Since filing to run as a Democratic candidate for the King County 6th District seat, Richard Pope has been a big hit with both Democrats and Republicans. Wait…I mean, he has gotten big hits from both parties. Goldy recently shared some of the love shown Pope by the King County Democrats.
Last Wednesday, King County Republican Chairman Michael Young, in a weekly e-news update, offered his own moving tribute to Mr. Pope:
I was a bit surprised to see that Republican incumbent County Councilmember in the 6th District, Jane Hague, drew a rather infamous opponent in gadfly [hey!], Richard Pope. Ever since 2002, Pope has been a Republican PCO, only recently discontinuing this status when he didn’t run for reelection in 2006. You can probably understand my bewilderment when he filed as a Democrat against well-liked and longtime King County and national leader, Jane Hague. But then again, his antics over the last decade have proven his willingness to do almost anything for the purpose of self promotion and adulation. I have great disdain for those who cannot pick a side and stay with it. Richard Pope is no friend of the Republican Party and has only succeeded in further diminishing his reputation with both political parties.
(Come on…is it really possible for anyone to “diminishing their reputation” by dropping out of the Republican party? I mean, ‘specially here in Washington state?)
I think the subtext of Michael’s message is, “Thank you, Richard, for your four years of service as a PCO. And thank you for helping us get our finances in order.”
One thing is absolutely clear: Nobody brings people of all political persuasions together in King County as effectively as Richard Pope.
This post does put into context the one thing I’ve never understood about this idiot Pope. Why does he do the things he does? You’ve got it in the post. He’s crying out for attention – any sort of attention – good or bad. This pathetic looooooser is just happy to get noticed in a world where on every possible level, he simply doesn’t matter. He simply can’t do anything well. He simply fails to register in any significant way on ANYONE’s radar, so he pulls his political crap, gets attention, and bathes in it.
How fucking utterly sad.
“I have great disdain for those who cannot pick a side and stay with it.”
Does he mean people….LIKE RONALD REAGAN?
Zell-manella. Claiming that you are a “life-long Democrat,” but now you’re disgusted by their negativity, and you’ve fallen for the steely-eyed Dubya. Sufferers are known as Zellots or Zellouts.
A historian, this man is not.
The most Un-American statement anybody could utter, putting party ahead of the welfare of the country.
Mr. Richard Pope never had a better opening than to explain the bitter fruit that grows from the branch of this kind of extremist thought.
“I have great disdain for those who cannot pick a side and stay with it.”
That statement from the Republican leadership of King County could not be any more totalitarian.
Richard is exactly the kind of leader we need! A man with vision who perceives the Republican Party is no longer relevant or useful. It took him long enough to realize this, but better late than never.
“This post does put into context the one thing I’ve never understood about this idiot Pope. Why does he do the things he does? You’ve got it in the post. He’s crying out for attention – any sort of attention – good or bad.
An unfortunate commentary which I find true of many in our political system who put personal power and fortune ahead of the constituents they serve. Neither major party is immune.
Speaks for itself.
Hey all.
Happy Fathers Day!
You GO! Richard. This PR initiative thing of yours seems to be taking off.
“I have great disdain for those who cannot pick a side and stay with it.” Republican leadership of King County.
Having disdain for Richard Pope and no respect cost them $40,000. I have great disdain for the Republican leadership of King County.
HeadlessLucy@10 We can hope that $40,000 hurt. The National GOP have disbanded their phone fundraisers. . .only to set up again in Venezuela. Gotta love that ‘outsourcing’!
Interviews with the recently unemployed phone workers indicate a precipitous falling off in donations.
Democrats with short memories.
“OLYMPIA—Today the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) announced that the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) failed to disclose debts and donor information in a timely manner, as required under the law (RCW 42.17.080 and 42.17.090). To avoid further investigation by the state attorney-general, the Democrats agreed to pay fees and penalties totaling $187,500.
$100,000 of that money is re-imposed from a suspended fine from two years ago when they failed to properly disclose $5.9 million spent and received a $250,000 fine.”
Richard Pope must have tipped them off…