I guess this is satire…right?
In a strong rebuke of President Obama and his domestic agenda, all 242 House Republicans voted Wednesday to repeal the Asteroid Destruction and American Preservation Act, which was signed into law last year to destroy the immense asteroid currently hurtling toward Earth.
It’s getting hard to tell….
Update: Okay…here’s a quiz. Is this satire, or real news?
A state lawmaker from Marietta (GA) is sponsoring a bill that seeks to do away with Georgia driver’s licenses.
State Rep. Bobby Franklin, R-Marietta, has filed House Bill 7, calling it the “Right to Travel Act.”
In his bill, Franklin states, “Free people have a common law and constitutional right to travel on the roads and highways that are provided by their government for that purpose. Licensing of drivers cannot be required of free people, because taking on the restrictions of a license requires the surrender of an inalienable right.”
Find the answer here.
I like it! I think I’ll demand (as a free person) my right to fly military jets “provided by [my] government.” Anyone up for an exciting trip to Whidbey Naval Air Station this weekend? Navigation skills a plus.
There was a federal law passed in the Washington administration that required every male adult to own a specific type of firearm and a certain number of bullets and gunpowder.
Militia Act of 1792
Sec. 1. Be it enacted . . . That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective states, resident therein, who is or shall be of the age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia . . . . That every citizen so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty-four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball: or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder. . . .
LOL… Only the free (indentured servants need not apply) white ones…
The healthcare act isn’t the only thing the righties are trying to repeal.
@4 The U.S. is racing pell-mell back to 1841 with the GOP leading the charge.
Egypt Protesters Fired On
The latest reports from Cairo indicate the military has order anti-Mubarak demonstrates to stop their protests, and protesters gathered in Cairo’s main square are now being gunned down.
@ 6
What I’ve read is the pro-Mubarek protesters were attacking the anti-Mubarek protesters and the military stepped between them and separated the factions. They cleared off the freeway overpass that the pros were using to throw chunks of concrete and snipe the antis.
Ugly little rumor:
Executive Action LLC, formerly a South African based sutler corporation now based in Washington DC, is under a bodyguard contract by Mubarek and is being used to instigate rioting. Shooting random people in the crowds and gathering intelligence.
Still digging for shit on that.
Have you guys been having problems with the website?
I tried to get on late last night, and again this morning – and got that “website coming” message again. Right now (7:05) is the first I’ve gotten on, and I started trying at about 6.
This from one of my new friends over at SP:
Like having a few hundred thousand people packing heat would make things all better.
I think those guys have these little-boy fantasies about playing army and that their private caches of AKs and glocks are the essential bulwark against tyranny, or something.
Much like Nixon in 1968, and George W. Bush in 2004, Mubarak has for quite some time raised the spectre of civil unrest and a complete breakdown of society to justify keeping him in charge as being the only “strong leader” who can hold Egypt together. The attacks by the pro-Mubarak factions upon mostly peaceful demonstrators are clearly well organized and are intended to create chaos which Mubarak would use to justify a crackdown which would keep him in power.
Of course, Fox News is falling for this hook, line, and sinker. They’ve been reporting that “demonstrators”(presumably pro-Democracy forces) have been looting museaums of ancient treasures, breaking windows and burning cars, etc. But what they don’t mention is that the violence is almost all perpetuated by the pro-Mubarak forces, and supposed looters in at least two museaums were captured with undercover security forces I.D.’s in their pockets.
Right now the Army has been trying to keep neutral and has attempted to keep the two sides apart. But with Army checkpoints restricting access to the square where the main protest is being held, all the protesters there are unarmed. The pro-Mubarak demonstrators clearly haven’t had to submit to such searches.
“…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
So why can’t I have a nuke?
good question.
I’ve never heard a good explanation of how the phrase “A well-regulated militia” fits into the whole gun freedom/fetish thingy, either.
@12: It’s just a preparatory phrase that has no intended meaning (according to Scalia, at least).
I, for one, think that every kindergartener should be dragging around at least an AK-47 at all times, if not a thermonuclear device.
There’s an episode of The Simpson’s were Homer tries to buy a gun, he goes to the store, fills out the paperwork and then is informed that he’s going to have to wait a week before picking up his gun. His reply “wait a week, but I’m mad now!”
Chris Rock on gun control.
Hey, I’m in favor of the 2nd Amendment. As long as wingnuts are restricted to muzzle-loading flintlocks, as authorized by the Militia Act.
I’m not sure about flintlocks, but a trained and experienced civil-war soldier could get off about three shots a minute with their percussion-cap muskets (rifles) of the time. Although there were certainly assasination attempts using pistols and rifles in that era, the gunman could seldom get off more than one shot, and the weapon frequently failed. A potential assasin tried to shoot Andrew Jackson using two pistols, both of which mis-fired before the was grabbed by the crowd.
Here we go again.
Another fine smack down of the Republican party by Jon Stewart.
Way too many of these lunatic Teabaggers equate freedom with anarchy; somehow, they think the Constitution precludes the government from enacting any sort of law. Did any of these nutbags take any basic civics courses?
@16, if everyone in the courtroom had pulled out guns and started shooting…why, I bet you that in the ensuing blood bath the perp would certainly have been shot and killed, don’t you think? Problem solved…
# 19: Perhaps. But just as likely, in the confusion, several people with guns are going to be killed as well.
Just think you hear a shot. You’ve been pre-occupied with other things, so at first you don’t know where the shots come from. You duck and pull you pistol out, then raise your head up to survey the room. You see about half of the twenty people in the room, all with drawn weapons, each looking at the other. Who do you shoot? And as policemen burst through the doors with their weapons drawn, who do they shoot?
@20 “And as policemen burst through the door with weapons drawn, who do they shoot?”
That is obviously rhetorical. As trigger happy as cops are these days (I would be to if I did that job) everybody gets shot.
@19, that is why I used the language “ensuing blood bath,” implying that collateral damage is of no consequence.
Now if we could get all of the gun toting right wing fringe, AKA the Republican Party, in one large group then set off an M-80 in the middle of them…
# 23: Brings a whole new pespective to the term “circular firing squad”.
@15 That’s a good point. Next time you see a literal constructionist (i.e., any teabagger) ask him why he thinks the Constitution authorizes civilian possession of anything except muzzle-loading flintlocks. There’s absolutely nothing in the 2nd Amendment, or anywhere else, about Glocks or AK-47s nor did the Framers ever intend our citizens would have such firearms.
@18 “Did any of these nutbags take any basic civics courses?”
No, of course not, they were all home-schooled.
@20 “But just as likely, in the confusion, several people with guns are going to be killed as well.”
This is bad?
@ 25
For that matter, the power of judicial review isn’t explicitly granted to the courts in the Constitution. That was John Marshall’s work in Marbury v Madison. If you’re a strict/literal constructionist, you, therefore, have to violate your own constitutional interpretation in order to ask the courts to strike down a law that oversteps Congress’ powers as enumerated in the Constitution.
One should never expect coherence out of people who start with their conclusions and work backwards to find rationalizations for them.
I did not know this. Thanks.
Once again the mindless lunatic fringe of leftist progressive thought runs with “TeaBagger” horseshit WRT Michael’s article. Notice the nutcases who magically appeared. I know just a little about this area so I went to the documents to validate the latest in 2011 what’s been known back in the 1970s…
Goodwater… >70% black – Obama voting stonghold
Person shot in Goodwater – black man
And it seems Judge Carlton L. Teel is a DUMBOCRATE.
And it seems the judge, Carlton L. Teel, was packing heat in his courtroom.
What a bunch of foolish moronic lunatic idiots you all are; led of course by HA’s other dick for brains leftist lawyer proud goatee. Always good for a laugh at you, not with you!
So many of Cass Sunstein’s manipulable Homer Simpson useful idiots posted in this thread.