I’m livebloggin’ it from the Montlake Alehouse!
Ladies and gentleman, the comment thread is open for your pleasure….
5:17: We have CNN on the tube, sans sound. I’ll see if I can find streaming audio. Otherwise, this will be an impressionistic report based on video and emotional stimulus only….
5:19: The teevee tells me that Romney and Santorum are tied in MO at 36% each. Go Frothy!
5:21: Romney puts Santorum down -1%.
5:23: In Missouri, Uncommitted is slightly ahead of Ron Paul. Go Uncommitted!!!!
5:38: I’ve been on the phone with my neighbor for the last 10 minutes or so, but I see there has been some action. Santorum moved on top of Romney, then Romney moved back on top of Santorum. Somebody get a hose, please.
5:52: In MO, “Uncommitted” has just pulled ahead of Ron Paul! Go Newt!
5:45: And now Romney is tied with Santorum. Ewwwwwwwww!
5:47: Minnesota weighs in and Mitt is way, way down…in THIRD place.
5:49: In Missouri, Paul is now +2 over uncommitted. And by “uncommitted”, I think they mean “Gingrich”
5:53: Minnesota. Remarkable:
- Santorum 49%
- Paul 22%
NewtMitt 15%- Gingrich 14%
6:20: Carl Ballard is here, so I’m chatting instead of serving you…
6:20: How totally awesome is this…Santorum is on top in all THREE states. If you believe in a God or god or Gods or gods, pray that this holds when more than 1% of the vote is in.
6:22: A hat-trick by Santorum tonight will cost Mitt Romney about $25 Million, will cost SuperPACs another $15 Million, and will leave all the candidates bloody and battered by the General election.
6:25: Carl Ballard isn’t wearing a sweater vest tonight. But that’s because he bicycled in tonight. He has an orange safety vest for biking in…and it doubles as a spiffy uniform when he joins the moon colony.
6:30: Romney goes on top of Santorum in CO….well, it was fun while it lasted….
6:35: Santorum is going to win the M states tonight. Mmmmmm for Santorum!
6:40: Holy SHIT! He is leading all 3 states…. Santorum spreads his philosophy across mid-continental U.S.
6:42: Santorum smears the competition in Missouri…CNN projects.
7:03: CNN has grainy, out of focus footage coming from their “caucus cam.” Isn’t that what got Rep.Anthony Weiner in trouble
7:21: I keep getting excited every time CNN shows Santorum way up in Colorado. But really, it has been the same result for a long time now. They keep repeating it over and over again, nevertheless it may not be true. But mark my words, the Romney camp is shitting their pants right now.
7:24: Okay…just as I posted that, new results came in from CO. Romney is tied with Santorum.
8:46: Holy shit…after Romney’s shit-eating-grin-festooned speech, he is shaking all kinds of hands, and we see TELEPROMTERS in the background. My God…Obama got more than Health Care Reform from Mitt Romney!!!
9:22: Goldy is here and he is totally vexed by the low numbers in Colorado…where Santorum is totally beating expectations by leading Romney. Unfortunately, the reported votes are not a random sample, but we can wish for a Santorum win…
9:25: And, of course, the second I leave the previous comment, Romney captures the lead from Santorum. Come-on, PRAY, people, PRAY!
9:40: Romney spreads his lead over Santorum….
9:51: 70% reporting in CO, and it looks like Santorum may just squeeze out a victory…. And Colorado Springs hasn’t reported yet, which ought to work in his favor.
10:03: Holy shit…Santorum pulls a HAT TRICK!!!! Incredible…an (un)clean sweep.
GOP SuperPACs funded by ultra-wealthy one-percenters may spend $1 billion by November — including $100 million from the Koch brothers.
Some people have too much money on their hands.
At last! A major robo-signer is indicted for forgery.
Challenge away buddy, but if the signatures turn out to be valid there will be an election and you will look like an ass.
@3 It seems to me signatures should be challenged because there’s a reason to challenge them, and not just because you need a certain number thrown out to keep the pitchfork mob from throwing you out.
That would make sense, but we’re talking about Tea Baggers here. I think the whole “give ’em enough rope” deal will work nicely. Let him go ahead and make an ass of himself.
Looks like it Frothy for the hat-trick.
CNN’s election night page is pretty nifty.
Go ahead and have fun with the idiot Republicans while the criminal Democrats and their Union bosses allow this kind of shit to go on–
KING5 TV found:
Bastards! And they want more tax dollars? Screw the bastard Democrats.
What does “home assignment” mean? I work from home sometimes, so what. I’m still working.
Did ya hear the one about the Republican Sec of State
@7 Wow, it almost makes a fired CEO’s $20 million golden parachute look like chickenfeed, doesn’t it? The state should adopt the private sector model! Then all would be well!
Why is it a big fucking surprise that an organization with 100,000 employees has to fire a couple hundred every year? Don’t private companies incur employee separation expenses too? Of course they do.
Wingnut Mantra: Private sector can do no wrong! Public sector does nothing right!
Chants are for primitives and idiots.
Frothy’s back on top.
Frothy 1,931
Romney 1,436
So…er. Romney won Iowa, then it was a tie, then Santorum won (probably). Florida lost half their delegates, then might be forced by Newt to divide up whats left instead of winner take all. Missouri tried to force their way early, but then decide to back off rather than lose half their delegates but couldn’t cancel their $7 million primary in time, so it doesn’t COUNT for anything and has to be done over (sorry Rick). So far everything is going quite well don’t you think?
@14 And these buffoons want to tell us how to run elections?
Roger Rabbit @15,
Worse…they want to tell us how to run the world, our country and our lives!
@7. In what context? How come the conservative corporate serf is willing to rage about the bullet points provided by his corporate masters, but he never give the reason why. Do you think that’s too hard for him?
Far Left Fools–
The Washington State Government is poorly run. Admit it, don’t defend the indefensible. Excuses lead to more waste, from both incompetent establishment parties. It’s sickening. These are bureaucrats under investigation, many for more than a year, that are sucking up tax dollars sitting on their f***ing asses.
Yes it happens in the PRIVATE Sector. So what?
It’s PRIVATE money. Here we are talking about PUBLIC money. It must be held to a higher standard. It’s why we have a $16 TRILLION National Debt which is really $120 TRILLION when you add back all the Unfunded Liabilities.
Continue in your deep sleep of denial. It appears you do not want to solve any problems or turn this ship around, you just desire to be in charge.
I was listening to the radio, and they were going on an on how it was an attack on religion if companies provided birth control.
I was struck by the dichotomy of the cons
If a person is conservative and doesn’t believe in birth control, don’t use it. Nobody is forcing any person to use or not use birth control against their will.
But an company, that hires people, needs to provide what is fair and right. People have the right to believe and act as they want. Orgs are not people, they don’t have religious rights.
The cons are forcing their employees to NOT have access to birth control on their health plan as a condition of working for them. The cons are just using their power to force their religious beliefs on others.
Typical hypocrites.
@18. The conservative corporate serf seems incapable of providing links to facts and data. Do you think he also believes the birth certificate and the moon landings were faked? I bet he does if his corporate masters say so.
So sad.
The difference between an incompetent and corrupt public sector and an incompetent and corrupt private sector is you and I can call the public sector out and make it change it’s ways. Like the conservative corporate serf is doing. We have no such influence over the private sector. Why would want to take power away from you and I and give it to people not held accountable, like the Koch brothers?
@21 Exactly. If a public elections official is caught cheating on something during a public audit, they can get fired. But those magic voting machines used in the last Presidential election? Guess what, the law was created to say their software, and database were corporate proprietary property, and could not be inspected directly by the public elections office. Just TRUST US when we tell you who won…oh sure the owner of our company financially and publicly supports one of the two candidates we’re counting votes for, but how could THAT be a problem! Since when has the magical free market for-profit private business sector ever done anything wrong unlike those pesky unions…when? What? Oh, yeah besides Adelphia, Enron, Global Crossing, Halliburton, WorldCom, etc, etc, etc. Opps
Reaganomics fucking bankrupted the country and destroyed the midle-class, you moron.
Government CAN’T be run like a business because government is NOT a business.
You sir, are a childish asshole.
There are exemptions for people who deal directly with church theology, priests and such.
Church groups like Catholic Community Services and Lutheran Community Services routinely pick up government contracts to care for the developmentally disabled, to run meals on wheels programs, and the like. Why should there be two sets of rules for groups that are competing for these contracts? Under a secular state shouldn’t the rules be the same for everyone?
If a church wants to go out and run a group home for the developmentally disabled AND NOT TAKE A DIME of government money, I wouldn’t be thrilled about them not offering things like birth control to their workers, but I guess that would be OK.
Sure it is, only problem being there are Republican states being run far worse than the state of Washington is and the WSRP would make it worse, not better.
It would seem that a majority of Catholics support the Obama Admin on this. There is no war on religion. Once again, the righties get spanked.
I’ve been in an industry conference, (this is the last of three days). Lots of statistics about how the 2008-2009 downturn affected the industry, and speculation about the future.
One speaker (a nationally-respected analyst) pointed out that my particular industry would probably have completely recovered from the Great Recession early last year. Corporations were liquid with 7.1% cash reserves available. The things which prevented the recovery from happening: (a) the disaster in Japan, and uncertainty of how that would affect Japan as a market (one of our top three major trading partners) and the world-wide logistics tail; (b) Legislative Gridlock and the effect of the Republican-led attempts to force a U.S. default on it’s obligations; (c) turmoil in the Middle East, primarily relating to the “Arab Spring” and uncertainty about how that would effect U.S. security concerns and world-wide oil supply; and (d) European debt crisis.
Note that NONE of this was caused by President Obama; in fact, they were all rather deftly handled by the administration to prevent adverse impacts upon the U.S. In contrast, Republicans in the House added to the uncertainty by taking an arsonists position to the U.S. economy – hoping to burn the whole thing down, so they can walk in and take over the ruins.
The one level of uncertainty remaining which depresses large-scale economic expansion is Iran’s threat to cut of oil through the Straight of Hormuz, or their potential testing of a nuclear weapon.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A guy with a shotgun and grudge against the mayor stomped into a New York city hall and wounded a guard before being killed by another guard.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No matter what Republicans say, some people shouldn’t have guns.
@18 “The Washington State Government is poorly run. Admit it, don’t defend the indefensible.”
You can’t see past your own jingoism. Our state government is better-run than a lot of private companies I could name. Examples: American Airlines, Frontier Communications, Seattle Times, Boeing …
@18 “Yes it happens in the PRIVATE Sector. So what? It’s PRIVATE money. Here we are talking about PUBLIC money. It must be held to a higher standard.”
What makes you think it isn’t? But then, that’s a pretty low bar, given how much greed and corruption exists in the private sector.
As for the “so what?”, what difference is there between ripping me off as a shareholder in a private company or as a taxpayer supporting public entities? I lose the same either way.
We need better trolls on this board. All the ones we have are stupid, ignorant, childish, and unreasoning.
Then there’s this:
Roosevelt Maggett was at home recovering from cancer treatment when a burglar knocked on the door, pushed him over a chair and tried to choke him to death. “He grabbed me,” Maggett explained. “He said, ‘I’m going to kill you.'” Despite his weakened state, Maggett was able to reach for a firearm. “I guess the good Lord gave me the strength to get him up off me,” he says. Maggett fired one round into the burlgar, killing him. (WMV-TV, Memphis, TN, 11/26/11)
That bit is from The American Rifleman, February 2012 (page 10), in an section called The Armed Citizen.
No matter what the rodent says, guns help prevent and deter crime. An armed society is a polite society.
I was at a local coffee shop recently, and I made a statement saying that my advice for any young person is to try to get a job with a government entity. Everyone in the shop agreed with me. Why? Because they know government employment is easier and pays better than employment in the private sector. But we can’t all be government employees: somebody has to produce the wealth to support government, and that job falls to the private sector.
So, all you government employees out there, thank the private sector for your job and benefits. You have nothing to complain about.
It’s sure working well for them in Somalia. The American Rifleman is just propaganda and not even very good propaganda.
Most guns that are used in crimes come from straw purchases from a very small % of gun stores. Cracking down on straw purchases would have between very little to no effect on those of us who are legal, responsible, gun owners and yet groups like the NRA oppose doing this.
@35 “government employment is easier and pays better than employment in the private sector”
Maybe all those bankers living in $1.5 million homes and driving Porsches should quit their jobs and apply for state employment.
I worked in state government for over 25 years, and I’ve never met a state worker who was well off. And I’ve never seen a state job where you didn’t have to work your ass off.
PI, you are just plain FULL OF SHIT.
@34 Keeping a loaded gun by your easy chair as insurance against the one-in-a-million odds of a home invasion may raise the odds of your grandkids finding that loaded gun to 1-in-2. That doesn’t sound like smart risk management to me. By the way, one of my law school classmates got herself killed by trying to shoot an armed intruder — when she shot at him, he shot back.
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Federal Reserve!
“Out of 100 years of Fed control, the country has had 22 recessional years, including one depression. The 100 years before the Fed saw 44 recessions and six depressions.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why does Ron Paul love depressions?
We Don’t Need No Frickin’ Regulations!
“Many 401(k) plans have poor investment choices and very high fees, but new rules from the U.S. Department of Labor will now require disclosure of 401(k) fees.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This one will go on GOPers’ repeal lists, too. 401(k)s are great for employers and banksters, but lousy for workers. Republicans want to keep it that way.
This is one ignorant fuck who clearly does not know ONE g-mint employee.
Because they know government employment is easier and pays better than employment in the private sector.
Tell you what. You apply for a government job and tell us if you get one and if it’s easier.
You got facts and data to back that lie up?
Sounds like nobody here watched the king 5 suzanne frame report on the “home assignments”…
Its fucking criminal what they are doing, and the state idiot in charge’s only response is “we haven’t been tracking home assignments”.
Fucking morons.
@43. I don’t have time to watch TV. I’m working too many hours and going to school.
Rujax needs a jackboot shoved down his throat…he has got to be the most uneducated, biggest failure in the room…..
I can’t imagine being someone like rujax,,,,,failing at everything he does, and walking around angry and jealous of people who succeed.
Oh well…..
Thanks for verifying that you don’t know anything about te story or report.
Most of the Fed gov workers around here have to obtain and maintain a security clearance. I personally had to have a Secret security clearance as a minimum. I got regular detailed scrutiny and background checks for 30+ years to keep it.
I doubt that most of the schlubs who bitch about government workers would even qualify, let alone live with the bullshit of being employed by the government.
@46: Thanks for removing all doubt.
Big fucking deal. I have security clearance coming out my asshole.
Just about every person working for boeing or who does work at the military bases is in the same boat.
You think your something special? Lol…
That’s not a security clearance coming out of your asshole, that’s a Santorum leaking out!
@35 “somebody has to produce the wealth to support government, and that job falls to the private sector.”
Seems more to me like for quite a number of years, the government’s been printing money taxing people like me and handing it over–er, I mean “lending” it to well-connected, “too-big-to-fail” private businesses.
I’ll also second Roger in that most government workers work their butts off. Historically, there’s been a trade-off being a civil servant in that you got somewhat better job security for which you put up with less pay than you’d get for doing the same work on the “outside”. Nowadays, that’s all turned topsey-turvey by the spectacle of the likes of Wal-Mart hiring people and telling them to apply for food stamps and “emergency” health care originally intended for the destitute–and if you work for the government you get to listen to jackasses like Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and our friendly local trolls calling you the scum of the earth and trying to get you kicked to the curb–after which they’ll whine about how whatever job you were doing isn’t getting attended to.
Animal horders suck.
Only a complete jackass would
Only a complete jackass would
Only a complete jackass would be jealous of a fucking scab…worker-hating asshole like the emperor max mini-dick (aka kaiser bun the first)and his 11cm dick and his (supposed) SIX-FIGURE INCOME and his UNION BUSTING MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATE CONNECTIONS.
Nice going, ya prick.
please dont confuse me with your boyfriend.
rujax plays the jealous(and idiotic) card well…very well.
maybe someday, after you put your big-boy pants on, you can come play with the successful adults….but Im not holding my breath.
This is what’s great about the fucking rethugliklowns like the emperor max minidick (aka kaiser bun the first) here…
…the gaseous slime unloads on Ol’ Rujax…
…then makes himself the victim.
A real stand-up guy, that emperor max minidick (aka kaiser bun the first)…a REAL stand-up guy.
poor failed musician rujaxoff, suffering from a night extra jealousy.
loooosa….btw, what union do you belong to? \
ya, thats what I thought…fool.
Bain Capital and the China Deal
After doing a billion dollar deal moving ten American factories over to China the Communist Party member walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to China on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5000. The loan officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese man hands over the keys keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title, and everything checks out. The loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank’s president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Chinese man for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank’s underground parking garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the Chinese man returns, repays the $5000 and the interest due on the loan which amounts to $15.41. The loan officer says: “Sir- we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we were a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out, and discovered that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is, why you would bother to borrow $5000?” The Chinese man replies: When I do deal with Mitt and the Mormons they school me how to act like #1 American billionaire and fuck the little guy “Where else in New York City can I park my car for 2 weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return????
@60 I heard that one 45 years ago, when I was in college. Same joke, different cast of characters.
# 49: Just shows you don’t know what you are talking about.
Although Boeing does background checks on all potential employees, few people in Boeing Commercial have security clearances. The defense side is a different matter. This causes them some problems in programs where the lines are blurred, like the 737/Orian and the 767 tanker programs. They have problems getting enough people who are both qualified and can get and keep security clearances.
From my personal experiences, the people who complain about state workers the most are the ones who couldn’t get a security clearance. Usually it’s arrest records, past drug use, etc. which keeps them from getting those types of jobs. But rather than admit that they aren’t qualified for the jobs, they just like to run down the workers. It’s just a form of envy.
You are either fibbing or you live in a weird world..
Either way, it matches your fancifull and paranoid imagination that so often grace us with
That’s funny.
Gems like this come only from a deranged and diseased mind…like that of the emperor max minidick (aka kaiser bun the first). Must be all that royal inbreeding.
# 64:
No, I just have lots of friends who are Republicans, some of them so far to the right they approach wingnut territory.
If you say that’s a “wierd world”, then I guess that might be the one thing upon which we are in agreement. Their thinking process just eludes me – they can’t carry on a political discussion without parroting Rush Limbaugh talking points, and when you push past them they really don’t know what to do.
I spoke with a fellow the other day – he’s been effectivly out of work for the past three years, barely getting by on a subsistence level selling scrap and an occassional auto repair job. He lost his job, his house, his marriage, and he’s living out of an old travel trailer he got in exchange for an auto repair job.
I mentioned that Boeing was still hiring, but they are being more selective than they were a few years ago. I encouraged him to apply. He then went on a rant about how he would NEVER work at “the Lazy B” because he wouldn’t waste his money on union dues, and he thought they wasted way too much money on “useless” rules and procedures, and “everybody knows” that everyone will just be laid off again in a couple of years, anyway. His ex-wife then confided in me that he had applied at Boeing three times (years ago), and after being rejected he hated everything about Boeing.