30 Um, yeah. So I read your reference [apparently something you did not do]. Click on the link. It’s the Conservative Daily Caller identifying Ezra Klein as a “hero” for standing-up against the questionable actions of his peers.
Here’s what the reference says about Klein:
“Hey look! The sky is blue!! That PROVES the sky is green! Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!… Worms!”
@34: I’m referring to 2010, fool. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. You’re such a clown. But if you want to go for trend (the trend is your fried) let’s take this as far back as the data goes….say 1930’s? Who got more money from Wall Street in real inflation adjusted dollars? That is your research topic for the evening. Papers are due Monday morning at 8 AM.
But no, you’d rather play shallow petty “let me pick the data point” games. Sorry, fucker. I don’t play that chump game.
He can’t, his dicks been broke for years…
Puddy Data points are from 1990-2010. The vast majority went to DUMMOCRAPTS FARTASS.
Dismissing puttyfuckers arguments with extreme prejudice is an insult to prejudice.
He is an inept clown.
Puttfucker’s argument (I use the term loosely) boils down to this: Wall St. contributes money to the Democrats, ergo, one should support Republicans who, of course, are also supported by our Galtian overlords on Wall Street, and who BY THE WAY apparently can be bought for a LOT LESS!
Gawd…the stupid….it hurts.
Oh my Dave,
you extract one exactly one positive comment of Ezra Klein.
Well done NOT!
Ok, one last comment for tonight. I took that straight from here:
Not exactly a haberdashery of all things liberal and according to them:
And how do you know this Michael?
@44 In the case of your reference, the one and only comment about Klein is also 100% of the comments about Klein in your reference.
Nobody loves you Puddy, everybody hates you… Go eat your worm.
“Hey, you impeached my one and only reference! Aw, that’s not fair… Me not like you. Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!… Turds!”
@45: Nice catch. Of course there is the Keynesian multiplier for those millions, but fuckwads like Puddy deny actual economic facts much like they deny evolution and climate change.
What really slays me is these fucks like Walker claim to be ‘hard headed businessmen’. They don’t know shit about business. They are fucking ideologues, the type that would make Trotsky proud.
Ummm Dave… Go suck your worm, if you can find it. This isn’t a popularity contest moron. I find dirty liberals and I post their acts. I find stupid liberals and I post their acts. If you can’t stand the heat… leave the blog. Your ilk can be found in action all over the place. All I have to do is look at the NY Times or WA Post and read an article. If no politics are mentioned but the person is dirty, they are liberals and I’ll link them just like all the money over the years to DUMMOCRAPTS by Wall Street.
I defy anybody here to find one type of illogical argument that Puttfucker doesn’t use on a regular basis.
His favorite, by far, is the “Dumbocrats do it too” logical fallacy. Then he turns into a braying asshole when people don’t take his shit seriously.
What a fuck.
And oh by the way Dave, I posted many times how Clinton used smoke and mirrors to balance the budget. But we all know Newt “balanced the budget” cuz all spending comes from Congress.
Just like we know this recession started when Pelosi and Reid got hold of the purse strings. I already talked about that too.
DUMBOCRATS did it too is an illogical fallacy. They did it from 1954 to 2004. Then they did it again from 2006 to 2010. And Wall Street continued to fund DUMMOCRAPTS. This is your logical cesspool FARTASS. You can look up useless junk all over the ‘Nets moron. Nothing will disprove OPENSECRETS Facts!
Your ass got kicked so you are on the ad hominem attack. It’s okay FARTASS. I know you “mean” well!
Putttttfucker: When you admit that Republicans are fucking assholes and lickspittle lackeys for the rich, then we can turn our fire on Democrats. Until that time, you are on total IGNORE, you fucking lout.
Go in piece, lackey cur.
‘cuz all spending comes from Congress.”
Proving yet again you total ignorance of how our government actually works. Only the House sets the budget? You are beyond ignorant. Your fetishism for GOP talking points is an embarrassment.
Your ass got kicked
Bullshit, shitheel. You really are a braying asshole.
Got my ass kicked? Nope you Dope. Kicked your ASS? ABSOLUTELY!
Yes, yes this FARTASS is a fool…
Please, please keep coming with the ad hominem attacks FARTASS.
Once again, in honor of MIA cynical-
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Seems like lack of leadership on anything, high gas prices and rising food prices are obama’s achilles heel. you know, things that are basic requirements for one becoming president which the current fool lacks.
# 20: Nothing wrong with light rail. It’s becoming quite popular, and as the lines get extended into a real network, more and more people will be riding it.
I remember when the interstate highways were being put in. The first time we drove on it we could go only a mile, because bridges were still being built. Not to many people on the interstate at the time. But we didn’t cancel the project because of that. Only ignorant people cancel a project because it doesn’t work at full capacity when it’s only 1/3 built.
I guess you are confusing the Sounder Transit rail lines with light rail. The Sounder Transit rail lines use old Burlington Northern tracks which are subject to frequent mudslides. It is, and always has been, a temporary solution until we get real passenger rail service, either using light rail or substantially improved rail lines as part of the high-speed rail project. Until then, we are always going to have problems due to railbeds surveyed and first established in the 1890’s, and not significantly revised since that time.
59 – Rising gas prices are back big time and they’re probably here to stay (we’re running out of oil) so people will be grateful for the transit.
Right wing delusions die so hard.
@60. YLB spews: Rising gas prices are back big time
I don’t know about you all, but one of the reasons I moved back into the city was public transit and the ability to walk or bike to grocery stores. (I used to live where the closest grocery store was 19.2 miles away on the freeway.) I like having options.
I really feel sorry for the people in the Exurbs with the monster SUVs as their sole source of transportation.
Those people in the outlands, with rising bills and a flat or shrinking income must be s**ting little bricks in fear. Forces beyond their control are attacking their home, their land, their dreams, their sense of safety. They must be coming unglued and lashing out in anger and fear. Does that explain the tea bagger movement?