Here is the Gingrich-affiliated hit-video against Mitt Romney. It is worth a look, but recognize it for what it is: propaganda from wingnuts.
A grenade has been lobbed. What we have here is Republican on Republican violence. It will probably hurt Mitt Romney even going into the general election. Nate Silver gives several cogent reason why.
It is amusing—particularly watching the battles, but is it right? Today the Washington Post Fact Checker gives the video Four Pinocchios:
Romney may have opened the door to this kind of attack with his suspect job-creation claims, but that is no excuse for this highly misleading portrayal of Romney’s years at Bain Capital. Only one of the four case studies directly involves Romney and his decision-making, while at least two are completely off point. The manipulative way the interviews appeared to have been gathered for the UniMac segment alone discredits the entire film.
The Fact Checker documentation seems pretty convincing. But, if you want a second opinion, and you haven’t written off PolitiFact, they promise to take a look. I suspect they will give a similar assessment.
This episode has an amusing lesson. We learn that the Republicans have turned their guns on themselves. The Swiftboating of John Kerry in 2004 was a powerful weapon for the G.O.P, but they couldn’t manage that power. Are you surprised?
This episode fundamentally reflects the increasing acceptance by Republicans of sacrificing the truth, or ANYTHING, for political power. That alone, is a good starting point for attacking Romney, and the sleazy things he says and will say about Obama.
This is another lesson for Democrats: If you are going to do a hit piece, keep it real. Romney has plenty of negatives—some that might even be related to corporate raiding. So use the truth…. As much as I want Romney’s credibility as a presidential candidate destroyed, I cannot condone Swiftboating.
Gone are the days when Reagan enforced the Eleventh Comandment: “Thou shalt speak no ill of a fellow Republican”. That strategy wasn’t particularly good for the electorate (or the nation), but it allowed the Republicans to seem to be a well-organized and functional party, as opposed to the Democrats.
Ironically, I think it was Newt Gingrich himself who first broke the commandment, accusing the then-Republican Speaker of the same ethics violations which would later be part of his own undoing.
This is Newt’s last gasp. After this campaign, he’s going to be a pariah in his own party. The rest of his life will be devoted to book sales and speaking engagements to fringe groups, but he’s not going to have any say in Republican platforms or politics after he loses this campaign.
It’s not like Bush/Rove’s attack on McCain in 2000 during the S. Carolina primary. Bush’s attack was specific to a particular candidate. In contrast, newt’s attack on Romney is an attack on the core of Republican values. It attacks the Republican leadership and financial supporters – the financial elites.
Of course, it’s not like Newt believes any of this, anyway. He’s a serial liar. He probably tells his first lie within five minutes after getting out of bed in the morning. Like most serial liars, he feels entitled to the benefit of the doubt, and becomes outraged when he doesn’t receive it.
Amen on the keepin’ it real, Darryl. There’s plenty of truth to blow Mitt Romney clean out of his temple garments (aka funny Mormon underwear).
BTW, have you seen this?
Basically, Romney lashed his Irish Setter in a car top carrier to the top of the family station wagon on a trip to Canada from Boston.
After about 4 hours the boyz notice a slimy brown liquid oozing down the back window.
Romney stops, gets out, takes the sick dog down from the car top, hoses him off, puts the dog back in the carrier and continues on.
What an unbelievable shitstain motherfucker (Romney — not the dog)!
Romney’s der Dukatenscheisser.
Oh my! That’s just about all of our trolls.
Pondering the prospect of the Mittster’s presidency, I romneyed.
If Romney is that willfully blind about the well-being of the family dog just think how he’ll be when he sends people’s kids to the next right wing war.
Romney will be the nominee because the GOP has no one else, and he won’t be president because he’s a deeply flawed candidate who’s out of touch with the ordinary Americans who have suffered the most from the recession that was caused by guys like him. That means Obama gets four more years, whether or not he deserves a second term.
@7 The next war may not wait for a rightwinger to get back into the White House. The standoff with Iran could easily escalate into a shooting war in coming few weeks. Both sides are drawing lines in the sand and, in effect, daring the other to step across. The assassination of another Iranian nuclear scientist last week may prove to be the trigger.
What makes the Iran situation so dangerous is the regime is clinging to power by their fingernails, and the new sanctions threatened by the West could threaten the regime’s survival, so they have a lot of incentive to wag the dog.
What would a war with Iran be like? This article tries to offer an objective appraisal.
The stock market is in for a bumpy ride next week, thanks to:
1) The breakdown of Greek debt negotiations;
2) Escalating tensions with Iran;
3) Nigerian unrest that threatens to shut down that country’s oil production and cause oil prices to spike.
Nigeria has half as many people as the U.S., but only 1/10th the land area, and is oil rich but dirt poor at the same time. The gummint is yanking a gasoline subsidy poor people depend on, provoking street riots and a threat by oil workers to walk off the job on Sunday. If they do, it could take six months to a year to get the fields back in production after the dispute is settled — if it’s settled.
Romney Tells 99% To Fuck Off
“Mitt Romney thinks he has figured out why people are critiquing his private-sector record: they’re jealous of rich people. Romney said on Wednesday’s Today show that all the carping about greed and excess in America is ‘about envy. It’s about class warfare.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I get the feeling this cold-hearted pirate doesn’t have the empathy it takes to win the hearts and minds of Main Street.
An ODS-addled Republican prays for Obama’s death!
Romney was such a total joke back in 2007-2008.. How could anyone take that idiot seriously?
The final blow I thought was when McSame, a man HATED by right wingers was the last man left standing.
I’m not laughing anymore.. Still the same idiot but now he’s as much a threat as the empty suit who occupied the White House 2001-2009 ever was.
@14 Do wingnuts even read the New Testament?