Remember that video of off-duty police officers roughing up a Democratic Party cameraman at a press conference at the Seattle Police Officers Guild? Well, an observant 45th LD viewer asked me, “Isn’t that Republican legislative candidate Kevin Haistings?”
Hmm. Above is a picture of Haistings compared to a frame from the video, and they do indeed appear to be the same person. Haistings is also an active member and past president of the Guild, so I guess it makes sense for him to have been there.
Am I the only one who finds it a touch unsettling watching a Republican candidate for the state legislature roughing up a Democratic Party staffer for attempting to video tape the Republican candidate for governor?
roughing up a Democratic Party staffer
Deceptive, authoritarian and violent. It’s the Republican way!
Nice catch Goldy.
Remember what I taught you people, you readers of Goldy. Always ask yourself if the post you’re reading is something he’s truly interested in, or is he diverting your attention away from something else? Is he trying to distract you from some other story or scandal?
Well welcome to what life would be like under Rossi – I hear he has people at the Olympics studying how the government of China effectively controls the minds of its people. He and his ilk want that kind of government. They believe might makes right. Accordingly, we need to start doing a little ass-kicking of our own.
Come on, Goldy! Kelly is a little asshole who doesn’t respect private property and apparently no respect for law enforcement officers.
Good for Haistings for having the balls to remove that little twerp from the premises after ignoring numerous requests to leave!
roughing up a Democratic Party staffer
“Don’t tase me bro!”
Totally fabricated incident.
2 Troll, you’ve taught nobody a thing here, except that you’re a total dipshit.
Thanks for providing us with a “refresher lesson”.
So wrong stuff – fabricated? Did your parents have any kids who lived? Look the word up you ass-eating scum. Are you saying the event didn’t happen or are you simply so stupid you used the wrong word?
The poor cameraman was asked to leave and didn’t on PRIVATE PROPERTY…an he’s a little prick.
Scott @4, Cynical @8,
Okay then, so I can put you down as endorsing roughing up peaceful cameramen at press conferences? That’s exactly the kind of conduct we want and expect from our elected officials?
Thanks for clearing things up.
I’ve been doing, and following, politics in this state for 40 years, and I’ve NEVER heard of or seen the likes of Rossi expelling folks he doesn’t like from a news conference.
Other Republican candidates for governor didn’t feel the need to do that. What’s wrong with Rossi? What’s his problem?
@9 “endorsing roughing up peaceful cameramen”
Oh, they’re all for it as long as they don’t have to crawl out of their mother’s basement’s and expose themselves to any danger. Our trolls are nothing but cowards, through and through.
No, you’re not the only one.
If the cameraman was on private property (as it appears he was) and had he been asked to no come onto the property (as it appears he had been) he shouldn’t have been there. But, that doesn’t justify the way he was treated.
The glee that many on the right seem to get from the advocation and use of political violence is disturbing.
@10 “What’s his problem?”
They think they’re tough guys when they’re all just bullies. Smack him once or twice and Rossi would cry and whine like a troll.
10 Times have changed. Present-day Republican politicians all seem to aspire to be like the present occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, who has and regularly makes use of any and all law enforcement agencies and even the military to personally insulate him from exposure to anyone but hand-picked crows of fawning acolytes.
Here are a couple of things to ponder:
If the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild has officially endorsed Rossi, can their members be expected when working in their official capacity to work with equal enthusiam to assure the security of Gregoire and other Democratic candidates when they campaign in our fair city?
This is a little further off-topic, but somewhat related…the Clinton campaign discovered earlier this year that their Secret Service “protectors” were reporting things heard in conversations been Hillary and others to the RNC. If the SS has been politicized by the Bushistas in the same manner as the Justice Department, can its agents be trusted to continue their tradition of fanatical devotion to protecting the President, if next year that President isn’t a Republican? One of those “things-that-make-ya-go-hmmmmmm…”
Goldy spews:
Scott @4, Cynical @8,
“Okay then, so I can put you down as endorsing roughing up peaceful cameramen at press conferences.”
Goldy, whether the little Prick was peaceful or not is beside the point. He was told not to come, he did, he was asked leave, he did not.
As for “roughing up”………that’s laughable. How many pints of blood did he require??? “Roughing Up” means at least 2.
You know, Rossi is basically asking us to hire him even though he won’t answer our questions and stands by while his future constituency is manhandled.
Only an idiot would hire anyone who did that.
Am I the only one who finds it a touch unsettling watching a Republican candidate for the state legislature roughing up a Democratic Party staffer for attempting to video tape the Republican candidate for governor?
Of course, you didn’t actually confirm it was Mr. Haistings . . . you could always invite a response from him.
If they are asked to leave private property and refuse, then yes, I endorse it.
What if I showed up to the tuesday night drinking game you do, the owner of the bar wants me to leave. Should I have the “right” to stay?
If they are asked to leave private property and refuse, then yes, I endorse it.
What if I showed up to the tuesday night drinking game you do, the owner of the bar wants me to leave. Should I have the “right” to stay?
cjs. Haistings is a Republiconvict. What would make you believe anything he said?
Of course Rossi doesn’t want his lies filmed. Duhhhhhh!
Can you blame him?
Go ahead and smack him and find out. Back up your tough talk for once old man.
Couple of questions.
Why would the SPD union endorse a Republican?
I can’t imagine the Teamsters guild endorsing a Republican.
Why is SPD so protective of Rossi yet they turned their back on Christopher Kime when he was beat to death in the Fat Tuesday riot? Oh, that’s right, Chief Kerlikowske said it was too dangerous to send the police.
16. David spews:
“You know, Rossi is basically asking us to hire him even though he won’t answer our questions and stands by while his future constituency is manhandled.”
Ummmmm, David you friggin’ KLOWN…..
Gregoire won’t answer our questions about what tax increases she will propose or expenses she will cut to balance the $2.9 BILLION OUTTAWHACK Budget scenario SHE created for the next biennium by increasing spending $8 BILLION!!
That seems a little more important than your petty pokes & prods you KLOWN.
So David, precisely how will Gregoire balance the next Budget….hmmmmmmmmmm?
No idea, huh?
That’s what I thought.
@21 “Go ahead and smack him and find out.”
I wouldn’t mind one bit. In fact, it’s the only way to deal with stupid Republican fucks. How about you? Are you ready to slither out from your Mom’s basement and show us how what a tough guy you are? You’d better pull that gerbil from your ass first if you ever hope to impress anybody here.
Haistings is another one of those hoping-to-deceive guys who lists himself as favoring the Grand Old Party Party on the ballot. And by the way, he got 42% of the votes in his race.
The incident at the Police Guild needs to be viewed in the following context:
1. A person using a video camera at a public park in Spokane where Rossi was speaking was also told to turn off the camera and leave, even though he was (a) in a public park, (b) OUTSIDE in a public park, and (c) outside the considerably large roped-off area which Rossi’s campaign reserved at the park for their funciton.
2. Rossi has refused to answer any questions other than the ones for which he has canned answers. His stock reply: “I’m not campaigning on that issue”, as if that is a valid alternative to “no comment”.
Rossi’s campaign is being carefully manipulated so that he never has to be accountable for anything he says or does, except for that which is being carefully monitored and scrubbed in advance by his handlers. I guess they don’t really trust their guy to think on his feet, do they?
26 Ho boy…declaring that you’re “not campaigning” on a particular issue has to be a sure-fire way to assure that your opponent will.
I think point #1 happened in Wenatchee.
Ummmmmmm before you get too excited, why does Gregoire refuse to disclose her plans on dealing with the $2.9 BILLION Budget deficit she created for the upcoming biennium with her $8 BILLION of increased spending?
That seems like a mighty important issue Gregoire is dodging.
Assuming the cameraman is guilty of criminal trespass, the off duty police officer’s right to use reasonable force to protect the private property ended once the cameraman was off the private property. The videotape clearly shows the cameraman was behind the curb when the off duty police officer continued to push him or the camera connected to the camerman’s body. If the curb marked the end of the private property then this unpermitted touching by the off duty officer is fourth, or misdemeanor, assault.
Although 99% of cops are good people and not criminals (sorry Mick), this one is if the contact behind the curb occurred in an area open to the public. Do people of the 45th district really want to send a lawbreaker to Olympia? I doubt it. If Mr. Haistings is the off duty cop pictured in the videotape, the people of the 45th district should be warned.
Unsettling? That’s an understatement.
Do I think it is unsettling that a cameraman got roughed up by a member of an organization that endorsed the candidate that might be criticized by said journalist? Even on private property? Yes, because we are a nation of citizens first, regardless of property ownership.
29 Hey, Cyn…if you want to change the subject, why don’t we talk about how the whole Goddamn country is going to pay off the three trillion dollars of indebtedness incurred by the most pointless war in history?
For any right-winger to pretend to have anything to say about fiscal responsibility is like Charles Manson volunteering to help prevent violent crime.
I’m with you on the National Debt outrage.
No need to scream at someone who agrees with you.
Good thing Bush ain’t running.
It almost seems like he is sometimes.
Am I the only one who finds it a touch unsettling watching a Republican candidate for the state legislature roughing up a Democratic Party staffer
If he was in my district he would have my vote.
I love how the staffer (who just trespassed on private property) wanted them to let go of his camera. What? They weren’t doing anything. hehehehehe
You got neutered a long time ago. You need to let go of the bitterness. Your balls are lost, lost forever. Pining away for what can’t be will get you nowhere.
In the FWIW department, Rossi has pulled ahead of Gregoire in Spokane County with the latest update today. Election night, with the mail ballots counted up to that point, Spokane County was 47.74% Gregoire to 44.68% Rossi. Now, Spokane County is 46.56% Rossi to 46.13% Gregoire.
This probably doesn’t mean that much in the grand scheme of things, but it certainly is an interesting quirk.
Back on topic …
I looked at Kevin Haistings’ list of endorsers.
Haistings is endorsed by Dave Reichert, Rob McKenna, and Dino Rossi. However, neither of the two Republican King County Council members representing the 45th LD (Jane Hague and Kathy Lambert) are included on Haistings’ list of supporters.
Should be easy enough to find out where he will be appearing. Go for it old man.
It’s pretty safe for you knowing I’m a couple states away to talk tough. Be careful walking around your house, don’t fall and break a hip. I hear you old people do that falling down stuff a lot.
Still with the animals and sex. And the sad part is you are over 50.
@39 I’d much rather be a person who slams Republicans for fucking farm animals than be a Republican who fucks farm animals. As you’re rather unintelligent, as well as a goatfucker, I wouldn’t expect you to appreciate the difference. Trust me on this – there’s a difference.
@39 “Go for it”
The fucker sticks his face in mine while we’re on the sidewalk like he did with that cameraman then, yes, I’d likely settle things then and there. As for you, you’re just a whiny-ass bitch who’ll never show a drop of courage in your entire fucking life. However, if you think you’ve got what it takes then come on up to Seattle. We’ll meet under the Space Needle at noon. You’ll know me by the tee-shirt that says “American Patriot” on the front. I’ll know you by the yellow stripe running down your back.
Calm down and talk sports.
Your acting suspiciously like Roger Rabbit.
In fact, you use his same vulgar expressions.
Imagine that.
28. Richard Pope spews:
“I just typed everything into an Excel spreadsheet. If the numbers in each county are adjusted to reflect the same turnout percentage in each county, then Gregoire beats Rossi by 50.49% to 43.97%, with 5.54% going to other candidates.”
Ummmmmm, hate to break this to you but your prognosticating skills are a bit askew.
The current count is actually closer than election night…
48.88% to 45.65%
Perhaps you ought to ask for your money back on that Chinese knock-off Excel Spreadsheet you are using.
Backtracking already? Damn, it usually takes liberals a day to read the polls to change their mind.
Why waste my time coming to seattle to meet someone that can’t even stand behind their own words, ala hide behind the anonymity of the internet.
Credit to Lee for standing up behind his words. Maybe someday your “american patriot” bravado will learn something from Lee and do as he does.
Marvin is a child rapist. Who cares what he says or thinks?